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game1/em,gem/n.S1W1英emMEANINGS 义项1.ACTIVITY OR SPORT活动或体育运动 ball game board game video game war gameCan activity or sport in which people compete with each other according to agreed rules有规则的游戏;体育活动We used to love playing games like chess or backgammon. 我们以前喜欢玩国际象棋或双陆棋这样的游戏。an occasion when a game is played一场游戏;比赛Did you see the game on TV last night? 你昨晚看了电视转播的那场比赛吗?a game of tennis/football etcWould you like to have a game of tennis? 你想打一局网球吗?+ against/withEnglands World Cup game against Holland 英格兰对阵荷兰的世界杯赛2.gamesplurala large organized sports event大型运动会the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会organized sports as a school subject or lesson体育课We have games on Thursdays. 我们星期四上体育课。a games lesson 一堂体育课3.PART OF A MATCH比赛的一部分Cone of the parts into which a single match is divided, for example in tennis orbridge14局;盘Graf leads, two games to one. 格拉芙以局分2比1领先。4.CHILDREN儿童Ca childrens activity in which they play with toys, pretend to be someone else etc游戏The boys wereplayingagamein the backyard. 男孩们在后院里玩游戏。+ ofa game of hide-and-seek 捉迷藏游戏 gameSKILL技能how well someone plays a particular game or sport某人的比赛技巧,某人的运动技能the strongest aspect of his game 他比赛技巧中最强的一面improve/raise your gameLiams taking lessons to improve his game. 利亚姆在参加课程提高运动技能。6.give the game awayto spoil a surprise or secret by doing or saying something that lets someone guess what the secret is因行为或言语而泄露秘密Lynn gave the game away by laughing when Kim walked in. 林恩在金走进来的时候笑出了声,泄露了秘密。7.beat sb at their own gameto beat someone or fight back against them by using the same methods that they use以其人之道还治其人之身 a gameNOT SERIOUS不严肃的to be something that you do to enjoy yourself rather than for a serious purpose是个游戏,是儿戏Itsjusta gameto them. They dont care what happens. 这对他们来说只是儿戏,他们并不在乎会有什么样的后果。 games (with sb)to behave in a dishonest or unfair way in order to get what you want欺骗(某人),(跟某人)耍花招Are you sure hes really interested, and not justplaying silly gameswith you? 你确信他是真的感兴趣,而不是在跟你耍鬼把戏?to not be serious about doing something(跟某人)玩游戏,(跟某人)闹着玩We want a deal. Were not interested in playing games. 我们要的是达成协议,没有兴趣闹着玩。10.ANIMALS/BIRDS动物/鸟Uwild animals, birds, and fish that are hunted for food, especially as a sport野禽,野味尤指猎物 big gamegame birds 被捕猎的鸟11.the only game in townused to say that something is the only possible choice in a situation唯一的选择The Church of England is no longer the only game in town. 英格兰圣公会不再是唯一的选择。12.BUSINESS行业singular,单数informalan area of work or business行当,行业Ive been in this game for over ten years. 我干这一行已经有十多年了。13.whats her/your etc game?spokenused to ask what the true reason for someones behaviour is她/你等为什么这样做?她/你等在搞什么名堂?Reg is being very nice all of a sudden. Whats his game? 雷吉一下子变得非常友好,他在耍什么花招?14.the games upspokenused to tell someone that something wrong or dishonest that they have done has been discovered戏该收场了,事已败露Come out, Don. The games up. 出来吧,唐,戏该收场了。15.a game of chancea game in which you risk money on the result碰运气的游戏,赌钱的游戏Poker is a game of chance. 扑克牌是一种碰运气的游戏。 got gameinformalused to say that someone is very skilful at doing something, especially a sport某人很在行尤指体育运动 on the gameinformalto be aprostitute干那种行当,当妓女,卖淫 onspokensaid when the balance of a sports match or competition changes, and both sides suddenly have a chance of winning体育比赛或竞赛中因形势突变输赢尚未见分晓,胜负难料 overinformalsaid to emphasize that an event or activity is completely finished游戏结束了用于强调某个事件或活动已全部结束20.make game of sbold-fashionedto make fun of someone取笑某人,跟某人开玩笑收起COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配1.VERBS 动词play a game玩游戏,打比赛They explained how to play the game. 他们解释了这游戏怎么玩。see/watch a game看比赛Did you see the game last night? 你看昨晚的比赛了吗?have a game打比赛They were having a game of pool. 他们在打普尔台球。win/lose a game拿下/输掉比赛A.C. Milan won the game with a last-minute goal. AC米兰队在最后一分钟进了球,拿下这场比赛。the game is tied(=both teams or players had the same score)比分打平The game was tied 10-10 at halftime. 上半场结束时比分为10比10平。draw a game(=end the game with the same score as the opposing team or player)打成平局2.NOUN 名词 + gamea computer/video game电脑/电子游戏He was up all night playing computer games. 他通宵不睡玩电脑游戏。a card game纸牌游戏Bridge is a card game for four people. 桥牌是一种四人纸牌游戏。a board/ball game棋盘/球类游戏board games such as Monopoly and Scrabble 大富翁、拼字游戏等棋盘游戏a team game团队游戏I wasnt very good at team games when I was at school. 我上学时不大会玩团队游戏。a party game聚会游戏Whats your favourite party game? 你最喜欢什么聚会游戏?a basketball/baseball etc game篮球/棒球等比赛a home game(=played at a teams own sports field)主场比赛an away game(=played at an opposing teams sports field)客场比赛a league game(=played as part of a league competition)联赛a cup game(=played as part of a cup competition)杯赛3.PHRASES 短语the rules of the game比赛规则Its against the rules of the game to pick up the ball. 捡球是犯规的。game2adj.英MEANINGS 义项1.willing to try something dangerous, new, or difficult愿意尝试危险、新鲜或困难的事的Okay. Im game if you are. 好吧,你上我也上。+ forHes always game for a laugh. 他总是愿意找点乐子。game to do sthWhos game to have a try? “谁愿意试一试?” legold-fashionedan injured or painful leg受伤的腿;疼痛的腿DERIVATIVE 派生词gamelyadvgame3v.英【美】MEANINGS 义项game the systemto use rules or laws to get what you want in an unfair but legal way钻制度的空子


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