七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town期中复习课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Unit3 WelcometoSunshineTown Revision StepOneShowStudyingAims 目标展示 Studyingaims 1 能掌握本单元的重点单词 短语及句型 2 能熟练运用本单元所学词汇 词组与句型来做练习 3 能掌握本单元语法中的名词所有格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 并能正确的运用它们 StepTwoChecktherevision 检查复习 Task1 Vocabulary Reviewthewords 1 罐 听 2 新鲜的 3 本地的 当地的 4 安静的 5 著名的 6 西方的 7 钥匙 8 慢跑锻炼 9 明信片 10 旅馆 11 拥有 12 饲养 13 友好的 14 家乡 15 小麦 16 驾驶 开车 17 闻 嗅 18 绘画 19 笔盒 20 错过 失去 21 地铁 22 空气 23 交流学生 24 到处 遍及 25 很快 不久 26 比萨饼 27 戏院 剧场 28 没有什么 29 等一会 30 我的 31 你的 你们的 32 他的 33 她们的 34 她的 35 我们的 36 盼望 期待 tin fresh local quiet famous Western key jogging postcard hotel own raise friendly hometown wheat drive smell painting pencilcase miss underground air exchangestudent allover soon pizza theatre nothing waitaminute mymine youryours hishis theirtheirs herhers ourours lookforwardto Reviewthephrases 翻译下列短语 1 一听狗食 2 欢迎来到 3 一个安静的小镇 4 在镇中心 5 欣赏京剧 6 为某人买某物 7 期待做某事 8 许多可做的事 9 划船 10 带某人参观某地 11 在农场 12 一个居住的好地方 13 互相了解 14 种小麦 15 开车送某人去某地 16 坐地铁 17 见某人 18 西餐馆 19 多远 20 对某人友好 atinofdogfood welcometo aquiettown inthetowncentre enjoyBeijingopera buysbsth lookforwardtodoing lotsofthingstodo rowaboat showsbaround onafarm awonderfulplacetolive knoweachother growwheat drivesbto byunderground meetsb Westernrestaurants howfar befriendlytosb Task2 Reading 朗读reading课文 Fillintheblanks SunshineTownisa place Theairis Ittakes40 from ofBeijingby There s shopsinthetown Peoplecan presents familyandfriends Beijingduckisvery quiet fresh minutes thecentre underground lotsof buy for famous Peoplecanalsohavesome foodthere Ifyouwantto Chineseart youcanenjoy atthe Western learnmoreabout Beijingopera theatre StepThreeCooperativeinquiry 合作探究 Grammar 名词所有格 名词所有格的变换规则 1 通常在单数名词后直接加 s 如 father sbook 2 不以s结尾的复数名词后加 s 如 Women sDay Children sDay 3 以s结尾的复数名词只需要加 如 teachers students 4 通常在名字后面直接加 s 如 Lily sAmy s 5 要表示两人或多人共有时 只在最后一个名词词尾加 s 如果为各自所有 各个名词后 都要加 s如 LilyandLucy sbedLily sandLucy sbeds 物主代词 注意 名词 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 名词 形容词性物主代词 Thisismybook Yoursisoverthere Dosomeexercises 用所给词的正确形式填空 1 WendyandAndyoftengo walk forhalfanhouraftersupper 2 Peoplein west countriescookpotatoesinmanyways 3 Myuncle miss thebus andhehastogohomebytaxi 4 Wearealllookingforwardto watch thenewfilm 5 Tom sfamily own anewcar 6 Thefish smell sonice Ican twaittoeat 7 It saboutten minute walkfromheretotheplayground 8 Ourschoolisverybig but their issmall 10 Whynot play footballwithus 9 Wealllikethisgirlbecausesheis friend toallofus 11 Thisisthat girl favouriteshop Itsells 卖 girls clothes 12 Idon tlikeChinese paint walking western misses watching owns smells minutes theirs friendly play girl s girls paintings StepFourDetectionoffeedback 检测反馈 单项选择 1 isyourschool Abouttenminutes walk A HowlongB HowmuchC HowfarD Where 2 gofishingafterschool Goodidea Itmustbegreatfun A WhynotB WhynottoC WhynotyouD Whynotwe 3 Ihavetwohere Oneisforyouandtheotherisforyourfather A keyringsB keysringsC keyringD keysring 4 WillyoubuyanypresentsforyourmotheronDay Yes AndshewillalsogetapresentonDay Youknow sheisateacher A Womens Teachers B Woman s Teacher s C Women s Teachers D Womans Teacher s C A A C 5 Whoarethemenattheschoolgate Theyarefathers Theyarecomingforaparents meeting A TomandLilyB Tom sandLily s C Tom sandLilyD TomandLily s 6 isthispencilcase ItlookslikeTom s A WhoB Who sC WhoseD Which 7 Myhomeisonlywalkfromtheschool A tenminute sB tenminutesC tenminutes D tenminute 8 MissGreenteaches English A usB ourC weD ourselves 9 Wecanseetheteacher sdesk theclassroom A beforeB afterC infrontofD inthefrontof B C C A D 请以Mylovelyhometown为题 写一篇100词左右的短文 介绍你的家乡 可适当发挥 要点如下 1 我的家乡是个海边小镇 约有800个家庭 2 离南通市中心约40分钟车程 3 空气清新 到处都有花草树木 4 有三家大型购物中心 可以买到各种东西 品尝全国各地的各种美食 有一家剧院 人们爱去那儿观看地方戏 5 每年 有成千上万的游客来度假 6 自拟一句对家乡的看法 MylovelyhometownMyhometownisatownnearthesea Thereareabout800familiesinourtown Ittakesabout40minutesfromthecentreofNantongbycar Theairisfreshhere Andyoucanseemanytreesandflowerseverywhere Therearethreebigshoppingmallsinthetown Youcanbuyeverythingandtrydifferentkindsofnicefoodfromalloverthecountry Thetownhasatheatre Peoplelikewatchingthelocaloperathere Thousandsofvisitorscometomyhometownforholidayseveryyear Myhometownisawonderfulplacetolive Ihopeyoucancomeandvisitsoon Homework 完成中考说明UNIT3 TheEnd


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