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新版开心学英语四年级上册英语期末练习卷(1)班别:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_一 选词填空。( folding Wednesday do doesnt are What playing guitar)1._ are you doing? Im cooking.2.These _our feet.3.What _ you want? I want a _.4.Are you _the clothes? Yes, I am.5.Tony _want a guitar.6.He plays basketball on_.7.My grandfather is _soccer.二模仿例句写句子。Module A: What do you want? I want a toy bear.1. Tony, toy car_2. Mr. Green and Mary, puzzle_Module B: Do you like science? Yes, I do.1. Mrs. Chen, English_2.they , art and music_三根据实际情况回答问题.1.Do you like math?_2.What time do you go to school?_3.What day is it today?_4.What does your father do on Sunday?_5.Does your father play the violin on Friday?_6.What do you want on your birthday?_四看图完成句子,每空一词。1.What _ Jenny want? She _a _ _.2.What _they doing? _ are _.3. These _ my _.4.What do you do _ _?I play _on _.1 234 四年级英语期末练习卷(2)班别:_姓名:_ 学号:_一选词填空。(sing, swimming, doesnt , doll, What, Lets , is, cant)1._do you want ? I want a _.2.Can you _? No , I _.3._play the violin.4.Does she want a toy car? No, she _.5.What _Gogo doing? Hes _.二根据情景,选择最佳的答案。( )1.你想知道哥哥是否喜欢数学,可以问:A. Do you like math? B. What subjects do you like? C. Do you want a math book?( )2.医生想检查你的喉咙,他会说:A Open your mouth. B. Open your eyes. C. Close your mouth.( )3.你喜欢打鼓,于是对爸爸说想要一个鼓,你会说:A I want a drum. B. Do you want a drum? C. I have a drum.( )4.体育老师上课训练学生做运动时,有时他会说:A. Do you want a soccer? B. What are you doing? C. Touch your feet.( )5. 你想知道叔叔在星期天干什么,你会问:A. What do you want on Sunday? B. What do you do on Sunday? C. Do you want a drum?( )6. 你想告诉你的朋友你很忙,你会说:A Im happy. B. Shes busy. C. Im busy.( )7.你想知道别人是否喜欢踢足球,怎么问:A. Do you like soccer? B. Do you like baseball? C. Does she like soccer?三单项选择。( )1._ do you go to school? At 7:00.A. What B. What time C. Whats ( )2. Im cold ._ the window, please , Suki!A. Open B. Touch C. Close ( )3._you running? Yes, I _.A. Do , do B. Do , dont C. Are , am( )4. What subjects _Tony like? A. is B. do C. does ( )5. _ Yes, he is.A. Is your father fishing? B. Whats the boy doing? C. Are you fishing, Dad?( )6. I have two _. A. head B. mouth C. feet( )7. Its seven in the evening. Its time to _.A. go to school B. have dinner C. go to bed ( )8. I play _ piano _ Sunday.A. a , on B. the, on C. a , at ( )9.Dont talk. The baby _.A. are sleeping B. is sleeping C. sleeping四年级英语期末练习卷(3)班别:_姓名:_ 学号:_一 选择正确的字母补全单词。( )1. col_ _ A. or B. ro C. ar ( )2. cl_ _n A. ee B. ea C. ur ( )3. t_ _ ch A. au B. en C. ur ( )4. f_ fty A. i B. u C. a ( )5. dr_ _ A. an B. un C. um( )6. _ _t A. au B. ar C. oa二选词填空。(Open subjects doesnt drum Whos dancing)1. What _do you like? I like science.2. _she? Shes my mother.3. Does Lisa want a doll? No, she _.4. Look! The girl is _.5. _your mouth,Gogo!6. Wheres my _? Its under the table.三 根据情景,选择最佳答案。( )1. Gogo问你:What time do you have lunch? 你会回答说:A.I have dinner at 7:00. B.I have lunch at 12:00. C. Its 12:00.( )2.你告诉你的同学你在星期六弹钢琴,你会说:A. What do you do on Saturday? B. Do you play the piano on Saturday?C. I play the piano on Saturday.( )3.服务员想问你想买什么,他问你: A. Do you want a doll? B. I want a doll. C. What do you want?( )4. 表妹想邀请你出去玩,但是你没空,你应说:A. Jenny cant play today. B. OK! Lets go. C. Im sorry. I cant play today.( )5. 你想知道Gogo 是不是在睡觉,你可以问Tony:A Is Gogo sleeping? B. Are you sleeping? C. Whats Gogo doing?四模仿例句写句子。Module A : What do you want? I want a guitar.1. he , puzzle_2. they , computer games_Module B: This is my head.1. feet_2. arm _五按实际情况回答问题。1What do you want in your birthday ?_2. What subjects do you like?_3.Are you washing the clothes now?_四年级英语期末练习卷(4)班别:_姓名:_ 学号:_一 选择正确的字母补全单词。( )1. pl_ _ A. ay B. ig C. uy ( )2 st_ dy A. a B. u C. e ( )3.sw_ _ A. um B. um C. em ( )4. _ _t A. ar B. er C. ur( )5.f_ sh A. a B. e C. I ( )6. h_me A. e B. o C. a( )7.g_ _tar A. iu B. la C. ui 二 从右边找出正确的答语。( )1.What do they want? A. Yes, I do.( )2. Do you want a drum? B. Its a toy bear.( )3. What is Gogo doing? C. No, she doesnt.( )4. Does Jenny like science? D. They want a computer games.( )5.Whats that? E. Hes singing a song.三 根据中文提示完成句子,一空一词。1. 你的妹妹正在做什么?她在树下绘画。_ _ your sister _? Shes _ under the tree.2. 你喜欢语文吗?喜欢,我也喜欢数学。_ you like_? Yes, I do . I like _, too.3. 今天星期六。我通常去弹吉他。_ is _. I usually _the _.4. 她的妈妈什么时候吃早餐? 八点。_ time _ her mother _breakfast? _8:00.四 模仿例句写句子。Module A: What do you do on Monday? 1._(they. Tuesday)2._(Lisa, Wednesday)Module B: Are you reading? Yes, I am.1._(they, run )2._(Tony, sing)五 阅读短文,判断对错, 对的写“T”, 错的写“F ”Hi, I am Tom. I have a good friend. His name is Jimmy. He has s sister. Shes only five. We often(经常) play badminton on Sunday. I have a blue pen and Jimmy has a green ruler. I often borrow(借)his ruler and he often borrows my pen, too. We go to school together from Monday to Friday. But his sister doesnt go to school.( )1.Jimmy is Toms good friend.( )2.Tom has a sister.( )3. They play baseball on Sunday.( )4. Jimmy has blue ruler.( )5. Jimmys sister can go to school now.四年级英语上册英语复习卷(5)班别:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_一模仿例句写句子。Module A: What subjects do you like? I like math.1._(Gogo, English)2._(Tony and Jenny, music)3._(Mr. Green, music and art)Module B: Do you want a toy car? Yes, I do.1._(Ben, puzzle)2._(Jennys sister, drum)3._(they, computer game)Module C: What do you do on Monday? I play the violin.1._(they, play soccer)2._(Lisa, play the drum)3._(Tonys mother, play basketball)Module D: What time do you go to school? I go to school at 7:00.1._(Cindy, get home)2._(they,wake up)3._(Lisa, have breakfast)二按照实际情况回答问题。1.Do you like math?_2.What time do you go to school?_3.What day is it today?_4.What does your father do on Sunday?_5.Does your father play the violin on Friday?_5.What are you doing now?_6.Is your mother cleaning the desk?_

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