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2019 年自考和函授学位英语考试冲刺专项练习题(附答案)学位英语考试阅读理解冲刺练习 (一)Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services. People use money to buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of others they need or want. When they work,they usually get paid in money.Most of the money today is made of metal or paper. But people used to use all kinds of things as money. One of the first kinds of money was shells.Shells were not the only things used as money. In China, cloth and knives were used. In the Philippine Islands, rice was used as money. In some parts of Africa, cattle were one of the earliest kinds of money. Other animals were used as money, too.The first metal coins were made in China. They were round and had a square hole in the center. People strung them together and carried them from place to place.Different countries have used different metals and designs for their money. The first coins in England were made of tin. Sweden and Russia used copper to make their money. Later, other countries began to make coins of gold and silver.But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive. Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money. They began to use paper money. The first paper money looked more like a note from one person to another than paper money used today.Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today.1. Which of the following can be cited as an example of the use of money in exchange for services?A. To sell a bicycle for $20.B. To get some money for old books at a garage sale.C. To buy things you need or want.D. To get paid for your work.2. Where were shells used as money in history?A. In the Philippines.B. In China.C. In Africa.D. We dont know.3. Why, according to the passage, did ancient Chinese coins have a square hole in the center?A. Because it would be easier to put them together and carry them around.B. Because it would be lighter for people to carry them from place to place.C. Because people wanted to make it look nicer.D. Because people wanted to save the expensive metal they were made from.4. Why does the author say that even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive?A. Because they are easy to steal.B. Because they are difficult for people to obtain.C. Because they are not easy to carry around.D. Because they themselves are expensive, too.5. Which do you choose as the best title for this passage?A. Money and Its UsesB. Different Things Used as MoneyC. Different Countries, Different MoneyD. The History of Money【参考答案】1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D学位英语考试阅读理解冲刺练习 (二)It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory. The meanings of. thousands of everyday perceptions , the bases for the decisions we make, and the roots of our habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences, which are brought into the present by memory.Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use. It includes not only “remembering”things like arithmetic or historical facts, but also involving any change in the way an animal typically behaves. Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain because he has sniffed something suspicious in the grain pile. Memory is also involved when a six-year-old child learns to swing a baseball bat.Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines. Computers, for example, contain devices for storing data for later use. It is interesting to compare the memory-storage capacity of a computer with that of a human being. The instant-access memory of a large computer may hold up to 100,000 “words” ready for instant use. An average U.S. teenager probably recognizes the meaning of about 100,000 words of English. However, this is but a fraction of the total amount of information which the teenager has stored. Consider, for example, the number of faces and places that the teenager can recognize on sight.The use of words is the basis of the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings.A large part of a persons memory is in terms of words and combinations of words.1. According to the passage, memory is considered to beA. the basis for decision making and problem solvingB. an ability to store experiences for future useC. an intelligence typically possessed by human beingsD. the data mainly consisting of words and combinations of words2. The comparison made between the memory capacity of a large computer and that of a human being shows thatA. the computers memory has a little bigger capacity than a teenagersB. the computers memory capacity is much smaller that an adult human beingsC. the computers memory capacity is much smaller even than a teenagersD. both A and B3. The whole passage implies thatA. only human beings have problem-solving intelligenceB. a persons memory is different from a computers in every respectC. animals are able to solve only very simple problemsD. animals solve problems by instincts rather than intelligence4. The phrase “in terms of”in the last sentence can best be replaced byA. “in connection with”B. “expressed by”C. “consisting”D. “by means of”5. The topic of the passage is:A. What would life be like without memory ?B. Memory is of vital importance to life.C. How is a persons memory different from an animals or a computers?D. What is contained in memory ?【答案】B C C B B学位英语完形填空考前练习题 (一)Have you ever heard the old saying “Never judge a book by its cover“ ? This is a good rule to (41) when trying to judge the intelligence of others. Some people have minds that shine only in certain situations. A young man with an unusual (42) in creative writing may find himself speechless in the presence of a pretty girl. He searches awkwardly for words and does not talk smoothly. But don t make the mistake of thinking him stupid.(43) a pen and paper, he can express himself very well.Other people may fool you into overestimating their intelligence by (44) a good appear-ance. A student who listens attentively and takes notes in class is bound to make a favorable im-pression on his teachers. But when it (45) exams, he may score near the bottom of the class.The (46) idea is that you cant judge someone by appearance. The only way to determine a person s intelligence is to get to know him. Then you can observe (47) he reacts to different situations. The (48) situations you observe, the more accurate your judgment is (49)to be.So (50). Dont judge the book by its cover.41.A.follow B.obey C.watch D.observe答案:B42.A.present B.hand C.pen D.gift答案:D解析:根据上下文作答。