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小学英语单词划线部分读音练习一、选出划线部分读音不同的选项( ) 1. A. these B. metre C. meal D. dress( ) 2 .A. season B. great C.speak D.three( ) 3 .A, idea B. sleep C.sheep D.teacher( ) 4. A. me B. fever C.desk D.she( ) 5. A. friend B. help C.evening D.well( ) 6. A. want B. apple C.thank D.hand( ) 7. A. who B. where C.why D.when( ) 8. A. came B. name C.made D.many( ) 9. A. today B. birthday C.away D.yesterday ( ) 10.A. stay B. holiday C.Sunday D.Monday ( ) 11.A. nice B. face C.city D.music ( ) 12.A. mouth B. thank C.theatre D.weather ( ) 13.A. clothes B. brother C.throw D.mother ( ) 14.A. nose B. coats C.busy D.those ( ) 15.A. lose B. home C.rope D.cold ( ) 16.A. soup B. group C.true D.country( ) 17.A. food B.school C.balloon D.cook( ) 18.A. book B.foot C.good D.noodle( ) 19.A. soon B.moon C.look D.cool( ) 20.A. come B.love C.dog D.does( ) 21.A. done B.London C.colour D.those( ) 22.A. warm B.park C.card D.large( ) 23.A. give B.like C.shine D.time( ) 24.A. pear B.really C.bear D.where( ) 25.A. chemistry B.Christman C.chicken D.back ( ) 26.A. wanted B.needed C.started D.stopped ( ) 27.A. talked B.watched C.listened D.helped ( ) 28.A. played B.lived C.visited D.worried ( ) 29.A. table B.bag C.bring D.climb( ) 30.A. knife B.know C.knew D.desk( ) 31.A. lunch B.chair C.French D.chemistry( ) 32.A. Tuesday B.bananas C.those D.send ( ) 33.A. holiday B.home C.hour D.house( ) 34.A. duck B.brother C.cousin D.cola( ) 35.A. why B.fly C.try D.cloudy( ) 36.A. famous B.as C.wait D.plane( ) 37.A. poor B.door C.born D.sport( ) 38.A. bread B.ready C.really D.deaf( ) 39.A. snow B. brown C.window D.yellow 二、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否一致是( )否( )( ) 1. there thousand ( ) 2. pen west( ) 2 . wore more ( ) 4. friend piece( ) 4 . five river ( ) 6. wash glass( ) 7. please head ( ) 8 . right high( ) 9. rice give ( ) 10. great meat( ) 11. sunny face ( ) 12. easy season( ) 13. fever get ( ) 14. sheep ship( ) 15. sleep green ( ) 16. drink ind( ) 17.three agree ( ) 18. wrong hospital( ) 19. cook food ( ) 20. soup lose( ) 23. come love ( ) 24. does month( ) 25. under true ( ) 26. mess she( ) 27. line blind ( ) 28. yesterday holiday( ) 29. boat coat ( ) 30. birthday stay( ) 31. idea meat ( ) 32. poor door( )33. south house ( ) 34. cold whose( ) 35. dress spend ( )36. bread deaf( ) 37. theatre weather ( ) 38. watch lunch( ) 39. coats beds ( ) 40. wanted talked( ) 41. write right ( ) 42. bag game( ) 43. cute pupil ( ) 44. excuse music( )45. chair Chemistry ( ) 46.driver children( ) 47.hour home ( ) 48. many cake( ) 49.climb bag ( ) 50. horse house( )51. warm card ( ) 52. wear pear( ) 53. another thin ( ) 54. boy point( ) 55.lived listened ( ) 56. fish Engish( ) 57. swimming name ( ) 58. who where( ) 59. young yes ( ) 60. say says( ) 61. about count ( ) 62. born work( ) 63. Autumn August ( ) 64. draw saw( ) 65.rope cola ( ) 66. foot good( ) 67. pilot child ( )68. why baby( ) 69. buy cry ( ) 70. nose lose( ) 71.from clock ( ) 72. Sunday today( ) 73. sound mouse ( ) 74. basketball pass( )75. study luck ( )76. long do( )77.train rain ( ) 78. walk