
上传人:天**** 文档编号:6495083 上传时间:2020-02-27 格式:PPT 页数:81 大小:9.40MB
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Unit5Dinner sready 晚饭准备好了 Aladdin 阿拉丁 Amagiclamp 神灯 Genie 精灵 Master youcanhavethreewishes 愿望 Aladdin sfirstwish MarryPrincessJasmine Great Aladdin ssecondwish magiccarpet 魔毯 Travelaroundtheworld Wow somanykindsoffood milk 看谁说得快 rice fish bread egg cake Coke juice water noodles Back vegetable Back beef Back chicken soup Back 点拨1 Whatwouldyoulike 你想要什么 wouldlike意思是 想要 与want意思相同 Iwouldlike I dlike 找朋友 看看班里哪个同学和你的口味是一样的 Let ssurvey A Whatwouldyoulikefordinner B I dlikesome homework作业 2 设计一家人合理营养的三餐 1 认真复习今天所学内容 Byebye Thankyou LookatthisMENU Askandanswer A Howmuchisit B It s A Whatisit B It s Askandanswer A Howmuchisit B It s A Whatisit B It s A Whatarethey B They re A Howmucharethey B They re Askandanswer A Howmuchisit B It s A Whatisit B It s Askandanswer A Howmuchisit B It s A Whatisit B It s hamburgerbreadchickenhotdog coffeeteamilkjuice cokeice creamFrenchfriessoup 20 hamburgerbreadchickenhotdog coffeeteamilkjuice cokeice creamFrenchfriessoup 25 hamburgerbreadchickenhotdog coffeeteamilkjuice cokeice creamFrenchfriessoup 30 hamburgerbreadchickenhotdog coffeeteamilkjuice cokeice creamFrenchfriessoup 40 hamburgerbreadchickenhotdog coffeeteamilkjuice cokeice creamFrenchfriessoup 25 hamburgerbreadchickenhotdog coffeeteamilkjuice cokeice creamFrenchfriessoup 35 hamburgerbreadchickenhotdog coffeeteamilkjuice cokeice creamFrenchfriessoup 15 hamburgerbreadchickenhotdog coffeeteamilkjuice cokeice creamFrenchfriessoup 40 hamburgerbreadchickenhotdog coffeeteamilkjuice cokeice creamFrenchfriessoup 30 hamburgerbreadchickenhotdog coffeeteamilkjuice cokeice creamFrenchfriessoup 20 hamburgerbreadchickenhotdog coffeeteamilkjuice cokeice creamFrenchfriessoup 45 hamburgerbreadchickenhotdog coffeeteamilkjuice cokeice creamFrenchfriessoup 50 Iwanttoeatsomebeef howcanIeatit Canyouhelpme knife fork CutwiththeknifePassmetheknife Usethefork chopsticks usethechopsticks spoon Usethespoon bowl spoon fork knife chopsticks bowl Doyouremember Let sguess Givemeaspoon spoon Next Passmeafork Cutwiththeknife fork knife Next Usethechopsticks Washthebowls chopsticks bowl Next 英汉互译 usechopsticks Letmeshowyou Wehadagoodtime 请自便 明天见 中餐 Whoisthebest Waiter CanIhelp Waiter Your please Customer 顾客 I dlikesome Whoisthebest Waiter CanIhelp Waiter Your and Customer 顾客 I dlikesome Whoisthebest Waiter CanIhelp Waiter Your please Customer 顾客 I dlikesome 点拨 Helpyourself 请自行取用 我们受邀到某人家做客吃饭时 主人最常使用此句 示意客人不必感到太过拘谨 本句之后可再加上介词to 形成 Helpyourselfto 名词 句型 表 请自取某物 如 Helpyourselftotheapples 请自行取用苹果 Whoisthebest Setthetable theplateisinthemiddle 中间 Theknifeisontheright 右边 Theforkisontheleft 左边 Thespoonisbeside 在 旁边 theknife C B A A Dinner s Your and B Icanuse C try D C Oops sorry A Letme you B Mm Yummy Ilike food C too B We D Goodnight C Thankyou A tomorrow 根据课文内容 完成对话 Readthestoryafterthetape 看图 根据图片内容写一对话或短语 A Whatwouldyoulike B I dlike 看图 根据图片内容写一对话或短语 A Whatwouldyoulike B I dlike A Whatdoesthegirlwant B Shewants A Whatdoesthegirlwant B Shewants A Canyouspell chicken B Yes A Whatwouldyoulike B I dlike A Whatwouldyoulike B I dlike 英汉互译 forlunch anythingelse Here syourbill 你想要什么 我想要些汤 谢谢你 尝试着用下列提示词来复述这个小故事 would like forlunch I dlike somenoodlesandbeef thankyou anythingelse somesoupandvegetables here syourbill

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