人教版高三英语一轮复习练习必修二 Unit 4(带答案)+关于青春的作文:青春易朽

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人教版高三英语一轮复习练习必修二 Unit 4(带答案)+关于青春的作文:青春易朽_第1页
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人教版高三英语一轮复习练习必修二 Unit 4(带答案)+关于青春的作文:青春易朽_第2页
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人教版高三英语一轮复习练习必修二 Unit 4(带答案)+关于青春的作文:青春易朽_第3页
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人教版高三英语一轮复习练习必修二 Unit 4(带答案)+关于青春的作文:青春易朽必修二 Unit 4基础回顾.单句语法填空(导学号 02516075)1More attention should be paid to improving (improve) the safety of school buses,which has become a big concern of the whole society.2I received a letter containing (contain) some important information about the project.3After he retired,the old man did all he could to protect the old temple from being damaged (damage)4You neednt have taken a taxi.Why didnt you catch the last bus as I told you?5Instead,I suggested choosing (choose) some students to see him on behalf of the whole class.(2015浙江卷,书面表达)6The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere where his employees (employ) enjoy the work.(2015天津卷,单选)7No one has come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs died out .8We appreciate participating (participate) in this activity,which has helped to build an emotional connection between the old and the young.9The only way to succeed (succeed) at the highest level is to have total belief that you are better than anyone else on the sports field.10It makes our school dirty and unpleasant,and does harm to the image of our school.单句改错(每句一错)(导学号 02516076)1She is a kind hearted woman and often has a mercy on people who are in trouble. 去掉 mercy 前的 a 2Mary has employed himself in making preparations for her trip to America all the afternoon. himselfherself 3The scientist explained in his book how the universe was came into being. 去掉 was 4Justin suggested that I went with him to a private place where we could be alone. wentgo 5With the governments aid,those affecting by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. affectingaffected .佳句写作(导学号 02516077)1如果你按照我说的去做,你的梦想将很快实现。(as)答案:If you do as I say,your dream will come true soon. 2我们已经没有时间来仔细考虑了。(There be 句型)答案:There has been no time for us to think it over.3我们钦佩他们解决那个问题的方法。(way)答案:We admired the way in which/that he solved the problem. 4如果你能帮我个忙,我将不胜感激。(appreciate)答案:I would appreciate it if you could offer me a hand.5她无法再克制自己了 她突然发怒了。(contain oneself)答案:She couldnt contain herself any longer she burst into anger.技能提升.阅读理解(导学号 02516078)(2018漳州模拟)When I was little,Id see tons of bats flying around streetlights at night in my neighborhood in upstate New York.But Ill never forget the first time when I saw a bat up close.By the time I turned 7,though,I noticed something strange: All the bats in my neighborhood had disappeared,and I wondered why.Then,three years ago,when I was 11 and visiting the state fair,I learned what had happened to my towns bats.A disease called “white nose syndrome” had killed 93 percent of New York States bats.I was horrified.Then I wrote a letter to the host of an environmental program on the local radio station,asking if they could do a show on bats.They did!But I still wanted to find a way to educate people face to face.I reached out to a teacher I had in elementary school and asked if I could make a presentation to her class.I described how bats help farmers by eating crop-damaging insects.It went over so well that other teachers started requesting me.Over the past three years,Ive talked in front of everyone from 5 yearold to senior citizens!Many people think that bats are blind,and that they always carry diseases,but none of that is true.The more I present,the more I notice that I am changing minds.And while getting people to respect bats is pretty hard,getting them to respect me has been difficult too.When I first applied to host a booth(摊位) at a local street fair,the managers thought I was too young.But I refused to take “no” for an answer.I continued to make_my_case ,and they said yes! The best part is,I impressed them so much 100 visitors on my first daythat they now invite me back every year.语篇解读 本文主要讲述的是作者是如何拯救蝙蝠的。1All the bats in the neighborhood disappeared because they _ .Awere killed by a diseaseBmoved to another habitatCwere hunted by other animalsDhid in a place where people couldnt find them解析:A 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知,社区所有蝙蝠的消失是由一种疾病导致的。2The author wrote a letter to the host in order to ask them to _ .Adonate some money to save batsBmake a radio program about batsCannounce new findings about batsDfinish some questionnaires about the fair解析:B 细节理解题。根据第二段可知。作者给主持人写了一封信,想让他们制作一期关于蝙蝠的节目。3How did the author save bats?ABy building a new home for them.BBy volunteering to work in the wild.CBy improving their living environment.DBy educating people that they are beneficial.