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七年级预备教程复习 Importantphrasesandexpressions letsbdotakephotoshavealook at lookstrong hppayinclassinmyclassIseeaphotoofmyfamilythewomanwithlonghair 让某人做某事拍照片看一看 看起来强壮 高兴在课堂上在我的班上我明白了我家的全家福那个长发的妇女 howold yearsoldinhospitalspeakEnglishstandupsitdownturnto listentothetapewrite down 几岁 岁住院说英语站起来坐下翻到 听录音写下 记下 onthefloor groundamapofChinareadingroomartroomhowmanyhowmuchaboxof put awayworryabout 在地上一幅中国地图阅览室美术室多少 可数 多少 不可数 一盒 放好 把 收起来担心 what howabout stopdoingstoptodohelpsbdohelpsbwithsthplayfootball basketballasksbtodogohome 怎么样停止做某事停下来做某事帮某人做某事踢足球 打篮球要 请某人做某事回家 gotoschooltoycarsoverthereintheskyfeelsad angry tiredbeangrywithsbonfoothaveapartyhaveatry 去上学玩具汽车在那儿在空中觉得难过 生气 累生某人的气步行举行聚会试一试 getupgowalking boating fishing swimming shopping dancing runninggoforawalkwalkto onMonday morning icecream 起床去散步 划船 钓鱼 游泳 购物 跳舞 跑步去散步步行到 在星期一 早晨 冰淇淋 verymuchaninterestingstoryhaveagoodtimehavebreakfast lunch supperhaveMathslessonsgotobedatnightinautumn 非常 修饰动词 有趣的故事玩的高兴吃早餐 午餐 晚餐上数学课去睡觉在夜里在秋天 ChineseNewYearintheopenairflykitesTeachers daydoone shomeworkdosports takeexercisehalfpasttwobebusydoingsthbebusywithsth 春节在户外 在野外放风筝教师节做作业运动 锻炼两点半忙着做某事忙于某事 dosomewashing cleaning shopping readinggooutgotothecinemaseeafilmbybus bike train ship taxi planewaitfor 洗衣物 打扫 购物 读书出去去看电影看电影乘公共汽车 骑自行车 乘火车 轮船 出租车 飞机等候 planttreesinthetreeonthetreeonthefarmbefar away from takeabus train taxi plane infrontof inthefrontof 植树在树上 外来物 在树上 树自身 在农场上距离 远乘公共汽车 火车 出租车 飞机在 前面 外面 在 前面 内部 thewayto ontheleft rightof inthesunknow learnmuch moreabout haveagoodsleepgotosleepafterschool class work dinner 去 的路在 的左 右边在阳光下了解 很多 更多好好睡一觉去睡觉放学 下课 下班 饭后 between and inthelakeonthelakewouldliketodohalfanhourbuysbsth buysthforsbbuysthfromsb 在 和 之间在湖里 水中 在湖里 水面上 想要做半小时给某人买某物向某人买某物 Importantwords let的用法letsbdosth 让某人做某事 let后面的代词须用人称代词宾格 动词用原形 1 让他来帮助你吧 Let you 2 我们放学后去游泳吧 shoppingafterschool 3 让我再试一次吧 Let again Let sgo himhelp metry with的用法介词 和 带有 之意 and连词 和 的意思 have动词 有 的意思 1 HecomesfromNanjingbutnowhewithhisparents live inShanghai 2 MyfriendandIoften play basketballafterschooltogether 3 Andy scousin Jack withhissisterMary be shoppinginthemarket play lives is speak say tell与talk的用法和区别 speak意指说话的方式 如speakEnglish 还有 发言 的意思 不跟说话的内容 speaktosb 对某人说 say意指用语言表达思想 故强大说的内容 有时候说的内容用代词it代替 saytosb 对某人说 talk意指 交谈 有众多人参与的意思 不强调说的内容 talkabout 谈论 talkto withsb 和某人交谈 tell意思是 告诉 分辨 讲述 不强调说的内容 tellsb about 告诉某人 tellsbtodo 要某人做某事 speak talk say tell say speak tell 用tell talk say speak填空Canyou Japanese Whatdothey about Howdoyou itinEnglish Please memoreaboutit Whatdoeshe