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听力部分一.听录音,找出你在句子中听到的单词。(10分)1.()Away BalwaysCsubway2.()Ariver BdoctorCdrive3.()Afine Bfive Cfour4.()Aor Bin Con5.()AeveningBtonight Ctomorrow二、选出你所听到的句子(10分) ( )1. A. What is your father doing? BWhat does your father do? CWhat is your father like? ( )2. AHow is the weather like today? BHow does she go to work? CHow does he go to work? ( )3. ACan you help me? BCan I help you? CCan you jump? ( )4. AWhere is the science museum? BWhere does she work? CWhere is she going? ( )5. AI go to school by bike BI go to school on foot CI go to school by subway三.听问句,选择最佳答语。(10分)1.()AShe goes to school on foot.BI am a student. CI usually go to school by bike.2.()ALets go to the hospital.BThe hospital is on the right. CThe cinema is next to the hospital.3.()AYes, it is.BYes, she is. CYes, they are.4.()AIm going to buy a book this afternoon. BIm going at 3 oclock. CIm going to the bookstore this evening.5.()AShe is a nurse.BI like my mother. CShe likes reading.三.听录音,写出句子中所缺的单词。(10分)1.What are your hobbies? I like _ and playing football.2.How does your mother go to work? She goes to work by _.3.How can I get to the library? It near the .4.What are you going to do on the _? Im going to buy an English book.5.How I go to Shanghai ? By 笔试部分一、选出与其他三个不同类的单词。(10)( ) 1. A. bus B. ship C. bike D. book( ) 2. A.schoolB. bus C. parkD. home( ) 3. A. red light B. traffic lightC. yellow light D. green light( ) 4. A. Beijing B. Canada C. England D. go( ) 5. A. stop B. go C.wait D. light二、选择填空。(10)( ) 1. How do you go to Canada? I go there _. A. by the planeB. on the plane C. by plane ( ) 2. -What is Johns hobby?-_.A. I like drawing.B. He likes drawing.C. He like drawing.( ) 3. -Does she like drawing pictures?-_.A. Yes ,she is dong.B. Yes ,she does.C. Yes, he does.( ) 4. _ do you go to school?A. HowB. WhatC. WhereD. Who( )5. You must _ at a red light. A. go B. wait C. stop( ) 6.What does your father do ? _. A. He does housework . B. She is a singer. C. He is a teacher. ( )7.The hospital is _ the left. A. for B. inC. on ( )8.Walk straight and turn left the first cross. A. at B. for C. on( )9. Where are you _? A. going toB. goingC. going to do ( )10. My mother likes _. A. swimming B. go to work C. listen to music四、连词成句。(10)1. school How you do to go? 2. hobby What your is ?_3. going What to you buy are ?_4. next Where week are going you ?_5.does do What your father ?_五、对答如流。(10)( )1.Where is the cinema,please? A. Im going to the cinema. ( ) 2 .How do you go to school? B.Itsnearthebookstore.( )3 What are yougoing to do ? C.I gotoschoolbybus.( ) 4.Whats your pen pals hobby? D. No , he doesnt.( ) 5.Does he teach math? E.He likes making kites.6、 阅读短文,完成以下题目。判断对错,对的错的。(10)Tom is my new friend .He lives in a big house in Canada. Tom likes his study because he likes reading and playing computer games . His brother Tim likes his bedroom best because he likes sleeping .His father works in the school .He is a teacher .He likes by bike . He goes to work by bike every day . His mother is a postman . She likes reading and singing. She goes to work by bus .She can read on the bus .October in Beijing is beautiful .Its cool and golden. Tom says his family is coming to China in October .I hope to see them soon.( )1、Tom likes reading and playing computer games.( )2、Tim likes sleeping.( )3、Toms father goes to work by bike .( )4、Toms mother goes to work by car .( )5、They are going to China in December .七、十三.小作文:写一写你最熟悉的一个人,包括他(她)的外貌性格、身份职业、爱好、出行方式等,不少于5句话。(10) 听力答案一.听录音,找出你在句子中听到的单词。(10分)1.(C)Away BalwaysCsubway2.(B)Ariver BdoctorCdrive3.(C)Afine Bfive Cfour4.(C)Aor Bin Con5.(C)AeveningBtonight Ctomorrow二、选出你所听到的句子(10分) ( B )1. A. What is your father doing? BWhat does your father do? CWhat is your father like? ( B )2. AHow is the weather like today? BHow does she go to work? CHow does he go to work? ( B )3. ACan you help me? BCan I help you? CCan you jump? ( A )4. AWhere is the science museum? BWhere does she work? CWhere is she going? ( A )5. AI go to school by bike BI go to school on foot CI go to school by subway三.听问句,选择最佳答语。(10分)1.(C)AShe goes to school on foot.BI am a student. CI usually go to school by bike. How do you go to school?2.(C)ALets go to the hospital.BThe hospital is on the right. CThe cinema is next to the hospital. Where is the cinema?3.(B)AYes, it is.BYes, she is. CYes, they are. Is she going to the cinema this afternoon?4.(A)AIm going to buy a book this afternoon. BIm going at 3 oclock. What are you going to buy? CIm going to the bookstore this evening.5.(A)AShe is a nurse.BI like my mother. CShe likes reading. What does you mother do?三.听录音,写出句子中所缺的单词。(10分)1.What are your hobbies? I like goes hiking and playing football.2.How does your mother go to work? She goes to work by subway.3.How can I get to the library? It near the post office.4.What are you going to do on the evening? Im going to buy an English book.5.How I go to Shanghai ? By plane

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