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Unit 1 How can I get there?一、单词、词组1.科学science 博物馆 museum2.邮局 post office3.书店 bookstore4.电影院cinema 医院hospital 以上都表示地方。5.十字路口crossing动词cross穿过6.向左转turn left向右转turn right7.左left反义词right8. right同音词write9. 在左边on the left在右边on the right10.笔直地straight笔直走go straight11.问ask反义词answer12.先生sir特点feature13.有趣的interesting一个有趣的故事/电影an interesting story/film14.意大利餐馆an Italian restaurant15.大街street在大街on the street16.到达get词组get to 如果后面接的是home,here,there.to省略不写get home/here/there.17.较远的far反义词near与远farfrom,Its far from my home.二、重点句子18.I want to buy a postcard.我想买一张明信片。want to+动原 I want to send it today.19.The post office is next to the school.邮局紧挨着学校。next to是表示地点,对它提问用Where。20. near离近,next to 紧挨着,in front of在前面,反义词behind都是方位词,对它们提问用Where。21.What a great museum!一家多么棒的博物馆!感叹句:What+a/an+形容词+名词!What an interesting film!22.Turn left at the bookstore. Turn right at the hospital.在什么地方向左转,向右转用介词at,at指小地方。23.Its next to the park on Dongfang Street.它紧挨着东方路上的公园。24.He now has GPS!他现在有了全球定位系统。has是have 三单,My new GPS works! work-works,Sb(某人)+am/is/are +Ving 表示某人正在做某事。UNIT1练习题一、按要求完成下列各题。1.where(同音词) 2.far(反义词) 3.know(同音词) 4.buy(同音词) 5.Ill(完整形式) 6. Lets(完整形式) 7. in front of(反义词) 8. left(反义词) 9. ask(反义词) 10.直走 11.紧挨着 12.向左转 13.向右转 14.到达那儿 15.远离 二、单项选择题。1.I want a postcard.A.buy B.to buy C.to by2. is the cinema ? A.What B.How C.Where3.The hospital is A.at B.in C.next to 4. What interesting film! A.a B.an C./5.- can I get there ? By bus . A.What B.How C.Where 6.Turn left the post office. A.in B.at C.of 7. How can I there ? A.get B.get to C.gets8. How can I the cinema ? A.get B.get to C.take9.-Is your home far school ?-Yes ,it is. A.to B.from C. /10. , where is the hospital ? A.Sorry B.Hello C.Excuse me11.If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the A.hospital B.library C.cinema12. a great museum! A.How B.What C.When13.My new GPS . A.work B.works C.walk三、按要求完成下列各题。1.The bookstore is next to the cinema.(划线部分提问) is the bookstore ?2.Is your home far from here ?Yes, .3.There is a pet hospital in my city.(变一般疑问句并作否定回答) a pet hospital in city ? No, 4.It is an interesting film.(改为感叹句) interesting film !UNIT2 Ways to go to school一、单词、词组1.步行 on foot 复数:feet 2.乘 by 同音词:bye buy 3.公共汽车bus 复数:buses乘公交 by bus 4.飞机 plane 乘飞机by plane5.出租汽车 taxi 乘出租车 by taxi 6.(大)船 ship 乘船 by ship 7.地铁 subway 乘地铁by subway 8.火车train 乘火车by train注意:如果针对by train、by car 这样的交通工具提问,用How怎样来提问?A、She is going to Shanghai by train.How is she going to shanghai ?B、I come to school on foot. How do you come to school ? C、bus /plane/ car /taxi/ ship/ subway/ train都是交通工具。foot不是9慢的show 反义词:fast 快的 10减少降低: down 反义词:up 11慢下来slow down Slow down and stop at a yellow light 在黄灯时慢下来停住。12停下来stop stop at a red light 同义句:Dont go at a red light. 13.夫人 Mrs 反义词:Mr 14.早到的early 反义词late 头盔:helmet15.必须must must必须后接动原。In the USA people on bikes must wear one 同义句:In the USA people on bikes have to wear one.16.戴wear 同音词:where 17.注意pay attention to I must pay attention to the traffic lights !18.交通信号灯traffic lights 19.雪橇sled 乘雪橇by sled 20.轮渡ferry 乘轮渡by ferry 二、重点句子。21.Hi,children,Youre early.你好,孩子们。