inthemeeting Doeshe inthemeeting Myparentsoften metostudyhard 8 Whodothey abouttheaccident 事故 9 Whentheteachercomesin thestudentsare 10 Mygrandmotheroften mesomeinterestingstories 故事 11 Howdoyou inEnglish 12 Whatdothey abouttheaccident 13 Lucyisverysadthesedaysbecauseshedoesn tknowwhoto to tell talking tells speak say talk sorry与excuseme的用法与区别sorry表示歉意 一般回答的时候用 excuseme表示打搅别人 一般提问的时候使用 1 what syourname please 2 Idon tknowtheanswer 3 Iam I mlate Sorry Excuseme sorry stopdoing与stoptodostopdoing意思是 停止做某事 stoptodo意思是 停下来做某事 1 上课了 请停止讲话 It s pleasestop 2 别说话 请停下来听老师讲 Don ttalkandstop theteacher tolistento timeforclass talking wear puton与in的用法与区别wear意思是 穿着 戴着 强调穿的状态 put on意思是 穿上 戴上 强调穿的动作 in意思是 穿着 戴着 与wear用法相当 一般指穿 戴衣服鞋袜等 in 颜色表示 穿着 颜色 的衣服 1 她喜欢穿红色的衣服 看 她正在穿一件红色的外套 Shelikes Look Sheis aredcoat 2 那是米莉 她正穿着一件白色的衬衫 ThatgirlisMillie Sheis awhite wearingblouse wearingredclothes puttingon 3 那个穿蓝色牛仔裤的男孩是汤姆 Theboy isTom 4 穿白色衣服的那个女孩是Daniel的表妹 Thegirl isDaniel scousin 5 外面很冷 穿上你的外套 It scoldoutside yourcoat inwhite inbluejeans Puton help的用法helpsb to dosth 帮某人做某事 名词前用动词原形 helpsbwithsth 帮某人做某事 名词前用介词with 1 她周末常常帮助她父母做家务事 Sheoften herparents houseworkatweekends 2 谢谢你帮我学习英语 Thankyoufor myEnglish helpingmewith helpsdo with bring与take的用法与区别bring意为 拿来 带来 指把事物从其他地方拿到说话的地方 bringsthtohere take意为 拿走 带走 指把人或物从说话的地方拿到其他地方 takesth sbtosomewhere 1 记得明天把作业带到学校来 Pleaserememberto schooltomorrow 2 请帮我把这些书拿到教室 Pleasehelpme theclassroom bringyourhomeworkto to takethebooksto 3 今年暑假我爸爸将会带我去北京 Myfatherwill thissummerholiday 4 请把它带回家 Please 5 请给我拿支钢笔 Please takeithome takemetoBeijing bringmeapen bringapentome want与wouldlikewanttodosth 想要做某事 wouldliketodosthwantsbtodosh 想要某人做某事 wouldlikesbtodosth注意 want有人称 时态与数的变化 wouldlike没有人称 时态与数的变化 用于疑问时 wouldyoulike 一般建议或者请求 句中表示 一些 时 用some而不用any would可与人称代词形成缩略形式 I d he d you d 1 我想做一名医生 Iwant adoctor 2 他想买一支新钢笔 He anewpen 3 Millie想要我放学后和她去买东西 Millie me withherafterschool tobe wouldliketobe wantstobuy wouldliketobuy wantstogoshopping wouldlikemetogoshopping 4 我不想吃鱼 I fish 5 你想要些茶吗 you 6 你想干什么 What you 7 我想要努力学习 like hard don twanttoeat Dowantanytea Wouldlikeyousometea dowanttodo wouldlikeyoutodo I dtostudy sometimes sometimes sometime与sometime的用法与区别 sometimes意为 有时候 表示频率 提问用howoften sometimes意为 几次 表示次数 提问用howmanytimes sometime意为 某时 过去或将来 表示的是任何时候或某一不确定的时间 对它提问用when sometime意为 一段时间 一般前面用介词for 提问用howlong 1 有时我和父母一起看电视 2 你多久给你父亲写一次信 有时 Howoftendoyouwritetoyourfather Sometimes 3 你何时能完成这项工作 下个月某个时候 Whencanyoufinishthework Sometimenextmonth 4 你每周看几次电视 好几次 HowmanytimesdoyouwatchTVeveryweek Sometimes 5 她将在北京呆一段时间 ShewillstayinBeijingforsometime