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专四词汇语法练习(25)1. She never laughed, _D_lose her temper.A. nor she ever did B. or she ever did C. or did she ever D. nor did she ever1 D) 【句意】 她从未开怀大笑过,也从未发过脾气。【难点】 由so, nor, neither引导的并列分句,表示“同样,也”等意义时,主谓语要倒装。2. _C_ with the developed areas, peoples living standard of this province is not high at all.A. Compare B. While comparing C. When compared D. Comparing2 C) 【句意】 与发达地区相比,该省人民的生活水平根本就不高。【难点】 本句中发达地区和该省为对比的对象,状语部分中动词的逻辑主语应该是“该省”,故应该采用被动语态。when compared是when it is compared的省略。3. It is no use _B_me not to worry about his injury.A. you tell B. your telling C. for you to have told D. having told3 B) 【句意】 你让我别担心他的伤势,可那没用。【难点】 It is no use 后通常跟动名词短语。4. If the earth suddenly _B_ spinning, we would all fly off it.A. had stopped B. stoppedC. has stopped D. would stop4 B) 【句意】 如果地球突然停止运转,我们都会从上面飞离出去。【难点】 表示与现在存在的客观事实相反的假设,一般用虚拟语气句,条件句的谓语为动词过去时。5. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication _A_the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.A. in that B. in which C. in order that D. in the way5 A) 【句意】 广告不同于其他的传播方式,是因为广告商得为发布的信息付费。【难点】 in that 引导原因状语,往往用于书面语,放在句中而不在句首,意为“因为,原因在于”。In which一般用来引导定语从句,修饰表示方位的名词。In order that常常用于引导目的状语从句。6. After taking office, Chinas Prime Minister, Zhu Rongji, tried his best to promote the new _A_ policies.A. economic B. economical C. economy D. economics6 A) 【句意】 中国国务院总理朱镕基在上任伊始便尽力推行新的经济政策。【难点】 economic 意为“经济的,与经济有关的”。economical 意为“节约的,不浪费的”。economy意为“经济”。economics意为“经济学”。7. Look at these clouds. _B_.A. It will rain B. Its going to rain C. It will be raining D. It is to rain7 B) 【句意】 看看这些乌云,马上就要下雨了。【难点】 选项A)中will表示一种意愿。B)中的be going to do sth 表示目前已有迹象表明即将发生某种事情。C)中使用了将来进行时,用来表示将来某一时刻或某一时期正在进行的动作。D)中的be to do sth 表示一种计划或安排。8. _D_ the 1500s _ the first Europeans explored the coast of California.A. It was not until/then B. It is not until/whenC. It is until/that D. It was not until/that8 D) 【句意】 直到16世纪,第一批欧洲人才发现加利福尼亚海岸。【难点】 本句将not untilthat句型和强调句It is (was)that结合在一起,形成一个新的常用的结构。9. _C_ the letter, I ran out of the room to the post office.A. FinishingB. No sooner that I had finished upC. As soon as I finished writing D. Since I finished up to write9 C) 【句意】 一写完信,我就从家里跑到邮局。【难点】 finish为及物动词,后边直接跟名词或动名词,A)项变成Having finished才正确。10. If the law and order _D_, neither the citizen nor his property is safe.A. are not preserved B. have not been preserved C. were not preserved D. is not preserved10 D) 【句意】 如果法律与秩序不存在,公民及其财产也就无安全可言。【难点】 本句意在陈述一项事实,所以应采用一般时,law and order是习语,意为“治安”,作单数。11. Before moving to another city, Amy _A_ of the house and the furniture.A. disposed B. discarded C. discharged D. distributed11 A) 【句意】 在搬到另一个城市之前,艾米处理掉了房子和家具。【难点】 dispose of 意为“处理,整理”;discard意为“丢弃;抛弃”; discharge 意为“解雇,免的职务;开除”; distribute意为“分开;分送;分配”。12. Amy Taylor was _C_ both as a drama critic and as a poet.A. subtle B. progressive C. eminent D. plausible12 C) 【句意】 艾米泰勒既是个卓越的戏剧评论家,也是个卓越的诗人。【难点】 eminent意为“(在地位,学识,品格等方面)出众的,卓越的,显著的”;subtle意为“微妙的,敏锐的,灵巧的”;progressive意为“进步的,前进的”;plausible意为“(论点等)貌似有理的,貌似真实的”。13. He was very much interested in the work of charities, and made a regular _D_ to them.A. dedication B. fellowship C. hospitality D. contribution13 D) 【句意】 他对慈善事业很感兴趣,并定期作些捐赠。