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六年级英语(期中试卷)听力部分(40分)听音圈单词(10分)1 bathroom living room 2 dress dresser3 cook make 4 wash dish 5 line circle 6 always usually7 house horse 8 your yours9 shower our 10 refrigerator toilet听录音判断正误(10分)( )1 I usually go to school by bus.( )2 My favourite shape is circle.( )3 Danny is sitting beside her.( )4 He wants to learn English.( )5 What would you like for breakfast?听录音排序(10分)( )Hows the weather, Steven?( )Lets get to work, class.( )Its rainy and cool.( )Whats the temperature outside?( )Its fifteen degrees.( )I like lines.( )Whats your favourite shape?( )Do you wear dresses?( )I never wear dresses.( )Good work, Steven.听录音补全对话(10分)A: Li Ming, do you _ do your homework?B: Yes.A: Do you always help your mother?B: No. I _ help my mother.A: How do you go to school?B: I _ walk to school.A: Do you _ in the evening?B: No, I _(always sometimes usually watch TY, never)笔试部分(60分)选出不同类的一个词(10分)1 A peas B onions C shower D cabbage 2 A breakfast B time C lunch D supper3 A line B shape C circle D square4 A teacher B doctor C man D bus driver5 A bed B lamp C dresser D room按要求写出所给单词的正确形式(10分)1 dirty(反义词)_ 2 bus(复数) _ 3 wet (反义词)_ 4 child(复数) _ 5 have(单三) _ 6 soft(副词) _ 7 sit (现在分词) _ 8 he (物主代词)_ 9 our(同音词) _ 10 your(名词性物主代词)_补全单词(10分)1 tri_ _gle 2 u_ brella 3 b_ _ts 4 s _uare 5 ki _ch _n单项选择(10分) ( )1 Its 7:30. Time _ to school. A go B goes C to go D going( )2 _ your help, I cant finish my work. A Under B With C Without D No( )3 Who _ to learn a new song? A want B do C wants D is want( )4 Mum is _ eggs on the stove. A cook B cooks C cooking D to cook( )5 Open your eyes, _ the right answer. A to B in C for D at( )6 _is my friend, _name is Li Ming. A He, His B She Her C He, My D She, His( )7 There are three _in my family. A people B peoples C peoples D peoples( )8 How old _ Danny? A be B is C are D am( )9 I would _ eggs for my breakfast. A to like B likes C like D liked. ( )10 I want everyone to sing _ A loud B loudly C quite D quick选择错误的一项,并改正过来(10分)( )1 Lets have some funs. _ A B C( )2 The red pencil is my. A B C _( )3 Im wash the dirty dishes. A B C _( )4 This is me bus driver. A B C _( )5 Today is September one A B C _阅读理解(10分) This is my house. Ill show you the rooms in my house. This is our living room, and that is our kitchen .My mother is making supper in the kitchen. Oh, whats this? Its our bathroom. You can take a shower in it. Thats my parents bedroom. Here is my bedroom. You can see a bed, a lamp and a chair in the bedroom.( )1 How many rooms in my house?A Five B Three C Four ( )2 What is my mother doing?A She is making lunch.B She is making supper.C She is making cake.( )3 Where is my mother?A In the bathroom.B In the kitchen.C In the living room.( )4 Is this a lamp in the bedroom?A Yes, it is.B No, it isnt.C Yes, it isnt.( )5 Where can I take a shower?A bathroom B kitchen C living room小学五年级英语上册期中质量检测试卷命题说明一、命题指导思想根据新课改英语教学的要求,小学英语教学评价的目的是激发学生学习兴趣和积极性。此次期中试卷的出题思路非常明确。通过试卷的形式来检测学生的学习兴趣、学习习惯和对所学知识的掌握程度。重点考察第一二单元学生语言的基础知识、语言的综合运用能力。同时考虑到部分水平较弱的学生实际水平,顾及到学习能力强的学生,适当拓展课外及日常生活的知识。增强考试对课堂教学的反拔功能。二、考试内容现行冀教版小学英语教材第7册所规定的范围。三、试卷结构试卷由听力和笔试两部分组成;其中听力能力测试占40分,笔试部分占60分。满分100分,考试时间90分钟。四、主要题型及分值分配听力部分(共五大题,40分).听音圈单词。(10分).听录音判断正误(10分).听录音排序(10分)听录音补全对话(10分)笔试部分(共六大题,60分)选出不同类的一个词(10分)按要求写出所给单词的正确形式(10分).补全单词。(4分).单项选择,把序号填入题前的括号内。(10分)选择错误的一项,并改正过来(10分)阅读理解,判断对错.(10分)听力材料及答案听力部分(共四大题,40分)听音圈单词。(10分)1 bathroom 2 dresser 3 cook 4 wash 5 circle 6 always 7 house 8 yours 9 shower 10 refrigerator 听录音判断正误(10分)1 I usually go to school by bus.2 My favourite shape is line.3 Danny is sitting beside me.4 He wants to learn English.5 What would you like for lunch?( )()()( )()听录音排序(10分)(2 )Hows the weather, Steven?( 1 )Lets get to work, class.( 3 )Its rainy and cool.( 4 )Whats the temperature outside?( 5 )Its fifteen degrees.( 7 )I like lines.( 6 )Whats your favourite shape?( 8 )Do you wear dresses?( 9 )I never wear dresses( 10 )Good work, Steven.听录音补全对话(10分)A: Li Ming, do you (always)do your homework?B: Yes.A: Do you always help your mother?B: No. I(sometimes) help my mother.A: How do you go to school?B: I( usually) walk to school.A: Do you (watch TV) in the evening?B: No, I (never) 笔试部分(60分)选出不同类的一个词(10分)1 C shower 2 B time 3 B shape 4 C man 5 D room按要求写出所给单词的正确形式(10分)1 clean 2 buses 3 dry 4 children 5 has6 softly 7 sitting 8 his 9 hour 10 yours补全单词(10分)1 an 2 m 3 oo 4 q 5 t e单项选择(10分) C C C C C A A B C B 选择错误的一项,并改正过来(10分)1 C funs 2 minewashingour first阅读理解(10分)检测意见:命题人:十二厂小学 王小莉 检测人:


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