解析:D 推理判断题。根据第三段 I described how bats help farmers by eating cropdamaging insects.可知,作者是通过教育人们蝙蝠是有益的,来拯救蝙蝠。4What does the underlined phrase “make my case” in the last paragraph mean?AMake impressive persuasion.BLook into the matter.CQuarrel with them.DStick to the facts.解析:A 词义猜测题。根据前面的句子可知,当“我”第一次申请在当地的集市上办一个摊位时,经理们认为“我”太年轻。但“我”拒绝接受“不”的回答。再结合 they finally said yes 可判断出,此处 make my case 是继续努力说服经理们让我“办”一个摊位。.阅读填句(七选五)(导学号 02516079)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。In my neighbourhood,Ive seen corner stores robbed by teenagers and people beaten on the street.Ive had my house robbed three times.Im sick of it!Since the seventh grade,Ive found a safe haven(避难所) at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee after school.Someone told me that they had a football team,and thats why I started going. _1_ Its so nice to know that I can go in and talk to them about anything that is bothering me.One day,La Ketta,a senior program manager at the club,heard us talking about how frustrated we were by the violence.La Ketta said,“Why dont we make a documentary about it?” _2_ We talked about why the violence is happening,how it is affecting our neighbourhood,and what we can do to put an end to it.Finally,we were able to premiere(首次公演) it at a real theaterin front of a soldout crowd of about 1,000 people! I felt like a celebrity(名人)The local TV news channel interviewed me,which made my heart race.And in the Q & A session after the movie,a 5 year-old boy went up to the microphone and asked,“How can I be more like you?” _3_ Since the premiere,Ive seen so many new faces at the Boys & Girls Clubs,which means that our message got through to some parents.But thats not the only effect. _4_ This experience has taught me that you dont have to be an adult to make change.You dont need to be an elected official either. _5_ You might feel timid(胆怯的),but trust me:You have more power than you think.AIt was the sweetest thing ever.BUsually,though,Im too busy watching my back.CI wish I could let my mind wander to a football play.DYou can get up one day and decide to make the world a better place.EBut once I joined the club,the people there started to feel like families to me.FWeve gotten calls from people across the country who want to show our movie!GShe found people teach us to use video equipment,and then we interviewed some community members.语篇解读 本文是记叙文。一位高中生与俱乐部成员一起制作纪录片反对社会暴力。1E E 项与下文的“Its so nice to know that I can go in and talk to them about anything that is bothering me.”相呼应。2G G 项与上文的“Why dont we make a documentary about it?”及下文的“We talked about.”相呼应。3A A 项中的 It 指代上文的“.a 5 yearold boy went up to the microphone and asked,How can I be more like you?”。4F F 项与上文的“But thats not the only effect.”相呼应,说明首次公演不仅在当地引起了轰动,而且引起了全国范围内的关注。5D D 项与上文的“.you dont have to be an adult to make change.You dont need to be an elected official either.”相呼应,说明改变世界无须等待,应该即刻行动。.语法填空(导学号 02516080)Over the years,I have met some interesting people.Two of 1. _ most interesting people were two elderly sisters,Joan and Bernice,2. _ way of talking about people inspired me.It was always a 3. _ (pleasant) to visit these two sisters.Just being greeted at the door was a joy.They couldnt be 4. _ (happy) when seeing me.I always heard about the people who were there before me.Every person 5. _ (talk) about in a positive way.The conversation would go something like this,“Oh,Kay,so andso was here yesterday,she 6. _ (be) just the salt of the earth,isnt she?” The other sister would reply,“Oh,yes! You just cant believe 7. _ wonderful she is.”I never heard they said a negative word about anyone.NEVER!I understood why these two had so much company when other people complained that no one cared about 8. _ (they)It was their attitude 9. _ people.There was no doubt that when the next person came to visit,he was going to hear how I was “the salt of the earth”What a wonderful example these two elderly sisters were to me! I will always be 10. _ (thank) that I had the opportunity to know them.答案:1.the 2.whose 3.pleasure 4.happier5was talked 6.is 7.how 8.them9toward(s)/to 10.thankful关于青春的作文:青春易朽挥指一算,还要八十多年的光景供我拼搏,享受或是挥霍。而我慷慨地拿出八十多个三百六十五天中的一天,无所事事。屋内的母亲劝我外出走走,减轻学习带来的压力。我在小区中绕行,迎面而来一位热情的邻居。“哟,你小子又长高了,越来越像个大人了。”在一阵寒暄之后,我们挥手而别。不经意间,我感受到时光老头在我的青春上划过一痕,悄然离去。继续行走,途经一棵银杏树,稀疏的叶片不停透露出青春的味道。而这棵树边却矗立着另一颗高大的银杏树,我知道,不久,青春之树会长成成熟之树。一条狗趴在视线尽头的地上。在记忆中,这只土黄的狗一直是个正值青春年华而有活力的“青年”,而如今却趴在地上尽情享受慵懒的午后阳光。猛然间,我发现青春是如此易朽,在时间的映衬下,短短几年的青春时光简直不值一提。一直雄鹰飞过,我不经想起年轻的小鹰;一棵樟树直立,我不经想起年少的树苗;甚至是一块巨大的石头,我也不经想起它不久前的模样 一块小石头。我仿佛在一夜之间踏入青春时代,神经活跃,视野开阔,争做有理想,有追求的新时代人。却不知何时会进入下一个时代,甘于平淡。当我自欺欺人地认为青春不朽,生命不朽的时候,终会在尘世中发现自己的愚蠢。在骨感现实面前,我们终将体会到现实巷闾烟火的不易以及理想的虚无。上一代人的梦正被下一代的人做着,在时间营造的无限循环氛围中,每个人心中都有一个青春的理想国,且都在“味极趋于平淡”后不时回望自己朽掉的青春。而正值青春时代的我们,则更应该充分利用自己的青春,让其散发出更多的光和热,以至在腐朽之后依旧能温暖自己的内心。推开虚掩的家门,看见母亲若有所思地坐在床边,也许她正沉浸于那已朽却值得珍惜的青春中。

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