SometimesIwatchTVwithmyparents 1 I goshoppingatweekends 2 TheyhavebeentoBeijing 3 Ibought 买 thishat lastsummer 4 Iwillkeepthecomputerfor soyoucanuseit sometimes sometimes sometime sometime 选择sometime sometimes sometime sometimes填空 Importantlanguagepoints 1 It stimetodosth 该做某事了 是做某事的时候了 It stimeforsth 1 该起床了 It stime 2 该吃早餐了 It stime 3 该回家了 It stime togetup tohavebreakfast togohome forbreakfast forhome 2 对职业工作提问的方法Whatissb Whatissb sjob Whatdoessbdo 你爸爸是干什么的 What What What doesyourfatherdo isyourfather isyourfather sjob 3 祈使句的构成与应用 表示命令 请求 叮嘱 号召等语气的句子叫祈使句 它的主语you 说话的对象 通常省略 谓语动词用原形 句末用感叹号或句号 读时用降调 祈使句的肯定结构 1 Do型 即 行为动词 宾语 其他 2 Be型 即 系动词原形be 表语 其他 祈使句的否定结构 1 Don tdo be 其他 2 No 名词 动名词 其他这种否定形式多用于公共提示语 意为 禁止 不要 1 请打开门 Please thedoor 2 别关窗子 Don t thewindow 3 安静 please 4 别难过 sad 5 下次别迟到 latenexttime 6 不要抽烟 Nosmoking open close Bequiet Don tbe Don tbe 4 Therebe句型 有 be动词的确定单数名词前用is 复数名词前用are 如果be后面出现几个名词时 be的形式则遵循就近原则 对数量的提问可数名词用howmany 名词复数 arethere 其他 不可数名词用howmuch 不可数名词 isthere 其他 对主语的提问对人的提问用Whois 其他 对事物的提问用What s 其他 与have has的区别therebe表示存在的有 其逻辑主语一般是某地点 have表示某人的占有 其逻辑主语一般是人 1 桌子上有一本书 There abookonthedesk 2 树上有一些芒果 There onthetree 3 瓶子里有些水 There waterinthebottle issome is aresomemangoes 4 篮子里有一个苹果 两只梨 There appleandtwopears 5 冰箱里有几瓶水 There water 6 Thereisachildintheplayground thereintheplayground 7 Thereisachildintheplayground intheplayground 8 Therearesomesheepbytheriver therebytheriver isan aresomebottlesof Howmanychildrenare Who s Howmanysheepare 9 Therearesomesheepbytheriver bytheriver 10 他有许多朋友 He manyfriends 11 我们学校有十二个班级 Ourschool twelveclasses twelveclassesinourschool 12 我们家有三个人 threepeopleinourfamily Ourfamily threepeople What s Thereare has has Thereare has 5 What swrongwithsb 怎么了 What sthematterwithsb 你怎么了 What you 我迷路了 Ilosemyway iswrongwith What sthematterwithyou 6 对人的外面长相的提问Whatbe like Whatdo looklike Howdo look like的意思是 像 look的意思是 看起来 Whatbe like 还可以问人的性格品质 你爸爸长得怎么样 yourfather yourfather yourfather Howdolook Whatislike Whatdolooklike 7 如何提建议Let sdosth Shallwedosth What Howaboutsth doingsth Whynotdosth Whydon tyoudosth 放学后去游泳吧 afterschool we afterschool afterschool afterschool you afterschool Whydon tgoswimming Let sgoswimming Shallgoswimming Whataboutgoingswimming Whynotgoswimming 8 Ittakessbsometimetodosth 某人花 时间 做某事 it为形式主语 其真正主语是todo sb在句中可以不出现 用人称代词时必须用宾格 1 我每天早晨读半小时英语 It Englisheverymorning 2 你每周看多长时间电视 How you TV longdoesittaketowatch takesmehalfanhourtoread 9 物主代词的使用 形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词物主代词表示人与人 人与事物之间的关系 分为形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词 