HayGroup PPT模板(彩色版)

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Title slide,Presentation subtitle Date,Presenter,Title slide client logo,Presentation subtitle Date,Presenter,Title slide Insight,Presentation subtitle Date,Presenter,Title slide Insight client logo,Presentation subtitle Date,Presenter,Section 1 header goes here,01,Section 2 header goes here,02,Section 1 header goes here,03,Section 2 header goes here,04,Holding slide Insert key message text here,Contents / Agenda,Sections Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 ,Full page layout (Arial 26pt white),Text heading to be inserted here (Arial 18pt bold primary) Bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt blue). Cras ipsum erat, pharetra sed, sollicitudin quis, rutrum quis, massa. Donec placerat, risus id posuere varius, augue nisi convallis nunc, sed lacinia tellus nibh non magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst Sub-bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt charcoal). Morbi ornare tempus orci. Phasellus urna tellus, nonummy sed, pharetra vitae, tempor a, augue. Aliquam ut enim in quam luctus lacinia. In in felis sit amet sem elementum Sub sub-bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt charcoal). Cras ipsum erat, pharetra sed, sollicitudin quis, rutrum quis, massa. Donec placerat, risus id posuere varius, augue nisi convallis nunc,SECTION HEADING OPTIONAL (Arial 10pt charcoal),Double column page layout (Arial 26pt white),Text heading to be inserted here (Arial 18pt bold primary) Bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt blue). Cras ipsum erat, pharetra sed, sollicitudin quis, rutrum quis, massa Sub-bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt charcoal). Morbi ornare tempus orci Sub sub-bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt charcoal). Donec placerat, risus id posuere varius, augue nisi convallis nunc,Text heading to be inserted here (Arial 18pt bold primary) Bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt blue). Cras ipsum erat, pharetra sed, sollicitudin quis, rutrum quis, massa Sub-bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt charcoal). Morbi ornare tempus orci Sub sub-bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt charcoal). Donec placerat, risus id posuere varius, augue nisi convallis nunc,SECTION HEADING OPTIONAL (Arial 10pt charcoal),Overview of our methodology for BEO,Summarize business model,Definition of business model Strategy for getting and sustaining competitive advantage How a company makes money Deals with products, services and businesses Must be clearly understood and operationalized,Develop operating model,Definition of operating model Strategy for the organization How company manages the way products and services are delivered to customers High level flow of accountabilities/value chain Core business and Governance/enabling process definition Level of centralization/ decentralization Key capability requirements,Design organization,Definition of organization HOW the organization is structured Definition of roles, including reporting relationshipsDistribution of accountabilities Detailed design of core business and governance/enabling processes Job descriptions with accountabilities and interaccountabilities,Support implementation,Definition of implementation Change management strategy and implementation plan, including: priorities risks milestones actions accountabilities (who, what, where, when, why),SKILLS KNOWLEDGE EXPERIENCE,I cannot,I dont know how,Its not important or appropriate to me,“Its not me”,I dont enjoy it,I can,I know how,Its important to me,“It is me”,I enjoy it,SOCIAL ROLE, VALUES SELF IMAGE TRAITS MOTIVES,Iceberg model of competencies,Competency: any characteristic of a person that differentiates levels of performance in a given job, role, organization or culture.,“It doesnt come easily to me”,“It comes easily to me”,Achieving strategy through people,Hay Group seven lever model,Results,Strategic objectives,Integrated alignment process,Hay Group model of leadership effectiveness,Organizational culture,The organisational culture,Business priorities and the way work is organized,The way work is valued,The way people are trained, recruited and developed,The way performance is managed,The way individuals are rewarded,Three circles model,Job / role requirements,Results,Individual competencies,Management style,Three circles model,Job / role requirements,Results,Individual competencies,Management style,Model of organizational effectiveness,ADAPTATION,COORDINATION,OUTPUT,Organizational structure/ job design/ policies,Revenue, profit, shareholder value,Organizational climate,Leadership team competencies synergy,Business strategy,Leadership style,Products and services,Culture,Company, divisional departmental and individual objective,Skills, training, competency and development needs with a business focus,Individual performance plans and bonus payment criteria,Step change,Move to superior