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课题Unit3 What would you like?第一课时教学目标:1. 能听、说、读、写单词ice cream, hamburger, tea, sandwich, 和salad。2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型What would you like to eat? Id like谈论自己喜欢的食物。3. 能用本课时单词卡片完成小组活动,操练新单词。教学重点:1. 能听、说、读、写单词ice cream, hamburger, tea, sandwich, 和salad。2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型What would you like to eat? Id like谈论自己喜欢的食物。教学难点:单词hamburger ,sandwich的读音和拼写。教法与教具准备:Computer tape word cards.教与学的活动:修改补充内容Step 1. Warming up1. 教师播放歌曲What would you like to eat?2. 简单介绍喜欢的食物师生就自己喜欢的食物进行问答练习,如:What would you like for lunch?Id like some .设计意图通过和学生谈论自己喜欢的食物,自然地过渡到学习新的食物名称中去。Step2. Presentation1. A. Lets learn(1) 教学新单词 师生对话。T: What do you like, Chinese food of western food?Ss: I like T: Some like Chinese food and some like western food. What western food do you know?Ss: .T: Today lets learn some popular western food.教师用多媒体课件依次出示三文治、沙拉、汉堡包和冰激凌的图片,引出单词“sandwich”,“salad”,“hamburger”和“ice cream”。T: Do you know what English people like to drink? They like to drink tea. 教师把生词写在黑板上,带领学生读几遍,然后让学生分组比赛读、分男女生读。(2) 教师拿出食物图片,与学生进行对话,如:T: What would you like to eat, S1?S1: Id like , please.T: Here you are. What would you like to eat, S2?S2: Id like , please.(3) 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读。(4) 第二次播放教学录音,全班学生分男女生跟着录音读。(3) 教师请几组学生上讲台表演对话,并评选出“最佳表演者”.Step 3. Practice 1教师利用单词卡片,闪词,让学生快速说出单词的拼写和意义。2. 利用单词卡片,一竖排为一组,进行单词接龙。3. 句子接龙把全班学生分成八大组,每组的第一位学生问第二位学生:“What would you like to eat? ”,第二位学生说:“Id like ”,并问第三位学生“What do you like to eat?”,以此类推。Step4. Homework1.Write the words on the homework.2.Make a dialogue.板书设计: Unit 3 What would you like? - What would you like to eat / drink? - Id like 教学反思:课题Unit3 What would you like?第二课时教学目标:1、单词:hungry,thirsty2、句式:What would you like to eatdrink?Id (I would) like 3、学会用简单的英语表达自己的心里需求,比如饿了、渴了。教学重点:认读单词hungry,thirsty掌握句式:What would you like to eatdrink? Id (I would) like 教学难点:Im hungry. What would you like to eat? Im thirsty. What would you like to drink?教法与教具准备:Computer tape word cards.教与学的活动:修改补充内容Step 1. Warming up1、free talk T:Hello, everyone! Welcome back to our class! Nice to see you! Ss: Nice to meet you!T:How old are you ? Ss:.2、复习单词 出示图片,认读单词 出示单词,读一读,认一认 跟师一起拼读单词3、ask and answer 1) T: What would you like to eat, Fang Haiying? S1: Id like. 2) T: What would you like to drink, Pan Yue? S2: Id like. 教师就着这两个句式,对班中德大部分学生进行提问,一方面帮助孩子们巩固单词,另一方面,也让学生更加的熟悉句型的运用。Step2. Presentation1、lets talk1) Im hungry. What would you like to eat?T: Its ten thirsty now. Im hungry.S1: Have some eggs.S2: Have some rice and fish. . T: I dont like chicken.(教师运用否定的回答,引导学生用句式What would you like to eat?进行提问,然后运用Id like.来进行回答)2) Im thirsty. What would you like to drink? 3) lets talk 教师播放录音,学生听对话试着回答问题: 是谁在对话? 他们在聊什么 再听录音,说说爸爸和妈妈在讲什么,sarah 和爸爸又在讨论什么 看句子,听录音,学生跟读句子 学生自己试着朗读对话。 2、lets try 1)认读选项中的单词 2)听录音,完成内容,并核对 3、情景对话教师将所学食物卡片拿在手中,请一名学生任意抽取1、2张单词卡片,然后学生根据单词卡片上的单词说:Im thirstyhungry,班内其他学生一起提问What would you like to drinkeat? ,学生根据自己手中的单词进行相应的回答:Id like.Step 3. Practice 师生一起认读书的单词,并集体朗读几遍上 请两位学生分别扮演Amy 和Oliver 进行对话掩饰Step 4. Homework1.Write the words on the homework.2.Do the exercise.