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七年级英语下册第三次月考试卷(有答案)+中考满分作文:青春来了2019年春 5月月考七年级英 语 试 题满分 120分 时间 100分钟第一部分 听力(40 分)一 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。( 10 分) A B C D E1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _二. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。( 10 分)( )6.A. It was June 6th. B. Its May 11th. C. Its Wednesday( )7. A. Im late again, Dad. B Im sorry, Mr. Wang. C. Just a short time.( )8. A. Thank you. B. No problem. C. The same to you.( )9. A. No, I dont. B. Yes, I did. C. Yes, I do.( )10. A. I can dance. B. No, I cant. C. Yes, I can.三. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。( 10 分)( )11. A. The station . B. The post office. C. The bookstore.( )12. A. Hes taking a photo. B. He is flying a kite. C. Hes riding a bike.( )13. A. First turn right.and then turn left B. Turn right twice. C. First turn left and then turn right.( )14. A. Once a month. . B. Once a year C. Once a week.( )15. A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isnt. C. We dont know. .四听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。( 10 分)( )16. Charlie was born on_ A. March 21st B. March 20th C. May 20th( )17._ gave Charlie a pair of shoes.A. Charlies uncle B. Charlies aunt C. Charlies parents( )18. Charlie liked the_ best.A .books B . apples C. shoes( )19. Charlies uncle said Charlie shouldA. eat more food B. read more books C. study hard ( )20. Charlie is_ years old.A.6 B. 7 C. 13第二部分 基础知识运用 一、单项选择。(每题 1分,共 15分)()21._does your brother go to the library? -Twice a week.A. How far B. How many C. How long D. How often()22._ is it from your home to the bank? -Its about 4 kilometers.A. How much B. How long C. How many D. How far( )23-you like music very much .Did you sing a song at the party?-No, but Helen_.A. did B. does C. didnt D. sings( )24. - What kind of house do you want to rent? -I want a house_ a garden. A. under B. on C. with D. in.( )25. Why not _and have a look? - OK. Lets go.A. to go up stairs B. goes upstairs C. go to upstairs D. go upstairs( )26. There is a window_ the wall and there is a picture_ it.A. on; in B . in; in C. on; on D .in; on( )27.Shes_ her wallet, but she cant _ it.A. looking for;find B. look: find C. looking for: finding D. finding: look for( )28. Linda often_ her homework in the evening, but this evening she _TV now. A . does;watches B.is doing; watches C. is doing; is watching D does; is watching( )29.There_a lot of money in her wallet, but she doesnt use_A. are;the B.are;it C. is: it D. is;them( ) 30. The little boy is_ years old. Today is his _birthdayA. fifth: fifth B. five; five C. five :fifth D,fifth: five ( )31.-Tom, dont forget _your grandparents after school. -OK. Mom,I wont.A. to visit B. visiting C to play D. playing ( ) 32. -There is _with my computer.-Oh, sorry to hear that. You can call the service center for help.A wrong something B. something wrongC. anything wrong D. wrong anything( )33. _with the help of the teacher ,the boy could read some books _the age of five.A. with; at B. of ;at C. with ; in D. under ;in( ) 34.There are a lot of children _basketball on the playground.A. play B . plays C. to play D. playing( ) 35.Its good_ us to help the people and children_ the street.A .for ; walk across B. to ;across C. to; cross D. for; across二完形填空。( 10 分)I celebrated my twelfth birthday with all my friends and family last year. My parents took me to go shopping, and _36_me some toys .I was really(真的)happy for their wonderful presents. 37_ this year, I didnt see any friends, and we didnt go shopping. Whats the 38?Did they forget?What about my birthday party this year? I asked my parents. Judy, lets do 39 different this year. Well go to a place tomorrow. Please make sure to take your saving box(存钱罐)40you.” said my father.I got up early the next morning. Soon we got to the place. place. A man welcomed us and 41us to his office. He told us many children here had to stop going to school because they were42. I knew why my father asked me to take my saving box then. I gave all my 43 to the children here. We had a great birthday party with them. After a(n)44 lunch, we went home.This was my best birthday party in my life. I was happy because my small saving box 45 help those children. Helping others is really a wonderful thing. ()36.A brought B. performed C. bought D . celebrated ()37.A.So B. But C. If D. Or()38.A time B .color C. matter D. shape()39.A.everyone B. everything C. anything D. something()40.A.on B. from C. at D. with()41.A .planned B .took C. enjoyed D. gave()42.A .poor B noisy C. magic D. young()43.A.books B. toys C. food D. money()44.A.afraid B. difficult C. delicious D. boring ( )45. A. could B. must C. should D. need 三阅读理解( 30 分)(A)Everybody(每个人) has a home. People live in many different kinds of houses. Animals have different homes, too.Some animals live in holes( 洞)under the ground .The mouse lives under the ground. His home has two doors. If any animal comes into one door, the mouse goes out from the other one. Some birds live in holes in trees. They come out for food in the daytime( 白天)and go back to sleep at night. Snails(蜗牛) homes are quite(非常)interesting. They carry their homes on their backs. Cows cats, and dogs live in peoples homes.We can see all kinds of animals in the zoo. It is a big home for lots of animals. I think they should be free.