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1. Do you think China offers foreign business people great opportunities to fulfill their dreams? Why?Yes, I argue that China gives those foreign business people lots of opportunities to fulfill their dreams.First of all, after China entered into WTO, more and more foreign businessmen established their companies in china, the interaction between China and other countries became more closely and frequently. Secondly, China is a big market, and Chinese government issued a series of policies to appeal to those foreign businessmen. It is much easier to achieve the goal of business for those businessmen When they take business activities in China. Finally, Based on the advanced technologies and management of the headquarters, Those foreign companies are more competitive than Chinese enterprises. In conclusion, I think China offers foreign business people great opportunities to fulfill their dreams.2. If offered an overseas assignment, would you like to work for your company at a foreign headquarters as long as required?For me, if I have an overseas assignment, I will size the moment. There are some reasons why I prefer to work in other countries. First of all, I am a curious person. The world is so big, and I want to have a look. When I work in a foreign country, I can contact with different people and things. Secondly, I argue that working in a foreign country can develop my ability about how to deal with a new and more complicated problem. In my opinion, the experience of working in a foreign country is benefit for my career. Last but not the least, my English is not very good, but I am working on it. I am interested in English, and I think that through a period of working in a foreign country, there will be a big change in my English. In conclusion, I will work for your company at a foreign headquarters as long as required.3. What factors do you think contribute to fulfillment of overseas assignments?There are some factors which I think are very important to fulfillment of overseas assignments. First of all, preparation. Before you go abroad, you should prepare well for your job. Which include the culture and custom of the destination. Secondly, persistence. At the beginning of working in a foreign country, it is possible that you will meet several problems, then you should search for the solutions to deal with these problems, no matter how difficult the job is , the only thing you should keep in mind is never give up. Moreover, you should report to the headquarter about your process regularly. Last but not the least, make full use of your personal relationships, it can save you much time when you resolve the problems.4. What is the difference between E-commerce and the traditional business?E-commerce is the practice of buying and selling products and services over the Internet, utilizing technologies such as the Web, electronic data interchange, email, and smart cards and so on. In brief, it is the online exchange or sale and purchase of goods and services. The differences between E-commerce and traditional commerce as follows:The first difference between them is that traditional commerce often bases on face-to-face interaction. The customer has a chance to ask questions and the sales staff can work with them to ensure a satisfactory transaction. Often this gives sales staff an opportunity for up selling , or encourage the client to buy a more expensive item or related items, increasing the shop profits. Another benefit of traditional commerce is return Rate. In a traditional store, the customer will be able to touch and check the items, to make sure they are suitable, and even try them on, which reduces the number of returned items or complaints. On the other hand, E-commerce also has some benefits. Firstly, costs of E-commerce are lower than traditional commerce. Compared with costs such as commercial space rent, opening an online store can save much, which can prove invaluable benefits for small business owners who dont have the startup capital to rent prime retail space to sell their goods. In addition, an online store has no capability limits, and you can have as many clients as your stock can serve. 5. What are the benefits and limitations of E-commerce?Benefits of E-commerce:For companies : All the advantages of E-commerce for business entities can be summed in one statement: E-commerce can increase sales and decrease costs. By establishing virtual organizations, firms can communicate with each other more efficiently. Besides, the advertising of E-commerce can offer much potential customers in every country in the world.For buyers: Customer can get accurate information of commodities. E-commerce increases consumers purchasing opportunities and provides competitive bid information. It gives customers a wider range of choices. There is no doubt that Electronic payments is more faster.Disadvantages of E-commerceFirst of all, there is the difficulty of integrating existing databases into the software that enables E-commerce. On other hand, some consumers are still fearful of sending their credit card numbers on the Internet. Moreover, some consumers are simple resistant to change and are uncomfortable viewing merchandise on a computer screen. Last but not the least, Internet laws are confusing and conflicting. 6. Do you take it for granted that copyright should be protected by law?Yes, In my opinion, every copyright should be protected by law. There are some reasons why I agree with this opinion. First of all, as we know, copyright is the recognition to the inventor. People are motivated by the economic value behind the copyright. The copyright represent one certain person or company. In the absence of copy protection, most of products are relatively easy to be copied by other people. Besides, we protect the copyright by law to make sure that everyone rewards what he or she should have, promoting the development of technologies and culture. Last but not least, using law to protect the rights of inventor is a basic policy of our country. Through this measure, we can encourage more and more people to involve into innovating, and our conditions of lives will become more and more better. 