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高中英语必修二全册课后练习题库(含答案)和应试参考作文:国之重器(41)Unit1CulturalrelicsSection WarmingUp,Pre-reading,Readingin making3.I will have my house painted today.I will my house today. 答案:have someone paint4.He is one member of the football club.He the football club. 答案:belongs to5.The boy went into the kitchen to look for a drink.The boy went into the kitchen a drink. 答案:in search of三、利用 Reading 部分的词汇,完成下列各题1.A car accident happened yesterday.I saw it.Luckily all the people in the car (生还). 答案:survived2.As soon as the cake is done, (移出来) it from the oven. 答案:remove3.He has bought a new house.Yes.He is busy (装修) it. 答案:decorating4.As far as I know,the designers who (设计) all our bank cards have made our life easier. 答案:designed5.My friend Tom is (寻找) his lost bicycle,which is said to be (值) five hundred yuan.Both of us like the (图案) on it,which are very (奇特的).Though I (怀疑) whether we can find it,I am trying my best to help him. 答案:in search of;worth;designs;fancy;doubt四、单句语法填空1.She has done some worthwhile things during the summer vacation,and she is worthy of (praise). 答案:being praised2.There is still some doubt they will go to America for their holidays this week,but there is no doubt they will go there on May Day. 答案:whether;that3.China is at the best time economy is developing. 答案:when4.Claire had her luggage (check) an hour before her plane left. 答案:checked5.The problem of building a tall building remains (settle). 答案:to be settled6.What he has said is really true;it is not (imagine) but reality. 答案:imagination7.Your desk is crowded with too many unnecessary things.Some of them should (remove). 答案:be removed8.Old as she was,she still (fancy) herself to be young and beautiful. 答案:fancied9.We (select) him as/to be our monitor because he was very responsible. 答案:selected10.My brother is always going to school early.It is (rarely) for him to be late. 答案:rare11.The building (design) in the 18th century is very beautiful. 答案:designed12.Do you know who this new car (belong) to? 答案:belongs五、语篇填空( 语言能力)Its well-known that cultural relics belong 1. the human beings rather than individuals.A lot of people try their best to search 2. them.Some of the cultural relics 3. (damage) while only a few 4. (survive).All of us should increase the awareness of protecting our cultural 5. (relic).In order to avoid this,every one of us should make 6. (effort) to take action to protect them.There is no doubt 7. it is our responsibility 8. (protect) cultural relics,9. (especial) the young people.If you take the 10. (responsible),you will be happy and proud.Its high time we should protect our cultural relics. 答案:1.to 2.for 3.have been damaged 4.survive5.relics 6.efforts 7.that 8.to protect 9.especially 10.responsibility六、阅读理解( 思维品质)What historical site impresses you most?Ive always been fascinated by the pyramids in Egypt.A few years ago I braved a long queue and climbed through a narrow passage to reach the main chamber deep inside one of them.Like millions of other tourists,I marveled (赞叹) at stone-walled rooms full of the magic of this ancient civilization.But popularity might be the destruction of such archaeological treasures.Take Tutankhamuns tomb in the Valley of the Kings for example.It lay untouched for more than 3,000 years until the British archaeologist Howard Carter uncovered it in 1922.Now more than 1,000 people a day walk through it.But as more and more people visit,the temperature and humidity inside the tomb change.As a result,the beautifully decorated plaster is coming away from the rock.In order to preserve its heritage,a replica (复制品) of the monument is being opened about 1 kilometer away from the actual burial site.Specialists have recorded every detail of Tutankhamuns tomb and used the data to recreate it.Adam Lowe from the organization behind the project says the copy is identical to the original.He believes visitors will want to become part of the force that protects it rather than a force that is leading to its destruction.So they wont mind seeing a replica.But for historian Tom Holland,a copy is still a copy.He believes that although preservation is important,there is something unique about places like Tutankhamuns tomb.He says it was built by people who believed in the world of the spirits,the dead and the supernatural.You dont have to believe in a god or gods to feel a place is consecrated (神圣的) and has a particular quality that cant be reproduced.What about you?Would you visit a replica of a monument rather than the original to help preserve it?1.What may account for the destruction of some archaeological treasures like Tutankhamuns tomb?A.Climate change. B.Copies.C.Popularity. D.Thieves.