你们(来得)太早了。child 孩子 复数:children22. I usually walk. 我通常走路。同义句 I usually go on foot.walk/w:k/与work/ w :k /区分。23.Thats good exercise.那真是很好的锻炼。Thats = That is 24.Lets go to the nature park.让我们一起去自然公园吧!Lets = Let us 让我们 后接动词原形25.-How do you go to the USA from China ?-By plane.你怎样从中国到达美国?from从26.-How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital?-Take the No.57 bus over there.我怎样能到达福星医院?乘坐57路车到那儿。take乘坐=goby bus 27.So many pictures of bikes!如此多的自行车的照片!of 的28.Theyre from my cousin in the USA.这些照片来自于我美国的堂兄的。29. In the USA people on bikes must wear one .在美国自行车上的人们必须戴头盔。in the USA在美国on bikes 在自行车上30.Oh,the bus is coming!哦,公交车来了!come来 反义词 go 去am/is/are +Ving come ing 形式coming31.Stop and wait at a red light.在红灯时停下来等。Go at a green light,绿灯行。32.Some children go to school on foot in Munich, Germany.在德国的慕尼黑一些孩子走路上学。= Some children walk to school in Munich,Germany.33.In Alaska,USA,it snows a lot.Some kids go to school by sled .在美国的阿拉斯加州,常年下雪。一些孩子乘雪橇上学。it 它 第三人称单数,后面动词加s或es.例 She watches TV every day. 34. Some children in Jiangxi,China go to school by ferry every day. 在中国的江西,一些孩子每天乘轮渡上学。every day 每天 每天做的事情用一般现在时。主语是复数,动词用原形。They go to school by bus every day .She reads a book after dinner.35.Let me read this for you .让我为你读这个。for 为36.I dont go to school. 我不去上学。 借助dont 构成否定句。I learn at home.我在家学习。UNIT2练习题一、按要求完成下列各题。1.early(反义词) 2.number(缩写形式) 3.慢下来(英文) 4. slow(副词) 5.cross(现在分词) 6. stop(现在分词) 二、单项选择题。1.In the USA people on bikes must wear a .A.cap B.T-shirt C.helmet2.We must pay attention the traffic lights . A.on B.in C.to3. Some children in Jiangxi,China go to school every day. A.by ferry B.by sled C.by car4. How do you get to the USA China . A.from B.at C.for5.Its red now.We must and wait. A.stop B.to stop C.stopping 6.There are three traffic lights.They are red,yellow and . A.green B.white C.blue 7. I learn home . A.in B.at C.on8. In China,people drive on the side. A.right B.left C.right or left9. We must before crossing the road. A.look right B.look left C. go straight10. Its yellow now. We must A.go B.stop and wait C.slow down and stop11. - do you come to school?By busA.How B.What C.Where 12. In the USA people bikes must wear a helmet A.by B.on C.in三、按要求完成下列各题。1.I often go to school by bike.(划线部分提问) often go to school ?2. I often walk to school .(同义句)I often go to school .3.Stop and wait at a red light.(中文) 。4.Slow down and stop at a yellow light. (中文) 。5.Go at a green light.(改为否定句) go at a green light. UNIT3 My weekend plan一、单词、词组1.拜访visit 2.拜访祖父母visit my grandparents 3.看电影see a film 4.去旅行take a trip 5.超市supermarket 去超市go to the supermarket6.晚上evening 今天晚上this evening 7.在今晚tonight 8.明天tomorrow 9.下周next week 10. this evening,this afternoon,next week,tomorrow 都是将来的时间,看到它们要用一般将来时,am/is/are +going to +v原形。A.I am going to see a film next week.B.Robin and I are going to read a poem this Mid-Autumn Festival.C.John is going to visit his grandparents this Sunday. 11.词典dictionary 复数dictionaries 12.滑稽的comic 同义词funny 儿童连环画册(漫画书)comic book13.单词书word book 明信片postcard 14.课lesson太空space15.旅行travel We are going to see a film about space travel16.一半half 价格price Its half and price then.17.