板书设计: Unit 3 What would you like?Im thirsty.What would you like to eat / drink?Id like Here you are.教学反思:课题Unit3 What would you like?第三课时教学目标:1.掌握字母ow在单词中的发音【au】或【u】,并能够将相应的单词自然拼读出来。2.复习Lets talk 部分的对话。3.能完成Read, listen and chant. Listen, circle and say和Listen ,write and say.4.帮助学生自然拼读出含有该字母的相应的单词。教学重点:掌握字母ow在单词中的发音- ow【au】或【u】教学难点:帮助学生自然拼读出含有该字母的相应的单词。教法与教具准备:Computer tape word cards.教与学的活动:修改补充内容Step 1. Warming up请几个小组,把昨天自己编制的对话,向大家展示出来,并加以评价和奖励,A: Hello, Xinying. Im hungry. B: Have some noodles.A: No, thanks, I dont like noodles. B: What would you like to eat?A: Id like a sandwich, please. B: Sure, here you are.A: Thank you, Xinying. B: You are welcome.Step2. PresentationRead, listen and chant1).show the pictures of dogT: What is this? S1: Its a dog. T: How to spell it? S1: D-o-g, dog.Ask students what do you know? 闭音节Review “Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu” Aa-/ /, Ee-/ e/, Ii-/l/, Oo - Uu- / /2).ow- 【au】(出示花的图片) T: What is this? S1: Its a flower. T: Its o for ? S2: . 对flower的音标进行解析,从而师生一同发现ow- 【au】这个发音规则你们说说,你们知道的有关于ow- 【au】的单词 师生共同学习单词:cow, wow, down 3) ow-【u】 T: What colour is it? S: Its yellow.(拿出颜色卡片) T: Yes, its yellow. Ow is au ? 由此对话,得出ow的另一个发音:【u】 学习认读单词:slow, snow, window 4)听录音,跟读单词 5) lets chant 理解chant的内容 跟音乐唱chantStep 3. Practice 1、listen, circle and say1) 认识四组单词, 并读一读2) 听一听,写一写,对一对 2、Listen, write and say 1)看图说一说,猜一猜2)听一听,写一写3)核对一下,注意一线格的书写格式tep 4. Homework1.Write the words on the homework.2.Recite the dialogue.板书设计: Unit 3 What would you like?Whats your favourite food? Ice cream. Its sweet. I love ice cream. Its sweet. What about you?教学反思:课题Unit3 What would you like?第四课时教学目标:1、 单词hot, sweet,delicious,fresh,healthy,并能用这些单词对一些食物进行简单的描述2、 简单运用句式:Whats your favourite food?3、 对人称代词进一步的了解和认识教学重点:学习单词hot, sweet,delicious,fresh,healthy,并能用这些单词对一些食物进行简单的描述 教学难点:Healthy的发音较难掌握。教法与教具准备:Computer tape word cards.教与学的活动:修改补充内容Step 1. Warming up1、Sing together教师播放Lets sing部分录音,学生跟唱歌曲,适当强调歌词中的语句Something sweet?的意思。Step2. Presentation1、Lets learn (1) 教师出示白糖,说:Heres some sugar. Its . 让学生说出sweet. 提示单词中的字母组合ee发i:。(2)出示冒着热气的汤和冰块,然后说:The soup is hot. The ice is cold. 引导学生说出hot有热和烫的意思。Cold有冷和冰的意思。 再次出示一些辣椒,然后说:They are red. They are hot,too.引导学生知道hot同样有辣的意思。(3)教师出示一根新鲜的黄瓜,问:Whats this? 学生回答:Its a cucumber.继续问:Is it salty? Is it sour? Is it sweet?并分别引导学生做出相应回答。教师说:Its a fresh cucumber.引导学生学习单词fresh. 让学生说说现在季节中有的新鲜的蔬菜和水果:are fresh.(4)教师出示一个西红柿,问:Is the tomato salty?Is it sweet? Is it sour?Is it fresh?学生回答后,教师说:Tomatoes are healthy, too. Tofu is healthy. Mutton is healthy. Onions are healthy. 引导学生理解单词healthy的意思,带读单词,强调healthy中ea和th的发音,帮助学生准确掌握单词的读音。让学生说出一些对健康有益的食品:is/are healthy.(5)出示一盘红烧鱼,T: I like fish. Its yummy. Its delicious.引导学生学习单词delicious.(6)听录音,跟读单词:fresh, healthy, delicious, hot, sweet.Step 3. Practice look, write and say 1) 观察书上的四幅画,对画中事物进行简单的描述 2) 填一填,说一说 3) 师生核对,特别强调一线格上的格式Step. Homework1.Write the words on the homework. 2.Read the dialogue.