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一般现在时专题复习基础练习一选择正确的be动词填空1. I _ a student. 2. We _ friends.3. He _ a good boy. 4. She _ my sister.5. They _ my parents. 6. You _ 11 years old.7. I a doctor. 8. My father a policeman.9. We having breakfast. 10. Tom from Canada.11. Her sister a nurse. 12. They my good friends.13. He my brother. 14. She ten.15. His mother an actress.二、句型转换新 课 标 第 一 网1、The cat is beautiful.否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定/否定回答: 2、Her sisters are students. 否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定/否定回答: 三、用“have, has” or “there is , there are” 填空1. I_a good father and a good mother. 2. _a telescope on the desk. 3. He_a tape-recorder. 4. _a basketball in the playground. 5. She_some dresses. 新课 标第 一 网6. They_a nice garden.7. What do you_? 8. _a reading-room in the building? 9. What does Mike_? 10. _any books in the bookcase? 11. My father_a story-book. 12. _a story-book on the table. 13. _any flowers in the vase? 14. How many students_in the classroom? 15. My parents_some nice pictures. 16. _some maps on the wall. 17. _a map of the world on the wall. 18. David_a telescope. 19. Davids friends_some tents. 20. _many children on the hill.巩固练习一、用be的适当形式填空 1.-How_ you? -I_ fine. 2.I_ David, and my family name_ Green. 3.-What color _ your clock? -It_ white. 4.-What_ this in English?-It_ an apple. 5.Toy_my brother. David_my brother, too. They _ my brothers. 6.Look!These_apple trees. 7.We_ good students and you_ good teacher. 8.My sister and my brother_ students. 9._there many eggs in the kitchen? 10._your card number 5578? 11.Where_ your pencils? X| k |B| 1 . c|O |m12.These sweaters _ fifty dollars. 13.How much _ his jacket? 14.My brothers birthday_ December 11th. 15.When _ Kates birthday? 16、There_a boy and two girls beside the gate. 17、Five and three _ eight. 二、将下面的句子变成一般疑问句并作出回答1. That is my football. 2. Those are his books. 3. Jim and Tom are good friends. 4. My birthday is November 1st. 5. His son is twelve years old. 三、将下面的句子变成否定句 1. His card is on the table. 2. These are my parents. 3. Bob and Tony are our friends. 4. These things are five dollars. 5. The girl is his sister. 四、改写句子1. I am a teacher. 新 课 标 第 一 网否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 2. They are new students.否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 3. He is a good boy at home.否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 4. We are having an English class. X k B 1 . c o m否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 5. Bob is in Class One, Grade Six.否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 三、经典题训练过关:基础练习w W w . x K b 1.c o M一、 单项选择。( )1-What do you _ do? -I want to go to the movie. Awant Bwant to Clike Dto like( )2-Does the boy want to be an actor? -_.A. Yes, he is. B. No, he cant. C. Yes, he does. D. No, he isnt.( )3-_ kind of movies _ Lucy like? -She likes action movies.AWhat, does BWhat, do CWhats, does DWhich, do( )4In a word, we can learn a lot _ Chinese history. Afor Babout Cwith Dat( )5Gina likes action movies, _ she doesnt like thrillers. Aand Bso Cor Dbut( )6I often go to a movie _ my friends. Aat Bon Cwith Din( )7I dont like action movies. I think theyre _.Aboring Bdifficult Cinteresting Dexciting( )8Lets _ a film! http:/w ww.x kb1.comA. see B. look C. have D. look at( )9Bill likes comedies, but he _ thrillers.A. like B. likes C. dont like D. doesnt like( )10_ the old man like Beijing Opera?A. Is B. Do C. Are D. Does( )11We have great fun in the school trip. Its really _.A. sad B. scary C. difficult D. exciting( )12-_ you speak English? -Yes, I can. A. Do B. Are C. Can D. Does 二、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。John really likes action movies, and 1 often goes to 2 Chinese action movies. He thinks they are very 3 . He 4 documentaries are boring, and 5 doesnt like thrillers. He thinks they are 6 . He 7 likes Beijing Opera. Some people dont like it, 8 he thinks it is very interesting. He thinks he can 9 about Chinese history. He often goes to see Beijing Opera 10 his father.( )1. A. she B. he C. weD. they( )2. A. see B. readC. lookD. hear( )3. A. tiring B. boring C. scaryD. exciting( )4. A. wants B. thinks C. seesD. gets( )5. A. I B. She C. HeD. We( )6. A. excitingB. relaxing C. tiringD. scary( )7. A. Too B. either C. alsoD. and( )8. A. and B. soC. orD. but ( )9. A. read B. learnC. seeD. like( )10. A. or B. withC. andD. but三、根据句意,用括号内动词的正确形式填空。1. She often_ (want) _ (see) the movie.2. I usually_ (like) _ (watch) TV.3. He _ (have) some ice cream every day.4. She _ (not watch) TV every day.5. We _ (give) a concert each year.6. My father _ (watch) TV in the evening.7. He often _ (go) to movies.8. They _ (stay) at home on Sunday.9. They _ (not like) comedies, but I like comedies because they are interesting.10. Ann _ (go) to school every day.巩固提升一、单项选择( )1. Jack wants _ the park. X| k |B| 1 . c| |mA. go to B. to go C. to go to D. goes to( )2. My brother likes action movies _ he doesnt like documentaries.A. and B. but C. or D. so( )3. On weekends, I often go to movies _ my friends. A. for B. with C. at D. of( )4. Jack often _ seven classes every day.A. have B. do C. has D. does( )5. - _ kind of movies do you like? - Action movies. A. What B. Who C. How D. When( )6. - _ do you usually go to a movie? -On weekends.A. What B. When C. Where D. How( )7. Do you like _ books? Aread Breading Csee Dseeing( )8. Mr. Brown is very old, _ he is still healthy.Abut Band Cso Dfor( )9. My brother _ this kind of story-books. Ahave Bdont have Cdoesnt has Ddoesnt have( )10. Do you often go to _ football games _ your friends?Asee, and Blook at, with Cwatch, and Dwatch, with二、按照要求改写句子1.DanielwatchesTVeveryevening.(改为否定句)。_ _2.Idomyhomeworkeveryday. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_3.Shelikesmilk. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ 4.Amylikesplayingcomputergames.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_5.Wegotoschooleverymorning.(改为否定句) _6.HespeaksEnglishverywell.(改为否定句)_ _7.Iliketakingphotosinthepark.(对划线部分提问)_ 8.JohncomesfromCanada.(对划线部分提问)_ _9.Sheisalwaysagoodstudent.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)_10.SimonandDaniellikegoingskating.(改为否定句) 11.Doyouoftenplayfootballafterschool?(肯定回答)_ _12.Ihavemanybooks.(改为否定句)_ 13.GaoShanssisterlikesplayingtabletennis.(改为否定句)_ .

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