performance,Raise the bar,One standard deviation,One standard deviation = 50% - 120% improvement in productivity,The best now,Raise the bar,Confidence about your own expertise Awareness about your limitations Being aware of your positive and negative biases,Really listening to people who have other experience, expertise and background Understanding others perspective and the reasons for the ongoing behaviour of others,Controlling your own behaviours especially when you are challenged Being open to new ideas Riding with ambiguity,Expressing positive expectations Establishing relationships and networks,EI and some diversity performance criteria,OTHERS,SELF,Self awareness,Social awareness,Self management,Social skills,AWARENESS,Leveraging diversity,ACTIONS,The five conditions for top team success,Conditions,Direction,Structure,People,Development,Support,Results,Leadership,Behavior influences,STIMULUS,Back brain,EXECUTIVE CENTRE Acts as a brake Is a check on motivational impulses,Prefrontal lobes,DOORWAY/FILTER What motivates us What we care about,Amygdala,ACTUAL BEHAVIOR,Strategic,Operational,Levels of work,LEVELS OF WORK,Total Rewards,Intangible,Rewards to which an objective dollar value can be assigned,Tangible,Internal value or motivation,Value congruence,Reward strategy impact,Results,What are the needs of the company?,The reward strategy,Cost,Change management and negotiate,Engage,Align,What are the needs of the employee?,Company values,Employee values,Text table full page layout 1,Text table full page layout 2,Text table full page layout 3,Text table full page layout 4,Figure table in double column layout,Text heading to be inserted here (Arial 18pt bold primary) Bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt blue). Cras ipsum erat, pharetra sed, sollicitudin quis, rutrum quis, massa Sub-bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt charcoal). Morbi ornare tempus orci Sub sub-bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt charcoal). Donec placerat, risus id posuere varius, augue nisi convallis nunc,Figure table full page layout,INSERT PHOTO HERE,Biographies / CVs,INSERT PHOTO HERE,INSERT PHOTO HERE,Timeline,Date Detail detail detail,Date Detail detail detail,Date Detail detail detail,Date Detail detail detail,Date Detail detail detail,Date Detail detail detail,Gantt chart,Gantt chart (2),Comment,Comment,Comment,Comment,Description,Description,Description,Description,Organisational chart (1),Name Title,Name Title,Name Title,Name Title,Name Title,Name Title,Name Title,Name Title,Name Title,Name Title,Name Title,Name Title,Name Title,Source: Hay Group (Arial 10pt charcoal),Organisational chart (2),Name Title,Name Title,Name Title,Flow diagram,Chevron diagram 3 elements,Chevron diagram 3 elements,Chevron diagram 5 elements,Pyramid,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Body text heading Flow text to be inserted here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean odio dolor Bullet text to be inserted here,Text box,Text box,Text box,Text box,Text box,Our Team,Pie diagram 5 slices,Pie diagram 6 slices,Venn diagram 2 circles,Text,Text,Text,Venn diagram 3 circles,Maps (World),Maps (Europe / UK),Graph / text in double column layout,Text heading to be inserted here (Arial 18pt bold primary) Bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt blue). Cras ipsum erat, pharetra sed, sollicitudin quis, rutrum quis, massa Sub-bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt charcoal). Morbi ornare tempus orci Sub sub-bullet text to be inserted here (Arial 16pt charcoal). Donec placerat, risus id posuere varius, augue nisi convallis nunc,Graph title here,Source: Hay Group (Arial 10pt charcoal),Full page graph layout,Graph title here,Source: Hay Group (Arial 10pt charcoal),Pie graph,Graph title here,Source: Hay Group (Arial 10pt charcoal),Small column graph,Graph title here,Source: Hay Group (Arial 10pt charcoal),Large column graph,Graph title here,Source: Hay Group (Arial 10pt charcoal),Small stacked column graph,Graph title here,Source: Hay Group (Arial 10pt charcoal),Large stacked column graph,Graph title here,Source: Hay Group (Arial 10pt charcoal),Small bar graph,Graph title here,Source: Hay Group (Arial 10pt charcoal),Large bar graph,Graph title here,Source: Hay Group (Arial 10pt charcoal),Small line graph,Graph title here,Source: Hay Group (Arial 10pt charcoal),Large line graph,Graph title here,Source: Hay Group (Arial 10pt charcoal),Graphic objects,Arrows,Text boxes,Text box,Text box,Text box,Text box,Text box,Text boxes,Source,Chevrons,Text box,Body text heading to be inserted here First level bullet Second level,Body text heading to be inserted here First level bullet Second level,Source: Hay Group (Arial 10pt charcoal),Arc arrow,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Presenter,Cant find an image? There are more on SharePoint, go to: http:/wss/sites/GlobalMarketing/PowerPoint%20Images/Forms/AllItems.aspx,

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