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M1 U1 Go straight on教学目标:(一)情感目标1通过小组合作,培养学生的合作精神和竞争意识。2通过学习 go straight on ,turn left,turn right等词组为他人指路,培养学生助人为乐的情感。(二)知识目标Excuse me.Where is the school,please?Go straight on .turn left ,turn right.(三)能力目标1培养学生表演对话的能力,提高其运用英语的能力。2会运用本课的词汇模仿录音语调。教学重点:Go straight on.Turn left.Turn right.教学难点:用英文问路,指路。教学课时:1课时(一)组织教学1点击课件,Sing the English song 2Free Talks What is your name?How do you go to school by bike or by bus?Do you like English? Do you like your new English teacher?(设计说明:师生共唱英语歌曲及自由会话,调动了学生学习的积极性,活跃了课堂气氛。)(二)热身复习登山比赛摘苹果:制作了各种动物卡片,把全班学生分成两个擂台组,每组选两名学生到黑板前,一个表演,一个说英语,用句型Have you got a tiger?Yes,I have.如果说对了,就登一个台阶。谁先登上山顶摘到苹果,即为本次擂台的擂主。(设计说明:这样的游戏活动,通过小组合作与对等性的竞争,巩固了上一节课有关动物的单词,学生兴趣盎然。)(三)呈现新知1导入新课 点击课件,多媒体显示Beijing tian”anmen的图片,告诉学生在北京我遇见一位外国人,用英语为他指路去天安门,我最棒。Look at this picture,please.It is Beijing tiananmei.Beijing is very beautiful.Do you want to go?Class,I have been to Beijing.In Beijing,I met a foreigner.He did not know how to get to Beijing Tiananmen.I tell him the way.I am the best.Yes?In this class lets learn how to ask the way?点击课件,多媒体显示Ask the way.问路And lets learn how to point the way? 点击课件,多媒体显示Point the way.指路Now class if you learn very well,you are the best.2.讲授新课 A.点击课件,多媒体显示狗的图片。Class,here is a dog .The dog is lost.lost the meaning :迷路。Nevermind,here is her address.点击课件,多媒体显示狗的地址:My name is Doudou.I live in No.2 West Lake Road.接着用单词卡学习新单词live,road.如live:I live in Chengbei?Where do you live?B.Chant: 点击课件,多媒体显示Chant:Lost,lost,lost.The dog is lost. Live,live,live.I live in West Lake Road.(设计意图:通过韵律诗,操练单词lost,live,road。此时chant的运用使枯燥的机械操练变得不在单调和乏味。)C.Lets help Doudou to find her house.Ok?Lets ask the way:Excuse me.Where is No.2West Lake Road,please?在次领读单词Excuse me,并举例:Excuse me.Where is the school/zoo/park,please?点击课件,多媒体显示一个十字路口,随着多媒体的显示学习指路短语:go straight on,turn left,tyrn right.以及单词supermarketD.Game:拔河比赛把全班学生分成两大组:left和right.游戏开始时,一组的学生喊:left;另一组的学生喊:right;E.Listen to the radio.Listen again and answer the questions. 点击课件,多媒体显示Questions:1.How is the dog? 2.Where does the dog live? 3.Where is the No.2 West Lake Road?3.角色表演 教师把头饰交给学生,让他们分别扮演Sam,Amy,dog,the old man,the dogs owner.(设计意图:小学生想象力丰富,善于模仿,具有强烈的表现欲;教师让学生进行角色表演,可以调动学生的学习积极性,使学生主动参与教学活动,大胆地说和夸张地演。)(四)任务完成 (1)让学生到黑板前做指令性动作,练习go straight on,turn left,turn right. (2)根据图片1,2,3,小组合作问路,指路。(五)拓展新知 游戏:帮助盲人过马路。点击课件,多媒体播放爱的奉献。在背景音乐中帮助盲人过马路。点击课件,多媒体显示: Help people in trouble. Be full of love in world.七家庭作业:小组表演对话。M1 U2 Its at the station.教学目标:1、 知识目标:学习单词: station, houses, hill, train, up, down, near 学习句子: Wheres train 1?The train is up/down the hill. 2、 能力目标:能听说、认读单词 station,houses,hill,train,up,down 能运用句子 Its at the station, 来描述位置。 3、 情感目标:通过学习本课知识,培养学生礼貌,热心,乐于助人的好习惯。 教学重点:认读单词 station,houses,hill,train 和理解方位介词 up,down,near,at 教学难点:运用句子 Its at the station. 