选项 A“礼物”;选项 B“手;帮助 ”;选项 C“笔”;选项 D“天赋;礼物”。所以答案为D。43.A.From B.With C.In D.By答案:B解析:with 作介词表示“以(手段、材料),用( 工具)”。故答案为 B。44.A.putting up with B.putting on C.putting up D.putting off答案:B解析:选项 A“忍受”;选项 B“穿上;上演”;选项 C“提供 ;建造;举起”; 选项 D“推迟”。根据句意,选 B。45.A.turns to B.comes to C.gets to D.leads to答案:B解析:选项 A“转向;变成;求助于”;选项 B与前面的 when it连用,构成固定结构 when it comes to,表示“当提到”;选项 C“到达;开始;接触到”;选项 D“导致”。这里的句子表达的意思是“当考试的时候,他的得分可能在全班接近最低”。所以答案为 B。46.A.mere B.major C.main D.topic答案:C解析:选项 A“仅仅的”;选项 B“重要的;主修的”;选项 C“主要的”;选项 D“话题”。这里的句子表达的意思是“关键在于,你不能以貌取人”,故选 C。47.A.how B.what C.however D.whatever答案:A解析:本句意思为“那么你可以观察他对于不同状况的反应”。这里需要一个表示“用何种方法”的疑问副词来提问。所以答案为 A。48.A.most B.more C.much D.many答案:B解析:the morethe more句式,意为“越越”。本句句意为“观察的状况越多,你的评判才可能会越准确”。所以答案为 B。49.A.likely B.properly C.fortunately D.necessarily答案:A解析:根据上下文可以推断,本句句意为“观察的状况越多,你的评判才可能会越准确”,这里需要一个意思为“可能”的词。be likely to do为固定结构,表示“可能”,故选 A。50.A.count on your time B.ahead of your time C.fall behind your time D.take your time答案:D解析:本题考查四种常用的表达。count on your time意为“指望你的时间”;ahead of your time意为“在你的时间之前”;fall behind your time意为“落后于你的时间 ”;take ones time意为“别着急,从容做”。所以根据下文的句意“不要匆忙做决定”来判断,答案为 D。学位英语完形填空考前练习题 (二)Tourism has become a very big (41) . For Spain, Italy and Greece it is the largest (42) of foreign exchange, and even for Britain, it is the fourth. Faced with this hug new income, no government can afford to look (43) on the business ; questions of hotel bath rooms, beach umbrellas and ice-cream sales are now discussed by ministers of tourism with solemn expertise. Before the Second World War the tourist industry was widely regarded as being unmanly and stupid But tourism has become a new industry, as trade business used (44) ;in Spain, Italy,. Greece and much of Eastern Europe, new road systems have opened up in the country, first to tourists, and then to industry and locals.Much of tourism is a nationalized industry, a (45) part of national planning. In a place west of Marseilles, the French government is killing mosquitoes and building six big vacation places to (46) nearly a million tourists.In Eastern Europe, a whole new seaside (47) has sprung up (48) the last few years: the governments have greatly (49) when tourists from the West (50) from half a million four years ago to nearly two million last year.41.请把最佳答案填入( )。A. firm B.business C. company D. affair答案:B42.请把最佳答案填入( )。A. factor B. resource C. source D. cause答案:C43.请把最佳答案填入( )。A. up B. at C. for D. down答案:D44.请把最佳答案填入( )。A.be done B.done C.to do D.to doing答案:C45.请把最佳答案填入( )。A. key B. minor C.linking D. questioning答案:A46.请把最佳答案填入( )。A. attract B. pull C.hold D. contain答案:A47.请把最佳答案填入( )。A.civilization B.culture C.writing D.book答案:B48.请把最佳答案填入( )。A.over B. for C. after D. beyond答案:A49.请把最佳答案填入( )。A. suffered B.lost C.invested D.benefited答案:D50.请把最佳答案填入( )。