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历年全国国际商务英语一级口语考试翻译真题汇总1.我们非常荣幸地邀请了来自美国的合作伙伴。We are very honored to have invited our partners from the USA.2.这个报价是合理的,符合当前市场的价格水平。This offer is reasonable and is in line with the current market price.3.希望我的介绍能让大家更好地了解本公司。Hopefully, my introduction can help you gain a better understanding of our company.4.我们愿意成为你们产品在中国的独家代理。We shall be pleased to act as the sole agent in China for your products.5.对于企业来说,盈利永远是最重要的。Making profits is always the most important thing for an enterprise.6.如果真是这样,我也只好接受你们提出的支付方式。If it is really the case, I have to agree to your payment terms.7.我们公司成立于两年前,总部设在中国深圳。Our company was founded two years ago with its headquarters in Shenzhen, China .8.这款打印机经济实惠,而且很少发生故障。This model of printer is economical and reliable.9.有了您的参与,我对这个项目的成功充满信心。With your participation, I am fully confident of the success in this project.10.我们先就佣金达成协议,再谈运输问题。Lets come to an agreement on the commission and then we can talk about the transportation.11.我们期望能尽快得到你们老板的明确答复。We look forward to a confirmed reply from your boss as soon as possible.12.为防止意外,我们希望货品采用木箱包装。In order to avoid accidents, we hope that the goods will be packed in wooden cases.13.我代表总经理向各位来宾致以诚挚的欢迎!On behalf of our general manager, Id like to express our warmest welcome to all the guests14.今年我国的进出口总额比去年增长了30%。The volume of imports and exports of our country increased by 30% compared with those of last year.15.我们之间的相互了解必将促成今后的合作。Our mutual understanding will certainly result in future cooperation.16 .我们最近收到的订单太多,需要时间核对。We have received too many orders recently and it takes time to check them.17.为了纪念我们的这次合作,我为您准备了一份礼物。I have a present for you to mark the success of our cooperation.18.由于原材料涨价,我们不得不调整产品的价格。Because of the rising cost of raw materials, we are forced to adjust our product prices.19.我们公司深受国内外客户的信赖和称赞。Our company has won trust and praise from our clients at home and abroad.20.我们真诚希望此次交易能令双方满意。We sincerely hope that this transaction will satisfy both parties.21.我公司的财务部在本大楼的三楼。Our companys Financial Department is on the third floor of this building.22.由此产生的额外费用概由你方支付。The extra expenses involved will be for your account.23.为了纪念我们的这次合作,我为您准备了一份礼物。I have a present for you to mark the success of our cooperation.24. 由于原材料涨价,我们不得不调整产品的价格。Because of the rising cost of raw materials, we are forced to adjust our product prices.25.如果您加大订购量的话,我们可以降价。We will reduce the price if you place a larger order26.你知道那家银行的营业时间吗?Do you know the working hours of that bank?27.这种品牌的T恤尤其受年轻人的欢迎。T-shirt of this brand are especially popular with young people.28.我要订一张明晚去上海的机票。I want to book an air ticket to Shanghai for tomorrow evening.29.我们公司专门从事玩具进口业务。We specialize in the import and export of toys.30.这是我们目前所能提供的最大数量.This is the maximum quantity we can supply at present.31.我会向运输部核实情况,然后给你回电。I will check it with our shipping department and call you back.32能否让我们做贵公司中国的独家代理?Will you consider appointing us as your sole agent in China? 33.让我们向您展示我们生产的机器的一些图片。Let me show you some illustration of the machines we make. 34.我们从什么时候可以知道你们的到岸价?When can we have your CIF price? 35.我们希望同贵公司建立业务往来。We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm. 36.这个牌子的冰箱的卖点是什么?What are the selling points of the refrigerator of this brand? 37我们10天前已收到你们的装运通知,但货现在还没到。We received your shipment notice ten days ago, but there is no delivery yet. 38如果付款方式能更灵活一些,我们可以订更多的货。If there is a more flexible payment term, we will place a larger order. 39. 我很遗憾地通知你,货物的质量与样品不相符。I regret to inform you that the quality of the goods is not the same as that of the samples.40. 对我来说,与家人一起共度假日比升职更重要。For me, it is more important to spend holidays with my family than to get promoted.41.我们通常的做法是先收30%的订金,再安排装运。Our normal practice is that we arrange the shipment after receiving a 30% deposit.42.我们的领导为公司的未来发展作出了明智的决定。Our leaders have made a wise decision for our companys future development.43. 铁路运输费用太高,我们建议采取海运的方式。Because the costs of railway transportation are too high, we suggest ocean delivery.44.我们收到了你们寄来的样品,对设计很满意。