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教 学 设 计 单元Unit4课题Accidents课时1教学内容Part3a and 3b and 3c教学目标Can understand the sentences Can put the sentences in the correct orderCan act the story in groups教学重点难点Can act the story in groupsCan put the sentences in the correct order教学准备PPT, a tape-recorder, a tape.教 学 过 程 设 计调整与随感一、 Warm- up1. Greetings2. read the passage on P323.Quick responseam/is cut have brokebreak was go hadcut went二、Presentation1. Look at the picture guess what his job is He is a police manwhat can you see in the pictureA police carA ladder-ladd-er A window 2. Open your book and look at the picture on page 33, have a discussion with your partner and guess whatthe story was.3. Check the ansers1, The children went to Mr Snows house2, They found a ladder in his garden.3, They called the police4, The police came quickly.5. They put the ladder away.5,The children and the police saw a man at the window.6. The man wanted to get down the ladder.7. He fell from the window8, The man broke his leg.三、Consolidation 1. Listen and point2. Listen and read 3. Using the picture to retell the story 板书设计Unit 4 Accidentspeople: police man children a mango-call-come-put-see-want-fall-breakwent-called-came-put-saw-wanted-fell-broke作业1,Read the sentences as frequently as possible 2, Three or four students in one group try to act the story out.教学反思

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