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高一下学期英语期末试卷和高考满分作文:在路上走过(72)学年第二学期高一年级期末考试英语试卷第卷第一部分听力(共两节)第一节(共 5 小题)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。答案写在答题卡上。例:How muchisthe shirt?A19.5.B9.15.C9.18.答案是 B。1What juice dues the man order?AApple.BOrange.CLemon.2How much did the man pay for his packpack?A$66.B$22.C$33.3How does the woman feel?ASurprised.BExcited.CDisappointed.4Which kind of bus pass does the man advise?AWeekly.BMonthly.CYearly.5What does the woman mean?AShe doesnt like the film.BShe will accept the invitation.CShe wont go to the cinema with him.第二节(共 10 小题)听下面 3 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。答案写在答题卡上。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 8 题。6Why is the man worried?ABecause he has lost his way.BBecause he forgot to buy gifts.CBecause he cant find his suitcase.7What will the man do next?AHave a cup of coffee.BAsk the staff for help.CGo back to his seat.8Where can the speakers probably be?AIn a gift shop.BIn a coffee shop.CAt the airport.听第 7 段材料,回答第 9 至 11 题。9Who is Max?AA dog.BA boy.CA neigbbour.10What happened to Max?AHe was sick.BHe was missing.CHe was hungry.11How does Crystal feel now?AShe is sad.BShe is hopeless.CShe is angry.听第 8 段材料,回答第 12 至 15 题。12What will the students do during the school trip?AEnjoy a film.BMeet their parents.CVisit a museum.13Where can the parents pick them up?AIn the car park.BAt the school gate.CBehind the school library.14What should the students take with them?ASome food.BA notebook.CSome money.15Who is the speaker probably?AA teacher.BA bus driver.CA parent.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节)第一节单项填空(共 10 小题)从 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。答案写在答题卡上。16 Since you cant afford a new car, why not buy a second-hand first?_.ASounds fineBNever mindCGo aheadDWell done17Increasing employment is one of the _ to reducing crimes.ApermitsBpredictionsCcommandsDsolutions18This time our whole team will _ Tom again, for he has never let us down.Abring upBgive awayCrely onDlive on19Thanks to the excellent guide, our journey was really _ and meaningful.AconsciousBridiculousCimpressiveDclassical20No matter how long the journey is, you will _ arrive at your destination so long as you keep on.AeventuallyBtraditionallyCformallyDslightly21It seems that his success happened _, but actually it was the result of his years of efforts.Aat leastBby accidentCon averageDin all22 Can I make an appointment with Mr. Smith at 3:00 this afternoon? Sorry, but at that time he _ to Russia for the World Cup.AflewBfliesCwill be flyingDwas flying23Before the Chinese new year, you _ get a train ticket easily, for millions of people crowd in the station to buy tickets home.AshouldBmayCmustntDcant24Now we rarely see trolleybuses which are _ electric wires. They are on the way out.Aconnected toBstuck inCknown forDcovered with25_ hot it is, he never switches on the air-conditioner because he is a low-carbon person.AHowBAsCHoweverDWhatever第二节 完形填空(共 15 小题)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。答案写在答题卡上。I lived with my grandpa. From childhood I always felt that my birthday should be my day and should be celebrated like anything. I used to wait for my birthday by _26_ months, then days andthen hours, thinking how to celebrate it and what gift to ask for. It was my grandpa who made it important and _27_.But, I _28_ my grandpa in 2017, and I didnt know how to spend my birthday after he had gone from this world. Yes, I was too _29_ to him. Finally, I decided to celebrate my nextbirthday at the orphanage (孤儿院), and arrange dinner for those kids who didnt have any family, or maybe whose family had _30_ them because they were carrying HIV._31_ two days, I went there and requested they give me a _32_ to help their children and also I asked if some child was having a birthday on the _33_ day as mine. I wanted to buy a_34_ for him or her to eat at a dinner party as well. _35_, they agreed. But I was a bit afraid to face them. My _36_ was that they might feel bad because they didnt have their families. But when I met them, they were all so lovely, looking so _37_! At the party, we danced together,played many games, and most importantly we had the cake together! I had been worried they would take it as some kind of sympathy(同情), _38_ that day they enjoyed my company very much.Whenever I recall this wonderful experience, I think of it as the _39_ birthday I have ever had! I believe it was really a true _40_ for my grandpa as well!26ApassingBcountingCwastingDmissing27AfunBlongCexpensiveDcommon28AvaluedBrespectedClostDbelieved29AharmfulBattachedCfriendlyDhonest30AabandonedBeducatedCfrightenedDdoubted31ABeforeBAfterCUntilDSince32AwayBwishCchanceDchange33AcorrectBdifficultCsameDmagic34AtoyBcardCbookDcake35APersonallyBLuckilyCSadlyDSimilarly36AfearBhappinessCtaskDpromise37AconcernedBscaredCdelightedDuneasy38AandBbutCorDso39AoldestBhardestCworstDbest40AmemoryBplanCsecretDjoy第三部分 阅读理解(共两节)第一节(共 10 小题)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。