人教版高三英语一轮复习练习必修四 Unit 2(有答案)+高三期末考试作文:远见为实

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人教版高三英语一轮复习练习必修四 Unit 2(有答案)+高三期末考试作文:远见为实必修四 Unit 2基础回顾.单句语法填空(导学号 02516147)1Dina, having struggled (struggle) for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local advertising agency.2The high cost of equipment (equip) prohibits many people from taking up this sport.3I regret to tell (tell) you that your problems are beyond my power.Youll have to turn to some other one,Im afraid.4With his attention focused (focus) on his homework,he forgot all about what I had told him.5Though the price of the house has been reduced by 10%,we cant afford it,either.6Id appreciate it if you can make helpful comments on/about my work.7He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone elses occupation (occupy)8His recent discoveries (discovery) have added to his reputation in the field of science.9His confidence built up gradually as he gained more and more experience in teaching.10The discovery of new evidence led to the thiefs being caught (catch).单句改错(每句一错)(导学号 02516148)1In addition,they spend money on fishing equipments,fuel and boat repairs. equipmentsequipment 2Now the young man regrets waste so much time when he was at school. wastewasting 3Nowadays most of the people are living happy life. happy 前加 a 4I would rather sleep all day than to play computer games for a long time. 去掉 to 5Thanks for the success of the business,we can afford a holiday this year. forto .佳句写作(导学号 02516149)1她挣扎着站起来,继续走。(struggle to ones feet)答案:She struggled to her feet and continued walking.2他们用大量的知识装备自己。(equip)答案:They equipped themselves with a lot of knowledge.3由于他的带路,我们毫不费力地到达了那儿。(lead the way)答案:With him leading the way,we got there without any difficulty.4如果可能的话,你应该再试一次。(if possible)答案:If possible,you should try it once more.5我很遗憾地通知你,你被开除了。(regret)答案:I regret to inform you that you are fired.技能提升.阅读理解(导学号 02516150)(2018广西重点高中第一次模拟)Growing up in Puerto Rico,our family was no different from so many others.My parents got married after my father came back when the war ended.Both of my parents were struggling with the hard economic realities of the time.But somehow,they found time to cherish those cultural values that shaped our everyday life.In our daily life,we celebrated together with our friends or family members every birthday,every graduation,and all holidays with music and dancing,typical foods.When we visited our family in the countrysidea trip that took about two hours in a car,with five children fighting as to who would get a window or the front seatwe would break into a song,and somehow the trip would turn into one full of happiness and fun.We would sing not only interesting childrens songs but also beautiful love songssongs about the love of the country though we didnt understand the meaning of the words many times.I came to Philadelphia for the first time in 1973 to do a residency (实习) in family medicine.I remember the many hours of work.I was facing issues of life and death and suffering the clearly social unfairness and issues of poverty and race.These were all aggravated by my feeling of cultural differences.An important turning point in my life happened one Saturday night when I attended a concert of Puerto Rican singer and composer Antonio Caban Vale.The music showed my familiar rhythms,and the words spoke to my heart.I had found a space to express,celebrate,and share my culture in Philadelphia.Therefore,I believe diversity is seen as an advantage and not as a disadvantage.As a Puerto Rican,I am a mixture of races and I believe in my strength because of this.语篇解读 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己家庭的文化价值观以及自己在文化差异中的经历等内容阐述了自己对文化差异的看法。1What do we know about the authors parents?AThey lived a well off life.BThey were famous in Puerto Rico.CThey had different cultural values.DThey took cultural values seriously.解析:D 考查细节理解。从第一段的“Both of my parents were struggling.cherish those cultural values that shaped our everyday life”可知,即使在困难时期,作者的父母也非常重视文化价值观。2Why does the author mention the trip in Paragraph 2?ATo prove her pride in her culture.BTo show fun brought by cultural values.CTo express their love for the country.DTo explain what her family values are.解析:B 考查推理判断。从第二段的内容可知,作者一家人一路欢歌,尽管他们很多时候还不懂歌词的意思,但他们享受其中的快乐。再结合全文的内容可知,作者提及这一段旅程的目的是说明文化价值观带来的乐趣。3Which word is closest in meaning to the underlined word “aggravated”?AWorsened. BAppreciated.CCriticized. DCaused.解析:A 考查词义猜测。从第三段的“issues of life and death and suffering the clearly social unfairness and issues of poverty and race”可知,作者意识到了不平等、贫困、种族等社会问题,而当作者想到文化差异时,作者认为这些情况更严重了。故该词意为“恶化,加重”,跟 A 项同义。4What did the concert make the author aware of?AThe possibility of celebrating her own culture.BThe right to share ones culture with others.CThe happiness of possessing unique cultural values.DThe right of cultures to coexist in society.