名词性物主代词相当于形容词性物主代词加名词 注意 对物主代词的提问用whose 名词性物主代词是单数还是复数取决于它所指代的名称 of 名词性物主代词常用作后置定语 物主代词与指示代词this that these those 及冠词a an the不能同时修饰名词 1 Thisismybook This 2 Thisblouseishers thisblouse this 3 Thisishisbook Mine be overthere 4 Theseshoesarehis Mine be underthebed 5 Jack是我的一位老朋友 Jackisanoldfriend Whoseblouseis bookismine Whoseis ofmine is are Yourfootballclothesareonthedesk Pleaseput they them their theirs away 2 We Us Our Ours EnglishteacherisMrs Green Wealllike she her hers 3 I Me My Mine can tgetmykite Couldyouhelp I me my mine 4 Tomcan tgetdownfromthetree Canyouhelp he him his 5 Herkiteisbroken Can you your yours mendit them Our her I me him you 从括号内选择正确的代词填空 6 Wecan tfindourbikes Canyouhelp we us our ours 7 Theseare he him his planes Thewhiteonesare I me mine Thisisn therknife isgreen Theseareyourbooks Kate Put inthedesk please Youmustlookafter things 4 WeiFang isthat ruler Yes it s 5 Theywantafootball Give thegreenone please us his mine your Hers them your them 填入正确的人称代词和物主代词 mine 6 It sLinTao sbag Give to 7 Isthispencil boxLiLei s No isverynew 8 Thisboxistooheavy Ican tcarry Don tworry Let help 9 isaboy nameisMike Mike sfriendslike verymuch 10 Mysisterisin room isateacher 11 Janeisalittlegirl motherisanurse 12 Wearein classroom classroomisbig 13 Myfatherandmotherareteachers arebusy14 Youareapupil Is brotherapupil too your it him his it me you He His him her She Her our Our They 10 名词复数的构成与应用 一 构成规则 大部分直接在词尾加 s 以辅音字母加y结尾的单词 变y为i 再加es 以s x ch sh结尾的名词加 es 以f fe结尾的名词 去掉f fe 加 ves 以o结尾的名词 部分加 s 部分加 es mango tomato hero potato 复合名词复数的构成绝大部分复合名词复数的构成 中心名词用复数 其他名词仍然用单数 man woman与其他名词构成的复合名词构成复数时 两个词都用复数 二 不规则名词的复数child children sheep sheep man men woman women foot feet fish fish mouse mice 三 注意名词的数与修饰词的一致 当名词做主语时 其单复数形式须与谓语动词保持一致 1 Therearesomeintheriver A newsB grassC waterD fish2 Thereisa onthedesk A newsB paperC newspaperD bread3 Arethose No theyaren t Theyare A sheep cowsB sheep cowC sheeps cowD sheeps cows4 CanIhelpyou I dlike formytwindaughters A twopairofshoesB twopairsofshoeC twopairofshoeD twopairsofshoes D C A D 5 My toolong I llhave cut A hairsare themB hairis itC hairare themD hairsare it6 Theycomefromdifferent A countryB countriesC acountryD countrys7 Howmany doyouseeinthepicture A tomatosB tomatoesC tomatoD thetomato B B B 8 Theyare A womanteachersB womenteachersC womenteacherD womanteacher9 Wouldyoulike please A twoglassofwaterB twoglassesofwaterC twoglassofwatersD twoglassesofwaters10 Thispairofshoes old Iwanttobuyanew A are oneB is oneC are pairD is pair A B D 1 Ihavetwo knife 2 Therearemany here box 3 Therearemany