描述位置 教学课时:1课时Step1 : Warm-up 1、 Greeting 2、 I say you do:stand up,sit down,boys up,girls up,boys and girls down. Show me your hands,right hand,left hand Show me your feet,left foot,right foot 3、 Chant:Left hand,right hand,left hand, right Go straight on ,now turn right Left foot, right foot, left foot, right Go straignt on, now turn left Step 2:Presentation 1 、 ( 课件展示一只小狗 ) T:Whats this? Ss:Its a dog. T:Yes,his name is doudou. We know,doudou is lost.Where is doudou live? Ss:NO.2 West Lake Road. T: now lets help doudou to find his home. 2 、动画课件展示街道和几处掩藏的建筑( station , hill , houses ),通过 guessing 方式,首先展示 station , doudou 乘 train 从 station 出发,来到 hill,up the hill and down the hill 之后,来到 houses ,即 doudous home. 课件展示移动的 doudou. Ss 根据 doudou 的路径 say:Go straight on,then turn left T:doudou stop here,where is it? Is this doudouhome? Ss guess yes or no T:lets have a look.T 点击出现 station, 板书并教授此单词。 T:whats station? Bus station?lets listen( 点击 train 声音 ),Its a train station. 板书教授 train,( 区别 train and tree, 着重强调 train 的发音 ) train 靠站, T : where is the train?( 板书 ) Ss:its at the station. T:Doudou gets on the train,and go on,the train stop again,maybe its doudous home.lets see. No, whats this? ( 点击出示 hill 并教授 ),train 上山然后下山,通过动画教授 up the hill ,down the hill. T:this time the train stop here,what happened? 点击出现 house, 通过 how 来教授 house. T: this is doudous home,NO2.West LakeRoad. Where is NO2.West LakeRoad? ( 点击出现 supermarket)Its next to the supermarket. 通过 next to 导出 near, 通过 ear 帮助学生掌握 near 的发音。 3.T:we help doudou find his home.There are four trains here,train1,train2,train3and train4,wheres the trains?listen and answer. (1)listen and point (2)listen and answer (3)listen and repeat Step3 practice 1. T:there is a new friend here,monkey. where is the monkey? 通过 monkey 的运动,依次做出回答, Its up the tree/down the tree/near the houses/at the zoo 2. look,read and write on up near at down 1.The bus is _ the hill. 2.The tiger is _ the tree. 3.The cat is _ the house. 4.The car is _ the hill. 5.The car is _ the zoo. Step4: sum up Step5 :Homework 画一幅你家附近的地图,用英语向朋友介绍怎样到达某地 Step6:blackboard design Unit2 Its at the station Where is train1? Its at the station. up the hill down near the housesM2 U1 Shes reading a book.教学目标:1、全体学生能理解:read, running, these, picture, take, take pictures 2、全体学生能运用:语法:Shes reading a book. Hes taking pictures. 词汇:reading, running, taking, taking pictures 3、学会谈论图片上正在发生的事情。教学重点:1、谈论图片上正在发生的事情。 2、掌握单词:reading, running, taking, taking pictures.教学难点:谈论图片上正在发生的事情。教学课时:1课时Step 1 Warm up and lead in 1. Greeting. 2. Read the chant of last module together. 3. Show some pictures and ask the students to say something about the pictures. (展示一些照片,让学生看着照片说说照片上的 人分别喜欢什么运动以及在做什么运动。对于照片上的人正在进行的活动学生不会表达的可以用中文来说。用中文来说了之后,询问学生同样的内容我们如果用英语来表达又该怎么说呢?学了这一课之后我们就可以用英语来表达了。) Step 2 Presentation 1. Learn the new words Before we learn the new text, we learn some new words: these, reading, taking pictures, watching TV, playing with a toy train. (1)出示单词卡片,通过集体跟读,小组跟读,开火车类型活动让学生会读新单词。 (2)听音做动作。老师读一个单词,学生根据 单词做出相应的动作。2Listening (1)Play the tape, and ask the students to listen carefully. 第一次播放录音,请学生看图,理解课文语境。 (2)Listen again and ask the students to point to the sentences and find “-ing”并圈出来。 第二次播放录音,可以让学生指着课文的句子默默跟读,找出带有“-ing”的单词。 (3) Listen for the third times and ask the students to repeat the sentences. Try to imitate the tone and the pronunciation. 播放第三次录音,让学生跟着录音读,尽量 模仿录音的语音和语调。 3、重点学习:Shes reading a book. Hes taking pictures. 向学生展示一个小女孩看书的图片,跟学生 说假设是我的照片,说明图片内容并板书:I like reading. Look, Im reading a book. 带领学生说以上语句,说明照片的内容.再展示一个男孩和一个女孩看书的图片,分别说明图片内容并板书: Lily likes reading. Look! Shes reading a book. Tom likes reading. Look! Hes reading a book. 带领学生说以上的句子,说明图片内容。 (板书的时候用不同颜色的笔呈现助动词“be” 和实义动词的现在分词。) 4. Practice (1) Ask the students to look at the pictures on Page 10 and listen to the tape, and then repeat the sentences. (2) Take out a magic box. Ask the students to take a picture from the box and describe the picture. 让学生从盒子中抽出图片,然后根据图片的内 容,用本节课所学知识去描述图片。Look at the pictures on Page10 and try to describe the pictures. 让学生看图片说出盼盼的活动。 然后请学生两人一组进行训练,一人按照图片做动作,另一人说句子,然后交换角色开展活动。最后请部分学生进行展示。 Step 4 Summary Sum up what we learnt during this period. Review the words: these, reading, taking pictures, watching TV, playing with a toy train. And review the sentences: Shes reading a book. Hes taking pictures. Shes watching TV. Hes playing with a toy train. Step 5 Homework 1. Listen to the tape and repeat the text for several times.(注意模仿录音的语音和语调。) 2. Copy the text with the translation. (注意单词的 书写格式。)M2 U2 What are you doing?教学目标:1 能听、说、读、写5个词组:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone.2 能认读句型:What are you doing? I am doing the dishes/教学重点:1、四会掌握5个动词词组:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone.2、能简单运用句型:What are you doing? I am doing the dishes/教学难点:1、通过比较动词原形和动词ing形式,让学生初步理解并掌握现在进行时的用法。2、动词ing形式的读音。教学课时:1课时一、Warm-up1、Lets chant: T: First, lets chant: dog, dog, what can you do? Ready? Go! Dog, dog, what can you do?I can run after you.Panda, panda, what can you do?I can eat so much bamboo.Mouse, mouse, what can you do?I can hide in the shoe.Mike, Mike, what can you do?I can draw animals in the zoo!2、Act and guess: T: You see, the animals and Mike are so helpful. Im helpful, too. Now, guess, what can I do?1sweep the floor 2 cook the meals 3water the flowers4clean the board 5 clean the window 6 read a book7do the dishes 8answer the phone 9draw pictures3、Lets make a new chant: T: Good job! Now, lets play a game. For example, I say: sweep, sweep, you must say sweep the floor. If you know just stand up and follow me, OK? Are you ready?1sweep, sweep 2 cook, cook 3water, water 4 read, read5do, do 6answer, answer 7draw, draw 8watch, watch二、Presentation1、新授answering the phone1 引出:小灵通响,学生很奇怪,静下来了,教师从身上摸出手机,看一下号码,T: Oh, my god! Im sorry, my boyfriend is calling me. 接起电话:Hello! Yes? Im busy now. My students are waiting for me. Hold on, please. What am I doing? Who knows?2 出示认读:示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)-跟读抽读two by two3 简单chant: answering, answering, answering the phone:示范跟着说唱抽学生说唱4 How to spell: 板书一齐spell齐读一遍(旁注:ing, 现在进行时)2、新授reading a book1 教师打开一千零一夜,摇头晃脑读:从前有座山,山里有座庙,庙里有个老和尚What am I doing now?2出示认读 : 示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)-跟读抽读one by one3chant: reading, reading, reading a book 同上4How to spell:同上(不写,用贴的)3、新授doing the dishes1 Guess 引出, 出示单词卡片,T: Look, the girl is helpful. Where is she? Is she in the classroom/living room/? Yes, shes in the kitchen. What is she doing now? Yes, shes doing the dishes.2 出示认读 :示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)-跟读抽读eight by eight3 chant: doing, doing, doing the dishes 同上4 How to spell: 用贴的。