解析:D 考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“Therefore,I believe diversity is seen as an advantage and not as a disadvantage.As a Puerto Rican,I am a mixture of races and I believe in my strength because of this”可知,Therefore 后面的内容是结果,而原因自然是前面提到的作者听音乐会的经历,作者由听音乐会的经历受到启发,认为对社会而言,文化差异是优势而不是劣势,由此可推知,作者认为不同的文化有权利共存。.阅读填句(七选五)(导学号 02516151)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2018河北省“五校联盟”高三教学质量监测)How to Be CreativeMost of us think that creativity is a quality belonging only to artists,writers,or dancers,rather than ourselves. _1_ The following tips are a great beginning for developing our creativity.1Get out of your comfort zoneWe eagerly accept the familiar and fear the unknown.Break out of your usual patterns and welcome creativity into your life.As stated earlier,the human brain was designed to recognize patterns. _2_ In fact,our comfort zone is nothing more than a collection of patterns.As we become more efficient at recognizing and using patterns,we rely less on creativity to find new paths.We should force ourselves out of our comfort zones and open up new possibilities.2Try different thingsIf you always do what youve always done,youll always get what youve always got.We are creatures of habits and routines,and creativity hates routines.If you usually drive to work,take the subway for a few days. _3_ Interrupt your routine,experiment and try something new.New things are often creative,but the same old thing never is.3 _4_ Having a great idea is not enough;you must work to make it a reality.Have you ever seen a new product and realized that you thought of the same thing long ago? Yet someone else is making money with “your” idea. _5_ The difference between a dreamer and a doer is action.Do whatever it takes to bring your ideas to life.If you can put them into practice,you are well on your way to improving your creativity in all areas of your life.ATake actionBSeek several optionsCThink from the other persons point of view.DIf you normally eat in the office,have lunch under a tree.EThe truth is that we are all born with the capacity to be creative.FWe continue to create patterns and routines for almost everything we do.GWe all have great ideas sometimes,but only a few people turn their ideas into realities.语篇解读 本文主要介绍了一些培养创造力的技巧。1E 根据空后的“The following tips are a great beginning for developing our creativity”可知,事实上,我们是天生有创造力的,问题是如何开发这些创造力,所以选E 项。2F 根据上下文的“Break out of your usual patterns”“to recognize patterns”和“a collection of patterns”可知,应选 F 项。3D 根据空前的一句和空后的“Interrupt your routine,experiment and try something new”可推知,我们应有所创新,打破常规,因此选 D 项。4A 根据下文的“The difference between a dreamer and a doer is action”可知,有了梦想后,最重要的是要立即行动,所以选 A 项。5G 根据上文中的“Having a great idea is not enough;you must work to make it a reality”与下文中的“The difference between a dreamer and a doer is action”可知,应选 G 项,G 项起承上启下的作用。.语法填空(导学号 02516152)(2018四川绵阳高中第二次诊断性考试)Many teachers believe that handson experience is the 1. _ (good) way to learn.A group of students in the United States are putting that belief to the test.They 2. _ (success) designed and built a robot for discovering unexplored mines 3. _ the bottom of the sea.Students made the robot 4. _ (answer) a challenge from the US Department of Defense.The students recently tested the underwater vehicle 5. _ (call) Perseus in a 95 meterlong tank of water at the Stevens Institute of Technology.The robot costs about $15,000 to build.The students use a video game control to direct 6. _ (it) movements in the tank.Whats more,devices known as Japters 7. _ (able) the robot to go up,down and toward its target in the water.Video cameras on the robot send images back to a computer through a 13meter-long cable.Perseus also has 8. _ set of lasers(激光),which are used to measure the size of an object.The robot is the creation of five undergraduate students.For over six months,they worked up 9. _ 20 hours a week to design and build Perseus .DeLorme supervised the project from 10. _ (begin) to end.He says the specialized requirements of robots were demanding.答案:1.best 2.successfully 3.at 4.answer5called 6.its 7.enable 8.a 9.to 10.beginning高三期末考试作文:远见为实假若人生是一场旅行,当然可以在某一处停下或定居。守住自己的一方天地。在这条漫漫长路上有寒冷有崎岖当然也有温暖有平坦,也许大多数人会选择温暖和安静而停下来,但这样就或许成就不了自己的价值,那为什么不试着看或走向远方呢?巴尔蒙特用响亮的声音说:“为了看看阳光,我来到世界。”来到这个世界我们都应该带着一颗探索的心。三浦紫苑说:“只要迷上了,就再也无法逃离他的掌控。”不计较得失,不在意好恶,不顾一切被吸引就像一切被黑暗吞噬,不知会被带向何处的星星。梵高即使如此,他就像那颗星星,他顾不上自己的物质生活,画买不上价钱他索性直接沉浸在自己的精神世界里。我不得不为他的悲惨和凄苦而动容;但他自己就像一株向日葵在岁月的沉淀中愈发光彩,他走到了人生的远方,也向世人展示了自己丰盈的生命。在现在的社会当中人们各种行为都沾染上了些许的功利气,我们总是只顾眼前的利益,或许早已忘却了心中的烛火忘却了向远方探索的目标。我觉得远见为实是人的眼光和足迹的长远,人生来就是要探索和追求的,人生真正的价值总是存在于远方,探索与追求的光辉如烛火在感染着世人,这烛火虽小,但长存不灭,虽少但却直达万人心底。余秋雨正是在文学的道路上一直远行,在昆仑山上,他感受到生命的渺茫,在都江堰上,他讲述古人的恩泽,他自己曾说:“中国真正的大文学在远方。”他几乎踏遍了中华大地的每一处河山,因为他的作品中所夹带的民族气息是当代任何作品所不可媲美的,远方黄土地上车轮滚滚那是孟子在周游六国,也是因为他相信远见才能出真知,他在不断地放远眼光和足迹,也成就了他浩然若江河的气度和他自己在诸子百家中独树一帜的地位。漆漆的黑夜中,点亮心中的那盏灯,凭借着那抹微光继续向远方前行。

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