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六年级上学期英语Unit1教学目标双向表 教学内容 目标层次 检 测识记 理解应用综合语言知识词汇1. science 2.museum 3.post office 4.bookstore 5.cinema 6.hospital 7.crossing 8.turn9.left 10.straight11.right听力、找出不同类单词、辩音、写作选择题、1. ask 2.interesting3. restaurant 4.street5. get 6.gave7. feature 8.follow9. far 10.tell短语1. Turn left 2. Turn right3.go straight连词成句、补充句子、看图说话、写作、选择题、句子1. Where is the museum shop? Its near the door.2. How can we get there? Turn left at the bookstore.翻译、看图说话、写作、选择题、完成句子语法要求学生会用目标语言:3. How can i get there?综合检测功能话题:1. 谈论我们怎样到达那?2. 培养学生热爱生活的情感目标。写作六年级上学期英语Unit2教学目标双向表 教学内容 目标层次 检 测识记 理解应用综合语言知识词汇1.on foot 2. by 3.bus 4.plane 5.taxi 6.ship 7.subway 8.train9.slow down 10.stop听力、找出不同类单词、辩音、写作选择题、1. early 2.helmet3.must 4.wear5.attention 6.traffic7.fast 8.ferry短语Pay attention to Traffic lights连词成句、补充句子、看图说话、写作、选择题、句子1. How do you come to school?2. Usually,i come on foot.3. In the USA people on bikes must near one.4. Dont go at the red light!5. I must pay attention to the traffic lights!翻译、看图说话、写作、选择题、完成句子语法要求学生会用目标语言: How does he go to school?综合检测功能话题:3. 谈论交通方式。4. 培养学生热爱生活的情感目标。写作六年级上学期英语Unit3教学目标双向表 教学内容 目标层次 检 测识记 理解应用综合语言知识词汇1. visit 2.film3.trip 4.supermarket5.evening 6.tonight7.tomorrow 8.dictionary9.comic book 10.word book11.postcard听力、找出不同类单词、辩音、写作选择题、1. lesson 2.space3.travel 4.half5. price 6.together7.mooncake 8.poem9.moon短语See a filmTake a trip Next week Comic bookWord book连词成句、补充句子、看图说话、写作、选择题、句子1.What are you going to do tomorrow?Im going to have an art lesson.2.Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.3.Where are you going?Were going to the cinema.4.When are you going?翻译、看图说话、写作、选择题、完成句子语法要求学生会用目标语言:What are you going to do?Im going to have an art lesson.综合检测功能话题:6. 谈论周末计划。7. 培养学生热爱生活的情感目标。写作六年级上学期英语Unit4教学目标双向表 教学内容 目标层次 检 测识记 理解应用综合语言知识词汇1. studies 2.puzzle3.hiking听力、找出不同类单词、辩音、写作选择题、1. pen pal 2.hobby3.idea 4.amazing5.shall 6.goal7.Join 8.club9.share短语Playing sportsDoing kungfuDrawing cartoonsReading stories 连词成句、补充句子、看图说话、写作、选择题、句子1. What are peters hobbies? He likes reading stories.2. Does he live in Sydeny? No,he doesnt.3. Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?4. Yes,he does.翻译、看图说话、写作、选择题、完成句子语法要求学生会用目标语言:5. What are peters hobbies? He likes reading stories.综合检测功能话题:8. 谈论自己的爱好。9. 培养学生热爱生活的情感目标。写作六年级上学期英语Unit5教学目标双向表 教学内容 目标层次 检 测识记 理解应用综合语言知识词汇1. factory 2.worker3.postman 4.businessman5.police officer 6.fisherman7.scientist 8.pilot9.coach听力、找出不同类单词、辩音、写作选择题、1. country 2.sea3.stay 4.university5.gym 6.if7.Reporter 8.use9.type 10.quickly11.secretary短语1. Taxi driver 2. Football player 连词成句、补充句子、看图说话、写作、选择题、句子1. What does he do? Hes a businessman.2. Where does he work? He works at sea.3. How does he go to work? He goes to work by bike.翻译、看图说话、写作、选择题、完成句子语法要求学生会用目标语言: What does he do? Hes a businessman.综合检测功能话题:10. 谈论工作。11. 培养学生热爱生活的情感目标。写作六年级上学期英语Unit6教学目标双向表 教学内容 目标层次 检 测识记 理解应用综合语言知识词汇1. angry 2.afraid3.sad 4.worried5.Happy 6.wear7.more 8.deep9.breath 10.count听力、找出不同类单词、辩音、写作选择题、1. chase 2.nice3.bad 4.hurt5.ill 6.wrong7.should 8.feel9.well 10.grass11.hear 12.everyone短语See a doctorTake a deep breathCount to ten连词成句、补充句子、看图说话、写作、选择题、句子1. Theyre afraid of him.2. The cat is angry with them.3. Whats wrong?Your father is ill.4. He should see a doctor this morning.5. Dont be sad.翻译、看图说话、写作、选择题、完成句子语法要求学生会用目标语言: How do you feel?综合检测功能话题:12. 谈论心情。13. 培养学生热爱生活的情感目标。写作

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