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1. Accordingly adv.因此,于是; 依据; 照着,相应地;Mine sweeping(扫雷) is a difficult and dangerous job and the engineer(工兵)who perform the job should be paid accordingly相应地. 扫雷是一项既艰难又危险的工作,所以承担这项工作的工兵应该得到相应的报酬。2.credits n.学分; 节目前后字幕; 信任,信用,声望,荣誉, 财务贷方,银行存款; 信任( credit的名词复数 ); 存款; (借钱偿还的) 信誉; link-v.相信,信任,把归给;She took too few courses in her first two years at college and now she does not have enough _(credits学分)_ to get her degree. 她在大学头两年里几乎没上什么课,所以现在她因为拿不到足够的学分而无法得到学位。3. Ideal adj.理想的,完美的; 被认为是最好的; 完全或相当令人满意的; 想象的,假设的; n.理想; 典范,典型; 目标,高尚的、有价值的原则或目标;Shes spent her whole life in pursuit of an unattainable _(ideal理想)_, and so shes been totally disappointed. 她用尽一生来追寻一个无法实现的理想,结果她已经失望之极。4. honorable adj.可敬的,荣誉的,光荣的I believe he was an _(honorable值得尊敬的)_ man, dedicated to the people and his country.我相信他绝对是受人尊敬, (因为)他把自己献给了他的国家和人民。5. conceive of 想象,设想;He could never _(conceive of 想象出)_ such a thing happening to himself.他怎么也没想到这样的事情竟然会发生在了他自己身上。6. Defect n.瑕疵,毛病; 欠缺,缺点 vi.叛逃; 背叛;Lack of confidence in his own abilities is the chief _(defect缺陷,缺点)_ in Mikes character. 麦克的性格上的主要缺陷就是对自己的能力缺乏自信。7. conception n.概念; 受精,怀孕; 胚胎; 设想,构想He has absolutely no _(conception想法)_ of how difficult life can be if one is unemployed.他根本想不到如果失业了生活会有多艰难。premise n.前提; 复数 房屋; 复数合同、契约用语 上述各点; (逻辑学中的) 大小前提 vt. 预述(条件等); 提出为前提; 假设; 作出前提The program started from the _(premise前提)_ that men and women must be treated on equal terms in this society. 这个项目能启动的前提是:在这个社会中男女能被平等地对待。9. Objective adj.目标的; 客观的,实体的; 语 宾格的; 医 他觉的 n.目标,任务; 光 物镜; 语 宾语,宾格; 事 出击目标We can not make a decision until we have made an _(objective客观的)_ assessment of our business prospects.只有对我们的生意的前景有了个客观的评估后,我们才能做出决定。10.lies in 在于 Indeed, a good deal of the importance of the book_(lies in在于)_ its later influence.事实上,这本书的极大的重要性在于它日后(显现出)的影响力。11. have borne out 支持,证明Recent studies _(have borne out支持,证明)_ claims that certain perfumes can bring about profound psychological changes. 最近的研究已经证明了这一论断,即一种特定的香水(气味)能带来潜在的心理变化。12. Induce vt.引起; 归纳; 引诱; 电 感应As the competition becomes increasingly intense, the shops are trying all kinds of ways to _(induce引诱,诱惑)_ people to buy. 随着竞争变得越来越激烈,这些店家使用所有办法来吸引顾客购物。13.vicious adj.邪恶的,恶毒的; 有恶意的; 凶猛的; 有缺点的People who are overweight usually dont like physical exercise and lack of exercise makes them put on more weight- it is a _(vicious恶性的)_ cycle. 肥胖的人通常不怎么喜欢锻炼,而缺乏锻炼又会使他们进一步变胖 这是个恶性循环。14.venture n.冒险; 冒险事业; 冒险行动; 商业冒险; vt.冒的危险; 拿冒险; 用进行投机; 以做赌注 vi冒险前进,冒险行事; 猜测(常与at连用)He is planning to risk everything to get his next _(venture冒险行为)_ started. 为了开始下一个冒险,他打算冒任何风险。15. as the case may be 看情况,根据具体情况而定Ill be at work until five, in the gym till nine, and at home after that - so contract me later at one of those places _ as the case may be(到时视具体情况定)_. 我将工作到五点,然后在体育馆锻炼到九点,然后回家-所以如何联系我视具体情况而定。16.verified adj.已证实的,已查清的 v.证实; 计算机检验( verify的过去式和过去分词); 军械 核查; 查对The drivers account of the accident was _(verified证实)_ by three men who had seen it happen.这个司机对这场事故的陈述得到了三位目击者的证实。