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2019 年高二英语下学期期末试卷(含解析)+高考满分作文:风景这边独好高二英语试题第一部分 听力( 共两节,满分 20 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are they most possibly?A. At the post office B. The bookstore C. At the bank2. Whats the man doing?A. Borrowing a book B. Reading a book C. Buying a book3. How is the man today?A. He is better B. He is very angry C. He is still very sick4. What is the total cost for them?A. 100 yuan B.50 yuan C.150 yuan5. Where is Mr Black now?A. He is at the Friendship Hotel.B. He is in the office.C. He is at lunch. 第二节听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。6. What are talking about?A. The weather of London B. Travelling to BritainC. The traffic of London7. What does the woman think of the London buses?A. Rather slow B. Very good C. Too expensive听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。8. Whats the woman going to do?A. Attend her friends wedding party B. Attend Lans party C. Do some shopping with some of her friends9. What does the man suggest to the woman ?A. Wear her new dress to attend the party. B. Wear the light blue dress C. Wear a more formal one听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10. What did the woman go to the office for?A. To ask for a job B. To see her friend C. To make fun of the man11. Which place did the woman want to go?A. A larger country B A nearer country C.A new and different country12. Why did the woman dislike working in the Middle East?A. She hated living there B. It was far from home C. Shed lived there for years听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. What did the driver enjoy?A. Driving his car fastB. Singing along the way.C. Buying a famous Model T Ford car14. Why did Henry go to a store when it began to get dark?A. For something to eat B. For a new light bulb C. To get some tyres.15. Who was the man with the white hair sitting in the back seat of the car?A. The owner of the car B. The builder of the car C. The inventor of the light bulb.16. Who was the driver himself?A. Thomas Edison B.A tyre-maker C. Henry Ford 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. How old was Miss Jenkins?A. Less than twenty B. Thirty C. More than thirty18. Why did Miss Jenkins get fatter?A. Because something was wrong with her.B. Because she liked fat and sugar very much.C. Because she never had any sports.19. Why couldnt Miss Jenkins get on well with her workmates.A. Because she was richer than her workmatesB. Because she was fatter than any of her workmates.C. Because she was often laughed at20. With whom did Miss Jenkins go to the restaurant?A. With her servants B. By herself C. With her friends第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节 阅读理解(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AThe Chinese put up with a lot living in the worlds most populous country: standing on over-crowded trains for 40 hours; sleeping outside hospitals to secure a doctors appointment; waiting more than a year to earn a drivers license.Add getting a U.S. entry visa to the list. Applicants here have waited as long as 60 days to secure an appointment at one of five U.S. consular locations(领事馆)in China that process visas. There, theyre often greeted by long lines, followed by a face-to-face interview that can end badly in a matter of seconds.Now there are only about 100 U.S. visa officers in China, facing considerable challenges during the summer when tourists and students travel the most. “Its not easy work,” Charles Bennett, minister-counselor for Consular Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, said to his staff. “Youre making, in some cases, life-changing decisions many times a day, and that can cause great tiredness.”To adapt, US consular services expanded their hours, took on about a dozen additional staff and hope to have another 20 officers by spring. More facilities are also being expanded.Despite the shocking numbers, the embassy remains troubled by charges that it rejects applicants unreasonably and that the process is unfairly burdensome. “Im fed up,” said Wendy Liu, 24. The single woman from Beijing said she was recently refused a visa and told to re-apply when her personal life and finances were more stable. “Ill go anywhere but the U.S. now,” she said. “I thought America was supposed to be a country of freedom.”To visit the US, Chinese nationals must prove that they have enough money and family or business ties that make it likely theyll return to China. The Department of Homeland Security said it did not keep records on how many Chinese overstay their visas.Student visas can be refused on grounds of national security. Beijing native Tan Ge, 25, believes he was not accepted after he stated his interests in infrared(红外线的)technology and nanoelectronics(纳米电子学)on his application. He now studies in Canada after being forced to abandon a full scholarship to Arizona State University.By its very nature, the on-the-spot process at the U.S. Embassy can feel unbearable to Chinese applicants, who are asked to take their bank statements, property deeds(房产证), marriage licenses and HUKOU, a Chinese household ID.