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Butpopularitymightbethedestructionofsucharchaeologicaltreasures.”可知选项 C 正确。2.What measures have been taken to preserve the heritage of Tutankhamuns tomb?A.Decorating the monument again.B.Building a replica of the monument.C.Limiting the number of visitors.D.Moving the tomb away from the actual site.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Inordertopreserveitsheritage,areplica(复制品)ofthemonumentisbeingopenedabout1kilometerawayfromtheactualburialsite.”可知通过复制品来保护图坦卡蒙墓,故答案选B 项。3.The underlined word “identical” is closest in meaning to . A.superior B.sensitiveC.exposed D.similar答案:D解析:词义猜测题。结合上文中的“SpecialistshaverecordedeverydetailofTutankhamunstombandusedthedatatorecreateit.”可知复制品与古迹极其相似,故可知 identical 意为“一样的”。故答案为 D 项。4.Historian Tom Holland may hold the opinion that . A.some unique ancient places cant simply be replaced by replicasB.visitors are advised to see replicas because preservation is firstC.ancient civilizations are consecrated and cant be redecoratedD.visitors to ancient civilizations must believe in a god or gods答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据“.acopyisstillacopy.Hebelievesthatalthoughpreservationisimportant,thereissomethinguniqueaboutplaceslikeTutankhamunstomb.”可知仅仅通过复制品来保护文化古迹是不够的,故 A 项正确。Section LearningaboutLanguage,UsingLanguage,SummingUpjoinup“连接”;sendup“发射”;putup“搭起,张贴”。此处意为“秦始皇把长城连接起来了”,即 hadallthewallsjoinedup。9.A.Since then on B.Now and thenC.From then on D.Before then答案:C解析:sincethen“自从那时起”,后面不接 on;nowandthen“时而”;fromthenon“从那时起”;beforethen“在那之前”。此处意为“自从那时起,长城就形成(问世)了”。10.A.no more than B.not more thanC.less than D.more than答案:D解析:nomorethan“仅仅”;notmorethan“至多”;lessthan“少于”;morethan“不止,多于”。此处意为“长城有 6000 多千米长”。11.A.wide B.longC.high D.tall答案:A解析:由后面的“forfivehorsesortenmentowalk”这一信息可知,此处应该是指长城的宽度。12.A.one by one B.day by dayC.side by side D.step by step答案:C解析:onebyone“一个接一个”;daybyday“一天天地,逐渐”;sidebyside“肩并肩”;stepbystep“一步步地,逐步”。由句意可知,此处应为“五匹马和十个人在上面肩并肩行走”。13.A.easy B.difficultC.good D.bad答案:B解析:此处意为:在古时候建造这样一座巨大的城墙是很艰难的。14.A.like B.lookC.so D.such答案:D解析:suchagreatwall=sogreatawall“这样一座巨大的城墙”。15.A.time B.historyC.countries D.enemies答案:A解析:intheoldtime“在古时候”。16.A.killed B.diedC.murdered D.gone答案:B解析:此处意为:在建造长城时死了数千人。kill“杀死”;murder“谋杀”;go“走,去”。17.A.life B.liveC.lives D.living答案:C解析:句意:长城不仅是用石头建造的,还是用数百万人的生命建成的。18.A.of B.withC.for D.about答案:A解析:aplaceofinterest“一处名胜”。19.A.Just as B.As ifC.Look like D.Such答案:A解析:由后面的“theEgyptiansfeelproudoftheirpyramids”这一句子可知,此处应为 justas。20.A.us B.weC.our D.ours答案:B解析:空格处应是 Chinesepeople 的同位语,且在句中作主语,故用 we。Section Grammar课后篇巩固探究一、用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空导学号 728640061.Toms brother works in the company, computers are made. 答案:where/in which2.I live in a new house windows face south. 答案:whose3.I study in the classroom,in front of stands a big tree. 答案:which4.(2017北京) If we are not careful,then,we could face a kind of global chess match against very determined,super intelligent machines objectives conflict with our own,with the real world as the chessboard. 答案:whose5.The gentleman about you told me yesterday proved to be a thief. 答案:whom6.My classmate lives in Wuhan, is one of the hottest cities in China. 答案:which7. is known to us all,he has a gift for music. 答案:As8.The teacher is much kinder to girls than to boys, ,of course,makes the boys very angry. 答案:which9.The old man remembered the very day he met the countrys president. 答案:when10.I have two brothers,the taller of is a college student. 答案:whom二、单句语法填空1.Finally he reached a lonely island was completely cut off from the outside world. 答案:which/that2.Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment they live. 答案:where/in which3.We have launched another man-made satellite, is announced in todays newspaper. 答案:which4.(2017全国)The friendship grew out of the experience of making that film and TheSting four years later had its root in the fact that although there was an age difference,we both came from a tradition of theater and live TV. 答案:that/which5.(2017全国)I myself went through this searching process and found something has changed my experience at college for the better. 答案:that6.The man is shaking hands with my father is our headmaster. 答案:who/that7.This is the reason he gave us for being late for the meeting. 答案:which/that8.Our English teacher told a joke during class, made all of us burst into laughter. 答案:which9.Can you tell me the reason you came so late? 