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2012年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题Part I Listening Comprehension(15 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Example: You will hear: You will read:A) Im not sure. B) Youre right.C) Yes, certainly.D) Thats interesting. From the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message. Therefore, C) Yes, certainly is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet. ABCDNow the test will begin. 1. A) Dont mention it C) Youre right. B) This way, please. D) No, thanks.2. A) Its over there. C) Thats very kind of you. B) Sorry, he isnt in. D) Id love to.3. A) Yes, I will. C) Im sorry to hear that. B) Youre welcome. D) Not too bad.4. A) Thats too bad. C) No problem. B) Thanks a lot. D) Here you are.5. A) Good idea. C) Never mind. B) See you soon. D) Hold on, please.Section B6. A) A fax. C) A newspaper. B) A report. D) A letter.7. A) Buy a new computer. C) Ask someone to repair the computer. B) Restart the computer. D) Borrow a computer from the company.8. A) She hasnt sent the email. C) She wont read the email. B) She hasnt got any email. D) She wont reply to the email.9. A) The price of the books. C) The way to pack the books. B) The author of the books. D) The time to get the books.10. A) Very nice. C) Very humorous. B) Very strict. D) Very shy.Section CI am working with a computer company. My family lives near the railway station, and within five minutes walk to a shopping 11 . We live in a flat with 3 bedrooms and a very large 12 .There is a beautiful garden, too. The house is very 13 to live in. However, for my convenience to go to work and 14 lost on the way, I would like to exchange my house for a similar one or even a bit smaller one near my workplace. If you are interested, please call me at 5538765 15 or email me at bhousinggmail. com.Part II Vocabulary & Structure ( 15 minutes)Section A16. We have got to a new way to solve this problem. A) tell about C) think of B) put out D) take over17. I agree to the idea our staff should use recycled (再生的) paper to save money. A) what C) which B) as D) that18. The Quality Control staff is responsible the quality of the products that come out of the factory. A) for C) with B) of D) to19. The new manager has greatly changed the company he took over the position. A) if C) although B) since D) while20. the members cooperate well, the team will keep winning games. A) As far as C) As long as B) As well as D) As soon as21. Thank you for your letter of May , in which you about the bicycles of Model 897. A) ask C) know B) feel D) think22. Im told that I will share an office room five other newcomers. A) in C) to B) with D) at23. Can you help me to a sales plan in that area? A) set up C) put on B) give in D) work out24. Those are interested in the job position need to send an email to us. A) what C) which B) whom D) who25. Im pleased to tell you that the fax machines you ordered are now. A) available C) wonderful B) convenient D) importantSection B26. (fortunate) , you have many articles online to help you in finding a job.27. The Tokyo Branch of our company is doing (well) this year than last year.28. If they agree with us, we (carry out) the plan immediately.29. In order to keep a high level of safety, all the staff are required (wear) protective clothes.30. It is announced that the lunch time will (shorten) from one hour to 45 minutes.31. We are planning to provide (serve) to small companies in the city.32. Yesterday I (receive) an email from one of our suppliers about the order.33. Your work plan is much better now, but there is still room for (improve) .34. We would like you to give a speech at our meeting, (start) at 9:00 am on October .35. If you decide on the more expensive model, you can bring this one back and pay the (different) .Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Task 1 Computer Care Plan2-Yeas Service Protection for Desktop ComputersService you can rely onWere here when you need us, weekends or weekdays, if any trouble should happen. All it takes is a quick phone call to 877-968-6391 or avisit to our online service center.Did you know? Most manufacturers guarantee (保修期) only covers repairs due to faults in materials. Our Computer Care Plan offers so much more!Terms & Conditions InsidePut in your receipt (收据) here. It is needed to register the plan for using the Computer Care Center tools.Protect whats yoursWe protect more than just your computers; we protect your valuable data. Keep your photos, music, email, and financial(财政的) records safe with the enclosed Computer Care Center CD.Rest easy, we have it covered!No out-of-pocket expenses for covered repairs.In-home service for desktop computers.If your product requires three repairs for the same fault, well replace it.Round-the-clock customer service.The Computer Care Center provides an entire year of protection to help keep your family safe and your computer healthy.PricesProduct ServiceDesktops(under $400).$49.88Desktops($400 and above)$69.8836. If there is any trouble with your computer, you can A) contact the manufacturer in person B) write a letter to the service center C) refer to the instructions provided D) visit the service center online37. Most manufacturers guarantee just covers the repairs of your computer due to . A) hardware damage B) wrong operation C) material faults D) missing data38. When registering for the use of Care Center tools, you need to show .A) the manufacturers guarantee cardB) your receipt of the computer C) a telephone message recordD) your credit card number39. The enclosed Computer Center CD is used to .A) protect your data B) write your emailsC) take photos D) play music40. The product will be replaced if .A) your valuable data has been lostB) you have paid the extra service feeC) the same fault needs a third repairD) it is still within the guarantee periodTask 2 Being a salesman, the most important thing is to understand people. Youve got to know what theyre thinking. If you can figure that out, you can get them to do a lot. They come in with an idea about what they want. You get them taking about themselves, about what they like.If its a man, you talk about football, or something like that. If its a woman, you ask her about fashions. That way they get comfortable with you. You ask them a lot of questions and get into the habit of saying yes.In the end, you can put them into anything you want, if youre really good. For example, if they need a little car for the city; you send them home a truck. Of course, I wouldnt really do that. It wouldnt be right. Youve got to sell on this job, but you also have to be fair. Its not fair to take advantage of people too much. There are some people in this business whod do anything. But I dont believe in that.41. To be a good salesman, the most important thing is to . A) learn from different kinds of people B) understand what people are thinking C) see what people usually do in daily life D) watch what changes people have made 42. According to the passage, you can make a woman feel comfortable by . A) talking about fashions B) playing football together C) sending a small gift to her D) saying yes to her questions43.One way to make people get into the habit of saying yes is to . A) ask them to say what they like B) tell them to do anything you want C) help them feel confident in themselves D) get them to say yes to a lot of your questions44. According to the last paragraph, the author believes that . A) it is right to do anything in business B) it is useless to believe in what customers say C) help them feel confident in themselves D) it is dangerous to listen to the advice of a salesman45. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A) Most women like to talk about sports events. B) Some business people do anything by talking with them.Task 3To: All Manager and Department HeadsSubject: New Communication Training Program Clear, friendly, efficient communication skill are essential for building relationships with your customers. You can use it for the business. A new online training program is available on the Learn Well website. It will help Company employees create “customer-friendly” communication. Please visit the website for a memo from the organizer. The memo provides a general view of this customer-friendly communication training program. It also explains how employees can register for the online training. Please forward this email to you employees and encourage them to sign up for training at their leisure time as soon as possible.Thank