your( ) 79. milk kite ( ) 80. have game( ) 81. space wake ( ) 82. old model( ) 83. break great ( ) 84. my hobby ( ) 85. moon soon ( ) 86. peace really( ) 87. line miss ( ) 88. address another( ) 89. men women ( ) 90. copy race 三、判断划线部分读音是否一致(单词辨音) T是,F否 ( ) 1 .rice give ( ) 2 .great meat ( ) 3 .sunny face ( ) 4.duck brother ( ) 5. fly family ( ) 6 .card warm( ) 7.look food ( ) 8. hear wear ( ) 9. door poor ( ) 10.dog lose ( ) 11.thank mouth ( ) 12.toy point( ) 13.face nice ( ) 14.bags boats ( ) 15.pen west ( ) 16.there thousand ( ) 17.really break ( ) 18.soon book ( ) 19. knife kilometre ( ) 20.go got( ) 21.my hobby ( ) 22. wore more ( ) 23. idea speak ( ) 24.whose where ( ) 25.busy horse ( ) 26.how window( )27. yesterday birthday ( ) 28. shine blind( ) 29. woman cook ( ) 30. balloon noodle( ) 31. hobby often ( ) 32. always your( ) 33. have can ( ) 34. line China( ) 35. sound count ( ) 36. dance nice( ) 37. where who ( ) 38. say says( ) 39.phone fly ( ) 40. pick come( ) 41.know now ( ) 42.please great( ) 43.soon too ( ) 44.cross stop( ) 45. warm park ( ) 46.mess spend( ) 47.dollar cola ( ) 48.duck cup( ) 49.shine pilot ( ) 50.son model( ) 51.mess spent ( ) 52.balloon school( ) 53.loudly proud ( ) 54.child middle( ) 55.later space ( ) 56.trumpet study( ) 57.became as ( ) 58.laugh because( ) 59.card warm ( ) 60.word born( ) 61.good food ( ) 62.deaf idea( ) 63.great break ( ) 64.live shine( ) 65.give line ( ) 66.have gave( ) 67.love stone ( ) 68.wave came( ) 69.blind find ( ) 70.only lose( ) 71. space bad ( ) 72. wave have( ) 73. apple baseball ( ) 74.many want( ) 75.what wash ( ) 76.fever every( ) 77.vase wave ( ) 78.me metre( ) 79.present these ( ) 80. pilot blind( ) 81.miss middle ( ) 82.hill with( ) 83.cola rope ( ) 84.often model( ) 85.shoe lose ( ) 86.woman nothing( ) 87.cute pupil ( ) 88.study trumpet( ) 89.put July ( ) 90.minute uncle( ) 91.chemistry lunch ( ) 92.poor door( ) 93.card hard ( ) 94. balloon cook( ) 95.soup proud ( ) 96.cousin country( ) 97.train wait ( ) 98. said afraid( ) 99.field friend ( ) 100.dear wear( ) 101. there here ( ) 102.nice music( ) 103.books those ( ) 104.hour high( ) 105. face city ( ) 106.today yesterday( ) 107.loud you ( ) 108.school book( ) 109.cake book ( ) 110.bus cup( ) 111.and make ( ) 112.bread great( ) 113.get she ( ) 114.cow blow( ) 115.phone fly ( ) 116.dry shine( ) 117.space have ( ) 118.fork world( ) 119.book drew ( ) 120.team sweater( ) 121.laugh loudly ( ) 122.cola model( ) 123.bike river ( ) 124.wear dear( ) 125.this mouth ( ) 126.school chips( ) 127.hour here ( ) 128. Christmas chemistry( ) 129.table climb ( ) 130.horse those( ) 131.home got ( ) 132.born forever( ) 133.keep leave ( ) 134.like smile( ) 135.blow cloud ( ) 136.spell spent( ) 137. just future ( ) 138.as same( ) 139.say said ( ) 140.zoo foot( ) 141. where who ( ) 142.bed me( ) 143.cloud mountain ( ) 144.rabbit apple( ) 145.teach really ( ) 146.later stay( ) 147. with think ( ) 148.like Friday( ) 149.just lunch欢迎您的光临,Word文档下载后可修改编辑.双击可删除页眉页脚.谢谢!你的意见是我进步的动力,希望您提出您宝贵的意见!让我们共同学习共同进步!学无止境.更上一层楼。

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