板书设计: Unit 3 What would you like?Whats your favourite food?I love beef noodles.Well, lets see.We have beef noodles and fish sandwiches today.教学反思:课题Unit3 What would you like?第五课时教学目标:1.熟练运用句式Whats your favourite fooddrink? I love 2.巩固加强有关于食物的单词教学重点:运用句式Whats your favourite fooddrink? I love 在情景中的应用。教学难点:单词favorite的发音较难掌握。教法与教具准备:Computer tape word cards.教与学的活动:修改补充内容Step 1. Warming up1、lets Sing 教师播放Lets sing部分录音,学生跟唱歌曲,2、free talk T: Do you like fish?(mutton,pork,eggplants,grapes.) S: Yes,I do.或No, I dont. T: Why? S:.(鼓励学生用上节课所学的单词,进行回答)3、单词复习 1)出示单词卡片,认读单词 2)听老师的描述,猜一猜Step2. Presentation1、 favourite出示一张水果盘,首先,学生来说说你看见了什么水果,并用I like 的句式说出你喜欢的水果。 然后教师说:I like apple,banana and orange. 再次指向banana说:I like banana. 在旁边画上一张笑脸;指向apple说:I like apple better. 并在旁边画两张笑脸;指向orange说:I like orange best. 在旁边画三张笑脸最后指图说:So,my favourite food is fish. 出示favourite的单词卡,领读单词。2、 Whats your favourite fooddrink?T: Whats your favourite fooddrink?S: My favourite fooddrink is (引导学生用句式进行回答,并知道drink的名词用语是饮料不是喝) 3、lets talk 播放Lets talk部分录音两遍。提问:Whats Zhang Pengs favourite food? Whats Sarahs favourite food? What are they have today? 再听录音,跟读对话 两人一组朗读对话。4.、lets try 说说人物,和饮料听录音,完成连线,并核对Step 3. Practice 同桌两人先用所学句型谈论各自喜欢的食品,并运用所学形容词简单说明原因:I like. Its / They are. ;然后讨论共同喜欢的食品: I like. Do you like.? 完成中间表格的句子:We like.向全班汇报:I like. My partner likes. We like.Step 4. Homework1.Write the words . 2.Make a dialogue.板书设计: Unit 3 What would you like?This is one banana. Theyre two bananas.This is one sandwich. Theyre two sandwiches.教学反思:课题Unit3 What would you like?第六课时教学目标:1、熟练运用句式:Whats your favourite fooddrink?My favourite fooddrink is.,2、准确理解Read and write中对话的意思。3、听懂理解story time 的内容4、了解英语中的书信格式教学重点:运用句式Whats your favourite fooddrink? My favourite fooddrink is.,在情景中的应用。教学难点:准确理解Read and write中对话的意思,听懂理解story time 的内容教法与教具准备:Computer tape word cards.教与学的活动:修改补充内容Step 1. Warming up1、 lets sing: what would like to eat today?2、free talk What would like to eatdrink?教师就着这个句式对班中的大部分学生进行提问,并鼓励正确的运用:I like 来回答,然后询问:Whats favourite fooddrink?使用My favourite fooddrink is .3、Why dou you like? T: Whats your favourite fooddrinkfruit? Why? Ss: Its.教师就着疑问,和学生一起一起复习味道的单词:sweet、sour、hot、cold、delicious、healthy、fresh等词。Step2 Presentation & Practice 1、Read and write 1) T:Today robin will cook, cook. (强调cook,帮助学生理解) What would you like to eat? Ss: .(询问学生喜欢东西,回忆句式What would you like? Id like)2) Listen to the tapeT: Wu Yifan and his grandpa also want to eat something. Please listen to the tape and tell me what are they like? 分别播放Wu Yifan 和grandpa 的信件,听一听,然后请个别学生进行回答他们在录音中听到的内容 3) Chicken ice cream T: Do you like ice-cream? Do you like chicken? 就着这问题询问多位学生T:Do you like chicken ice cream?2、英语书信格式Read and tick. What can they both eat?1) 描述图片内的食物2) 听录音,完成选择What would you like to eat ? write to robin, please.1) 就着书上所给出的提示,完成空格2) 展示个别学生的作业3) 讲解一线格格式Step 3. Homework1.Write the dialogue on the homework. 2.Do the exerice.板书设计: Unit 3 What would you like?What would you like to eat / drink?Id like , please.Whats your favourite food?Its sweet / hot / delicious / What about you?教学反思:

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