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小学 语文 五年级上册 课标要求及知识点梳理课标要求五年级上册 知识点梳理学段目标二级目标(5年级)重点句型Target language重点词汇Key words(一)听1、能借助图片、图像、手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料;2、能听懂简单的配图小故事;3、能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问;4、能听懂常用指令和要求并做出适当反应。Unit One 1.What day is today?Today is Saturday.2.When do you have English?On Monday, Wednesday and Friday.3.What do we have today?We have Chinese, music and PE today.4.Do you like Sundays?Yes, I do. I can fly a kite on Sundays.5.What do you do on Saturdays?I often draw pictures.On Monday morning, I read a story book from 7:00 to 8:00.Unit OneSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridaySaturdayfly a kiteride a bikedraw picturespainthave aclassplay computer gamesfromto(二)说1、在口头表达中做到发音清楚,语调基本达意;2、能就所熟悉的个人和家庭情况进行简短对话;3、能运用一些最常用的日常用语(如问候、告别、致谢、道歉等);4、能就日常生活话题作简短叙述;5、能在教师的帮助和图片的提升下描述或将是简单的小故事。Unit Two1.-Do you love sports?-Yes, I do. I love football best.2.-Does Stanley love sports?-Yes, he does. He loves football best.3.-What sports do you love?-I love table tennis and high jump.4.-Does Lucy like swimming?-Yes, she does. Swimming is her favorite sport.5.-What sports does your mother like?-She likes skating.Unit Twosport table tennistennis high jumplong jump go swimminggo skating go boatinggo fishing favorite(三)读1、能认读所学词语;2、能根据拼读的规律,独处简单的单词;3、能读懂教材中简短的要求和指令;4、能看懂贺卡等所表达的简单信息;5、能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯;6、能正确朗读所学故事或短文。Unit Three1.What would you like for breakfast?I d likeAnything else?And2.What would your mother like for breakfast?Shed likeHave someUnit ThreevegetablenoodleBreadchickenricesouptomatopotatofishelse(四)写1、能正确地使用大小写字母和常用的标点符号;2、能写出简单的问候语和祝福语;3、能根据图片、词语和例句的提示,写出简短的语句。Unit Four1.This is our house.We have two bedrooms, a living room andWe have two bathrooms.2.Where is the study?The study is on the left.3.Where are they?One is between the bedrooms. One is next to the living room.Unit Fourhousebedroombathroomliving roomstudykitchenon the lefton the rightnext tobetweenbehindin front of(五)玩演视听1、能按要求用简单的英语做游戏;2、能在教师的帮助下表演小故事或小短剧;3、能学唱简单的英语歌曲和歌谣30首左右(含一级要求);4、能看懂程度相当的英语动画片和英语教学节目,课堂视听时间每学年不少于10小时(平均每周2025分钟)。Unit Five1.Is there a clock in your room?Yes, there is.2.Is there a TV in the room?No, there isnt.I can study and play with it.3.Are there any toys in your room?Yes, there are.4.Where is it? Its behind the door.There are so many toys.They are my cousins.5.Are there any cups on the floor?No, there are not./yes, there are some.6.Where is the phone?Its next to the door.Unit FivephotoTVbedclockcomputerdoorfloorcupwindowsofaumbrellathereroom


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