中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival 聚会get together 18.月饼mooncake 诗poem 19.月亮moon二、重点句子20.-What are you going to do tomorrow?-Im going to have an art lesson明天你将要做什么?我将要上一堂美术课Whatdo做什么,针对动作提问,中间接一般疑问句。an art lesson一堂美术课go ice-skating去滑冰wash clothes洗衣服draw pictures画画make a snowman堆雪人go for a picnic去野炊都是动词,对它们提问用Whatdo。We are going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. 画画是动词对它提问我们将要在人民公园画画。用Whatdo, What are you going to do in Renmin Park?21.Sounds great!听起来真不错!省略了it/that,主语是第三人称单数,后面动词加“s”或“es”。22.Have a good time!(祝你)玩得开心。 当朋友去游玩时,你可以说!23.I have to do my homework now.现在我必须做我的家作。have to不得不,后接动词原形。I have to clean my room now. 24. visit my grandparents拜访我的祖父母see a film看电影take a trip去旅行go to the supermarket去超市 都是动词,针对它们提问用Whatdo, Im going to see a film tomorrow. What are you going to do tomorrow?中间接一般疑问句。25.My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week.下周我的堂哥杰克将会来拜访我。is going to+动词原形 将要做某事,me是I宾格。26.Where are you going?你将要去哪?Where哪里,针对地点提问,后面接一般疑问句。We are going to the booksore. the booksore书店,是地点提问用Where, Where are you going?27. We are going to see a film about space travel!我们将去看一场关于太空旅行的电影。about关于,大约I have lots of comic books about space.我有许多关于太空的漫画书。28.-When are you going?你将什么时候去?-Next Wednesday.下周三,When何时,针对时间提问,后面接一般疑问句。My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week. next week下周表时间用When来提问:When is your cousin Jack going to visit you? 29.Why not go on Tuesday?为什么不在星期二去?Why not为什么不后面接动词原形。on Tuesday在周二,在具体哪天用“on”。Why not play football?30. dictionary字典comic book漫画书word book单词书postcard明信片都是名词,都是书。Im going to buy a new comic book. What are you going to buy ? Im going to buy some word books. What are you going to buy ?31.Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?32.Do you have comic books.Yes,I do.你有漫画书吗?33. Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival明天是中秋节。34.My family are going to get together.我的家人将会聚在一起。 My family “我的家人”是复数。get together相聚。35.My aunt is going to make mooncakes.我的婶婶将会做月饼。36.My grandma will tell us a story about Change.我的奶奶将要给我们讲一个关于嫦娥的故事。will将要,后接动词原形。同义词:be(am/is/are) going to +动词原形 同义句My grandma is going to tell us a story about Change. tell某人a story给某人讲故事,us是we的宾格,about关于37.Bobin and I are going to read a poem. Bobin and I罗宾和我,两个人是复数,所以用are38.We will all be together tonight.今晚我们将聚在一起。同义句:We are going to all be together tonight.后接动原,will后接动词原形。be是am/is/are 的原形39.You can be together with your family too!你也可以和你的家人聚在一起!can可以,能后接动原,be是am/is/are 的原形, with与一起。40John is on his way home.约翰正在回家的路上。on ones way home 在某人回家的路上 On my way home,I see a lot of fish.UNIT3练习题一、按要求完成下列各题。A.将来时间:1.今天下午 2.今天上午 3.今天晚上 4. 今晚 5.明天 6. 下周 B.动词词组:1.拜访祖父母 2. 看电影 3. 去超市 4.去旅行 5.去滑冰 6.洗衣服 7.堆雪人 8.去野炊 C.其它:1.上美术课 2.dictionary(复数) 3.为什么不 4.aunt(同音词) 5.聚会 6.告诉关于 7.必须 / 二、单项选择题。1. - are you going to do tomorrow ?-Im going to see a film.A.What B.How C.When2. - are you going ?-Im going to the cinema A.What B. When C.Where3. - are you going?-Im going next week.A.What B. When C.Where4. - are you going there by bus?-Im going there.A.What B.How C.When5. - are you going to buy ?