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6A Unit5 单元复习小结1、 单词1. sign标识 2. careful 小心,当心 3. mean 意思是 4. shopping centre 购物中心5. floor地面 6. around 在周围 7. litter 乱扔垃圾 8. smoke 吸烟,抽烟9. smell闻到 10.outing 外出游玩、远足 11.someone 某人 12.restaurant饭店、餐馆2、 词组1. at a shopping centre 在一家购物中心 2. be careful= look out小心 3.take.into 带入 4. a juice shop 一家果汁店 5. go in 进入 6. eat some noodles 吃面条7. in a restaurant 在一家饭店 8.that sign 那个标识 9. smell it 闻到它10. be on an outing 在远足 11. in the forest 在森林里 12.feel tired 感觉累了13. look for 寻找 14. bring.for.为带 15. want one 想要一个 16. walk on继续走路 17. find a sign 发现一个标识 18.on a tree 在树上 19. a lot of monkeys 许多猴子 20. eat bananas 吃香蕉 21. look at 看,瞧 22. learn more signs 学习更多的标识23. these signs 这些标识 24.design signs 设计标识 25. some public places 一些公共场所26.put it at/on/in/. 把它放在.处/的上面/的里面3、 句型1. What does it mean? 它是什么意思? It means. 它的意思是2. Do you want some juice? Yes ,please. 你们想喝些果汁吗?好的。3. You cant take your juice into the shop. 你不能把果汁带到书店。4. Can you see that sign? 你能看到那个标识吗? 5. Is someone smoking?有人在吸烟吗?6. Please dont smoke here. 请不要在这儿吸烟。7.I can smell it。我能闻到它。8. No eating or drinking. 请勿饮食。 It means you cant eat or drink here.9. No littering. 请勿乱扔垃圾。 It means you cant litter here. 10. No parking. 请勿停车。 It means you cant park here.11. No smoking. 请勿吸烟。 It means you cant smoke here.12. No shouting. 请勿喧哗。 It means you cant shout here.13. No climbing. 请勿攀爬。 It means you cant climb here.14.No fishing. 请勿垂钓。 It means you cant fish here.15. No picking. 请勿采摘。 It means you cant pick here.16. No running. 请勿奔跑。 It means you cant run here.17.No feeding. 请勿喂食。 It means you cant feed here.18.No pets. 请勿携带宠物入内。 It means you cant take your pets into here.19.No photos/cameras.请勿拍照。 It means you cant take photos here.20.Keep off the grass.请勿践踏草坪。 It means you should keep off the grass.21. Be quiet. 请保持安静。 It means you should be quiet.22. Danger! 危险! It means we should be careful.23. Wet floor. 小心地滑。 It means the floor is wet. 24. Bobby and Sam are on an outing in the forest. 波比和萨姆在森林里远足。25. Bobby feels tired and hungry. 波比感到又累又饿。26. The little bird said to the girl, Why are you so happy today? 小鸟对女孩说,“你今天为什么这么高兴?” The girl said to the little bird, Because today is my birthday! 女孩对小鸟说,“因为今天是我的生日。”18. In the UK, people call the metro underground. 在英国,人们称地铁为underground。 In the US, people call the metro “subway”. 在美国,人们称地铁为subway4、 重点句型What does the/ this/ that sign mean? 这个/那个标识是什么意思? It means . 意思是.What do the/ theses/ those signs mean?这些/那些标识是什么意思?They mean. 意思是.5、 知识拓展 1. on the tree和in the tree的区别。 on the tree表示花果等长在树上或者东西附着在树上。 如:There are many pears on the tree. in the tree表示外来的东西在树上。 如:Look!There is a bird in the tree. 2. take和 bring 在意义和用法上的区别。take 表示从说话者所处位置带向另一处,意思是“带去”bring 表示从别处带向说话者所处位置, 意思是“带来” 3. 介词at的用法。at a shopping centre 表示“在一个购物中心”,有时也会说成in a shopping centre,但这两个短语是有区别的。at所指范围不太明确,at a shopping centre表示“在购物中心附近”,可能在里面,也可能在旁边,或在外边。而in a shopping centre则明确表示“在购物中心里面”。例如:We are shopping in a shopping centre.我们正在一个购物中心里购物。另外,at通常指在一个小的地方,如at home,at the station等,in一般指在大地方,如in Nanjing等。 4.some和any的用法some用于肯定句,一般情况下在疑问句和否定句中some要变成any。但当用于疑问句中表示建议、请求或者希望得到肯定的回答是some不用变化。如:Would you like some coffee ?你要一些咖啡吗?6、 范文 SignsWe can see many signs in the park. We can see the sign No parking in the park. It means we cant park here. There is a sign near the lake. It means No swimming. It means we cant swim in the lake. There is a sign near the garden. It means we cant pick flowers there. On the tree, there is a sign. It means we cant climb the tree. Look at that sign, it means we cant litter here. A卷: 课堂点拨题1. 句型What does it mean? It means you cant litter here.