A. added B. divided C. reduced D. multiplied答案:D学位英语完形填空考前练习题 (三)Friendship is unconditional and uncritical, based only on mutual respect and the ability to enjoy each others company. These authority figures never saw the way one of us could do something outrageous, and the rest of us would joke about it for days. We could have fun doing absolutely nothing at all-because the 41_ we provided each other with was enough. Rather than discussing operas, Lewinsky, or the weather, we enjoyed just 42_ each other without any one of us trying to outsmart the others. Still, I realize that these adults had a 43_ to be concerned about the direction my friends were 44_ ;I also was concerned for them,but I wasnt about to 45_ them.Many times I would advise my friends that some activity may be 46_ or to think things through before doing something, but I would never claim to hold the moral high ground and to condescend to them. When Marvin would begin, rolling joints, when Alisa would tell me she skipped school because of a hangover, or when Merriam would tell me that her new boyfriend was in a street gang,I expressed my discomfort with their 47_ How-ever,I never 48_ them with the threat of taking my friendship away. Contrary to the commercials on television, you can have 49_ who use drugs. In fact, probably everyone does without 50_ it.41.最佳答案 ()。A.gift B.present C.company D.friendship答案:C解析:【译文】友谊是无条件、不带偏见的;彼此相互尊重,并且喜欢和对方在一起,就是友谊。这些权威人士永远不会明白为什么我们有人做了一件非常令人震惊的事,其他人会为这个笑好几天。我们在一起的时候即使什么也不做,也会感到开心因为大家聚在一起就已足够;不去谈论戏剧、莱温斯基或者天气,大家只是享受那份闲来荡去的惬意,谁也不用绞尽脑汁想着怎样一较高下,分清孰优孰劣。然而,我知道那些大人很担心我朋友的将来;我也有同感,但并没有打算要和他们绝交。所以我常常提醒他们有些活动是很危险的,或是做某件事之前要深思,我绝对不会把道德标准束之高阁而去参与他们其中;当马文想尝试一下大麻的滋味,或者阿莉萨告诉我她因为宿醉而逃课,又或者玛丽安说她的新男友是街上的一个小混混时,我只是为他们感到不安,但我从来没想到以绝交威胁他们。和电视广告不同,你们也可能会结交吸毒的朋友。实际上,也许每个人都有这样的经历,但自己并没有意识到。42.最佳答案 ()。A.hanging around B.learning from C.communicating with D.joining in答案:A解析:本题考查动词词组辨析。由上下文可知,大家只是享受那份闲来荡去(hang around)的惬意。43.最佳答案 ()。A.prejudice B.point C.suggestion D.situation答案:B解析:本题考查名词辨析和对上下文的理解。由其后作定语的不定式短语可知是大人们的想法,故选择 point表示“观点,看法”。44.最佳答案 ()。A.giving B.coming C.heading D.facing答案:C解析:本题考查动词辨析。因 direction后是定语从句,所以要填表示“朝着某个方向行进”的 heading。45.最佳答案 ()。A.ignore B.upset C.blame D.leave答案:D解析:本题考查动词辨析。从下文可看出,不管朋友有什么样的表现,我都不会和他们绝交(1eave them)。46.最佳答案 ()。A.crazy B.dangerous C.boring D.important答案:B解析:本题考查词义辨析和对前文的理解。由前文的“提醒(advise)”和后文“三思而后行”可知,有些活动是“危险”的。47.最佳答案 ()。A.action B.lessons C.words D.thoughts答案:A解析:本题考查对上下文的理解。指上文列举的“吸大麻”、“逃学”、“交街上小混混做男友”等之类的不良“行为”。48.最佳答案 ()。A.force B.threaten C.persuade D.cheat答案:B解析:本题考查动词辨析。由语境可知,是用绝交来“威胁”他们。49.最佳答案 ()。A.friends B.girlfriends C.classmates D.brothers答案:A解析:本题考查句意理解。指任何人都有可能有不良行为的“朋友”。50.最佳答案 ()。A.hearing B.recognizing C.realizing D.knowing答案:C解析:本题考查动词辨析。由前句可知本句意为每个人都有这类朋友,只是没“意识到”而已。recognize,认出;know,知道。学位英语完形填空考前练习题 (四)In some cities,workaholism(废寝忘食工作)is so common that people dont consider it unusual. They accept the lifestyle as 41_. Government workers in Washington,D.C,for example,frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. They dont do this because they have to ; they do it because they 42_ to. Workaholism can be a 43_ problem. Because true workaholics would rather work than do anything else, they probably have no idea of how to relax. Most of all, they 44_ to sit and do nothing. The lives of workaholics are usually stressful,and this tension(紧张)and worry can cause 45_ problems such as heart attacks and stomach diseases.46_,typical workaholics dont pay much attention to their families.Their marriages may end in 47_ as they spend little time with their families.Is workaholism 48_ dangerous? Perhaps not. There are,certainly,people who work 49_ under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and inter-est in work. They feel work is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics,work and entertainment are the same thing. Their jobs 50_ them with a challenge; this keeps them busy and creative.41.