ontheroad bus 4 Afew aredrawingonthewall boy 5 The areplayingfootballnow child 填入所给名词的正确形式 children knives boxes buses boys 6 Ilikethered tomato 7 Pleasetaketwo forme photo 8 Wouldyoupleasecleanyour now tooth 9 Doyouwantsome milk 10 Thereareten inourschool womanteacher womenteachers tomatoes photos teeth milk 1 Thisdogisbrown 2 Thereisabookandapenonthetable 3 Thatwomanisateacher 4 Herdressisgreen 将下列句子变成复数形式 Thesedogsarebrown Therearesomebooksandpensonthetable Thosewomenareteachers Theirdressesaregreen 11 in on at在时间前面的用法 in用于一天中的早 中 晚 月份 年份 季节 等 on用于特定的某一天 或者某天的早 中 晚上 如星期 节日 以Day结尾 日期 有时候特定的一天是由表示天气特征的词来修饰 at用于表示某一时刻 年龄和节日名词前 注意 every this last next等词前不可加in on或者at 1 Childrengetgifts Christmasand theirbirthdays A on onB at onC in inD in on2 Alotofstudentsinourschoolwereborn March 1981 A inB atC onD since3 Mygrandfatherwasborn Oct 10 1935 A onB inC atD of4 Mikedoeshishomework seven theevening A on toB at inC by ofD at on B A A B 5 Childrenwakeupveryearly themorningofChristmasDay A inB onC forD at6 acoldwintermorning Imetherinthestreet A InB OnC AtD For7 Whydidyougetupsoearly thismorning A onB C atD in8 Mrs BrowncametoChina 1996 A onB ofC to D in B B B D 9 themorningofNovember20 1915 Mr GreenwenttotheUSA A OnB InC OnD At10 Theystartedoff anautumnafternoon A duringB atC inD on11 Heoftengoes school sixthirty themorning A for to inB to at inC to for atD for at to12 TheEnglishteachertellsmetogetthere halfpastten A inB atC onD of A D B B 12 have forbreakfast lunch 早餐 午餐 吃 1 我早餐常常吃面包 Ioften 2 你午饭吃什么 米饭和肉 What you lunch Riceandmeat dohavefor havebreadforbreakfast 13 名词所有格的构成与应用 名词的格是表示所有关系 常用的有三种形式 1 表示有生命的名词 一般在词尾加 s 或 s 来表示 如果名词词尾以 s 结尾 则用前者 如果不是以 s 结尾 则后者 如 Tom s James children s students 2 表示无生命意义的名词一般用of短语来表示 如 thewindowofourclassroom 3 双重所有格即 of s 结构或 of 名词性物主代词 的结构 一般表示 许多中的一个 但用来作宾语的词一般为人 如 ateacherofmysister s afriendofmine 4 表示几者共有时的所有格只是最后一个名词使用 如 LucyandLily sfather 这与表示分别占有不一样 如 Lucy sandLily sclothes 5 下面这两种特殊形式的意义的区别 aphotoofmybrother 照片上的人是我哥哥 aphotoofmybrother s 照片的所有权是我哥哥 1 Kitty isacook 2 June1is child Day 3 Thisisnotmybook It s Millie 4 Mr Wuisafriendofmy father 5 Mymothercomestoschooltohavethe parent meeting 用所給词的适当形式填空 parents Kitty s Children s father s Millie s 6 Thisbedroomis LilyandLucy 7 Pleaselookafterthebags Theyarethose play 8 Theseclothes 衣服 are DanielandAmy 9 teach DayisonSeptember10th Teachers LilyandLucy s players Daniel sandAmy s 14 常用疑问词及疑问句 howold问年龄 howlong与howoftenhowlong问长度或者时间长度 多长 多久 howoften问频率 多常 多久一次 when与whattime问时间 whattime一般侧重于问时刻 what与who whichwhat一般问事物的名称 who问人 which可以问人 也可以问事物 一般有范围 