-Im going to buy a comic book. A.What B.How C.Where 6.Why not on Tuesday ? A.go B.to go C.goes 7. Im going to the clothes this morning. A.wash B.washes C.washing8. My father the flowers every day. A.water B.waters C.watering9. My teacher will tell us a story Change. A.for B.about C. at10.Robin and I going to read a poem. A.am B.is C.are三、按要求完成下列各题。1. Im going to the cinema by bus.(划线部分提问) ?2.We are going to the bookstore tomorrow. (划线部分提问) ?3. We are going to take a trip next week. (划线部分提问) ?4. Im going there this evening. (划线部分提问) ?5. Im going to buy a word book. (划线部分提问) ?6.I have a comic book. (变一般疑问句并作两种回答) ? / 7. Im going to the park today. (变一般疑问句并作两种回答) ? / 8. Im going to take a trip.(同义句) .9. Im going to see a film .(否定句) .10.She is going to the supermarket. (否定句) .11. Why not go to school today ? (同义句) ?12.Are Sarah and Amy going to the zoo?(作肯定回答)Yes, .UNIT4 I have a pen pal一、单词、词组1.学习study三单studies 2.去远足go hiking3.笔友pen pal同义词pen friend 4.业余爱好hobby复数hobbies 5.主意idea an idea 一条主意Good idea好主意6.表示征求意见 shall 应当should 后接动词原形7. 分享share 与某人分享 share with sb 8.对某人说talk to sb 和某人说talk with sb 谈论talk about 9.结束be over 10.写一封电子邮件给某人write an email to sb 写下write down 同音词right 11.live in +地方 居住在live on a farm 居住在农场 12.教我们英语teach us English 教我们去干某事teach sb to do sth 13.动词的现在分词(V-ing)和第三人称单数(V-s/es).例如do,go,run,study,play,have,swim,shop,listen,fly,watch,relax,be,see,make,stop,trip,sing,finish,get,work,buy,live,teach etc.14.做中国菜cook Chinese food 学中文study Chinese 猜字谜do word puzzles 去远足go hiking二、重点句子15.Whats your hobby?你的业余爱好是什么?I like reading stories.=My hobby is reading stories. What are Peters hobbies?彼得有什么爱好?He likes reading stories,doing kungfu,swimming and singing.like+Ving 表示喜好。16. He also likes singing .他也喜欢唱歌。also 也,放于句中,too也,放于句末,前面有逗号。17.Can I also be his pen pal?我也能成为他的笔友吗?be成为 18.Does he live in China,too?他也居住在中国吗?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.是的,他是。/不,他不是。注意:如果句中有often,sometimes,usually,always(总是),every day etc时要考虑动词的三单形式。19.Do you want to learn about robots?你想了解机器人吗?want to+动词原形,do用于不是第三人称单数的一切人称20.He teaches students to make robots.他教学生们制造机器人。teach sb to do sth 教某人去干某事。六年级英语上册第四单元测试题 班级_ 姓名_ 一、写出下列单词的-ing形式。 1. sing _ 2. do _ 3. dance _ 4. swim _ 5. run _ 6. read _ 7. exercise _ 8. play _ 9. shop _ 二、写出下列名词的复数形式 1.watch_ 2.cloth_ 3.shoe_ 4.box _ 5.class_6.toy_ 7.child_ 8.photo_ 9.people_ 10.German_二、按要求完成下列各题。 1. swing (现在分词形式) _ 2. like(第三人称单数形式) _ 3.story(复数形式) _ 4. go(第三人称单数形式) _ 5.listen(现在分词形式) _ 6. hobby(复数形式) _ 7.do(第三人称单数形式) _ 8. work(第三人称单数形式) _ 9. teach(第三人称单数形式) _ 10. is(复数形式) _ 三、将下列短语翻译成英语。 1. 看电视 _ 2. 读故事 _ 3. 踢足球 _ 4. 讲故事 _ 5. 练功夫 _ 6. 放风筝 _ 7. 爱好 _ 8. 画卡通画 _ 9. 唱英语歌曲 _ 10. 爬山 _ 四、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Peter _kung fu every day, he likes_ kung fu. A. do, doing B. does, doing C. does, does ( ) 2.Does she _ hiking every week? A. going B. go C. goes ( ) 3.Amy _Chinese every day, and she likes _Chinese. A. studys, studying B. studies, studying C. study, studies ( ) 4.They_basketball in the afternoon. A. play B. plays C. playing ( ) 5.Zhang Peng likes_, but John likes _. A. swimming, sing B. swims, singing C. swimming, singing ( ) 6.What _ he _ doing? A. do, like B. does, likes to C. does, like ( ) 7. Im going _him. A. to teach B. teach C. teaches ( ) 8.There is a bird _the tree. A. in B. on C. of ( ) 9.My twin sister Ann_ reading books. A. likes B. like C. liking ( ) 10.I like sports, _she likes art. A. because B. but C. then 五、选词填空。 