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六年级第一学期口语测试(满分30分)1号题I. Reading.A. Read the following sentences or words. 1. Is it far? 2. Come and have a look. 3. tomorrow afraid factoryB. Read the text. P6 Lets talkII看图说话备注:若你不会说图片中的内容,可以另外再读一篇课文,也可以另选小诗或歌曲。加油吧!六年级第一学期口语测试(满分30分)2号题I. Reading.A. Read the following sentences or words. 1. Is there a clock in the room? 2. Dont worry. Ill help you. 3. bookstore angry cinemaB. Read the text. P14 Lets talkII看图表达备注:若你不会说图片中的内容,也可以自选小诗或歌曲。加油吧!六年级第一学期口语测试(满分30分)3号题I. Reading.A. Read the following sentences or words. 1. Can I help you? 2. He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. 3. postman science happyB. Read the text. P24 Lets talkII看图表达备注:若你不会说图片中的内容,可以另外再读一篇课文,也可以另选小诗或歌曲。加油吧!六年级第一学期口语测试(满分30分)4号题I. Reading.A. Read the following sentences or words. 1. How can I get to the cinema? 2. Sorry, I cant go there tomorrow. 3. today afraid factoryB. Read the text. P40 Lets talkII看图表达备注:若你不会说图片中的内容,可以另外再读一篇课文,也可以另选小诗或歌曲。加油吧!六年级第一学期口语测试(满分30分)5号题I. Reading.A. Read the following sentences or words. 1. We cant go to the zoo today. 2. Is your mother kind? 3. police officer doctor earlyB. Read the text. P50 Lets talkII看图表达备注:若你不会说图片中的内容,可以另外再读一篇课文,也可以另选小诗或歌曲。加油吧!六年级第一学期口语测试(满分30分)6号题I. Reading.A. Read the following sentences or words. 1. Is he your friend? 2. Id like some beef, vegetables and rice. 3. take a deep breath tonight pilotB. Read the text. P58 Lets talkII看图表达备注:若你不会说图片中的内容,可以另外再读一篇课文,也可以另选小诗或歌曲。加油吧!6

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