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2017年中考口语话题训练1. Do you often help your parents do chores? Why or why not?(1) Yes,I do .I often help my parents do chores .My parents are busy with their work every day and they are usually very tired . As their child, its my duty to keep the house clean and tidy, so I usually clean my room every day. In that way, my parents wont be so tired after work and they will be very proud to have a child like me . The other is that doing chores can help train our living ability. Its also a way for us to relax ourselves.! Lets help our parents do chores and enjoy ourselves!4. What do you think about students pressure?Today, more and more students are under so much pressure that they feel tired and nervous. What caused it? First, there is too much homework to do and too many things to study. Second, teachers and parents are pushing the students hard. Third, many students want to go to college to continue their education. They are afraid of getting bad grades, so they study as much as they can, and because they are so nervous , sometimes they can hardly fall asleep.This is not a good thing for both the students health and their studies. Too much pressure wastes the students energy and kills their inspiration and its not good for them.6. Do you like keeping pets in your home? Why or why not? (1) I like some kinds of animals, such as cats, dogs and rabbits. I think it can bring us much fun to keep a pet in our family. When we are free, we can play with the pet. We can take it for a walk after supper. Its good for our health. Sometimes when we feel sad or lonely, they can listen to us and stay with us and give us pleasure. Some pets even can do some things for us. For example, a dog can help us fetch newspapers and closing or opening the door. And I enjoy keeping pets. 7. Should we keep the animals in the zoo? Why or why not?There are more and more zoos now, and more and more animals are kept in the zoos. I dont think we should keep the animals in the zoos. Because I think animals should be allowed to live in the natural environment. They can play and run everywhere. And they can live with their friends and their family. So they can live happily. If we keep animals in the zoos, maybe they will get lonely, and they will be ill easily. So dont keep the animals in the zoo and let them to live in the natural environment.8. How do you feel when you see the animals in the zoo? Why?When I see animals in the zoo, I may feel sad. You know, the zoo is usually not big enough and its not suitable for many animals to live in. The animals are kept in very tiny cages, and they can hardly move at all. When they are hungry, they cannot find food for themselves. If I were in that cage, I wouldnt even want to stay for a minute! I feel really sorry for them. Im also very sad because I can do nothing about it. I hope in the future, there will be more wild animal protecting areas but not the small zoo! 10.Do you like music? Why or why not? Yes, Ilikemusic. Therearethreereasons. Atfirst, Ilikesingerswhowritetheirownlyrics. Inthisway, wecanknowaboutthemwell. Andtheirexperiencecanencourageustostudyharder. Secondly, whenIfeeltired, Icanlistentomusictorelax. Atlast, ifwearenothappy, itcanmakeushappybylisteningtosomegentlemusic. Inaword, Ilikemusic.11 How often do you play sports? Why? Well I play sports every day and I usually play basketball and volleyball with my friends. I love sports because I believed sports are important for our health and study. I think the students should take all kinds of exercise every day, but not spend too much time. Sports also let them have a good rest so that their study will be more effective. If we play sports every day, we will stay in good health all the time.12. Do you like to have your P.E class? Why or why not?Yes , I like to have my P.E class very much. At first, it is the most energetic class we have. It is a great way for us to have a rest. Then, on P.E class, we always play many ball games, such as basketball, soccer and volleyball. Thats so fun and exciting. Finally, playing sports can keep us in good health. Its very important for us.13.Do you like to have your English class? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons.I like to have my English class. There are some reasons as you can see. Firstly, English is a very useful language. We can use English to communicate with foreigners. Secondly, we can learn a lot from learning English. I can learn English songs and hear English stories. That will be great. Thirdly, our English teacher is really nice. She is young and kind. She likes to help us. So I like to have my English class.14. Do you like to wear school uniforms? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons. Yes. I like to wear school uniforms. Because they are both comfortable and cheap. We wont spend a lot of time and money on clothes. We will concentrate more on our studies. They can help us to study. And they can also make us look like a big family. Its good to wear the same clothes as the other classmates. So I like to wear school uniforms.15. Do you want to be a volunteer to help those who need help? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons.Yes, I want to be a volunteer to help those who need help .There are two reasons. First, there are a lot of people who need help. I feel good about helping others. Besides that, I can spend time doing what I love to do. I like writing. I can put this love to good use by helping young students in the after-school care center.16. Give your opinions about playing computer games. (1) I think there are advantages and disadvantages of playing computer games. On the one hand, playing computer games can be one of the ways to relax ourselves after a long time of study. We can also open up our mind by playing games. Sometimes we can also learn English from the games. But there are more disadvantages. Often students easily become interested in playing computer games and even deeply lost in them. And this has a bad influence on their study. And some students play computer games for a long time without having a rest. That hurts their health badly. So I think students can play computer games for a little time on weekends, but never spend lots of time doing it every day.23. As a student, what should you do to be in good manners?As