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期中测试(一)一、默写26个字母中的前12个字母的大小写。(12分)_二、补充短语。(18分)1. _morning 2. come_ 3. put_4. sit_ 5. stand_ 6. pick_7. _out 8. _here 9. _you三、选出不同类的单词。(12分)( )1. A. brother B. sister C. my( )2. A. book B. mom C. eraser( )3. A. lion B. elephant C. pencil( )4. A. this B. that C. father( )5. A. he B. kangaroo C. she( )6. A. friend B. dad C. mom四、补全单词并写出汉语意思。(10分)1. d_g ( ) 2. b_ _ _ ( ) 3. _nt ( )4. c_t ( ) 5. b_g ( ) 6. d_ sk ( )7. f_ sh ( ) 8. p_nc_l ( ) 9. er_ser ( )10. d_d ( )五、选择。(14分)( )1. Jack: Nice to meet you, Lisa. Lisa: _. A. Good morning. B. Good bye, Jack. C. Nice to meet you, too.( )2. Jack: How are you, Peter? Peter: _. A. Nice to meet you. B. nice to meet you, too. C. Im fine, thank you.( )3. Xiaolan: _ Tutu: Morning, Xiaolan. A. Good bye, Tutu. B. Good morning, Tutu. C. Good afternoon, Tutu.( )4. Jack: Whats your name? Lisa: _. A. Im Peter. B. My name is Lisa. C. Hello, Jack.( )5. Tutu: _. Lisa: Goodbye! A. See you. B. Good morning. C. Nice to meet you.( )6. Peter: Whos this, Xiaolan? Xiaolan: _. A. Its my brother. B. Fine, thank you. C. Thank you.( )7. Peter: Sit down, please. Xiaolan. Xiaolan: _. A. Youre welcome. B. Hello, Peter. C. Thank you, Peter.六、情景选择。(10分)( )1、Jack想问Lisa那辆自行车是不是他的,Jack会说: A. Is that your bike? B. Is this your bike? C. Is that a bike?( )2、Xiaolan想知道Peter的妹妹叫什么名字,她会怎样问Peter? A. Whats your sister? B. Whats your name? C. Whats your sisters name?( )3、开学了。Tutu和Jack在学校见面后,互相问好: Tutu: _ Jack: Im fine, and you? Tutu: _. A. How are you? / Im fine. B. How are you? / Im fine, too. Thank you. C. Nice to meet you. / Nice to meet you, too.( )4、 第一次见面的朋友,打招呼通常会说: A. Good night. B. Nice to meet you. C. Im student.( )5、Jack想让Peter到他跟前去,Jack会说: A. Come on, Peter. B. Come here, Peter. C. Peter, good morning.七、连词成句。(14分)1. are How you ? _2. This my friend is . _3. this Is your pencil ? _4. down Put picture the . _5. too to you meet Nice . _6. your name What is ? _7. Who he is ? _八、回答下面问题。(10分)1. Is this your book? (用“Yes”回答) _2. Are you a girl(女孩)? _3. How are you? _4. How old are you? _期中测试(二)一、调整字母顺序,使其成为正确的单词。(18分) i k c p _ o t g a _ h i n t g _ a d t s n _ r e d i n f _ c h t a w _二、根据汉语意思,完成下列各题。(10分)1. _(给)me that book.2. The old man is my _(爷爷)3. This books (名字)is Justice.4. _(坐下)please, Jack.5. I like to sleep in the _(下午)三、连线。(16分) 1. go you 2. thank in 3. come up 4. good down 5. your night 6. stand dog 7. an out 8. put eraser四、英汉互译。(18分)1. 祝你过得愉快。_2. She is my daughter(女儿)._3. 下午好,张老师。_4. Nice to meet you. _5. 请出去,丽莎。_6. Is that a table? _五、在方格内填上字母,组成完整的单词。(10分)hdmsentky六、根据图片内容填写句子。(15分)1. Is this _house? Yes, it _. _this your _? _, its Mikes.2. This is _ _. Its Pangpangs desk. _bag is _ the desk.3. _that _hat? _, its a _. Its _brothers _.八、写出相应字母的大小写形式。(10分)九、圈出每句中多余的一个单词。(3分)1. Hi, too Xiaolan. How are you ?2. This is my friend, Jack to . 3. Nice to too meet you, too.期中测试(三)一、规范书写字母AN的大小写形式。_二、判断字母大小写形式是否正确。( )1. B d ( )2. e F ( )3. g G ( )4. D d( )5. A e ( )6. C c ( )7. I l ( ) 8. M n( )9. K k ( )10. E e ( )11. N n ( )12. J j( )13.J i ( )14.H n ( )15. H h ( )16. M m( )17.B b ( )18 A a四、选择正确的答案。1. 你可以这样询问别人的名字:( ) 2. 你可以这样与同学道别:( )3. 问候很长时间没见面的朋友,你可以这样说:( )4. 你可以这样问候初次见面的朋友:( )5. 你可以这样把自己的朋友介绍给他人:( ) 6. 临别时的祝福语是:( )7. 想知道Tom旁边的女孩是谁,你可以这样问:( )8. 