词组:Set up 建立; 准备; 安排; 引起1. They needed quite a sum of money to set up a special school for gifted children.他们需要相当多的钱来为天才儿童建立特殊学校。Set aside 留出; 把放置一旁; 不理会; 取消2. He tries to set aside at least half an hour every day for jogging(慢跑).他试着每天至少留出半小时进行慢跑。Set back 推迟; 花费; 向后移; 拨慢3. The bad weather will set back our building plans by three weeks.恶劣的天气会使我们的建筑计划推迟三个星期。Set out 出发; 着手; 动身; 安排4. Bob set out to cut the grass but ended up talking to the neighbor over the garden wall.Bob本来着手剪草,但最后在花园墙上与邻居聊起天来。Set about 开始做(某事); 攻击; 抨击(某人); 散布(谣言)5. As soon as they got home,Marry set about preparing supper.当他们一回家,Marry就开始准备晚饭。Set off 出发; (使) 开始; 引起; 点燃6. The slightest spark can set off the explosives stored here.即使最轻微的火花也可以引燃存储在这里的炸药。Go on 发生; 进行; 过去; 向前走7. The old lady opened the window to see what was going on outside in the lane.老太太打开窗户,看看车道外面发生了什么。Go out 外出; 出国; 熄灭; 出版8. The light suddenly went out and they were left in the dark.光突然熄灭了,他们被留在了黑暗中。Go by 经过; 时光流逝; 顺便走访; 判断9. I cant make any decision on this matter;I have nothing to go by.我不能就这件事作出任何决定;我没有什么可以去依据的。Go without 没有; 缺乏; 不言而喻; 理所当然10. The patient has gone without eating anything for five days.病人已经没有吃任何东西五天。Go after 追逐,追求; 跟随; 骛 11. Once Tom had decided what he wanted,he would go after it single-mindedly .一旦汤姆决定了他想要什么,他会一心一意地去追逐。Go through with 完成,把进行到底12. Chichester went through with his plan of sailing round the world single-handed although his friends and doctors had advised him to give it up.尽管他的朋友和医生建议他放弃,他还是把他单枪匹马乘帆船环游世界的计划进行到底了。Go over 重温; 翻; 转为; 留下印象; 搁置起来13. After you finish the test,please go over it again to see if there are any obvious mistakes.完成测试后,请再次查看是否有任何明显的错误。Go into 进入; 从事; 进入(某种状态); 调查;14. There were several reasons why Hitler could come into power in Germany ,but i will not go into them now.希特勒可以在德国上台有许多原因,我现在就不去细述它们了。Go off 进行; 爆炸; 突然大作; 停止运转15. The boy was badly injured when a firework went off in his face.男孩被一个在他脸上爆炸的烟花严重伤害了。Go in for 参加; 从事; 喜欢; 支持;16. More and more youngsters in china are going in for sports.越来越多的中国青少年正在参与体育运动。完型:In his book Psycho-Cybernetics, Dr.Maxwell Maltz explain the amazing results one educator had in improving grades of children by changing their self-images. 麦斯威尔马尔茨在其心理控制论一书中解释了一位教育家的惊人的实验结果:通过改变孩子们的自我心理形象来提升成绩。He had observed that when they saw themselves as (1)stupid in a certain subject (or stupid in(2)general), they unconsciously acted to confirm (3)their self-image. They believed they were stupid(4), so they acted that way.(5) 这位教育家观察发现,当孩子们觉得自己在所学的某个科目中很笨,他们就会无意识地在行动中表现得确实很笨。他们相信了自己就是很笨,所以他们的行为就表现的很笨。Reasoning that it was their defeatist attitude rather (6)than any lack of ability that (7)was defeating them, the educator set out (8)to change their self-images. And he found that when he accomplish that, they no longer (9)behaved stupidly!这位教育家由此推断,真正打败孩子们的是他们自己心甘情愿认输的态度,而不是他们真的能力不够。他由此开始着手改变孩子们的自我形象。