同上。4、巩固3个词组:answering the phone, reading a book, doing the dishes.1 认读:齐读 Now, lets read the three words.2 Act and guess: Good job! Now guess what am I doing?a. 师做动作学生猜教师肯定说:Yes, Im doing the dishes/.齐猜抽2个学生猜b. 抽一个学生上台做动作,教师背对学生猜:T: What are you doing? Are you answering the phone? S: No./ Yes, Im .c. 出示并认读句型:What are you doing? Im reading a book.示范读跟读师做动作学生问师答同桌背靠背,一人做动作一人猜:S1:What are you doing? Are you ? S2: No./ Yes, Im 5、新授drawing pictures1 引出:生齐读:What are you doing? 师做动作:Im ?让学生说出词组,然后做画画动作,Im?2 出示认读:示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)-跟读抽读3 chant: drawing, drawing, drawing pictures. 抽学生chant齐chant4 Follow me: T: Follow me, please. Im drawing pictures.(做动作) What are you doing? S: Im 抽学生说5 How to spell:同上6、新授单词cooking dinner1 Guess引出:T: Look! Shes Amys mommy. What is she doing? Guess!(图片只露出部分)S: Cook the meals!T: Cook the meals or cooking the meals?S: Cooking the meals.T: Yes, shes cooking the meals. Shes cooking dinner.2 出示认读:示范读(强调ing发音和边做动作边读单词)-跟读抽读3chant: cooking, cooking, cooking dinner抽学生chant齐chant4Follow me:同上,让学生链接问答。5How to spell:同上三、Practice1、hanging man游戏。2、卡片认读并完成采访。 1T: Now, open your cards, please. Can you read it? If you can, please hold up! (教师示意学生双手举起卡片) T: A, What are you doing? Say and show it to others! S: Im .2Lets make a survey: T: Now, lets make a survey, first, Im an interviewer. Who wants to have a try?T: Hello, A. What are you doing?S: Im T: Now, its your turn. Ask three students in your group. What are you doing? Sart!师示范学生小组活动抽一组学生进行汇报:一个采访,其余三个回答。四、拓展: 家庭剧。 T : Now lets act a family story. I need four children and one mommy. Who wants to have a try? Mommy and four children are at home. Mommy is cooking dinner. Four childrenYoure drawing pictures. Youre doing the dishes. Youre reading a book. Youre watching TV. Then the phone will ring: Ding-ling-ling, Ding-ling-ling, Mommy will say: Im cooking dinner. Answer the phone, children. And the children will say one by one: Sorry, Im And the last children will say: Im watching TV. Let me answer the phone. Im a friend of your mommy. Ill call the phone. OK?T: Hello! S: Hello! Miss Yuan.T: What are you doing?S: Im answering the phone. What about you?T: Im answering the phone, too.Ha-Ha! Byebye!S: Byebye!M3 U1 What are they doing?教学目标:1学习询问他人正在做什么事情。2描述他人正在做的事情。3学生能够听、说、认boat chess row soybean milk drink hungry 。4通过创设和谐的氛围,让孩子们轻松愉快地学习英语,并形成良好的英语语感。教学重点:1学说问句What are they doing?2掌握句型Theyre 动词+ing +宾语教学难点:能清晰准确地发出本课所教的单词的音.教学课时:1课时(一)交流热身,预习导入1.师生齐唱M2 中的小诗,并配以动作。2.教师快速向学生出示几组词,每组包含一个动词,请学生说出这个动词。师板书:read , write ,listen ,play , talk 3.请学生说这些动词的-ing形式。4 齐读黑板上的动词及其-ing形式。(二)小组合作,自主学习1.