【难点】 contribution 意为“捐款,贡献;捐助”,make a contribution to 是动词短语,意为“向捐款”;dedication 意为“献身;献身精神”;fellowship 意为“伙伴关系;友情;友谊”;hospitality 意为“友好款待;好客;殷勤”。14. The temperature _C_ greatly; the days were very hot, the nights very cold.A. changed B. altered C. varied D. reflected14 C) 【句意】 气温变化非常大,白天特别热,夜晚特别冷。【难点】 vary意为“相异,不同;变化; change意为“改变,变化”,尤指全面发生的变化;alter意为“(部分地)改变,变动;更改”;reflect意为“反射;反应;显现”。15. The washing machine would not work because of a(n) _D_in the switch.A. mistake B. trouble C. error D. defect15 D) 【句意】 由于开关有毛病,洗衣机就是不起动。【难点】 defect意为“缺陷;弱点”;mistake意为“错误;过失”;trouble意为“困难,麻烦,困扰”;error 意为“失误,错误”。16. Recently there has been a great _C_for small cars that consume little gas.A. request B. want C. demand D. claim16 C) 【句意】 近来对油耗低的微型小汽车的需求量一直很大。【难点】 demand意为“需求,需求量,要求”,supply and demand构成“供需”之意;request意为“请求,请”;want 意为“需要,缺乏”,常用于for want of 这一短语中;claim意为“要求,主张,声称,认领”。17. Mark _A_ his breath in wonder when he saw the Christmas tree in the sitting room.A. held B. grasped C. kept D. blew17 A) 【句意】 当马克看到起居室里的圣诞树时,他惊讶地屏住了呼吸。【难点】 hold ones breath 意为“(因紧张,激动等)屏息”,另外三个动词不能和breath进行合理搭配。18. Our school singing group is going to give a(n) _D_performance next month. Dont miss it.A. alive B. living C. life D. live18 D) 【句意】 我们学校合唱队下月将进行现场表演,千万不要错过哟!【难点】 live 在本句中是形容词,意为“现场直播的,实况转播的”;alive 意为“有活力的,有生色的,活跃的”;living意为“逼真的,惟妙惟肖的”;life为名词,不适合本句句意。19. The old buildings blend with the new ones in perfect _C_so a walk along Nanking Road is an enjoyable discovery.A. control B. order C. harmony D. action19 C) 【句意】 南京路上新旧建筑物如此和谐,以致走在路上,你会感到心旷神怡。【难点】 in harmony意为“协调一致,和睦融洽”;in control 意为“处于被控制状态”;in order 意为“井然有序,处于良好状态”;in action意为“在起作用,在行动中”。20. It is not profitable to provide bus service in districts where the population is widely _D_.A. divided B. separated C. spaced D. scattered20 D) 【句意】 人口分布稀疏的地区通公共汽车不划算。【难点】 scatter意为“使分散”;divide意为“分隔,把隔开”;separate 意为“使(两者)分开,分离”;space意为“(用间隔)分隔开”。21. It was necessary to _A_ the factory building as the company was doing more and more business.A. extend B. increase C. lengthen D. grow21 A) 【句意】 公司的生意越做越大,有必要扩大厂房。【难点】 extend意为“扩展,扩大范围”;increase意为“增加,增大,增强”;lengthen意为“使延长,使伸长”;grow意为“增长,增长,发展,扩大”。22. He studied hard in his youth, which _D_ his great success in later life.A. answered for B. consisted of C. doubled up D. contributed to22 D) 【句意】 他年轻的时候学习很努力,这也是他后半生取得巨大成功的原因。【难点】 contribute to 意为“有助于,促成,是的部分原因”;answer for 意为“负有责任,需作交待”;consist of 意为“组成,构成”;double up意为“笑弯了腰”。23. If I look the other way, I can see the mouth of the river, wild and _C_, and the sea beyond.A. grand B. inspired C. fierce D. splendid23 C) 【句意】 如果我朝另一侧看,我能看见河口,汹涌奔腾,再往远处,就是大海。【难点】 fierce 意为“猛烈的”;grand意为“雄伟的,堂皇的,庄重的”;inspired意为“受到鼓舞的”;splendid 意为“壮丽的,华丽的,壮观的”。24. The relationship between dream life and waking life has been studied _B_.A. originally B. intensively C. extremely D. properly24 B) 【句意】 梦境生活与现实生活的联系已被彻底研究过。【难点】 intensively 意为“集中地,彻底地”;originally 意为“本来,原来”,不能和完成时连用;extremely意为“极端地,非常地”;properly 意为“适宜地,恰当地”。25. _D_ the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel, and almost everything.A. as to B. as usual C. as regards D. as well as25 D) 【句意】 除有敌人进攻的危险,人们还要去应付衣食、燃料和几乎所有物资的紧缺。【难点】 as well as 意为“除之外,还要”;as to 意为“关于”; as usual 意为“照常,照例”,不是介词词组,不能用于本句, as regards 意为“关于,至于”。


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