河南省2019中考英语复习 第三部分 中考题型过关 题型五 补全对话课件.ppt

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河南省2019中考英语复习 第三部分 中考题型过关 题型五 补全对话课件.ppt_第1页
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河南省2019中考英语复习 第三部分 中考题型过关 题型五 补全对话课件.ppt_第3页
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中 考 英 语 2019 第三部分中考题型过关 题型五补全对话 CONTENTS 目录 PART01考情帮 PART01考情帮 命题点 考情总结 分析河南近十年中考真题可知 补全对话主要有以下命题特点 1 话题补全对话的话题多贴近学生生活 注重对交友 问路 假期活动 计划安排等的考查 且设置语境时涉及多个常用的功能意念项目 2 考查特点对话设置一般有5 8个回合 并且五道题目中会设置开放性试题 PART02方法帮 方法帮 1 细心审题 把握主题通读对话内容 理解对话整体意思 判断谈话双方的关系以及所谈论的话题 2 仔细分析 补全对话 1 看标点 根据标点确定所填句子的句式 方法帮 2 看上下 根据上下句或上下文中的关键信息 疑问词 时态 时间状语等 判定答案 注 一般疑问句通常用Yes或No来回答 方法帮 3 遵习惯 所填句子需遵循西方语言表达习惯 注意区分中西方文化差异 3 复读对话 验证答案对所填句子逐个进行复检 注意细节 检查有无大小写 单词拼写 语法等错误 方法帮 典例 2018河南 A Hi Harry It sgreattoseeyouagain Wherehaveyoubeensofar B 76 A Isee What syourplanfortoday B I mgoingtothebookstore 77 A Oh sorry Iwentthereyesterday DoyourememberAnne ouroldfriendatjuniorhighschool B Wait 78 A Yes exactly Shehasn tchangedmuch Youknow shelivesinthiscitynow B Didyoumeetherbycoincidence 碰巧 A 79 Atfirst shewasstaring 盯着 atme andIwasn tsurethatshewasAnne Butshecalledmynameandfinallywetalkedalotaboutmanythings B 80 A Yes Idid It s1158482810 B Letmewriteitdown Iwillcallhersometime 方法帮 76 I vebeentomyhometown toEurope I vebeenabroad 分析 看标点 陈述句看上下 根据上句中的 Where 可知 问句问的是地点 根据上句中的 haveyoubeensofar 可知 所填句子时态为现在完成时 77 Willyoujoinme gowithmeWouldyouliketojoinme gowithmeWhataboutjoiningme goingwithmeWhynotjoinme gowithme 分析 看标点 疑问句看上下 根据设空前的 我打算去书店 以及下文中的 哦 对不起 我昨天去过那儿了 可知 设空处应是发出邀请的 方法帮 78 ThecurlyhairwiththedimpleonhercheekThe tall girlwithapairofglasses withbigeyes Youmeanthegirlwhois wasgoodatdrawingYoumeanmyolddeskmate Youmean Anne 分析 看标点 疑问句看上下 根据上文中的 你还记得我们初中时的老朋友Anne吗 以及下句 是的 正是她 可知 设空处应是针对Anne的某个特征进行描述的 方法帮 79 Yes Idid 分析 看标点 陈述句看上下 设空处上句为一般疑问句 可初步判定回答可能为 Yes 或 No 再根据设空后的描述可推断 说话人A是碰巧遇到了Anne 80 DidyougetherphonenumberDidyouaskherforthetelephonenumber 分析 看标点 疑问句看上下 根据下句 Yes Idid 可推断 设空处所在句是一般疑问句 再根据 1158482810 可知 所填句子应和询问电话号码有关 方法帮 常考交际用语话题分类1 计划与活动 询问计划与活动 Whatareyougoingtodothisweekend thissummervacation tomorrow Whatwillyoudothisweekend thissummervacation tomorrow What syourplan Whatareyourplans Whatplansdoyouhavefortoday tomorrow theweekend Whatdoyouplan wanttodothisafternoon thisSaturday thiswintervacation Iwillstayathome helpmymotherwiththehousework helpmyfatherwithhisbusiness domyhomework I mgoingtothebookstore themountainswithmyparents staywithmyuncleforthreeweeks visitmygrandparentsinasmallvillage Iwant plantogototheScienceMuseum I mnotsure How Whataboutyou 方法帮 Areyouplanning for your thesummervacation Areyouplanning Doyouplantotravel gotravel l ing Doyouhaveanyplansforthesummervacation Yes I mplanningtotravelduringmysummervacation Yes Iplantogotomyuncle sfarm Whatdidyoudolastweekend Iwentshoppingwithmysister Iplayedbasketball Iwenttothezoo