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Solve the following problems. (100 points)1、( 6 points) Find Uab in the circuit in Figure 1. 2、( 8 points) Find uo and io in the circuit in Figure 2. 3、( 6 points) In the circuit of Figure 3, readings of voltmeter , and are 10V, 18V and 6V, respectively. Please determinate the reading of the voltmeter .4、( 8 points) The resonant or tuner circuit of a radio is portrayed in Figure 4, where us1 represents a broadcast signal, given that R=10,L=200H, Us1rms=1.5mV,f1=1008kHz. If the circuit is resonant with signal us1, please determinate: (1) the value of C; (2) the quality factor Q of the circuit; (3) the current Irms; (4) the voltage Ucrms.5、( 8 points) A balanced three-phase circuit is shown in Figure 5. Calculate the phase currents and voltages in the delta-connected load Z, if , Z=(24+j15),ZL=(1+j1).6、( 8 points) Find the y parameters for the circuit in Figure 6.7、( 15 points) For the circuit in figure 7, find the rms value of the current i and the average power absorbed by the circuit, given that , ,.8、( 12 points) In the circuit of Figure 8, determinate the value of Z that will absorb the maximum power and calculate the value of the maximum power.9、( 14 points) If the switch in Figure 9 has been closed for a long time and is opened at t = 0, find uc, iL, uk for t 0. 10、( 15 points) The switch in Figure 10 has been in position a for a long time. At t = 0, it moves to position b. Find i2(t) for t 0 and sketch it. (Attention: Please mark the key data in your graph.)Solve the following problems. (100 points)1、( 6 points) Find Uab in the circuit in Figure 1. Solution:Uab= 9V2、( 8 points) Find uo and io in the circuit in Figure 2. Solution:, 3、( 6 points) In the circuit of Figure 3, readings of voltmeter , and are 10V, 18V and 6V, respectively. Please determinate the reading of the voltmeter .Solution: The reading of the voltmeter is 10V.4、( 8 points) The resonant or tuner circuit of a radio is portrayed in Figure 4, where us1 represents a broadcast signal, given that R=10,L=200H, Us1rms=1.5mV,f1=1008kHz. If the circuit is resonant with signal us1, please determinate: (1) the value of C; (2) the quality factor Q of the circuit; (3) the current Irms; (4) the voltage Ucrms.Solution: 5、( 8 points) A balanced three-phase circuit is shown in Figure 5. Calculate the phase currents and voltages in the delta-connected load Z, if , Z=(24+j15),ZL=(1+j1).Solution: , 6、( 8 points) Find the y parameters for the circuit in Figure 6.Solution: 7、( 15 points) For the circuit in figure 7, find the rms value of the current i and the average power absorbed by the circuit, given that , ,.Solution: P=P0+P1+P2=256+333.28+50=639.28W8、( 12 points) In the circuit of Figure 8, determinate the value of Z that will absorb the maximum power and calculate the value of the maximum power.Solution: If , Z will absorb the maximum average power.The maximum average power is, 9、( 14 points) If the switch in Figure 9 has been closed for a long time and is opened at t = 0, find uc, iL, uk for t 0. Solution: ,10、( 15 points) The switch in Figure 10 has been in position a for a long time. At t = 0, it moves to position b. Find i2(t) for t 0 and sketch it. (Attention: Please mark the key data in your graph.)Solution: 打发第三方

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