“It made me feel very uncomfortable,” said Xu Yong, 28, a journalist who needed a business visa last month to cover a conference in New York. “They made me feel like someone from a Third World country up to no good.”After giving his fingerprints, Xu waited to be called for his interview, sitting in an area that was as quiet as a library. Each passing minute seemed to be as long as a century.After an hour, Xu was called with three other people to a window for their interview. Two were rejected before his turn. Then the American officer, speaking fluent Chinese, reached for Xus paperwork, asked some simple questions and said, “Congratulations.”“I was so nervous. The first thing I did when I got out was to call my mom and tell her I passed,” Xu said. “She was the one who warned me it wasnt going to be easy.”21. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that in China _.A. you may quickly be rejected for a U.S. visa after a long waitB. getting a U.S. visa is not as hard as getting a drivers licenseC. an applicant has to wait two months to get a visa for the U.S.D. there are more than five US consular locations stamping visas22. Beijing native Tan Ge was refused a U.S. visa probably because he _.A. had no stable income B. was supposed to be unsafe for the U.S.C. had too wide interests D. had got a full scholarship in the U.S.23. Why does the author give a detailed description of Xu Yongs experience?A. To show how lucky Xu is to make it to New York.B. To reflect the problems in processing a U.S. entry visa.C. To stress what a hard-won success it is to get a U.S. visa.D. To persuade readers out of working or studying abroad.BAll hotels redecorate regularlyHowever,very few do it as frequently as Swedens Ice hotel. As the name indicates,the hotel that is located in the remote village of Jukkasjarvi,is built entirely from ice and,therefore,has to be rebuilt annually! The 26th version of Ice hotel,which welcomed its first visitors on December 11th,features 69 roomsTo make them affordable for everyone,they range from expensive luxury suites to basic accommodationsAmong this years unique suite offerings is the “Elephant in the Room”,which features a massive 3-m tall sculpted African elephant overlooking an iceframed bedThe “Counting Sheep” suite features frozen sheep that may help those who dont sleep well get a good nights rest. Though the atmosphere between the luxury suites and the budget rooms may differ,they are all subject to the bone-chilling-5 temperaturesTo get a good nights rest guests have to lie inside sleeping bags and keep their gloves and hats onThough that seems a little uncomfortable,visitors say it is an experience like none otherThe hotel also features a beautifully crafted ice church where over 100 couples will get married this year and an Ice Bar that will serve drinks in ice glassesThough dining options are limited to the hotels only restaurant,guests will have little to complain about with Michelintrained chef Alexander MeierTo keep customers entertained,the hotel offers a variety of fun activities like snowshoeing,moose or snowmobile safaris,dog sledding,and even overnight wilderness campingThe 26-year-old tradition began accidentally in 1989 when locals organized an art exhibition to draw winter visitors to the remote village that lies 200 km north of the Arctic CircleAmong the many tourists was an adventurous group and they announced their intention of spending the night in the place where the exhibition was being heldThats when the idea of building the icy accommodations dawned on the locals24Why is Swedens Ice hotel rebuilt every year?AIt needs more rooms BIt is entirely built from iceCIt follows old traditions DIt can be easily decorated25What is unique about the hotel this year?AIt opens earlier than ever before BMore expensive rooms are availableCRoom prices are more affordable DSome rooms have theme sculptures26What can be inferred about the hotel in Paragraph 3?AIts service needs improving BIts activities may be boringCIt tries to appeal to customers DIts food is not delicious at allCUniversity the best days of my life! I made lots of friends in my student dorm, went to great parties, joined the debating societyand, well, I did some work too but I must admit my lecturers were very patient with my tardiness(拖拉).Its easy to look back at our university days through rose-tinted spectacles but the truth is that when we first arrived on campus, most of us were out of our comfort zone.In fact, a survey of students at Imperial College London has revealed that 3 out of 4 students experience high levels of stress, or a mental health condition, during their time at college. The