填入最佳答案()。A.strange B.boring C.pleasant D.normal答案:D42.填入最佳答案()。A.agree B.promise C.dare D.want答案:D解析:本题考查旬意理解。联系上下文意思可知,废寝忘食工作者没有其他的兴趣爱好,而他们又宁愿工作而不愿无所事事。因此,本句意为:他们忘我地工作,不是因为他们必须要这么做,而是因为他们愿意。want to和 have to形成对照。43.填入最佳答案()。A.slight B.serious C.obvious D.difficult答案:B解析:本题考查对上下文的理解。下文所举的例子表明废寝忘食地工作可能导致身体上的严重疾病或家庭破裂。因此,这种工作方式有时候会导致很严重的问题。slight,轻微的;serious,严重的;obvious,明显的。44.填入最佳答案()。A.dream B.decide C.intend D.hate答案:D解析:本题考查动词辨析。根据上文的意思可知,废寝忘食的工作者宁愿工作也不愿无所事事。hate doing/to do,不喜欢做某事。45.填入最佳答案()。A.physical B.cultural C.social D.mental答案:A解析:本题考查形容词辨析。下文列举的疾病都是指身体方面的问题,故用 physical(身体的) 。cultural ,文化的;social,社会的;mental,心智上的。46.填入最佳答案()。A.Therefore B.However C.Anyway D.Besides答案:D解析:本题考查上下文句意的关系和连词的使用。前文所列举的是废寝忘食地工作所可能导致的身体方面的疾病,后文所列举的是因为废寝忘食地工作而导致的家庭方面的问题,这两者之间应是并列递进关系,所以选besides。therefore,因此;however,然而;anyway,无论如何。47.填入最佳答案()。A.happiness B.silence C.failure D.surprise答案:C解析:本题考查对上下文的理解。根据空格后面 as所引导的原因状语从句和上一句的解释可知,和家人在一起的时间太少,会导致他们的婚姻失败。end in,以 结束。48.填入最佳答案()。A.sometimes B.always C.seldom D.hardly答案:B解析:本题考查对上下文句意的理解。上文所列举的例子都是废寝忘食地工作引起的不良影响,而下文所举的例子则是积极的影响。根据这一点可知,此句既是对上一句的反问,又起承上启下的作用。49.填入最佳答案()。A.sadly B.differently C.efficiently D.slowly答案:C解析:本题考查在特定语境下使用动词修饰语的能力。sadly,伤心地;different-ly,不同地;slowly,慢慢地;efficiently,有效率地。根据下文意思可知,“工作狂” 在工作的时候感到精力充沛,兴趣盎然,因此答案选C。50.填入最佳答案()A.equip B.pack C.provide D.fill答案:C解析:根据上文的解释可知,只有工作才能使他们精力旺盛,因为这给他们提供了一个挑战的机会。provide sb.with sth.,提供;equip sb.with sth.,装备;pack sb./sth.with sth.,塞满;fill sb./sth.with sth.,装满。学位英语完形填空考前练习题 (五)In some cities,workaholism(废寝忘食工作)is so common that people dont consider it unusual. They accept the lifestyle as 41_. Government workers in Washington,D.C,for example,frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. They dont do this because they have to ; they do it because they 42_ to. Workaholism can be a 43_ problem. Because true workaholics would rather work than do anything else, they probably have no idea of how to relax. Most of all, they 44_ to sit and do nothing. The lives of workaholics are usually stressful,and this tension(紧张)and worry can cause 45_ problems such as heart attacks and stomach diseases.46_,typical workaholics dont pay much attention to their families.Their marriages may end in 47_ as they spend little time with their families.Is workaholism 48_ dangerous? Perhaps not. There are,certainly,people who work 49_ under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and inter-est in work. They feel work is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics,work and entertainment are the same thing. Their jobs 50_ them with a challenge; this keeps them busy and creative.41.填入最佳答案()。A.strange B.boring C.pleasant D.normal答案:D42.填入最佳答案()。A.agree B.promise C.dare D.want答案:D解析:本题考查旬意理解。联系上下文意思可知,废寝忘食工作者没有其他的兴趣爱好,而他们又宁愿工作而不愿无所事事。因此,本句意为:他们忘我地工作,不是因为他们必须要这么做,而是因为他们愿意。want to和 have to形成对照。43.填入最佳答案()。A.slight B.serious C.obvious D.difficult答案:B解析:本题考查对上下文的理解。下文所举的例子表明废寝忘食地工作可能导致身体上的严重疾病或家庭破裂。因此,这种工作方式有时候会导致很严重的问题。slight,轻微的;serious,严重的;obvious,明显的。44.填入最佳答案()。A.dream B.decide C.intend D.hate答案:D解析:本题考查动词辨析。根据上文的意思可知,废寝忘食的工作者宁愿工作也不愿无所事事。hate doing/to do,不喜欢做某事。45.