告诉学生,教师将要模仿一个动作,他们要猜猜教师正在做什么。教师模仿动作后提问:What am I doing? (我正做什么?)引入句子:Im doing taijiquan.。3.请全体学生一起边做动作,边说:Im doing taijiquan.4自主学习单词(Task 1)(1)Listen and underline the new words and the difficult words.(2) Listen and read the new words and the difficult words 3 times.(3)Read the words by yourself.5小老师检查单词(Who can teach?)6单词句型运用(Task 2)以小组为单位,用所学词汇造句,进行运用,找出本模块重点句型what are they doing?进行替换、拓展、对话等情景练习,然后小组进行展示。(三)归纳探究,词汇点拨1.请一学生挑选黑板上所提供的任一动词,做出相应的动作。2.教师通过提问:What is he/ she doing ?复习Hes/ Shes 动词+ing +宾语。3.请该生所在组的成员模仿该生的动作,并做动作边说:Im动词+ing+宾语。4.教师故作不解状问:What are they doing ? 后又释然说:Oh. Theyre 动词+ing +宾语,并板书。5.教师指着黑板上的句子,请学生跟说多遍。6.小组合作挑选黑板上所提供的任一动词(不能重复),做出YKa小学资源网相应的动作,其他学生回答问题:What are they doing ? (四)反馈,总结评价1.请几位学生到教室前,由教师说动词词组,学生模仿动作,比比谁的反应最灵敏。2.让学生在小组内进行训练。3.四人小组中,请学生A 和B向学生C和D模仿一个动作,然后由C和D提问:A 和B在做什么?4.让小组内学生互换角色。5.请几位学生到教室前模仿动作,教师提问:What are they doing ?然后让全班或个别学生回答。四、课堂检测1.选择单词补全句子riding playing rowing drinking doingTheyre Taijiquan.Theyre a dragon boat.Theyre chess.Theyre soybean milk.Theyre on a bus.2.英汉互译上车 在湖上 under the tree play chess 许多 row a boat 五、课后作业1. 抄写单词:row , play, drink, boat, milkYKa小学资源网2. 收集有关人物或动物正在进行某种动作行为的照片、图片、图案,并用英语说说他们正在做什么?3. 预习M4 U2课文。六、板书设计Unit 1 What are they doing? What are they doing?They are rowing a dragon boat. On the lakeThey are doing Taijiquan. In the parkThey are playing chess. Under the treeM3 U2 whats the elephant doing?教学目标:1.能听说读写单词:fast food、chopsticks、difficult 、want、make,2.学生能运用句子:Do you want some.?并能做出正确回答Yes,please.No,thank you.教学重点:掌握句型Do you want some.?Yes,please.No,thank you.并能就食物的选择向他人提问或回答他人。教学难点:chopsticks、difficult的发音及新句型的运用。教学课时:1课时(一)Warming up1、 Play a game: gussing gameT:Hello,boys and girls.Ss:.T:Today we will learn the new lesson Module5 Food. First, lets play a guessing game.( 复习以前学过的食物的单词)引导学生要用句型:Have you got _? Yes ,I have. No, I havent.(二) presentation and practice1、Do you like the food?2、T:duplings、noodles and rice are Chinese fast food . Do you like Chinese fast food? Ss:. (教学fast food) T:Do you want some rice?(引出课题)用duplings、noodles 替换rice练读句型Do you want some.?并让学生用此句型向老师提问。老师回答Yes,please.No,thank you.3、T:I like noodles. But I dont know making noodles.Do you know making noodles? Ss:. T:(出示图片)Look, hes making noodles.(随机教学 making noodles)4、T:Im hungry. I want to eat some noodles.I need chopsticks.(拿出筷子)教读单词: chopsticks difficult(个人读-小组读,齐读)5、教授句型:Do you want some.?Yes,please.No,thank you.1)板书Do you want some.?2)引导学生回答Yes,please.No,thank you并板书6、practice老师轮流指着实物图片提问Do you want some.?8、听课文录音五. Homework.M4 U1 Do you want some rice?教学目标:1学会听、说、读fast food、make、difficult、chopstick2能运用句型:Do you want some ?Yes please./ No thank you .来询他人进行日常的交流。3采用多种活动途径和可视、可听的多媒体培养学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生积极地参与和主动学习,让学生爱上英语。教学重点:1.会听、说、读、写本课新单词。2.掌握句型“Do you want some?”及答语。教学难点:能在具体的情境中运用句子Do you want some?并作出回答。教学课时:1课时Step1: Warming-up1.Say a chant: Noodles and rice。【设计意图】:学生只有对英语学习有积极的感情,才能保持英语学习的动力。因此,课前使用歌谣,让学生边说边做动作,充分调动学生的情绪,使学生经过热身进入一个学习语言的环境。并呈现单词noodles, rice。2、Freetalk屏幕出示食物图片单词,让学生用升降调一一齐读。