We have received the sample you sent to us and we are very satisfied with the design.45.我们将把你们对于产品包装的建议转告给供应商。We will pass on your suggestions on the product packaging to the supplier.46.通过我们的共同努力,我们的合作一定能成功。Through our joint efforts, our cooperation will surely be successful.47.接到你们的询盘后,我可以马上做出最新报价。I can give you the latest offer immediately after receiving your inquiry.48.你们在这里逗留期间,请随时电话和我保持联系。Please feel free to keep in touch with me by phone during your stay here.49.我希望你们能在收到我方信用证后马上发货。I hope that you can make shipment immediately after receiving our letter of credit.50.中国的投资环境吸引了越来越多的外国企业。Chinas investment environment is attracting more and more foreign enterprises.51.我们的订货量很大程度上取决于你们的折扣。To a large extent, the size of our order depends on your discount.52. 希望你们今后能给予我们更多的技术支持。We hope you will give us further technical support in the future.53.每笔订单金额不得少于200美元,不含运输成本。The amount of each order should be no less than US $ 200, not including the delivery cost.54. 请看一下我们准备的日程安排是否需要调整。Please take a look at the schedule we prepared and let us know if there should be any changes.55.我们的产品在世界市场上和受欢迎。Our products enjoy great popularity in world market56. 如果你方能降价5%,我们将订购200公吨。If you can reduce the price by 5% , we shall be able to order 200 metric tons57. 我们公司生产了一系列新产品,或许你会感兴趣的。Our company has developed a range of new products which may be of interest to you .58. 现金支付时我们最常用的支付方式之一。Payment by cash is one of our most popular payment terms. 59.我们公司在国内玩具业居于领先地位。Our company is one of the leaders in the domestic toy industry.60. 我们产品的价格是按照成本来计算的。The price of our product is worked out according to the cost. 61.您的访问将进一步加强我们的经济合作。Your visit will further strengthen our economic cooperation.62如果合作继续,我们再讨论明年的佣金。We will discuss the commission for next year if our cooperation continues. 63.我们的产品出厂前要经过严格的检查。Our products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.64.你们的报价要比你们的竞争对手高出很多。Your quotation is much higher than that of your competitors. . 65. 我们希望您在方便的时候来我公司访问。We would like to invite you to visit our company at your convenience.66. 我们通常收取每笔交易额5%作为佣金。We usually get a 5% commission on each deal. 67.你们的价格具有竞争力,而且包装也很精美。Your price is competitive,and the package is also very attractive .68. 如果你们给出合理的折扣,我们便同意你方的条件。We will agree to your terms if you give us a reasonable discount. 69. 感谢各位再百忙之中抽空来参观我们的工厂。Thank you all for taking time from your tight schedule to visit our factory.70.我们的产品质量和售后服务在国内都是一流的。Our product quality and after-sales service are among the best in the country. 71.我们的产品具有您所需要的所有特点和功能。Our products have all the features and functions you want.72.通过大家的共同努力,我们的贸易额有所提高。Our trade volume has increased through our mutual efforts. 73.现在我提议为我们的合作和友谊干杯。Now,Id like to propose a toast to our cooperation and friendship.74.我们公司去年的销售额突破了36亿。Our companys sales last year exceeded 3.6 billion US dollars. 75.我想简单介绍一下各位在这里的行程安排。Id like to give a brief outline of your schedule here.76. 这是我们的最新产品,今年夏天刚上市。This is our latest product and it was just launched this summer. 77. 我想去机场,请打电话给我安排一辆出租车。Could you please call a taxi to take me to the airport.78. 我们销售部负责管理本地和海外市场。Our sales department is responsible for both and local overseas market.79. 我来介绍一下,这是我公司销售部经理。Id like you to meet Mr. Zhao, the sales manager of our company.80. 这是我们的询价单,上面有你们所需货品的规格和数量。Here is our inquiry list with specifications and quantities of the required items.81. 你为我所做的一切安排,我深表感谢。I am deeply grateful to you for everything you have done for me.82. 我们的新产品设计独特,一定能吸引顾客。The unique design of our new products will surely be attractive to customers.83. 各位从美国远道而来访问本公司,我们深感荣幸。We are honored to have your coming all the way from the US to visit our company.84. 你们的产品质量很好,但是包装太差,货品易碎。Your product quality is fine, but the package is rather poor and for that the goods may easily break.85. 在开始谈判之前,我先参观一下你们的公司。Before the negotiation,Id like to take a look around your company.86. 相信你们对我方报价会满意, 希望你们早点下订单。We believe you will find our quotation satisfactory and hope you will place an order soon.


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