剑桥英语一级下册《Unit 9 Let’s smell the flowers》课件PPT.ppt

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Unit9Let ssmelltheflowers shining Whatisitdoing Itisshining havinglunch Whataretheydoing Theyarehavinglunch paintingapicture Whatisshedoing Sheispaintingapicture readingabook Whataretheydoing Theyarereadingabook bouncingaball Whataretheydoing Theyarebouncingaball ridingabike Whatisshedoing Sheisridingabike takingaphoto Whatishedoing Heistakingaphoto playingonthesee saw Whataretheydoing Theyareplayingonthesee saw talking Whataretheydoing Theyaretalking catchingabutterfly Whatisshedoing Sheiscatchingabutterfly smellingtheflowers Whatisitdoing Itissmellingtheflowers listeningtomusic Whatisshedoing Sheislisteningtomusic rideabike playonthesee saw paintapicture takeaphoto bounceaball catchabutterfly shine havelunch talk listentomusic readabook kickaball smelltheflowers rideabike ridingabike playontheseesaw playingontheseesaw paintapicture paintingapicture takeaphoto takingaphoto catchabutterfly catchingabutterfly readabook readingabook kickaball kickingaball havelunch havinglunch smelltheflowers smellingtheflowers listentomusic listeningtomusic bounceaball bouncingaball 现在进行时 表示现在正在进行的动作或存在的状态 构成 be v ingeg Iamworking Sheisdancing Heisreading Wearerunning Theyareplayingfootball Itiseating 现在分词的变化规则 1 直接加ing eg work working read reading 2 以不发音字母e结尾的动词 去掉e再加ing eg take taking write writing 3 以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的词 双写该辅音字母后再加ing eg stop stopping run running 写出下列动词的现在分词 run bounce take listen play kick read have ride running taking playing reading riding bouncing listening kicking having 用所给词的适当形式填空 They be have lunchnow are having She be paint now is painting He be take aphotonow is taking Theboy football is playing Thegirl theball is bouncing horse house song sound caught count 一个嘴形不动 一个要动嘴形

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