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人教PEP版六年级(上册)Unit 3检测卷听力部分(30分)一、听录音,根据你听到的单词选择正确的汉语意思。(10分)( )1. A. 电影 B. 电影院 C. 看电影( )2. A. 在早晨 B. 在中午 C. 在今晚( )3. A. 卡片 B. 明信片 C. 信封( )4. A. 太阳 B. 星星 C. 月亮( )5. A. 价格 B. 大米 C. 标签二、听录音,在你听到的句子前面括号里打。(10分)()1. Im going to see a film.( )2. Today is Sunday.()3. Can I go to the park?()4. Have a good time.( )5. Lily will have a piano class tomorrow.()6. My mother is going to the supermarket.( )7. Look at my new books. They are funny.()8. Mid-Autumn Festival is an important festival for us.三、听录音, 根据你听到的内容将下列图片按照AE排序。(10分)笔试部分(70分)四、英汉互译。(10分)1. go for a picnic _2. 玩得开心 _3. half price _4. 上一节美术课 _5. space travel _五、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)1. Listen! A bird is _ (sing).2. Li Ming is going to _(see) a film tomorrow.3. Jim _(want) to make a snowman.4. Mark doesnt like _ (eat) fruits.5. Here _ (come) a bus.六、选择与图片相匹配的选项,将序号写在括号里。(10分)A. Jack is a good boy. He visits his grandparents every week.B. Marry is drawing a picture in the Angel Park.C. Amy is going to take a trip on this summer vacation.D. Lara is going to have a dance class this afternoon.E. We always have a big meal on Spring Festival.七、选择题。(10分)( ) 1. Lilys dog lost. She is looking _ it.A. at B. out C. for( ) 2. I have _ books about space.A. much B. a lot of C. lot of( ) 3. Mid-Autumn Festival is on _.A. August 15 B. July 15 C. September 15( ) 4. They _ have an English class on Friday.A. is going to B. are going to C. be going to( ) 5. I need some _.A. Chinese books B. comic book C. a word book八、阅读短文,回答问题。( 10分 )Tomorrow is Saturday. Linda neednt go to school. She is going to make a plan about her weekend. On Saturday morning, she is going to the bookstore. She wants to buy some storybooks. On the afternoon, she is going to play baseball with her friends. Both of them like baseball. After dinner, she is going to see a film about aliens (外星人) with her family. Because its half price on Saturday night. She thinks it will be an interesting day.Its Saturday. After Linda getting up, she finds it is raining outside. She has to stay at home and do her homework.What a terrible day!1. What is Linda going to do on Saturday morning?_2. Is Linda going to play basketball on Saturday afternoon?_3. Why are Lindas family going to see a film at night?_4. How is the weather on Saturday?_5. Is Linda happy to stay at home?_九、写作练习。明天就是周日,想一想你周日有什么安排呢?将它们写出来。( 20分 )参考句型:is going to._听力材料一、听录音,根据你听到的单词选择正确的汉语意思。每小题读一遍。1. film2. tonight3. postcard4. moon5. price二、听录音,在你听到的句子前面括号里打。每小题读两遍。1.Have a good time.2.Mid-Autumn Festival is an important festival for us.3.Im going to see a film.4.My mother is going to the supermarket.5.Can I go to the park?三、听录音, 根据你听到的内容将下列图片按照AE排序。每小题读两遍。1. There are many fresh vegetables and fruits in the supermarket.2. You can look up the dictionary if you have some problems.3. I am going to the bookstore and buy a word book.4. Mooncakes are very delicious. They are necessary on the Mid-Autumn Festival.5. Bob likes reading comic books.

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