a student, we should be honest and confident. At school, we should listen to teachers carefully in class. Put up our hands to ask the questions we dont understand. And we arent supposed to run in the hall. After school, we should help others in a positive way. We also should say “hello” to our friends or our parents. In public, we must obey the etiquette rules and pay attention to our words and behavior. If we do like these, everyone will like us. We will be more popular, too.24.What are you going to be when you grow up? How can you make it come true? (dream job) (2) Im going to be a reporter when I grow up. Thats an interesting job. If I am a reporter, Ill meet many interesting people. To be a reporter, I must try my best. First, I will study hard and go to a university to learn more knowledge. Then, I will practice writing. Im going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. Also I am going 27.How healthy are you? Say something about your eating habits.I am in good health now. because I like eating different kinds of food. I think eating them can keep my body strong and healthy. I usually like eating fruits because there is plenty of Vitamine C in fruits. Vitamine C can make my skin silky. I also like eating desserts, especially when I feel a little hungry. Another thing I like eating is bread, because it also makes myself full of energy all day. I have breakfast, lunch and dinner on time every day and I drink milk every day. I think Im healthy because I eat a balanced diet.31Talk about the rules for school library.I think it is important for us to obey the rules for the school library. Firstly, we are supposed to be quiet because everybody is busy reading books and its our duty to keep quiet. Secondly, its necessary to take good care of the books. Thirdly, we should listen to the instructions of the librarians and never smoke or shout. I am sure if everyone obeys them, the school library will be better and better.33. What do you often do to improve your English? I think English is a very important but hard subject to learn. In order to improve my English, I often read English magazines to memorize more new words. And I listen to the English tapes every day to improve my listening skills. I often write some original sentences using the grammar Ive learned, so my writing skills have improved. I decide to improve my speaking skills by joining an English club. I want to have more conversations with friends. I hope my English can improve more quickly.34.What are you going to do for your summer vacation? Please talk about your plan.(1) I always take vacations in China. This time, I want to do something different, but I dont like going away for too long. I think Spain is very beautiful. I love nature. I plan to spend time in Spanish countryside. I hope I can forget all my problems. Im going swimming and boating. Im also going fishing and going bike riding. At night, Im renting videos and sleeping a lot. I want an exciting vacation. A relaxing and exciting vacation, I cant wait!37Talk about what you did last weekend.Last Saturday I was very busy but happy. On Saturday morning, I went to a musical school for my piano lesson. The music played on the piano sounded very nice, and it can make me relaxed. In the afternoon, I went shopping with my mother. We bought a lot of things like bread and eggs. We stayed at the supermarket the whole afternoon. On Sunday, I studied English the whole day because of tomorrows English test. I was very busy. But I was also very happy.41. Tell me something about your interesting trip. Ive been to many different cities, but my favorite city is Beijing. I went there last summer vacation and fell in love with it. I went to the Tianan Men Square, which is the largest square in the world. Then I visited the Palace Museum. Its beautiful and educational. In the evening, we went to the restaurant to eat Beijing Duck. It was really delicious. Its the most interesting trip Ive ever had.42. Say something about an invention.We use telephone everyday. It has already been a part of our life. But do you know who invented the first telephone? Its Aleksandra Bell who comes from England. In 1876 Bell showed his invention to the whole world, then everyone was shocked by his telephone, they said it would make the world smaller. But his telephone was very big and now we have a smaller one-mobile phone. Its smaller and more useful. We believe the telephone will be better some day in the future.44. Say something about your father/mother My father is a little heavy. He works for the government. He is busy with his work every day. But in his spare time, he always plays sports with me and takes me to the park or the zoo. He is very kind to me. He is strict not only in his work but also with my study. When he gets back home early from work, he likes cooking something delicious for us. I love my father.45. Say something about your English/math teacher.Our English teacher is Miss Wang. She is tall and is of medium build. She always wears a pair of glasses. She looks very young but strict . She is very kind to us and she always has a smile on her face. She teaches us very well. She is not only very strict with us in our study but also in her own work. In class she is our teacher and after class she is our friend. We talk a lot after class about nearly everything we know. And she always takes pride in everything good we do. We all like her very much. 46. Say something about your life in 10 years.In 10 years, I will be a doctor in a big and famous hospital. I will be able to support myself and my family. I will travel all over China and maybe even travel to foreign countries. I will have my own house or apartment. I can keep a pet like a dog or a cat and I will invite my good friends to my house on weekends and have a good time together. In my spare time, I will be a volunteer in my neighborhood. I will help the old people with the housework and help the kids with their schoolwork. To keep healthy, I will only eat healthy food and do more exercise. Of course, Ill provide a better life for my parents. I hope theyll be healthy and happy every day.47. What is your dream job ? (Say at least two reasons.)My dream job is to be a doctor because I think being a doctor is great. Doctors wear white uniforms and they are regarded as “White angels. They can help people who are ill. Nobody else can save peoples lives like a doctor. I like to help others, too. Another reason I want to be a doctor is that most people respect doctors. I believe my dream will come true some day when I grow up 49.Say something about the person you admire most. Zhang Ji-ke, a well-known Chinese ping-pong player, is from Qingdao. He is the pride of Qingdao people. He is regarded as one of the best world-class players. He has won many gold medals in different competitions, and even in the Olympic Games. I admire him because when he was young, he had a dream of the world champion and he held on to his dream until he could succeed through his hard work. I will learn from him.50.Say something about your school /family rules.