答案:why10.Is this factory the one you visited last year? 答案:that/which三、单句改错1.He often tells us about the role he played in the play,that made others upset.答案:thatwhich2.There are three libraries in our school,two of them were built five years ago.答案:themwhich 或在 two 前加 and3.Which has been said above,grammar is a set of dead rules.答案:WhichAs4.We do the same work which they do.答案:whichas5.Pisa is a city,that there is a leaning tower(斜塔).答案:thatwhere6.The teacher gave us so difficult a problem as we couldnt solve.答案:asthat7.I bought some books from the bookstore,five of that were English novels.答案:thatwhich8.Such signs which we use in the experiment are Greek letters.答案:whichas9.He lived in Beijing for two years,during when he learned Chinese.答案:whenwhich四、将下列每组句子连成一个含定语从句的复合句1.The noodles were delicious.I cooked the noodles.答案:The noodles (which/that) I cooked were delicious.2.The factory is in the west of the city.His father works in that factory.答案:The factory where his father works is in the west of the city.3.They planted the trees.The trees didnt need much water.答案:They planted the trees which/that didnt need much water.4.I have a friend.Her father is an engineer.答案:I have a friend whose father is an engineer.5.He failed in the examination.His failure made his parents angry.答案:He failed in the examination,which made his parents angry.6.Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature.She,for some reason,had withdrawn from all human society.答案:Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature,who,for some reason,had withdrawn from all human society.7.I wish to thank Professor Smith.Without his help I would never have got this far.答案:I wish to thank Professor Smith,without whose help I would never have got this far.8.By 16:30,nearly all the paintings had been sold.The time was almost the closing time.答案:By 16:30,which was almost the closing time,nearly all the paintings had been sold.9.Maria has written two novels.Both of them have been made into television series.答案:Maria has written two novels,both of which have been made into television series.10.The air quality in the city has improved over the past two months.It is shown in the report.答案:The air quality in the city has improved over the past two months,as is shown in the report.五、阅读理解( 思维品质)More than 2,000 years ago,when the last shovelful(一铲) of dirt fell on the Tarracotta Warriors,it was thought that they would never see the sunlight again and would spend the rest of their “lives” guarding and protecting the first Chinese emperor,Qinshihuang,who died in 210 BC.But things got better off these clay (陶土的) soldiers.Ever since they were discovered in Xian in 1974,by a group of farmers;theyve been able to see the bigger worldtraveling from one museum to the next.They are now on display in New York at Discovery Times Square,reported the NewYorkTimes.However,the story doesnt end here.The roughly 2,000 soldiers found so far are estimated(估计) to be only one quarter of the total number.Moreover,scientists havent yet dared to touch the central tomb,which is believed to contain the body of the emperor himself.“Partly its out of respect for the elders,” explained Kristin Romey,consultant(顾问) for the exhibition.“But they also realize that nobody in the world right now has the technology to properly go in and excavate(挖掘) it.”This is true.According to ancient writings,the emperors tomb is circled by rivers of liquid mercury(水银) which is highly poisonous but can keep the body in good condition.Studies of the soil around the tomb also found a large amount of mercury.This makes exploring the tomb very dangerous.The other reason that scientists have been hesitating is that they are afraid of the damage they might cause by opening the tomb.“When we began excavating the soldiers,the minute they were exposed to air and sunlight,the pigment(颜料) just flaked off (剥落),” Romey told the FoxNews.But he believes that the solution will come when science advances.Perhaps a visual robot can be sent into the tomb first to investigate and help figure out the best way to protect it. In the end,scientists and historians must weigh their desire to know against the damage their digging might cause.“Archaeology,ultimately (最终),is a destructive science,” Romey said.“You have to destroy stuff in order to learn about it.”1.What is the point of the article?A.To tell about the mysteries of Qinshihuangs tomb.B.To analyze why archaeology is a destructive science.C.To introduce the Terracotta Warriors exhibition in New York.

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