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第一章 公共英语问答题1 what is your date of your birth? My date of birth is the 7th of April 1967. 2 what is your seamens book number? Its A396625.3 where are you from?I am from Dalian china. 4 what is your captains nationality ? My captains nationality is china.5 what do you think is the most Important thing on board? I think the most Important thing on board is safety.6 what ports do you often call at?I often call at Dalian , shanghai, and Honkong port.7 what is your favorite TV program? My favorite TV program is sports program.8 what is your favorite web site? My favorite web site is www. CCTV.com.9 what is your favorite day of the week? Why? My favorite day of the week is Friday. Because it is the weekend day.10 what is your favorite kind of movie? My favorite movie is action movie.11 what is your favorite kind of music? My favorite music is light music.12 what is your favorite magazine? My favorite magazine is TIMES.13 what is the population of your hometown? The population of my hometown is five million.14 what is the population of your country? The population of my country is one billion and three hundred million.15 what is the best thing about your hometown? The best thing about my hometown is the weather. It is not hotter in summer and not colder in winter.16 what is the worst thing about your hometown?The worst thing is the living price is too high, especially house price.17 what is your hometown like? My hometown is a middle size city but suitable for living.18 Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather? Yes. There are many disasters, such as earthquakes, flooding, typhoon etc.19 what sport do you like to watch on TV? I like to watch football games on TV.20 what do you think is the most popular sport in the world? I think the most popular sport in the world is football.第二章 进出港业务问答题1 whats the validity of Gargo Ship Safety Equipment Certifcate? 5 years.2 what flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires quarantine inspection? Q flag3 can a ship enter a foreign port before quarantine inspection? No , she cant.4 why must the customs officer seal the Bonded Store?In order to prevent the crew from smuggling.5 please list 5 ships certificates. Classification Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate. International Tonnage Certificate. International Load Line Certificate.6 are cigarettes and liquor exempted from customs duties? No.7 how can the captain do with the shore passes before leaving a port? Collect and return them to the immigration officer.8 which certificate prescribes general requirements for the functions of radiotelegraphy installation for lifeboat onboard?Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate.9 which certificate specifies the freeboard assignment of a ship?International Load Line Certificate.10 which document demonstrates a ship being in a fit and efficient condition and classed? Classification Certificate.11 if your ship needs provisions and /or replenishments ,how do you get them? We can get them from ship chandler.12 what documents should you show when you go through the customs formalities? Import Cargo Manifest, Last port clearance, Declaration of Personal Effects, Bonded store list, crew list.13 who issues the shore passes to the crewmembers wishing to go ashore? Immigration officer.14 what documents should generally be shown to quarantine officer?the vaccination list and the yellow book; the de-ratting certificate.15 what documents should generally be shown to customs officer?personal effects list; ships boned store list; Import Cargo Manifest.16 what documents should generally be shown to immigration officer?the crew list ;the crews passport and the seamans book第三章 靠离和锚泊业务问答题1.can you list at least three mooring lines? Head line; stern line; breast line.2.what should be prepared before the pilot comes on board? The pilot ladder, a heaving line and a life buoy.3.what is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable? General speaking less than 2 knots.4.what flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot? G flag.5.how can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival? By VHF.6.what ships particulars will pilot station usually ask for? LOA ; ETA ; draft fore and aft; GT and NT etc.7.what should be reported to the pilot station? The ships present position; ETA at pilot station.8.what should be confirmed from the pilot station? Time and place for picking up the pilot; the ships side on which pilot ladder will be rigged.9.when the vessel enters the VTS area ,what is requested to report? Ships name ,call sign , present course and speed; draft; ETA at pilot station.10.what does “foul anchor” mean? Means that anchor has its own cable twisted around it. 11.if you are ordered : “Stand by both engines !”how should you reply and report? Reply:Stand by both engines and report: Both engines stand by.12.can you list three famous canals in the world? Panama canal; Suez canal ;Kiel canal 13.whenyou request the receiver to remain on channel 16in VHF communication ,what do you say? Stand by on channel 16.14.how do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication? Say “mistake”,then followed by the word “correction”and the corrected part of the message.15.how do you emphasize the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication? Say“repeat”,then followed by the important part of the message.16.what does “abandon vessel” mean? Evacuate the crew and passengers from a distress vessel.17.what does the abbreviation ETD stand for? Estimated time of departure.18.what does “dredging of an anchor” mean ? Means moving an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel.19.what does “underway” mean? “underway” means the ship which is not at anchor, or aground ,or fast to the shore.20.what does “dragging of an anchor” mean? It means that the anchor is moving over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel. 21.What is the difference between a “radar beacon” and a “radar reflector”?Radar beacon can transmit signals and used for locating on the shore, but radar reflector can only reflect signals used for SAR on the liferaft.22.How many objects do you need to get a position using horizontal sextant angles”?3 objects.23.Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate?Because the magnetic compass can be used for emergency.24.What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it?Anchor is aweigh.25.When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers?Supply the power, Standby the anchor ball or light, Test the windlass, Put into the gear, Release the brake.26.Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters?No, we should not let go anchor from hawse pipe directly.27.Why must you consider ships speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers?Because when the depth is different, we should take different measures for anchoring. And for ships safety, during the different phase, the speed should be different, too.28.What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilots embarkation?The lifebuoy with the lifeline, and at night, there should be a light.29.Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?It is dangerous to anchor in ice, because the whole ship hull will be trapped in the ice and the floating ice may kick the cable and the hull.30.What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board?Flag “H”.第四章 装卸作业问答题1.How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDG Code? Can you list some ? 9 classes . Such as explosives, gasses, flammable liquids, corrosives .2.what kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo? Cargo with its flashing point at 61 or below.3.please describe the general nature of general cargo. General cargo is made up of all kinds of goods. It can be divided into containerized, non- containerized and refrigerated cargo.4.please describe the general nature of bulk cargo . Bulk cargo is the cargo without packing when under transport such as grain, coal etc.5.what kind of cargo is canvas sling suitable for lifting? bagged cargo etc.6.what kind of cargo is chain sling suitable for lifting? General cargo like steel, timbers.7.what kind of cargo is net sling suitable for lifting? General cargo in bags.8.what does the abbreviation COW stand for? Cow stands for crude oil washing.9.what does “jettison of cargo “mean? It means to deliberately throw cargo over board for ships safety sake.10.what does “compatibility of goods” mean? It means different cargoes can be stowed in the same hold without affecting each other .11.what does the abbreviation SWL stand for ? SWL stands for safe working load.12.what does “shifting cargo “ mean? It refers to move the cargo transversely.13.what does “Union purchase “ mean? It means a rig in which a pair of derricks is combined, also known as “coupled derricks “ or “married falls”.14.what preparations shall be done before loading cargo? Before loading cargo hold should be cleaned and cargo gears should be prepared.15.what is the loading capacity of your vessel? My vessels loading capacity is 15000 tons .16.what cargo handling gear and equipment does your vessel have ? My vessel has deck cranes and derricks.17.what can be used to remove spillage? Oil spillage can be removed by oil absorbent chemical agent.18.what shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space? ventilation shall be ensured .19.please list some cargo papers Stowage plan ;hatch list ;bill of loading ;cargo manifest.20.what must you wear when you enter an enclosed space? We must wear breathing apparatus. 第五章 航行问答题1.Why is it important to sound fog signals? When the visibility is poor, fog signals may indicate the present position of own vessel and warn the other vessels.2. when would you sound the general alarm? Drill; in emergency conditions.3.when should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or complicated navigation ? please list some . The officer on watch will notify the master such conditions as failure to sight land or navigation mark, heavy traffic, low visibility or at other critical moment.4.how does OOW assess risk of collision generally? By applying radar to plot DCPA and TCPA of the approaching vessels.5.how should the relieving officer behave in case a bridge manoeuver already took place but has not been over? The hand over must be deferred until the action is completed.6.list the main items to be updated on the pilot card? It includes the particulars of the ship( draft, speed, course), conditions of the facilities shipboard which might affect safe navigation(radar, gyro,VHF).7.besides the collision risks ,what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility? Generally navigation lights, the compasses and the equipments on the bridge.8.how do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port? If the VHF is monitored, the indication light will light up.9.what should the Master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge? A brief description about position, course, speed and the intended track.10.who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder ? OOW.11.when would you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge? when the visibility becomes poor or in case of other difficult or emergent situations.12.what effect will the general alarm have on all the crew? On hearing the general alarm all crewmembers should go immediately to emergency stations.13.why is record keeping a necessary part of watch keeping? It may provide evidence for the any accident.14.apart from those for navigation safety ,what else should you do on an anchor watch? Check the anchor position; pay attention to the vessels nearby and the weather condition.15.how would you conveniently ,check the compass error in pilotage waters? Compare the leading mark with the compass bearings.16.If a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driven vessel,who has the right of way?Power-driven vessel has the right of way.17.A power-driven vessel is on a collision course with a fishing trawler. Who has the right of way?The fishing trawler has the right of way.18.How many meters are there in a nautical mile?1852m.19. If you travel from Panama to New YorkWill your latitude increase or decrease?The latitude will increase.20.How many “position 1ines”are needed to make a position?At least two position lines.21. Can you define the very important term “underway”?The ship is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground.22. You observe a ship during daytime,exhibiting three balls on the same halyard. What has