而且当他做到这点后,孩子们真的表现的不再愚蠢了!Maltz records how (10)this same negative self-image kept a salesman from (11)ever reaching more than a certain level of sales (12). When his territory was changed to (13)a larger and more promising territory, he continued (14)to make the same dollar amount, not a bit more.(15)马尔茨在书中还记述了人的自我形象带来的消极效果是如何阻碍一位销售员突破原有销售业绩的。 当有这么一位销售员,他负责的销售区域换成一个更大、更有前景的区域时,他的销售额还是没有丝毫增长。When the commissions(佣金)were raised, he still (16) made the same. The trouble was found to be not (17)in the conditions of his work, but in his self-image.(18) He had decided he couldnt exceed certain (19)amount, and so he subconsciously(下意识的)prevented himself from (20)doing so.当付给他的佣金增加时,他的销售业绩还是没有增加。症结不是他的工作条件,而是他的自我形象没有改变过。他始终认为自己无法做到超越原来的销售额,所以他就下意识地使自己确实无法做到突破。 Maltz concludes from (21)these and other examples that our experiences can word a kind of self-hypnotism(自我催眠状态)on us, suggesting a conclusion about ourselves and then urging us to make it come (22) true. 马尔茨由此和别的事例得出了结论:我们的经历会对我们自己施以一种自我催眠,并由此对我们自身下了定论,然后在内心里促使我们通过行动来使这一定论成为事实。翻译:Passage Translation(汉翻英)如果你着手干一番事业而失败了,不要丧失信心。“我失败了三次”与“我是一个失败者”之间有着天壤之别。只要你对自己不持否定想法,不把自己与失败等同起来,而是试图从失败中吸取教训,你很可能在未来取得成功。你可曾想到过,那些屡遭失败的人往往是自我形象不佳的牺牲品?他们的失败常常不是由于外部原因而是内部原因。无数的例子证明如果能劝使这些人改变观点并建立起正面的自我形象,他们的表现就会发生奇迹般的变化。成功可能在任何时候到来三十岁,四十岁,或是在似乎失败了一辈子以后。早年成功固然甜蜜,但是晚年的成功往往更有滋味。If you started on some venture and failed, do not despair/lose heart. There is a world of difference between “ I have failed three times” and “I am a failure”. So long as you do not hold a negative concept of self or identify with failures but try to learn from them, you stand a good chance to succeed in the future. Does it ever occur to you that those who fail repeatedly are often victims of a poor self-image? Often their failures are due to internal causes rather than external causes. Numerous cases have borne it out that if they can be induced to change their viewpoint and construct a positive self-image, miraculous changes may take place in their performance. Success can come anytime - at thirty, forty or even after a lifetime of apparent failure. Early triumphs may be sweet, but success in later life often tastes even better.Unit three 英翻汉 1. Each can be a significant, thinking, aware, and creatively productive person in his own right-a winner. 每个人都可以凭自身的能力成为一名胜利者-一个有重要作用、勤于思考、明白事理、独创累累成果的人。 2. The authentic person experiences the reality of himself by knowing himself, being himself, and becoming a credible, responsive person. 真诚的人以了解自己、赤诚展示自己并成为一名可以相信、富有同情心的人来体验自己的真实性。 3. Without guilt he enjoys own accomplishments. Without envy he enjoys the accomplishments of others. 他从自己的成就中获得满足而无愧疚之感。他从别人的成就中获得快乐而无嫉妒之心。 4. Winners successfully make the transition from total helplessness to independence, and then to interdependence. Losers do not. Somewhere along the line they begin to avoid becoming self-responsible. 胜利者成功的完成了从完全依赖到自立、再到相互依存的过渡。而失败者却没有完成这一过渡。他们往往半途而废,逃避为自己负责。 5.Instead, he tries to manipulate them into living up to his expectations and channels his energies into living up to their expectations. 相反,他试图操纵别人使之按自己的心愿行事,同时尽力实现他人的期望。


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