survey, completed by over a thousand students, also found that 70% of those that experience stress do so at least once a week, and 9% of students feel stressed constantly.Kirsty, a student at Exeter University, didnt enjoy her first days in college. She says: “When I first got to university I dont think Id realized that Id forgotten how to make friends. Id been with the same school friends for seven years, and so I was trying to balance social success with academic success while learning how to look after myself at quite a young age.”Dr Ruth Caleb of the counseling service at Brunel University in London has some tips that should make life easier for students before they set off for university. She says: “Certain things that I think it would be very helpful for students to have put in place are an ability to do the practical things of life to do the washing, to do the cleaning and so on being able to cook. Budgeting is extremely important in university life.” And Caleb adds: “You should learn how to spend time on your own comfortably.”I graduated and learnt how to take care of myself the hard way. I hope that new students these days remember to acquire some life skills before they make the big jump.27. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined part in Paragraph 2?A. rose-shaped glasses B. positive perspectivesC. negative sides D. flower-like tools28. What did Kirsty find most difficult to do during her first days in college?A. Not knowing how to make new friends.B. Not realizing the importance of making friends.C. Looking after herself at quite an early age.D. Trying to achieve academic success.29. Which of the following tips are helpful or important EXCEPT _ according to Dr. Ruth Caleb?A. having the ability to cook B. being able to do the cleaningC. learning how to spend money on ones ownD. balancing social success and academic successD. Acquiring some life skills isnt that important to new students.30. What does the author probably mean by saying “I graduated and learnt how to take care of myself the hard way”?A. He quickly adapted to the new environment when he first arrived on campus.B. He graduated from college with many achievements.C. It might have taken him some time to get used to college life.D. It might have made him proud by leading an independent life at college.第二节:六选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)下面文章中有 5 个段落需要添加首句(第 31-35 题)。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E 和 F)中选出适合各段落的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。AGet to know yourself.BTake care of your body.CPractice basic respect towards yourself.DBe honest with yourself and with others.EThink about what it means to respect someone.FRecognize when people disrespect you and take steps to stop it.How to Respect YourselfA lack of selfrespect can prevent you from fulfilling your potential and developing healthy relationships. Here are some steps to help you know how to respect yourself.31_The qualities that we respect vary from person to person,and the way we express it varies from culture to culture. Generally,we respect people who have more experience and are more accomplished than ourselves. But there is also a basic level of respect that most people will agree is a right,and does not need to be earned. So think about what it means to respect others .Here are some widely agreedupon signals of respect: You dont steal from,harm,or insult them; you are honest with them; you listen to what they say,consider their opinions,and avoid interrupting them.32_We often do things for ourselves that we would never dream of doing for someone we care about. Whatever you believe to be respectful,apply it to yourself .Dont harm yourself. Dont insult yourself. Dont steal from yourself. Be honest with yourself .Develop your own opinions and dont be afraid to stand by them.33_A person with selfrespect doesnt allow others to treat them badly,and would rather not be around someone who is disrespectful. This might seem obvious,but there are many times when we accept being treated badly. When someone doesnt give you basic respect,you need to be able to say,in one way or another,“You just disrespected me and thats not acceptable! If you dont respect me,I wont spend time with you any more.” Can you say that,and mean it? Can you turn your back on someone whos clearly shown that they dont respect you? Once you do,youll feel your sense of selfrespect go up.34_When you make an effort to keep your body in good working order,youll not only feel better physically,but also feel a sense of pride. Respecting your body also means not insulting it for what it is,naturally. Make an effort to get fit and stay healthy. Focus on the things you can change and improve,and do them because it feels good.35_The more you know about yourself,the more youll see and appreciate how unique you really are. And youll respect yourself more .Discover your principles,personality,and talents. Stop waiting for other peoples approval and start developing your own standards .Develop a unique and original way of expressing your opinions while at the same time being a good listener.