you for your support as we work to improve your employees customer communication in their business activities.MEMOTo: All Managers and Department HeadsSubject: New 46 for employeesTraining Program: 1. Type of training: a new 47 training program on the Learn Well website 2. Skills to train: clear, 48 and efficient communication 3. Purpose of training: to help the employees to create 49 communication Way of Registration: visit 50 for a memo from the organizerTask 4A job objective B . interests and hobbiesC personal dataD . degree certificateE . first nameF last name G . marital statusH date of birthI . job qualification J . ReferenceL work experienceM . education backgroundN sexO . permanent addressP . contact numberQ . place of birth Examples: (K) 证明人 (G)婚姻状况51. ( ) 工作目标 ( )出生地52.( )性别 ( )学历53.( )国籍 ( )工作经历54.( )姓 ( )出生日期55.( )学位证书 ( )个人信息Task 5Make your payroll (工资表) faster and easier with our Easy Online Payroll! If youre spending more time than 10 minutes a week or over 30 a month on making a payroll, then you need to use the software Easy Online Payroll. It helps you organize your accounting process, so you can save money and spend more time actually running your business. The main benefits you will get from Easy Online Payroll include:u Enter your payroll any time, anywhereu Pay all your employees by direct deposit (直接存款) to their checking accounts with Bank of America and receive a 15 monthly discount (折扣) u Printing of paychecks from the companys computer u Free telephone and email support.Put us to work for you to make your work simpler. Take advantage of the best value for small businesses with employees. To speak to the Banking Center, call 1.888.6000.40000 or visit www. Bankofamerica.com.56. What can Easy Online Payroll do for making a payroll? It can help to make a payroll .57. What is one of the advantages of Easy Online Payroll? It can help to organize your process.58. How can a company pay their employees with Easy Online Payroll? By direct deposit to their with Bank of America.59. Where can the paychecks be printed? From the companys .60. How can you contact the Banking Center? Call 1.888.6000.40000 or .Part IV TranslationEnglish into Chinese (25 minutes)61. One purpose of market research is to learn about people the people who will buy from you.A) 市场调查的对象之一是你周围的让人,即帮你推销产品的人。B) 市场调查的范围之一是向人们,特别是买你产品的人学习。C) 市场调查的一个目的就是了解人,即要向你购买东西的人。D) 市场调查的一个方法是吸引人,也就是购买你的商品的人。62. The gift cards are available through the Internet, or by phone at 800-700-6000 and at many stores.A)只有在网上报名或打电话800-700-6000预约,你才可以到许多商店领取礼品。B)礼品卡可以通过互联网购买,或打电话800-700-6000购买,在很多商店也有售。C)如果上网或拨打800-700-6000电话,你童颜可以得到许多商店赠送的礼品。D)礼品卡在所有网站和商店都有售,后可大电后订购,电话号码800-700-60000.63.Our products are sure to enjoy popularity in your market for the their good quality and reasonable prices.A)我们生产的商品物美价廉,相信在你方市场上是一定会找到销路的。B)我们产品的质量标准高,但价格不高,在你方市场却根本无法买到。C)我们场频由于质量优良,价格合理,一定会受到你放市场欢迎。D)我们产品的价格虽然高,但是品质优良,所以在你们市场供不应求。64.Whatever his or her job, the hotel person must possess or develop that quality called “service attitude”.A)不管师傅做宾馆工作,人们都必须加强学习并且养成良好的“服务态度”。B)无论谁到这家宾馆工作,每个人都应该不断提升文化素质并改善“服务态度”C) 在宾馆工作的任何人员,都应该首先具有较高的素质,从而养成良好的“服务态度”。D) 宾馆工作人员无论做什么工作,都必须具备或养成称之为“服务态度良好”的素质。65. We have just bought a large quantity of high-quality sports shoes, and we are able to offer them to you at the very reasonable prices. We are sure that you will be satisfied with there sports shoes. We would like to remind you that similar prices are mostly unlikely in the near future. We hope, therefore, you will take advantage of this opportunity. We look forward to your early reply.Part Writing (25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to fill in the Reservation Form (预定表) and write a Fax according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:假定你叫王洪,拟在某酒吧举办一个会议。请根据下列内容填写登记表。内容:1 入住时间:2012年6月25 日,退房时间:2012年6月29日;2 预定房间:单人间;房间数量20间;3 付款方式:现金4 联系电话:010-79968090,传真:010-79968090;5 电子邮箱:wanghong7080163.com6 特别要求:1) 会议共20人参加,在酒吧享用早、中、晚餐;2) 要求可以在房间上网;3) 6月26日至6月28日租用酒店会议室一间,需计算机、投影仪等设备。Reservation FormName: (1) Check in: (2) Check out: June , 2012Room type: Single RoomNumber of rooms reserved: (3) Payment: CashTel. number: (4) Fax number: 010-79968080Email: (5) Special Requests: Words for reference:投影仪 projector


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