Whatdoyoudothere Ihelpmygrandparentsdofarmwork Ifeedchickens waterplantsandridehorses 方法帮 询问地点 Wherehaveyoubeensofar I vebeenabroad tomyhometown toEurope Whereareyoufrom Wheredoyoucomefrom I mfrom IcomefromLondon Wheredidyoustay Inahotel No Wecampedinamountainvillage Haveyoudecided madeupyourmind foundoutwheretogo visit Haveyoudecidedontheplace Notyet Yes IdecidetogotoShanghai Qingdao London Whereshallwemeet Atthegateofthemuseum 方法帮 询问时间 Howlongareyouvisitingfor Howlonghaveyoubeenhere Howlongwillyoustayhere Howlongareyoustayinghere Fortwoweeks Whenshallwemeet Let smakeitat9o clock 方法帮 询问人物 Who else isgoing willgo totheparty Who else isgoingtoattend attendingtheparty Who else isgoingtocome coming totheparty Who else willcometo attendtheparty Who else haveyouinvited hasbeeninvited totheparty Well onlymyfriends 方法帮 Whodidyougotherewith Whodidyouenjoyyourholidaywith Withsomeofmyfriends Areyougoingtherealone No I mgoingtherewithmycousin brother No withmysister friends No mycousin father isgoingwithme 方法帮 表达祝愿 I msure Ithink hope expect believe that everyonewillhaveagoodtime enjoythemselves I msure Ithink hope expect believewewillhavefun haveagoodtime enjoyourselves That swhatI mexpecting IwanttoseetheYellowstoneNationalParkbeforeIleave Itseemsthatyou rehavingagoodtime Ihopeyouwillhaveagoodtimethere Havefun Haveagoodtrip Enjoyyourstayhere Thesametoyou Thanks alot Thankyou verymuch Alotofthanks 方法帮 2 劝告与建议 劝告 You dbetterputonyourcoat notmakeanynoise Youshouldgotobedearly notplaycomputergamesallthetime Youneedtothinktwicebeforeyoudecide Pleasekeepquiet turndownthemusic 肯定回答 Certainly OK Allright Sure OK Iwill Youareright 否定回答 I mafraidthatI Idon tthinkso I msorry but 方法帮 寻求建议 Can Could Will Wouldyou please givemesomeadvice suggestions Shall May Can CouldIaskyouforsomeadvice suggestions Yes Ithinkyoushould ShouldItrytogettheirphonenumbers Yes ofcourse Ofcourseyoucan Yes OK Sure Certainly Allright 方法帮 提出建议 Whydon tyou Whynotaskhimtoturndownthemusic Ithinkyoushouldgotobedearly Let sgotherebybike What Howaboutgoingtotheparkwithme ShallwegotovisitMr Litomorrow 肯定回答 That sagood greatidea That sgreat good Itsounds Soundsgood great I llthinkaboutit Iwillhaveatry OK Thanksforyoursuggestion advice 否定回答 I dlove liketo but I msorry but 方法帮 3 谈论天气 Whatterribleweather I dlovetogoout butIthinkitwilljustcontinueraining Well Ilistenedtotheweatherreport Thesunwillcomeoutsoon Itwillstopraining clearupsoon Therainwillstopsoon Itwillbesunny finesoon Itsaid that itwouldbesunny What stheweatherliketoday Howistheweathertoday HowistheweatherinBeijing Theweather Itisfine sunny rainy cloudy snowy 方法帮 4 邀请 Willyoujoinme gowithme Whataboutjoiningme goingwithme Whynotjoinme gowithme Wouldyouliketocome MayIinviteyoutocometomyparty 肯定回答 Yes I dloveto Thankyouforinvitingme Soundsgood great likeagoodidea Yes it sverykindofyou Thanks Thankyou