第三节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从 36-55 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。My grandparents lived in a town in Michigan .Every summer I stayed with them as a young child .I came from the city but loved the small 36 they lived in. People knew everyone else,their kids,their pets and their ancestors. The bond with them 37 to grow as I grew older.My grandma was 38 at making something exciting by hand. She would make little sandwiches and wed have tea parties. Shed 39 flowers and carefully tend them. Shed 40 sweaters for her grandchildren as well as making beautiful 41 for each one. I remember the small thimble(顶针) she would use while doing her needlework. . 42 her thimble on her finger,shed remark: “I wouldnt want to sew without one.”A few years ago my grandma 43 at the age of 91.After attending her funeral,I realized how 44 our lives had changed. I missed her very much. When my birthday came,I was feeling 45 because there was no card from my grandma .But what happened later made me feel that she was 46 that special day with me. While I was arranging some 47 pillows that my grandma had made,I 48 felt something inside one pillow .It was small and 49 I moved the object to a seam(接缝) and I carefully opened it. To my 50 ,out came a tiny silver thimble!How 51 I was to find something that had been a part of her. Not realizing it had fallen off her finger,my grandma 52 it in that little pillow for me. I carefully laid the thimble along with the other things I had 53 over the years,which reminded me of the pleasant 54 of her.I heated the tea kettle and made some 55 ,using my best china,as my grandma always did,and enjoyed my tea and my grandmas thimble. What a wonderful birthday that was!36A .building Btown Chouse D. cottage37A. managed Bintended Cstopped D. continued38A .good Bangry Cmad Dpoor39A .watch Bpick Cplant Dcut40A. mend Bknit Cwash Dbuy41A .books Bhouses Cbikes Dquilts42A. Placing BBuying CCollecting DRemoving43A .called on Bfell ill Cpassed away Ddropped in44A .slightly Bquickly Cshamefully Dslowly45A .surprised Bworried Cexcited Dupset46A .sharing Bthinking Cplanning Dwasting47A .tiresome Bugly Ccolorful Dbroken48A .eagerly Bsuddenly Ccarelessly Dgladly49A. neat Bdifficult Csoft Dhard50A .delight Bembarrassment Cdisappointment Dsadness 51A. ashamed Bproud Chappy Dclever52A. mixed Bsewed Chid Dstored53A .learned Bdesigned Csaved Dcollected54A. memory Bbook Cletter Dclothes55A .cookies Bmeals Ctea Dcoffee第四节:短文填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或填入括号中单词的适当形式。Jo worked at a bush school 56 classroom were made from bamboo and grass. Theres no electricity or water there. It 57 the students about two hours 58 (get) to the school. Jo hoped to make some difference to the childrens lives by teaching them. The other day, Jo visited Tombes home. When they arrived 59 the village, Tombes mother who 60 (work) in the garden , started crying “Ieee Ieee”. Tombes father led them to his house, 61 low bamboo hut with grass 62 (突出) out of the roof, 63 he could only see a few tin plates and cups and greens. That night Jo and Jenny slept on a 64 (新近地) made platform. They left the village the next morning 65 many goodbyes and shaking of hands. 第三部分: 写作(共两节;满分 20 分)第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)Dear Jim,So glad that you are interested in my new flat. Now I would like tell you something about it. Locating in the north of the city, this Residential Center is small with only six building. My flat, which covers the area of 36 square meters, is in the fourth floor in Building 2. It consisted of a sitting room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a toilet. When you enter into the flat, you will find yourself in the sitting room. The sitting room is the part that I like best, because it is brightly with a lovely balcony, which I can enjoy the beautiful garden below. Although my flat is small, I like them very much because it is comfortable.Best regards,Yours,Li Hua第二节: 书面表达(满分 10 分)某国际网站提供个人闲置物品交换服务。现在,你打算通过该网站将自己的一件闲置物品与他人交换(exchange)。请你用英文在该网站上发帖,发布物品交换信息。内容应包括:你将拿出什么物品进行交换具体介绍该物品你希望换回什么物品请愿意交换的朋友给你留言注意:(1)词数 100 左右;(2)格式不限;(3)文中不得使用考生真实姓名和学校名称。高二英语试题答案1-5 AAACC 6-10 CAABA 11-15 CCABC 16-20 CCBCB21A【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“There, theyre often greeted by long lines, followed by a face-to-face interview that can end badly in a matter of seconds.”可知,在中国,申请美国签证,经常排着长队,一个挨一个去面试,几秒内就可能失败而归。故选 A。22D【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段 Charles Bennett 说的话“Youre making, in some cases, life-changing decisions many times a day, and


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