答案写在答题卡上。注意:C 篇分 A、B 两种题型,A 种题型(易)为客观题。B 种题型(难)为主观题。AThe UK College of Dentistry(牙科) will participate in the national Cive Kids A Smile event this summer.During the event, student dentists will see patients aged 1 - 12 to offer free dental examinations, cleanings and radiographs. Free kindergarten screenings will also be provided.After a dental examination, parents will be given a report about their childs dental needs and then referred, if needed, to a “dental home“ for complete care.Patients are seen first come, first served. So please arrive early. For more information, visit ukdentistry, org or call 859-323-3368.41What is the text about?AA physical examination on kids.BA lecture on how to give kids a smile.CA summer event on kids teeth health.DA conversation between dentists and patients.42Which is TRUE according to the text?AThe event will last a whole day.BDates and location wont be changed.CThe patients with serious problems will be first served.DThe childs dental problems will be reported to parents.BIt seems no longer the privilege (特权) of young people to get access to new technologies. As a matter of fact, senior citizens have taken advantage of the Internet to enrich their life and havebenefited greatly from itincluding looking through news, using mobile payments, and even enjoying online car-hailing (约车) services.Most of the information read by older netizens is focused on national politics and economy. They also like reading encouraging materials and jokes online. Anyway, what brings them the greatestconvenience is that they turn to the web for health advice, especially online hospital appointments. Increasingly, old peoples needs can be satisfied by online services, which are more convenient than those in traditional ways.On the other hand, the Internet is not always safe. There exists the risk of being cheated. Some older users easily misunderstand or are cheated by incorrect information on the Internet. Of thosecheated online, 60.3 percent fall for offers to collect free “red packet“ money. And some health-related information they read is misleading. So they should be careful to make out the information.It is the responsibility for the government, families and companies to help the old netizens to be away from the danger on line. This way, they will be more willing to use the Interact and the experience on the Interact will be more satisfying.43What does the first paragraph tell us?AThe Internet is only preferred by young people.BOnline news readers are mainly senior citizens.COld people make better use of the Internet than the young.DUsing mobile phones has become common in old peoples life.44Which do old people find the most helpful online?APositive materials.BHealth guide.CMobile payments.DTraffic service.45What can protect the old people from being cheated online?AWarning them not to open red packets.BTelling them not to read too much information.CReminding them to be careful about the risks online.DAdvising them to keep away from the smart phones.C以下为 A(易)、B(难)两种题型,任选一种。做 A 种题型的不做 B 种,做 B 种题型的不做 A 种。The week before Christmas last year, the bookstore I worked for ran out of All the Light We Cannot See, the best-seller of the holiday season. And we couldnt get it in the store until December 29th.“What am I supposed to buy for my wife?“ a tall man demanded. “That is what she wanted.“Sorry, the publisher hasnt printed enough copies.“I apologized. “I want to support localbookstores, but you people are really making me want to go to Amazon,“ he said angrily. “The book is back-ordered on Amazon too,“ I told him, as politely as I could. “They cant get it to you before Christmas either.“Nothing about this conversation was unusual. Customers regularly threaten booksellers with Amazon. Indeed, People love the ease and convenience of shopping on Amazon. The books here are more expensive than they are online, and sometimes there is a line to check out.Last year, however, during the holiday rush, I took a job at my local bookstore, but bookselling quickly became something much more than a way to earn money. It was a job that requiredknowing much about the contents and the location of each book. Because in many cases I had to find the book the customers wanted based only on some very simple descriptions. “Blue cover, I think its about Italy“ was all I needed to locate the exact book.And every Saturday, a father and his young son came in to buy a new book by Geronimo Stilton, which was a series about an adventurous mouse. Later I learned that the father was goingthrough a divorce (离婚), and the bookstore was the exact place where they really looked forward to meeting.Actually, I experienced much more than that in the store. And gradually, I canto to learn: There are people who really need bookstores. Bookstores are for people who arent always listenedto, or for people who dont always have someone to talk to. So it is a comforting environment to _ with each other. It is in such places that we can feel like more than a confirmation number, but rather a person in the world.