(1) I have a lot of rules at my house. For example, I have to stay at home on school nights, so I cant study at a friends house. Im allowed to go to the movies with friends on weekends, but I have to be home by 9:00p.m. Every morning .I have to get up at six oclock. After school, I cant meet my friends because I have to do my homework. On weekends, I have to go to the Childrens Palace to learn the piano. And I have to clean my room and wash the dishes.(2)We have many rules at our school. First we have to be at school from 7:30 am to 5:00pm. We mustnt be late for class. Then we have to do our homework carefully by ourselves. Also we are supposed to say hello to the teachers when we see them. Finally, we are not allowed to play computer games or use our mobile phones in class.52.Say something about your favorite subject.My favorite subject is English. Some students think its boring. But I really like English, because its such great fun. We have English classes every day. My English teacher often makes her classes interesting and lively. She often tells us jokes and stories. I listen carefully in class and take English notes. I love to listen to her. And I learn English by watching English-language TV. It helps a lot. And I often get good grades in English exams. My teacher is impressed.53. Say something about one of your best friends.I have lots of friends, and my best friend is my class monitor. We are in the same group. She is tall and has black long hair. She is good at studying and has good grades. I often study with her. She helps me a lot. When I am in trouble, she always teach me how to solve them. She is friendly to everybody and all my classmates like to play with her. She also helps the teachers. She is a good leader, and I think she will be successful in the future.54. What are the differences between you and your friend? There are many differences between me and my friend Han Mei. Im tall and outgoing while Han Mei is short and shy. She likes reading books. She can play the piano well. But I like playing sports. My favorite subject is English while her favorite subject is math. 55. What is your favorite food/ fruit?(1) My favorite food is dumplings. It is Chinese traditional food. My mother often makes them for me on weekends. I like dumplings better than any other kind of food because they are delicious. And I can eat more vegetables by eating dumplings. There are many kinds of dumplings. Beef and onion dumplings are the most delicious. I think beef and onions are good for our health.(2) My favorite fruit is apples. Apples can be eaten as food and fruit. When I am hungry, I can eat an apple so that I wont feel hungry. I like the apples that are grown in Yantai. Some apples are sweet and some apples are sour. Others are crispy. I like the kind of apples that are both sweet and crispy. There is a famous saying “An apple a day keeps a doctor away.” It is true that apples are good for our health. So I eat at least one apple every day. Now you see, I am quite healthy.58. What TV program do you like best? Why? Give at least two of your reasons. My favorite TV program is the Animal World. I love animals very much and I can see a lot of beautiful animals in this program. I can also learn a lot about different kinds of animals. The program teaches me how they live and educate people to care for the animals. 62. What do you do on your weekends?On my weekends,I love to do what I want to do. On Saturday, I often go swimming with my friends, it can make me have strong build. I hardly catch a cold. Thank to swimming. On Sunday morning, I always go to a movie to enjoy myself. I like all kinds of movies, such as thrillers, action movies, documentaries and so on. In the evening, I do my homework carefully. Although its a little difficult, it is helpful for me to get good grades. I love my weekends. Its a happy time!66. What changes have you got since you came to Junior middle school? (Give at least two examples.) I have changed a lot since I came to Junior middle school. For example, I used to be quiet and have few friends, but now Im more outgoing and have more friends. Im getting on well with them. I used to have so much free time to watch TV or play sports, but now Im busy with my schoolwork. And I used to spend so much time playing with friends ,but now I dont have the time anymore. Although my life is very busy, I like my changes.70. What do you think of your hometown ? What do you like about it ?My hometown is Qingdao, its one of the most beautiful cities in China. Every year thousands of visitors come here. Because the weather is very cool in summer. Everyone can enjoy themselves in the sea. And it has many modern buildings and big parks. The World Horticultural Expo will be held here in 2014. Many people from all over the world will come here enjoying the places of interest. And Qingdao Metro will be completed. It will be more convenient to travel around the city. Qingdao will welcome everybody. I think people will like Qingdao.73.If you had a robot, what would you like it to do for you? Give at least two reasons.If I had a robot, I would be very happy. I would like it to do the following things for me: Firstly, I would like it to make meals for me. Secondly, I would like it to cheer me up when I feel sad. Thirdly, I want it to help me clean up my room. Fourthly, I wish it could help me study. Fifthly, I want it to be a good friend of mine, so I can talk with it to spend my spare time. Oh, I would like it to do too many things for me! So I want a robot now!

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