how问身体及方式 如何 怎么样 where问地点 在哪儿 whatday与whatdatewhatday问星期几 whatdate问日期 howmany与howmuchhowmany问可数名词的数量 多少 后接可数名词复数 howmuch问不可数名词的数量 多少 还可以问价钱 多少钱 Exercises 将下面句子改为一般疑问句 1 I mhappy happy Yes No 2 Theyaremyshoes shoes Yes No 3 Theseareourteachers teachers Yes No 4 He sateacher ateacher Yes No Areyou Iam I mnot Aretheyyour theyare theyaren t Aretheseyour theyare theyaren t Ishe heis heisn t 5 Thereisanoldbookonthedesk anoldbookonthedesk Yes No 6 Therearesomeboxesofcrayonsinmyschoolbag boxesofcrayonsin schoolbag Yes No 7 Ihaveagoodfriend agoodfriend Yes No Isthere thereis thereisn t Arethereany your thereare therearen t Doyouhave Ido Idon t 8 Maryhassometoyplanes Mary toyplanes Yes No 9 I mhappy happy Yes No 10 Theyaremyshoes shoes Yes No Does haveany shedoes shedoesn t theyaren t Areyou Iam I mnot Aretheyyour theyare 词性转换 1 What syourfather He sa drive 2 Ihavesome photo 3 Ilikereading Ihavemany storybook 4 Thereare103 inourschool manteacher 5 Thesearenot jeans they Theyare Lily 6 The child havesome forlunch potato driver photos storybooks menteachers their Lily s children potatoes 7 Ihavetwo watch ButIdon tknowtherighttime 8 Idon thaveatoycar butAndy one have 9 Simonlikes read 10 ballisthis who It smy bike dog 11 Myfatheris yearsold 44 12 Sandy notopen yourbooksandlistentothetape watches has reading Whose dog s forty four don topen 13 I notgo toschoolonSaturdays 14 Whynot go swimming 15 Jim notbe sad 16 He have acomputerlessoneveryday 17 Thelittleboylikes read Englishstoriesverymuch 18 Don tworry Letme help youfindyourbook 19 Jim notbe happytoday isn t don tgo go don tbe has reading help 20 Sheenjoys dance inherfreetime 21 Iwant play volleyballwithmyfriendsafterschool 22 Kittyisgoodat swim 23 Whatabout go shoppingtomorrow 24 Thisismypet aparrot 鹦鹉 nameisPolly it 25 Ittakesmehalfanhouraday read English toread dancing toplay swimming going It s Its 1 Myfatherisfine yourfather 2 MynameisAndy yourname 3 Jillistwelve isJill 4 MrGreenismyteacher isMr Green 5 MrGreenisateacher Mr Green 6 Thereisaboxofcrayonsinmyschoolbag ofcrayons inmyschoolbag Howis Whatis Howold Who Who s Howmanyboxes arethere 对划线部分提问 7 Therearesometreesinmyschool inmyschoolbag 8 Mymotheristall yourmother 9 Histrousersareblack arehistrousers 10 Thosearemycousins arethose What s like What s Whatcolour Whosecousins Howdoesyourmotherlook Whatdoesyourmotherlooklike 11 Tomhassomefishforlunch Tom forlunch 12 TheyareEnglishgirls 单数 Englishgirl 13 Hisparentslikereading hisparentslike doing Whatdo She san have Whatdoes Thankyou

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