T:What do you like?S: I like (复习单词和句子)(apples, bananas, pears , noodles, rice, fish, meat)【设计意图】:运用游戏来复习单词可以避免单调、枯燥的朗读,可以大大地调动学生的积极性,激发他们参与热情,从而提高学习效果。Step2:Presentaion 1.New words:(1)课件展示一些快餐的图片,引出fast food 这一单词,然后展示noodles、rice 和 fish 的图片,引出Chinese fast food。带领孩子们say a chant : Fast food ,fast food ,Chinese fast food!(2)课件展示在做面条的图片,通过提问What is he doing ?和回答Hes making noodles .引出 make制作这一单词,并复习之前学过的进行时。Noodles are very nice 引出美味的这一单词。然后say a chant : Make noodles, make noodles ,Im making noodles!可以边说韵律边做做面条的动作,加深记忆。(3)T: Im hungry, I want some noodles. I want chopsticks.(同时拿出筷子帮助孩子理解句意)。然后say a chant : Chopsticks, chopsticks, they are chopsticks!(4)T : We think chopsticks are easy, but Amy thinks they are difficult.(大屏幕展示difficult 及读音)然后say a chant : Difficult, difficult , chopsticks are difficult!【设计意图】:利用chant的形式学习新单词,朗朗上口便于学生掌握记忆,并配以相应的动作能很好的吸引孩子的注意力加深理解。同时多媒体课件展示图片及发音,易于激发孩子的学习兴趣,加深直观印象。2.Text:(1) T(手拿食物图片或实物向学生询问):Do you want some ? Help Ss answer the question in this way: Yes, please/ No, thank you. (师生之间用所学的单词,多操练。)然后(课件显示食物图片)Lets have a party.(to s1) Do you want some rice? (to s2) Do you want some fish? (to s3) Do you want some apples? 学生回答:Yes,please./No,thank you.在学会的基础上让学生拿着卡片自由对话练习这一句型。并以小组为单位进行展示、评价。【设计意图】:通过这个自由对话,使大部分学生都参与到了活动中来,让他们在情境中感知,在情境中实践,培养学生的语言运用能力。同时大面积、高效率的机械操练能让学生把握新的词汇和句型,为下一步有意义的实际操练奠定语言基础。(2)首先让学生看图.(课件出示课文教学图片)听音,初步感知课文。然后多媒体分图展示朗读,再放录音学生跟读课文。然后由老师讲解课文,对学生进行生活教育,不要偏食。最后通过领读、齐读、分角色读,使学生积极参与到学习中,并学会运用所学知识。【设计意图】:利用多媒体展示课文图片,读音,有助于集中孩子们的注意力;听磁带模仿课文的语音语调,目的是为了加强学生语音语调的训练,进一步加深对知识点的理解。Step3:Practice课件展示本篇课文,里面的重点处空了出来,让孩子们听录音选词填空。Step4:Extension 1.利用大家熟悉的白雪公主和功夫熊猫的故事为背景练习本课的重点句型“Do you want some?”及答语。 2. 设置一个情景,生日宴会上,主人热情的招待客人,客人礼貌地回应。小组内进行练习,然后展示,评出最佳表演小组,并把食物卡片作为奖励。A:Good morning,.Do you want some?B: Yes,please./No,thank you.A:Here you are.B:Its nice .Thank you .A (to C): 【设计意图】:根据学生年龄特征,喜欢表演,乐于展示,通过设计这个环节,既联系了本模块所学的重要知识,又借助多媒体使孩子进入了真实的语言环境。Step5:Summary and Homework让学生自己总结一下今天本堂课所学的知识,同时教师再次点拨.然后Let students make a survey:运用所学句型Do you want some ? Yes , please. / No , thank you.调查小组成员或朋友想吃和不想吃的食物,并将表格填好。FoodFatherMotherFriendricenoodlesfishmeatmilk【设计意图】:通过课后调查,让学生运用所学句型与朋友交流,激发孩子学习的积极性,提高学生的英语交际的能力。M4 U2 How much is it?教学目标:1重点句型“Can I help you? How much is this dress?“熟练运用上一节课所学的描述性词句 Its colourful/pretty/expensive/cheap.”2了解西方人买东西的习惯和方式。教学重点:句型:“Can I help you? How much is this skirt/? Its colourful/”教学难点:用How much 句型询问价格。教学课时:1课时1.Warm-upLets sing:Unit3创设教学情境,活跃课堂氛围, 复习所学过的衣服的单词,为下面的教学做铺垫。lets play:师指着一个男生说:“He is a girl.”先看生的反应,和生同时说“Oh, no.”然后说:“He is a boy”.和生一起说:“Oh, Yeh.”生明白意图后,师继续说句子,让生在这两种反应中选择并做出。师可说:“This is our classroom./My T-shirt is yellow./ He wear a shirt(指任一生的衣服)”。2Presentation(1)GreetingHello, boys and girls. My name is Yoko, you can call me Miss Chen or Yoko. Nice to meet you!师伸手和生握手,生也会和师打招呼。师继续创设情景:“Today is Amys birthday. Can you sing a song for her? Lets sing for her?”生和师拍节奏齐唱。唱完后,师问生:“What do you buy for her?”边说边出示一个礼品盒,引起学生的好奇心,生边说边打开盒子,拿出礼品:“Lets have a look


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