七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV Section A课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV Section A课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV Section A课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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I mwatchingTV Unit6 SectionA1a 1c readanewspapermakesouptalkonthephoneusethecomputerlistentoaCDwashthedishes 看报纸 做汤 在电话里交谈 使用电脑 听CD唱片 洗餐具 talkonthephone Whatareyoudoing Iamtalkingonthephone clean Whatareyoudoing Iamcleaning listentoaCD Whatareyoudoing IamlisteningtoaCD wash dothedishes Whatareyoudoing Iamwashingthedishes Whatishedoing Heisusingthecomputer usethecomputer Whatishedoing Heisreadinganewspaper readanewspaper cleantheroom Whataretheydoing Theyarecleaningtheroom exercise exercising Whatareyoudoing I mexercising Whatisshedoing SheisexercisingtoaCD exercise exercising Whatishedoing HeiswatchingTV watchTV Theyareplayingbasketball Whataretheydoing sumup Whatisshedoing Sheissinging Whatishedoing Heisreading Whataretheydoing Theyarecleaning 现在进行时基本句型结构为 be 动词ing 现在进行时基本概念 表示现在 说话期间 正在进行或发生的动作或事情 当前一段时间 最近这段时间 或现阶段正在进行的动作 判断词 now look listen atthemoment thesedays thismonth it s o clock 现在 点钟 正在进行 Look theyareplayingfootball 一直进行 Heiswritingabookthisyear 现在进行时用法 SentencePattern 肯定句 主语 be 动词ing 其他eg Heisreadingabook 否定句 主语 be not 动词ing 其他eg Heisnotreadingabook 一般疑问句 Be 主语 动词ing 其他 回答 Yes 主语 be No 主语 benot eg Ishereadingabook Yes heis No heisn t 请将下列句子变成一般疑问句 Heisreadinganewspaper Ishereadinganewspaper Yes heis No heisn t Iamdoingthehomeworknow Areyoudoingthehomeworknow Yes Iam No I mnot SentencePattern 现在分词的构成 1 一般情况 加 ing goreadwashsing2 以不发音的 e 结尾的动词 去e加ing havewritemaketake going reading washing singing having writing making taking 现在分词的构成 3 以重读闭音节结尾 且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词 双写辅音字母再加ing 注 重读闭音节就是所谓的元音字母不是发它本身的字母音 run runningswim swimmingget gettingsit sitting writetakeswimsitgetrunreadtalk 动词现在分词变变变 writing taking swimming sitting getting running reading talking Whatishe shedoing He Sheis reading running writing eatingbreakfast walking swimming 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pairwork Exercises 1 Whatisthegirldoing She write aletter 2 Whatareyoudoing I dance 3 Whatisyourmotherdoing She wash thedishes 4 Whataretheydoing They run iswriting amdancing iswashing arerunning 5 Look Jim talk onthephone 6 It s6p m now theGreens have dinner 7 Listen Thegirl sing 8 MoYan write hisnewbookthisyear istalking arehaving issinging iswriting 谢谢观赏

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