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动词的现在分词的变化规则(现在进行时) 1 一般的动词,直接在动词后加ing work - working sleep - sleeping study - studying 2 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,要先去e加ing take - taking make - making dance - dancing 但是see-seeing3 重读闭音节的动词,要双写最后一个字母,再加ing swim-swimming 周六早晨游泳天气好 get-getting (up) 小明早晨未起早 sit-sitting 坐起忙把衣穿好 put (on)- putting begin - beginning时间不早赶紧开始跑 run-running forget -forgetting 忘带午饭又把商店找 shop-shopping stop-stopping cut - cutting 停止剪发就逃跑4 以ie结尾的动词,把ie变为y再加ing lie - lying 平躺/说谎 tie - tying系,捆(鞋带,领带) die - dying死一般现在时1.概念 :表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。2.一般现在时常常与下面这些时间状语连用: always(总是) usually(通常) often(经常) sometimes(有时) seldom(很少) never(从不) once/twice a week(一周一/二次) every day / month/year 每天/每月/年3.当主语不是第三人称人称单数时,主语后面的动词用动词原形,不需做任何变化。如: I go to school by bus every day. I have a pen and a book. We watch TV everyday. You have a lot of money. They often do their homework .4.当主语是第三人称单数时,主语后面的动词需要做相应的变化.即在动词后面加s或es或把have改为has3.第三人称单数,动词的变化规则:(1)一般动词后面直接加s 如:play-plays like-likes She usually sings song. (2)动词以s,x,ch,sh,o结尾的加-es 如:watch- watches go- goes wash- washes do- does He goes to school by bus .(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词, 把 y改为i再加-es 如:fly- flies study- studies Li ping studies hard at school.4.如果要把一个含有be动词的句子,变为一般疑问句,直接把be动词提到主语的前面即把(is,am,are,was,were)直接面,句末用问号。5.如果要变为否定句,直接在be(IS,am ,are ,was,were)动词后面加“not”。如: Mary is a good student. Is Mary a good student? Yes,she is.(前面肯定,后面肯定) 回答前后要一致 No,she isnt.(前面否定,后面否定) Mary isnt a good student. We are students . Are you students? Yes, we are.(前面肯定,后面肯定) 回答前后要一致 No,we arent.(前面否定,后面否定) We are not / arent students. 3.如果句子中没有be动词,就必须借用do或 does。 do(主语不是第三人称单数) 助动词提到主语的前 does(主语是第三人称单数)一般疑问句:就把do或does提到主语之前。如: They have lunch at 12:00. They dont have lunch at 12:00. Do they have lunch at 12:00?* 5. 主语是第三人称单数时,需要借用助动词does变为一般疑问句:将Does提到句子的开头 变为否定句:在主语后面加doest借用助动词does之后,原来的动词倒回去用原形。即去掉s或es或把has变为have如:Jenny speaks English very well. Does Jenny speak English very well? Jenny doesnt speak English very well. Mike watches TV every night. Does Mike watch TV every night?Mike doesnt watch TV every night.She has lunch at school every day.Does she have lunch at school every day?She doest have lunch at school every day.一般过去时 1.概念: 表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态; 2.规则动词的变化规则: 一般的动词直接在其后加ed。如:wanted,played。 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,直接加d。如:hoped,lived。 需要双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ed。如:skipskipped(跳绳)triptripped(绊倒)traveltravelled(旅游)planplanned (计划) stopstopped(停止)begbegged (乞讨) 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词变y为i,再加ed。如:studied,worried。3.过去时态结构基本形式 肯定句:主语+动词过去式+其他; 否定句:was/were+not; 在行为动词前加didnt,同时将动 词倒回去用动词原形; 一般疑问句:Did+主语+do+其他。一般将来时1.be going to动词原形2.will/would动词原形3.shall/should+动词原形一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 肯定句:主语+ will +动词原形。 We will go to Beijing tomorrow . 否定句:在will 的后面加not即可。 will not 可缩写为 wont They wont come in two weeks.一般疑问句:把will 提到主语之前,句末用问号。 