Yes Ofcourse Certainly Sure 否定回答 Oh sorry Iwentthereyesterday I dliketo butIambusywithmyhomework IwishIcould butIhavenotime 方法帮 5 请求与提供帮助 Could Willyougivemeahand Canyouhelpme Ofcourse Ihaveonemorequestion Goahead please I mhappy glad pleasedtohelpyou Iwilltrymybesttohelpyou Anyquestioniswelcome Iwouldwelcomeanyquestion Letmecarrytheboxforyou Wouldyoulikemetohelpyou Yes please Thanksforhelpingme Thanksforyourhelp Thanks thatwouldbenice fine No thanks That sverykindofyou butIcanmanageit Thankyouallthesame 方法帮 6 问路 Excuseme couldyoupleasetellmehowtogetto CouldyoutellmehowIcangetto Couldyoutellmethewayto HowcanIgetto Whichisthewayto Whereis WherecanIfind It sjustonthesecondfloorintheofficebuilding It snexttoaredhouse Goalong downthisstreet Turnright leftatthefirst secondcrossing Takethefirstturningontheleft TheNo 5buscantakeyouthere It salittlefar You dbettertakeataxi 方法帮 Can Couldyoutellmewherethenearesthotelis Can Couldyoutellmewheretofindthenearesthotel Oh thenearestone It saroundthecorner Howfarisitfromheretothepostoffice It sjusttenminutes walk It sabout5kilometersawayfromhere 方法帮 7 请求允许 Can May CouldItakeacamerawithme Iwanttotakesomephotos I mafraidyoucan t Wearenotallowedtotakephotosinsidethemuseum Ofcourseyoucan Noproblem Wouldyoumindmyopeningthewindow It stoohothere WouldyoumindifIsmokehere Ofcoursenot Notatall You dbetternot I msorry butyoucan t Sorry I mafraidyoucan t 方法帮 8 购物 Can MayIhelpyou WhatcanIdoforyou Iwant wouldliketobuyacoatforwinter I mlookingforapresentformyfather Can MayItrythem iton please Hereyouare Ofcourse Noproblem Whatcolor sizedoyouwant Ilike Myfavoritecoloriswhite black green red IwantsizeL M S 方法帮 How Whataboutthisone It sgreat butIdon tlikeitscolor That sfine Iwilltakeit It stooexpensive Doyouhaveacheaperone Howmuchdoesitcost Howmuchisit What sthepriceofit HowmuchshouldIpay It s30yuan 方法帮 9 打电话 Hello Could May CanIspeaktoJimmy please IsthatJimmyspeaking I dliketospeaktoJimmy Speaking ThisisJimmyspeaking Sorry heisn tinatthemoment rightnow Holdon foramoment please 方法帮 Couldyouaskhimtocallmeback Canyoutakeamessageforme Sure Noproblem Mypleasure Can MayItakeamessageforyou Wouldyouliketoleaveamessage That sverykindofyou No thanks Iwillcallbacklater 方法帮 10 就医 What swrong thematter thetroublewithyou Isthereanythingwrongwithyou I vegotaheadache stomachache There ssomethingwrongwithmylegs I mnotfeelingwell Ifeelterrible Howlonghaveyoubeenlikethis Forthreedays WhatshouldIdo Takethismedicinethreetimesaday Drinkalotofwaterandhaveagoodrest Getupearlyandtakemoreexercise Eatlessfatandmorevegetables 方法帮 11 道歉与遗憾 道歉 I msorry Sorry I msorryfor aboutthat I msorrythatI mlate That sallright Notatall That sOK Nevermind Itdoesn tmatter Forgetit It snothingatall 遗憾It sashame pitythat Whatashame pity I msorrytohearthat Itmustbehardonyou


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