(以下是 A 种题型)46What do we know from the the conversation in Paragraph 2?AThe value of Amazon.BThe introduction of the bookstore.CThe importance of reading.DThe threat from online to local bookstores.47What does the underlined word “back-ordered“ probably mean?AWithin reach.BOn display.CSold out.DPut out.48Why did the father like to go to the bookstore at that time?ABecause he couldnt buy the cartoons online.BBecause the bookseller gave him lots of help.CBecause he and his son both like adventurous books.DBecause it provided him with the chance to meet his son.49What is the text mainly about?ABookstores will be replaced one day.BBookstores play an important role in our life.CThe bookstores sell more books than Amazon.DPeople visit bookstores because they are traditional.50What is authors attitude towards local bookstores?ADissatisfied.BCurious.CSupportive.DUncertain.(以下是 B 种题型)46Which book did the tall man want to buy?47What are the advantages of buying books online according to Paragraph 3? (use at least 2 adjectives)48What can a good bookseller do for customers?49What kind of people really need local bookstores?50Which is the best word to fill in the blank in the last paragraph?第二节(共 5 小题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。答案写在答题卡上。Its said that up to 93% of communication is non-verbal. _51_ Here are some tips.Whats better than a smiling face? _52_ Laughing is the best form of connection between two people. Telling a playful joke during an interview can be a great ice-breaker. Laughingand getting others to laugh can be extremely useful. It is a great way to connect with your future boss!_53_ It is a good sign that you are in agreement with them. Besides, moving head up and down shows you are really listening. Next time a friend is telling you a story, nod your head. _54_When your hands are involved, keep your palms up regularly. _55_ So the gesture is saying, “I trust you.“AThe answer is a laughing face.BIt shows that you are open and not hiding anything.CHow can we understand and use body language correctly?DYoull find him happier because he appreciates your listening.EAnother tip is nodding your head occasionally in a conversation.第卷第四部分短文填空(共 10 小题)阅读下列短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。答案写在题号后的横线上。Stephen Hawking, a grand British scientist, left the world on March 14th this year and 56_ (bury) next to another two important figures Newton and Darwin. It is well known that Professor Hawking made a great 57_ (contribute) to physics, especially about black holes and relativity.In China, millions of the professors fans respect him 58_ (part) because of his achievements in science. Also, 59_ is inspiring and encouraging that he foughtwith the disease almost all his life. He sent his greetings to Chinese netizens by 60_(open) an official account(账号)on Sina Weibo. In no time, netizens welcomed Hawking warmly and showed thanks to 61_ (he).He passed away, but his influence 62_(live) on, including his last wordsabout human and our planet. Theres a saying from him that we are living through the 63_ (dangerous) time in the history of the human race. He regarded AI technology64_ a threat to our planet. The grand scientist warned us that 65_ we do, it matters to work together to look after our home.第五部分写作(共两节)第一节单句改错(共 5 小题)下列各句中都有一处错浸,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改,请按要求修改下列各句。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2每句只允许修改 1 处,多者不计分。66Knocking at the door before you come in.67The new government has recently been come to power.68The fog is heavy today. As result, the flight was put off.69The new museum in construction will be opened to the public soon.70You cant keep a good figure without take regular exercise.第二节书面表达假定你是李华,你的家乡太原正在积极筹备 2019 年青运会,高峰期交通拥堵问题引起了市民的关注。某英文报社为此举办以“Advice on Solving Congestion“为题的征文活动。请你按以下要点写一篇英文稿件。1遵守交通规则;2绿色出行,多使用公共交通工具;3多修环路、自行车道等,加快地铁建设。注意:1词数 100 左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:rash hour, environment friendly,public transport, ring road, bicycle laneAdvice on Solving Traffic CongestionKnowing the National Youth Gaines will be held in Taiyuan next year, we are very proud of our hometown. However,_高考满分作文:在路上走过历史的年轮滚滚向前,暮去朝来形形色色的人穿梭在其间,我独自徘徊在路上,缓缓而行时间淹没了世间所有的故事,喜怒哀乐,酸甜苦辣,一切似乎都在时间的办奏下慢慢消逝。消散了,罗马的古迹;湮没了,玛雅的文明;吞噬了,中国的长城文明,我不得不概叹时间的力量,也不得不承认时间的伟大。然而,一切却在缓缓的消逝中崛起,屹立,不断飞跃。侵吞了亡国君王李后主“春水东流”的愁绪,崛起了“千古风流人物”的宋;咀嚼了敦煌千年的珍藏,引得古老民族的伤口流血不止,唤醒了沉睡的人民奋起斗争。继而,我仿佛看见一匹骏马奔驰在东方草原上,如风而过。行走在路上,我们必须铭记,也不得不记住消逝的时光,无论美好抑或哀伤。寂寞的梧桐深院,好一个“做个诗人真绝代,可怜命薄做君王”的李煜,人们用未来记住你的“流水落花春去也”,为你纪念无言之夜,月儿如钩的景色。浪遏飞舟,响彻行云,在苏子瞻活跃的季节,人们也记住了黄州赤壁,“山高月小,水落石出,清风徐来,水浪不兴”。当然当秋雨跋水涉水,呼救中华文明,沉睡的雄狮终于清醒,伴随笔杆东出的豪气,驶向现代文明。依稀间,我听到疾呼奋起的呐喊看到滴血的民族极力挣扎,自舐伤口,然后狂奔的身影眼前,又是一度春暖花开。你看到了吗?奥运圣火传承着中华五千年的文明,古老民族敞开胸怀包罗形形色色,是崛起的象征,是文明的骄傲。路上,抬头远望,一只飞鹰箭步缓冲,掠过天际,留下亘古回荡的长啸,回旋于心间,涤荡成奋进的音符,为前进中的旅人呐喊助威,为民族的强盛喝彩。在路上走过,虽说消逝了些许,但一切终极时间化为记忆,存储心间。路上的故事,总在消逝中臻于完美。我 依旧在路上,看江南水北云卷云舒。


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