Will you go to school tomorrow?特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+will +主语+动词原形。? What will want to do in the future?There be”句型的一般将来时肯定句: There will be +名词+其他成份注意:无论后面加单数名词或复数形式,be都必须用原形。 There will be only one country.There be 句型不能与have/has/had任何一个连用如:There will a football match tomorrow. A.have B.to have C.be D.had否定句:在will后面加not. There wont be only one country.基数词:表示数量的词(1,2,3。)数词 序数词:表示顺序的词(第一/二/三。)一一般有:基数词+th序数词(规则变化) four(四)fourth(第四) six(六)sixth(第六) seven(七)seventh(第七) ten(十)tenth(第十) eleven(十一)eleventh(第十一)二*不规则变化的one(一)first(第一)two(二)second(第二)three(三)third(第三)five(五)fifth(第五)eight(八)eighth(第八)nine(九)ninth(第九)twelve(十二)twelfth(第十二)三从1319的基数词,都在个位数后加teen构成14fourteen15fifteen16sixteen17seventeen18eighteen19nineteen四整十的序数词,变y为ie再加th20 twentytwentieth第二十30 thirtythirtieth第三十40 fortyfortieth第十四50 fiftyfiftieth第五十60 sixtysixtieth第六十70 seventyseventieth第七十80 eighteightieth第八十90 ninetyninetieth第九十五分数的表达:分子用:基数词 分母用:序数词特别要注意:当分子大于1时,分母要用:复数1/2 one second1/12 one twelfth7/8 seven eighths3/5 three fifths加减乘除表达 a decimal number 小数 a fraction 分数 a percentage 百分数 a odd number奇数 an even number 偶数 degrees 度数 1. 加:and; plus; add to 2+4=6 Two and four is/equals six. 或Two plus four is/equals six. 或Two added to four equals six. 2.减:minus ; subtract from 8-3=5 Eight minus three is/equals five. 或Three subtracted from eight is five. 3.乘:multiply.by; multiplied by /times 35=15 Multiply three by five is/equals fifteen. 或Three multiplied by five is/equals fifteen. 4.除:divide by./divide .by. 248=3 Twenty-four divided by eight is/equals three. 或Divide 24 by 8 is /equals three.祈使句一、祈使句的概念表示请求、命令、建议等的句子叫祈使句。它的主语是听话人(you),一般不需要说出来。通常以动词原形开头。祈使句末尾用惊叹号或句号,句子用降调。二肯定祈使句 Open the door, please.请把门打开。 Stand up,please./Sit down,please. Hurry up!快点跟上。二、否定祈使句祈使句的否定式是在动词原形前加dont。如:Dont be late again.不要再迟到了。Please dont forget me.请别忘了我。Dont hate me.别恨我。Dont worry!别着急!3、 肯定句 Lets.让我们。 Let us /me.让我们/我。 否定句 Lets/me not.让我们不做。 Let us not.让我们不做。 Please let me go.让我走。Lets go swimming, shall we? 我们去游泳,好吗?Let us go swimming, will you? 请你让我们去游泳,好吗? 练习题:按要求改写下面的句子。 1.We should go to school on time. (改为肯定祈使句) 2.Be carefull . (改为否定祈使句) 3.You must take care of the cat.(改为否定祈使句)名词单数变复数规则1、 一般的可数名词的复数形式,直接在其后加-s。例:friendfriends朋友; catcats猫sportsports运动; piecepieces 张/片二、凡是以s、x、ch、sh结尾的词,在其后加-es例:busbuses公车; foxfoxes狐狸; matchmatches比赛,dish dishes盘子三、辅音字母+y结尾的名词,变 y为i,再加-es 例:candycandies糖果 ladyladies小姐/女士 storystories 故事四、以-o结尾的名词, 例: tomatotomatoes 西红柿potatopotatoes土豆 photophotos 相片 kilokilos 公斤pianopianos 钢琴hero heros英雄五、凡是以-f或-fe结尾的名词,变-f或-fe改变为-v 再加es例:knifeknives小刀; lifelives生命但有例外:如roof roofs屋檐handcuffs手铐6、 不规则变化的名词: manmen男人 womanwomen女人 policeman policemen男警察 policewoman policewomen女警察 childchildren 小孩 footfeet脚 toothteeth牙齿, goosegeese鹅mousemice老鼠/鼠标 七单复数一样的名词: sheepsheep绵羊 deerdeer鹿 fishfish鱼 peoplepeople人 ChineseChinese中国人 JapaneseJapanese日本人 不可数名词(没有复数形式即不能在其后加s或es) (在前面也不能用a或an)下面都是错误的,如:rices 米饭 teas茶 a water水 an air 空气 a meat肉不可数名词作主语,谓语要用单数形式。如:water is important.

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