1. _ ( Do / Does ) he live in the country ? 2. This _ (is /are ) my friend. 3. She _ (live /lives ) in the tree. 4. He likes _ (make /making )plans. 5. I _ ( have /has ) a friend. 六、用动词的适当形式填空。 1. Anna _ (have) a new pen pal. 2. My mother _ (go) to the park on foot. 3. Mr. Hu _(teach) us English. 4. I like _(watch) TV 5. -Where does he _(work)? - He _(work) at a school. 七 从B栏中找出A栏的答语,将其序号填入题前括号内。 A ( )1. Are you going to the bookstore tomorrow? ( )2. Do you like listening to music? ( )3.What is your hobby? ( )4. Does Jim live in Hainan? ( )5. Does Sarah go to school on foot? ( )6.What are you going to do this afternoon? ( )7. How does your father go to England? ( )8. Where does your pen pal live? ( )9. Is your mother an English teacher? ( )10. What does he like? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she isnt.She is a math teacher. C. He likes swimming. D. Im going to buy a comic book . E. He lives nearthe school. F. He goes to England by plane. G. I like watching TV. H. Yes, we are. I. Yes, I do. J. No, he doesnt. 八、把下列单词组合成正确的句子。 1. likes kungfu, he, doing, swimming, and _. 2. are, Peters, what, hobbies _? 3. go, he, us, can, with _. 4. you, new, do, a, have, pen pal _? 5. pal, his, pen, be, also, I, can _? 6.like, word, does, doing, puzzles, he, _? 7.an, my, pen pal, Im, email, to, writing, new _. 8. with, I, my, in, live, mom, China _. 九、按要求进行句型转换。 1. I like playing ping-pong.(对划线部分提问) _ 2. Zhao Ming likes playing basketball. (对划线部分提问) _ 3. Zhang Peng likes reading stories.(变成一般疑问句,并做出否定回答) _ _ 4. He likes singing.(变成否定句) _ 5. My father doesnt like watching TV.(变成肯定句) _ 十阅读理解,判断对(T)错(F)。 I have a pet. His name is Taotao, He likes eating bones(骨头). Every Sunday, Taotao and I go to the park to play football. He is great. He is good at playing football. Im happy to play with him. Taotao is good at swimming, too. On Sundays, I usually take him to the swimming pool. He swims very well. He looks like a smart boy. I like Taotao very much, he likes me, too. We are good friends. ( ) 1. My pet is a cat. ( ) 2. Every day I can play with Taotao. ( ) 3. Taotao can swim very well. ( ) 4. I like my pet very much. ( ) 5. Taotao is good at playing ping pong. 十一、同学们,你一定会有一些好朋友吧,你知道他们的兴趣爱好吗,他们都喜欢干些什么 呢,快写一些吧。(内容不少于五句话) _ _UNIT5 What does he do?一、单词、词组1.工厂factory复数factories2.工人worker构词法V+er=n 例如reader,teacher,singer,cleaner,reporter,dancer,writer,driver etc.3.邮递员postman复数postmen 4.商人,企业家businessman复数businessmen 5.渔民fishman复数fishmen 注意:针对职业提问时用What.do?干什么的提问。What does he do? He is a pilot.6.科学家scientist 科学science 7.国家country复数countries 8.校长 head teacher 9.教练coach 复数coaches10.警察police officer 同义词policeman 11.大海sea同音词see 在海上at sea 12.保持身体健康stay healthy 待

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