想知道Tom手里拿的是什么东西,你可以这样问:( )9. Tom不小心被撞倒了,你扶起他时应该问一句:( )10. 把Tom的球递给他,你说:( ) 11. 让Tom把手里的书放下,你说:( )12. 想知道Tom手里的书是不是他的,你可以问:( )13. 睡觉前与父母道别,你说:( ) 14. 在早上你可以这样与王老师打招呼:( )15. 有人敲门,你说:( ) 16. Tom到你家里做客,进了门,你说:( )A. Nice to meet you. B. See you in the morning.C. Whats your name, please. D. Whos she? E. Heres your ball.F. Is this your book? G. How are you? H. This is my friend.I. Put down your book. J. Come in, please. K. Whats this?L. Good night. M. Please sit down. N. Are you okay?O. Have a nice day. P. Good morning, Miss Wang.五、找到与对话内容相对应的图片。六、为图片选择正确的句子。七、选择适当的句子补全对话。(一)A: Whats that? (二)A: _? B: _? B: Its my sister. A: No, it not a car. A: _, too? B: Is it a bag? B: _. Its my friend, Kate. A: Yes, _.1. Its my bag. 2. This is a car. 3. Is it a car? 4. Whos this?5. Yes, she is. 6. Is this your sister? 7. No, it isnt.八、补全单词,并把单词填在恰当的句子中。h _ _ d d _ d t _ _ s d _ s _ n _ t n _ _ e1. Look at my _. Sorry. 2. Whats _? Its a car.3. Whats your name? My _ is Tutu. 4. Is that your _? Yes, its my desk.5. Is this an eraser? No, its _. 6. Whos he? Hes my _.九、重排句子。A. ( 1 )Hello,Yang Yan. B. ( 1 )Ouch! Whats that?( )Im fine, thanks, Zhang Tong. ( )Yes, Im okay. Is this your ball?Whos this? ( )Sorry, Its my ball.( )Nice to meet you, Ann. ( )Oh, its a ball. Are you okay?( )Hello, Zhang Tong. ( 4 )No, it isnt( )How are you? ( )Thanks.( )Oh, this is my friend, Ann. ( )Heres your ball.( )Nice to meet you, too.20062007学年度第一学期期中测试题三年级英语一、写出下列字母的相应形式。(30分)D_ M_ P_ T_ Y_c _h _k _n _w二、将单词补充完整并连线。(20分) 熊 g_ _t 书 _i_h 鱼 _esk 山羊 b_ _r 桌子 _ _ok三、选择。(12分)( )1. What _your name? A. am B. is C. are( )2. _is this? It is a dog. A. What B. what C. is( )3. Nice to meet you. _. A. I am fine. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. Hello.( )4. Good morning. _. A. Bye. B. Good. C. Good morning.四、组句。(24分)1. meet to you nice. _2. is this your room. _3. that is dog a ? _4. he whos ? _5. this whats ? _6. good morning. _五、画一画,写一写,向大家介绍两个你的家人。(14分) This is my_. This is my_.期中测试(四)一、规范书写字母AO的大小写形式。(15分)_二、将多余的字母去掉,组成正确的单词。(12分)蚂蚁昆虫熊鸟巢猫大象a c n ti n s e e c tb e a r sm n e s tc e a tellephant三、将打乱的字母重新排列,写在四线格内。(6分)铅笔桌子椅子球书包飞机enpcilskdecrhaibllagabejt四、连一连。(10分)Its a cap. 给你书。Please stand up. 这是我爸爸。This is my dad. 看我的电脑。Heres your book. 请起立。 Look at my computer. 它是一顶帽子。五、单项选择。(6分)( ) 1. What _ your name? A. am B. are C. is( ) 2. Pick _ the picture. A. up B. down C. at( ) 3. Good night. Good _. A. morning B. night C. afternoon( )4. Its _ eraser. A. a B. am C. an( )5. This is my mom. And this is _. A. my B. you C. me( )6. _she? This is my sister. A. Whos B. Whats C. Hows六、连词成句,不要忘记标点符号哦!(15分)1. friend is This my ._2. name Whats your ?_3. are How you ?_4. meet Nice you to . _5. my dad He is . _七、对话匹配,将序号写在括号内。(6分)( )1. Good morning, Lisa. A. Yes, it is.( )2. Good-bye, Mike. B. Good morning, Tutu.( )3. How are you? C. Its a monster.( )4. Whats that? D. Shes Xiaolan.( )5. Is this your brother? E. Im fine, thanks.( )6. Whos she? F. Have a nice day.八、根据情境,用适当的句子补全对话。(10分)Xiaolan: Good morning.Li Ming: _ A. Whats your name?Xiaolan: _ B. Nice to meet you, too.Li Ming: My name is Li Ming. C. Good morning.Xiaolan: Nice to meet you, Li Ming. D. Thanks.Li Ming: _ E. Yes, it is.Xiaolan: Is this your bag?Li Ming: _Xiaolan: Here you are. (给你)Li Ming: _


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