happened?The vessel agound.23. What does the abbreviation IALA stand for?International association of lighthouse authorities.24. Is it safe to pass north of a North Mark?Yes, it is safe.25. Is it safe to pass north of a South Mark?No, it isnt safe.26. Does “variation” change due to ships position?Yes, it is. 27.Does deviation change due to ships position?No, it doesnt.28. When correcting charts why must you use symbols and abbreviations from chart 5011?To ensure the uniformity of correcting.29. You have purchased a new chartIs it right ready for use?No, it must be updated to the latest corrections.30. What publication do you need to correct charts properly?Notices to mariners.31. What course in degrees corresponds to south-east?135.32. What is the angle between magnetic and true meridian called?Variation.33. Where can you always find information about the magnetic variation?compass rose on the chart.34. When a ship picks up speed,will draught increase or decrease?Increase.35.A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag“O”What has happened?Man overboard.第六章 修船与船体保养问答题 1. why does a ship need maintenance? for safety sake.2. who is a charge of the maintenance work? C/O and C/E.3. can you list some type of repair?voyage repair, major repair, dock repair etc.4. what is a voyage repair?voyage repair is the repair undertaken at the end of voyage for minor items.5. what is a major repair?major repair is the repair carried out in the shipyard for major items.6. what is a annual repair?annual repair is the repair carried out every year.7. what is a repair list? repair list is the list of the items to be repaired and other relevant information.8. what repair attention should be paid to when writing a repair list ?the description on the items to be repaired should be written in detail and clear.9. can you list at least five kinds of paint? Bottom paint, anti-corrosive paint; primer; anti-fouling paint; bituminous paint, etc.10. can you list some classification societies in the world ?NK; CCS; ABC etc.11. what kind of paint is usually given to the ships bottom?ships bottom should be applied with one coat of anti-corrosive paint and one coat of tropical anti-fouling paint.12. what kind of paint is usually given to the place such as radiators, pipes and funnels?anti-corrosive paint.13. what kind of coating is usually applied to anchors and chains? bituminous solution.14. what is the difference between “repair list” and “repair bill”?repair list is a list of all the items to be repaired, while repair bill is a list of charges.15. what is used to measure the thickness of hull plates? with ultrasonic wave.16. could you list some different kinds of ships survey?special survey; annul survey; voyage survey; periodical survey.17. what should be done before applying a priming coat of paint?De-rust and clean it.18. what kind of coating is usually applied in the double bottom tank?anti-corrosive paint.19.What must be considered when stowing away synthetic ropes ?The following must be considered: keep it dry and clean, protect it from weather, keep it away from heat, and the compartment stowing it should be kept ventilation frequently, and so on.第七章 事故处理问答题1.what is your purpose to prepare the confirmation of collision occurrence to the captain of the other vessel?to make the fact clear and avoid possible disputes.2. what shall be usually attached to the report on the collision accident?Abstract of Log Book, witnesses, and photo pictures if necessary.3. when should a sea protest be submitted to and endorsed by the authorities concerned?When the ship encountered the bad weather, the ship and the cargo could be damaged.4. generally speaking, which is responsible for the damage after a collision between a vessel moored and a vessel underway?the vessel underway is responsible for the damage.5. what is the sound signal to warn a vessel of the immediate danger of collision? five short and rapid blasts.6. what action will you take after a collision with another vessel? Report to the authorities concerned; make contact with the another vessel and inquire the related information.7. as a chief officer, what is your responsibility in damage control operation?a chief officer is on scene-commander.8. what does “SOPEP” mean?ship Oil Pollution Emergency Plan.9. whom shall be reported to in case of an oil pollution incident? the authorities of the coastal countries.10. what is the first step in handing the cargo damage caused by the stevedores?report the incident to the Chief Officer and ask the foreman to confirm the cargo damage.11. what anti-stowaway precaution should you take before the vessel sails from a port?patrol the ship and check all the possible places.12.what is your first response when you detect a fire ?(1) sound fire alarm nearby (2)report to the bridge.13. what can de used to handle an oil spill? Floating booms, oil dispersants14. what are the ways to re-float a grounded vessel?(1)wait for high tide (2)transfer some cargoes ,bunkers or ballasts from the grounded area to the end of the other side(3)ask tug for assistance.15. can you list some ways of correcting listing?yes ,I can. (1)ballast or de-ballast to adjust the list. (2)shift some cargo from listing side to the other side.16.what will you first do if you find some oil near your vessel while bunkering?stop bunkering and report to Coastal Guard.17.what will you fist do if a crewmember was seriously injured?take some due measures and ask for emergency medical assistance from shore or other ships if possible.18. what will you do first if your vessel is under attack by pirates?Start the ship security alarm system.19.lf someone returns to the ship very drunk,should he be left alone to “sleep it off ”?No, he cant be left alone.20. If you see a person collapsed who is in contact with electricity what is the first thing you must do before attempting to switch off the supply?To separate the person with the electricity.21.If you suspect someone has inhaled (吸入)a dangerous substance what can you do to help even if you are not trained?Take the person to an open space with clear air and good ventilation.22.In what circumstances do you give artificial respiration and mouth to mouth ventilation?When the person has no breathing

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