填入最佳答案()。A.physical B.cultural C.social D.mental答案:A解析:本题考查形容词辨析。下文列举的疾病都是指身体方面的问题,故用 physical(身体的) 。cultural ,文化的;social,社会的;mental,心智上的。46.填入最佳答案()。A.Therefore B.However C.Anyway D.Besides答案:D解析:本题考查上下文句意的关系和连词的使用。前文所列举的是废寝忘食地工作所可能导致的身体方面的疾病,后文所列举的是因为废寝忘食地工作而导致的家庭方面的问题,这两者之间应是并列递进关系,所以选besides。therefore,因此;however,然而;anyway,无论如何。47.填入最佳答案()。A.happiness B.silence C.failure D.surprise答案:C解析:本题考查对上下文的理解。根据空格后面 as所引导的原因状语从句和上一句的解释可知,和家人在一起的时间太少,会导致他们的婚姻失败。end in,以 结束。48.填入最佳答案()。A.sometimes B.always C.seldom D.hardly答案:B解析:本题考查对上下文句意的理解。上文所列举的例子都是废寝忘食地工作引起的不良影响,而下文所举的例子则是积极的影响。根据这一点可知,此句既是对上一句的反问,又起承上启下的作用。49.填入最佳答案()。A.sadly B.differently C.efficiently D.slowly答案:C解析:本题考查在特定语境下使用动词修饰语的能力。sadly,伤心地;different-ly,不同地;slowly,慢慢地;efficiently,有效率地。根据下文意思可知,“工作狂” 在工作的时候感到精力充沛,兴趣盎然,因此答案选C。50.填入最佳答案()A.equip B.pack C.provide D.fill答案:C解析:根据上文的解释可知,只有工作才能使他们精力旺盛,因为这给他们提供了一个挑战的机会。provide sb.with sth.,提供;equip sb.with sth.,装备;pack sb./sth.with sth.,塞满;fill sb./sth.with sth.,装满。学士学位英语考试重点词汇必背1. ceremony(n.)仪式,典礼The awards ceremony was packed with rich and famous people.颁奖典礼中挤满了有钱及知名人士。2. organism(n.)生物,有机体Any living thing is an organism.任何有生命的东西都是有机体。3. nest egg储蓄By retirement, they had saved up quite a nest egg.到退休时,他们已经存了一大笔钱了。4. plant(n.)植物Most plants need dirt, water and sunlight to live.大部分的植物需要仰赖土壤,水和阳光生存。5. animal(n.)动物What is the biggest animal you have seen?您所看过最大的动物是什么?6. college fund念大学的基金Ive been adding to his college fund for years now我已经为他的大学基金贡献多年了。7. living(a.)有生命的;活的Coral is actually a living animal, living on top of dead animals.珊瑚事实上是一种有生命的动物,生长在死去动物身上。8. mammal(n.)哺乳动物Did you know that whales are mammals?您知道鲸鱼是哺乳动物吗?9. nuclear family核心家庭My cousin is not part of my nuclear family.我的堂表兄弟姊妹并不是核心家庭的一部分。10. insect(n.)昆虫Mosquitoes are my least favorite insect.蚊子是我最不喜欢的昆虫。1. fowl(n.)鸟禽类Ducks are a type of water fowl.鸭子是一种水上禽鸟。2. seeing each other约会Weve been seeing each other for about 3 months.我们已经约会大约三个月了。3. complimentary(a.)【美】赠送的The flight attendant gave me a complimentary drink after we took off.飞机起飞后,服务人员给我们附赠的饮料。4. currency(n.)货币Every country has its own currency.每个国家都有自己的货币。5. behave yourself规矩点Please behave yourself before the guests.在宾客面前请你检点一些。6. reusable(a.)可重复使用的Reusable items last longer than disposable ones and help the environment.可重复使用的物品比抛弃式耐用,而且对环境比较好。7. impact(n.)影响Tourists can have a big impact on the places they visit.观光客对他们所参观的地方可造成很大的影响。8. behind the scenes幕后He is the man behind the scenes.他是幕后人物。9. contraband(n.)违禁品If you bring contraband into a country, you may go to jail.如果你把违禁品带进一个国家,可能要坐牢。10. quarantine(n.)隔离If you bring your pet to another country, you may have to put it in quarantine for a while.如果你把宠物带到另一个国家,它可能要被隔离一段时间。1. between ourselves私下的话,不可外传This matter is between ourselves.这事你我知道就好。2. provision(n.)储备粮食We brought plenty of provisions for the trip.我们为这趟旅行带了足够的粮食。3. cuisine(n.)美食;佳肴French cuisine is famous around the world.法国美食举世闻名。4. beyond the seas在国外,在海外He had a good time when he was beyond the seas.他在国外时曾过得很快活5. chow(n.)【口】食物,食品We had some good chow in that little restaurant.我们在那家小曙 U吃了一些不错的食物。6. delicacy(n.)美食;佳肴This is a local delicacy and you cant find it anywhere else.这是当地的美食,而且您无法在其它地方找到它。7. butt in插手;介入;插嘴Dont butt i

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