7. Do you think it is criminal to adapt others ideas in your own way and share them with your friends?In my opinion, I am not against people to adapt others ideas in their own way, but when you want to adapt sbs ideas, and share them with your friends, you must get the permission of the inventor about those ideas, and then note it on your paper. If you cited ones ideas without permission, your behavior is equal to plagiarism. Newton once said” If I have seen a little further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants”. By adapting others ideas can save much time for us, and we might get inspiration from those ideas.8. What is corporate culture? How does culture affect the way we do business?Corporate culture is a broad term used to define the unique personality of a particular company or organization, and includes such elements as core values and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior.Corporate culture can be expressed in the companys mission statement and other communications. By what people wear to work, by how people address each other. When we contact with other foreign business partners, we should consider about the difference of cultures. For example, you can shake hands with a English merchant at meeting, but reminder that do not give him/her a hug. German businessmen prefer talking in German to English, so when you cooperate with German businessmen, you had better learn some German businessmen language, or employee an interpreter.In conclusion, when we do business with different culture people, we should cultivate the cross-cultural awareness. Besides, we should master cross-cultural business skills. Last but not the least, strengthening cultural exchanges is a useful way to help us reaching our business goals. 9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online-communication?Every day, millions of people are using QQ, MSN or other Internet service to chat. Theres no denying that online communication has a lot of advantages. Firstly, its easy, affordable, and allows individuals to communicate with individuals all over the world. Before appearance of the Internet, people usually chat via phones. It was not convenient, because you cannot chat with several people at the identical time. After the invention of camera system, people can see each other while chatting, this makes the online communication more enjoyable. For instance, a chief executive officer can sit in front of a computer instead of calling all managers to have a meeting.There are some disadvantages of online communications. Firstly, one may tell lies on the Internet when they chatting with a stranger. The online frauds always cause a lot of problems. Online communication does have a variety of advantages, but it can be really dangerous. So we should pay more attention when we are chatting online with strangers.10.Which way of communication do you prefer talking face-to-face or chatting on line? Why?As we know, there are two main forms of communication, the one is face-to-face communication, and the other is communication through the Internet. For me, I prefer to choose the former.There are some reasons why I argue that face-to-face communication is better than online communication. Firstly of all, face-to-face communication is more efficiency than online communication, within the same period; talks can exchange more information, so the effect is much batter. Secondly, when people communicate with each other through face-to-face communication, they can understand the true meaning of others behind the words through their expression. Last but not the least; we can improve our interpersonal relationship through face-to-face communications. When we talk to others, we make a deep impression on others. Those advantages are obvious than online communication.From above, we can see that face-to-face communication is much better than online communications. When you communicate with one person through the Internet, you may misunderstand his/her meaning. Whats more, he/she may not give response to you right now. So, there is no doubt that, face-to-face communication is better than online communication, specially, when you want to get a quick response and share your idea with each other.11.The factors requisite for success may differ from one profession to another, what kind of elements may contribute to success in your opinion?In my opinion, no matter what kind of your profession, hard working is the most important factor contributes to success. The only passport to success is hard work. My major is logistics engineering, After I graduate, I might search a job about logistics. Besides hard work, another major factor to achieve the goal is thinking and summarizing. Logistics is a practical profession, while it doesnt mean that without thinking. In contrast, it needs to rethink profoundly how to optimize the process after you finish your work. Last but not least, good interpersonal skill is another important factor for this profession. This profession is related to management, so how to get well along with other people become virtual. A successes manager must be a person who has well relationships with others. 12.Are you big fans of certain celebrities? What do you think of celebrities as products spokesmen?Yes, I am a fan of Xu Song, he is a very talented singer. The reasons why I adore him are as follows. Firstly, he is not only a singer, but also skilled in composing. Besides, he is a very excellent lyricist. The word in his lyricists contains with the aroma of Chinese style, so he is very popular among young people. Secondly, he works hard in creating new high quality songs. He spent lots of efforts effort on this job. Finally, he is a very thinking man. Besides creating songs, he also likes reading. Modestand smart may be the best characteristics to describes him.In my opinion, I dont agree with celebrities to endorse products. The most obvious reason is that the quality of those products endorsed by celebrities is unsure, people may buy the inferior products. On the other hand, customers hold that these products which relates to celebrities, so they may be ignore the price and quality, and they may buy them just out of their affections for celebrities. Last but not the least, once some problems occurred when customers using these products, It will create a terrible influences on celebrities.

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