(1)Does the sign No ?Yes, it does. A.say, writing B. says,write C. says,writing D.say, write(2)This sign No smoking_ you cant smoke. A.mean B.means C.meaning(3)【易错】What _the words mean? A.does B.do C.is(4)【易错】These signs different things. A.means B.mean C.meant (5)【易错】Liu Tao knows a lot holidays. A.of with B.about C.with(6)The near the window are funny. A.signs B.sign C. signs(7)-Can you that sign?It means you cant shout here. -Im sorry. A.look at B.watch C.see2.各种标志的表达 No eating or drinking(1) Keep off the grassmeans we _walk on the grass. A. canB. shouldntC. mustD. should(2)You cant speak loudly _ run in the classroom. A. and B. to C.or3. 情态动词can/should的肯定句,疑问句和否定句(1)We sleep in class. A.can B.should C. Shouldnt(2)【易错】-Why we swim in the river? -Cant you see the sign No swimming there? A. canB. should C. cant D.shouldnt(3)Please take photos here. A.cant B.shouldnt C.dont(4) Keep off the grass means we _ walk on the grass. A. can B. shouldnt C.must4. 问句中的some不改any (1)【易错】Would you like milk,Mike? A.some B.any C.a(2)-Do you want milk? - Yes, please. A.a B.some C.any5. 复习现在进行时(1)Its time lunch now. A.to have B.for have C.on(2)【易错】From this book,we know a lot public signs. A.of B.with C.about6. 复习过去式(1)【易错】Jim and Ben _ about Bens birthday yesterday. A. are talkB.were sayingC. are speakingD. were talking(2) 【易错】Mr Green usually his friends when he was young. A. writes B. is writing C. wrote D.writeB卷: 课后巩固题一.选择( )1.【易错】_that sign interesting? Yes, I think so. A. Does B. Whats C. Is( )2.【易错】I know _ about public signs. A.lots of B.many C.a lot ( )3.No parking means we shouldnt _. A.stop your car here B.take a bus C. ride our bikes in the park( )4.The signs _ No eating and No littering. A.mean B.say C.speak( )5.Public signs _ different things. This sign _ No parking. A.means;mean B. mean;means C. means;means ( )6. _is bad for your health. So you shouldnt _. A.Smoking;smoked B. smoked;smoking C. Smoking;smoke ( )7.【易错】-Can I swim here? - _. A.Yes, I do B. No, you cant. C. No, I cant. ( )8.We should _ in the library. A.keep quiet B.make noise C.laugh ( )9.-What_on the plate? -There_some bread. A.is;are B.is;is C./;is ( )10.I called_ yesterday afternoon. But she_in. A. she,isnt.B. her,wasntC. her,isnt( )11.There are many monkeys around_ . They are looking at _ bananas. A.they;our B. they;them C. them;their( )12.【易错】-I have some apples. Do you_?-No,thanks. A.like it B.want one C.like one二填入适当的词1.underground(写出同义词)_ 2.some(同义词)_ 3. interest(形容词)_ 4.smoking(原形)_ 5.happy(反义词)_ 6.smoke(现在分词)_ 7.【易错】No_(smoke) means you cant_ (smoke) here. 8.【易错】The signs over there_(mean) different things.9. -_it _ (mean) No swimming? -Yes, it _. 10. 【易错】What _ the signs _(mean)? 11.The sign on the wall _(mean) Danger.12.You should _(do) your homework every day.13.-Mum,I want _(watch) TV. No,you must _ (go) to bed now.14.It means No _(fish). 15.-Where_you go_the holiday? -I _ (go) to Xian.16._ your father _(write)letters to you yesterday?17.【易错】What are you doing ? We_(talk) about the news.三翻译1.远离._ 2. 围着他们_ 3. 一次郊游_ 4.禁止乱扔垃圾 5.不准吸烟 6.禁止饮食 7.禁止钓鱼 8.禁止游泳和攀爬 9.继续行走 10.小心 11.想要进入 12.这些标志什么意思?他们意思是你不应该在这里游泳。 these mean ? They you here . 13.它意思是“危险”吗?是的,它是的。 it Danger ? Yes , .14.我们能把这个标志放哪里?让我们把它放在墙上。 can we this sign ? Lets it on the .15.我们不能在这儿丢杂物。We here.16.-我能在那里停车吗? -不能,那个标志意思是“禁止停车”。 - I there? -No,you . That sign means .17.这儿有一个标识。它的意思是你不能在这停放自行车。 a sign. It means you cant your bike here.18.【易错】禁止奔跑和喊叫。 No running .19.你今天为什么这么开心?因为今天是我的生日。 you today ? today is my .20. 【易错】你要一些果汁吗?好的,来点。 you juice ? , .21.现在四点钟了。我该回家了。 Its now. Its time home.四. 句型转换1.It means No littering.(划线提问) 2.It means the floor is wet.(一般疑问句) 3.易错The sign near the school means No parking. (划线提问) 4.No smoking here.(改为同义句)

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