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新起点小学英语六年级(上)知识点复习纲要Unit 1 InChina.一、词汇。景点(写法+所处的省份)+城市(写法+所处的省份+所处的方位)+方位(写法)Yellow Mountain Anhui province southElephant Trunk Hill Guangxi province souththe StoneForest Yunnanprovince souththe Shaolin Temple Henan province eastthe Potala Palace Tibet(Lhasa) westthe Mogao Caves Gansu province westThe warriors Shaanxiprovince(Xian) westMount Tai Shandongprovince eastMount Emei Sichuan province west/southChinese tea and silk Zhejiangprovince (Hangzhou) southHarbin Heilongjiangprovince northWuhan Hubei province south二、句型。1. Where isHarbin? Its inHeilongjiangprovince. Its in thenorthofChina.Where isYellowMountain?Its inAnhuiprovince. Its in thesouthofChina.2. What isBeijingfamous for? Its famousfortheGreat Wall.三、写作:介绍一座你熟悉的中国城市。【例文】Beijingis a famous city inChina.Its the capital ofChina.Its in thenorthofChina.Its famous forthe Great Wall. I loveBeijing.Unit 2 Around the world一、词汇。6大洲(写法)+国家(写法+所处的大洲)+语言(写法)Beijing China Asia Chinese the Great Wall/the Forbidden CityParis France Europe French theEiffel TowerNew York America NorthAmerica English the DisneylandSydney Australia Oceania English the Opera HouseMoscow Russia Europe and Asia Russian Red SquareTokyo Japan Asia Japanese Tokyo towerToronto Canada North America Frenchand English CN TowerCairo Egypt Africa ? the pyramids二、句型。1. Where would you liketogo this winter vacation? Id liketogotoBeijing.2. What do you know aboutBeijing? ItsinChina.Chinaisin Asia.Whatlanguagedo people speak there?People therespeakChinese.三、写作:介绍一座你熟悉的外国城市。【例文】Tokyois a city inJapan.Japanis inAsia. Itsfamous forTokyotower. People there speakJapanese.Id like to go toParis.Parisis a city inFrance.Franceis inEurope. Itsfamous forthe Eiffel tower. People there speakFrench.Unit 3 Animal World一、词汇。动物种类+动物名称+(重量、长度)单位(复数时要加s)二、句型。1.(复数)What kind of animalaremonkeys? They aremammals.(单数)What kind of animalisamonkey? Itsa mammal.2.How tallis the giraffe? Itsfivemeterstall.How fastis the ostrich? Its70kilometersan hour.How heavyis the elephant? Itsfourtons.3. asas像一样A hummingbird isas small as a thumb.An ostrich can runas fast as a car.A giraffe isas tall as a tree.A whale isas heavy as 25 elephants.三、写作:介绍一种你熟悉的动物。【例文】I likeostriches. Theyrebirds.They are tall. They have strong legs and wings. They can runasfast as a car.I likeelephants.They aremammals.They arefive tons. They arefour meters tall.They arethe biggest animal on land.Unit 5 Feelings一、词汇。1.八个情绪词汇(与情绪有关的事件):nervous, happy, sad, excited,angry, worried, proud, surprised2.动词过去式:make-made; win-won; give-gave;lose-lost; come-came; draw-drew; bite-bit; say-said; take-took; get-got;is/am-was; are-were3.一个连词:because二、句型。1. How are you? I amnervous. Why?Iam going to sing in front of my class.2. You looksurprised. Why? IamsurprisedbecauseAndy came.三、写作:写一篇心情日记。【例文】Date: December16Rating:Dear Diary,Today was agreatday. I wasproudbecauseI got an A on my English test. This morning, I forgot myhomework. My teacher lookedangry. But he is friendly tous.Unit 6 Famous People一、词汇。名字Name职业Job国籍Nationalities生卒年beborn/died成就achievementsMei Lanfang anactor Chinese 1894-1961 sangBeijing operasQi Baishi anartist Chinese 1864-1957 paintedshrimpsHans Andersen awriter Danish 1805-1875 wrotestories for childrenBeethoven amusician German 1770-1827 composedmusicThomas Edison aninventor American 1847-1931 inventedthe light bulbNie Er amusician Chinese 1912-1935 composednational anthemXu Beihong anartist Chinese 1895-1953 paintedhorsesLi Bai apoet Chinese 701-762 wrotemany poemsHelen Keller awriter American 1880-1968 wrotemany books二、句型:1.Who is this? 2. What did he do? 3. When was he born? 4. Why is he famous?三、写作:介绍一位名人。【例文】This isMei Lanfang. Hewasanactor. He wasChinese. He was bornin1894. He is famous because hesang Beijing operas. (He diedin 1957.)This isHelen Keller. Shewasawriter. She wasAmerican.She was bornin1880. She is famous because shewrote many books. (She diedin 1968.)Unit 7 The future一、词汇+句型Whatwill you be in the future?aprofessor.adetectiveIwillbeaprincipalanastronautapresidentWherewill you live in the future?on thesun will+动词的原形on themoonon thecloudIwilllivein a house ontheocean on theearthonMarsin Beijingin ChangchunWhatwill you do in the future?travelall over the world.I willtaketripsto Marsbyspaceship.inventa small planeWhatwill the future be likein 50 years?no wars.morepeace.There will be more cars.nopollution.take trips toMars.eat pillsfor mealsPeople will live on Mars.go to work by plane.work at home.Robots will do housework for us.二、写作:介绍未来。【例文】参见一、词汇+句型六年级(上)语音知识字母组合发音规律例词-tion n dictionary,station,collection-ong along, long, song,wrong-ly l slowly,quickly,badly,carefully, carelessly, nicely, perfectly-er whether, weather, whatever,writer,singer,player,cooker-ture t future,picture,nature-ie- i: niece,piece,believe-ie ai pie,die,lie,tie-ck k Rick, trick, pickle, stick, tickle,quick,sick欢迎您的光临,Word文档下载后可修改编辑.双击可删除页眉页脚.谢谢!希望您提出您宝贵的意见,你的意见是我进步的动力。赠语; 1、如果我们做与不做都会有人笑,如果做不好与做得好还会有人笑,那么我们索性就做得更好,来给人笑吧! 2、现在你不玩命的学,以后命玩你。3、我不知道年少轻狂,我只知道胜者为王。4、不要做金钱、权利的奴隶;应学会做“金钱、权利”的主人。5、什么时候离光明最近?那就是你觉得黑暗太黑的时候。6、最值得欣赏的风景,是自己奋斗的足迹。7、压力不是有人比你努力,而是那些比你牛几倍的人依然比你努力。

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