()46.The story is about_A. the homes of some animals B. some treesC. some people D. some animals( )47 _live under the ground.A. Cows B. Snails C. Mice D. Cats ( )48.There are door(s) in the mouses house.A. four B .one C. three D. two( )49.Animals homes are_ A. in trees B. the same C. different D. in holes( )50.Animalshomes are_ A. on their backs B. holes C. in peoples homes D. above all(B)A long life is great for everyone. Everyone wants to have a long life. I know two twin sisters (胞胎姐妹). They are Lucy and Lily .They both have long lives. They just celebrated their100th birthday!Lucy and Lily were born on November 20th 1916. The twin sisters went to the same school, had the same job and now live in the same house. A few months ago, they celebrated their 100th birthday together. They had a wonderful birthday party in their house. They asked their friends and family to come to the party. It was a sunny Sunday, and everyone had a good time.“We often celebrate our birthdays together, Lucy says, Ten years ago, we celebrated our 90th birthday together. Last year, we celebrated our 99th birthday, too.”Many people ask them how to keep a long life. Hard work and good food help a lot. Thats all I can think about. Lily says.The twin sisters didnt ask for presents on their birthday. But they asked their friends and family to use some money to do good things. At such an old age, they still want to do something to help others. We should learn from Lucy and Lily. Lets wish them a happy and long life!( )51. When were the twin sisters born?A. On November 12th, 1916. B. On November 20th, 1961C. On November 20th, 1916. D. On November 12th, 1619.( )52. Who did the twin sisters celebrate their 100th birthday with?A. Their children. B. Their parents.C.Their friends and family. D.Their friends and teachers.( )53. Where did they celebrate their 100th birthday?A. In the church. B. In their house.C.In their garden D. In the park.( ) 54. How can we live a long life?A. We can do sports every day. B. We can stay at home every day.C. We can work hard and eat well. D. We can play happily every day.( ) 55. What did the twin sisters ask their friends and family do on their birthday? A. To give them presents. B. To give them some money.C. To cook them good food. D. To use some money to help others. (C)任务型阅读。 Lei Qingyao was born on January 3rd, 1990, in Sichuan. When she was three years old. she lost her arms in an accident. Life was very hard for her, but she never gave up. With her fathers help, she could write with her feet at the age of six. So she could go to school like other children. From then on, her parents and teachers taught her to do many things. Shecook food,ride a bike, draw pictures and sing songs. After a few years, she could swim very well, too. In 2008,she became college student(大学生). What a great girl she was!根据短文内容,完成下列任务。56任务一: 对句中画线部分提问。_57. 任务二: 把句翻译成汉语。 _58任务三: 猜测处词组的含义: _59. 任务四: 在处填入一个适当的单词:_60. 任务五:选择正确答案。 From the story we can guess( ) A. Lei Qing yao cant go to school because she has no armsB. Lei Qing yaos parents dont like her at allC. Lei Qing yao is a smart and hard-working girlD. Lei Qing yao is a college student now四. 综合填空。(每题 1分,共 10分)Last Saturday was Lisas birthday. It was a sunny and warm d 61 .She had a big birthday party with her friends. The party b 62at 5: 00 p.m. Lisas mother made a big dinner for them. The food was very delicious. After dinner, they danced and p63games. David sang an English song. Kate performed some magic tricks. Andy played the guitar. He also performed Chinese kung fu. They had a good time a64the party.There was a nice birthday cake with ten candles on the table. It was Lisas b 65present. Her friends sat a66 her and sang Happy Birthday for her. Lisa made a w 67.Then she b68out the candles. Lisa also got many presents f 69 her friends. I really (真正地) enjoy m70 today! Lisa said. Everyone was very happy. It was a wonderful birthday party.61_ 62 _ 63 _ 64_ 65_ 66_ 67_ 68 _ 69 _ 70_五.书面表达。(15 分)昨天(5 月 11日,星期六)晚上你们在学校操场为刚来任教的两名美国老师举办了一场欢迎晚会。在晚会上,同学们唱歌、跳舞,和老师们一起做游戏等。请发挥想象,写一篇 60个词左右的日记。要求语法正确,语意连贯。Sunday, May 12th Sunny_ 七年级英语 答题卡听力部分(40 分)题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10答案 B D E A C B B A B A题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20答案 B B A A A B C A C B笔试部分(80 分)五、选择题填空(15 分)题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30答案 D D A C D D A D C C题号 31 32 33 34 35 答案 A B A D A 六、完形填空(10 分)题号 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45答案 C B C D D B A D C A七、阅读理解(20 分)题号 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55答案 A C D C D C C B C D任务型阅读 10分56. When and where was Lei Qingyao born? _ 57 _ 三岁时,她在一场事故中失去了双臂。 58. 放弃59.could 60. C 八、词汇(10 分)6. day 6. began 6 played 6. at 6 birthday 6. around 6. wish 6. blew 6. from 70 myself71.书面表达(15 分)Sunday,May12th Sunny It was Saturday yesterday. We had an evening party on our school playground to welcome two American teachers. They will teach in our school. At the party, the students sang songs, danced to disco and performed Chinese kung fu. The two American teachers sang some English songs for us, too. They also played games with us. Everyone had a good time. 中考满分作文:青春来了花季,如马蹄般穿花而过,留下一串绝美的回响,扣开心扉,发觉是青春来了。青春来了,彼时的我不再不谙世事,换上了一件栀子花的衬衫,衣角微微绽放在阳光中,温柔地摆动。青春来了,我便多了几分陶潜“采菊东篱下”的淡然,掬起我的一帘清梦;青春来了,我便是“流光容易把人抛,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉。”那是我们特有的敏感,特有的惆怅。失意时,竟也把自己比作李清照所拟的“人比黄花瘦”;豪情四溢时,也敢放下“剑荡天下,横扫六合”的不羁之言。感伤的,明媚的,豪迈的,预示着是青春华丽地走来了。青春来了,彼时的我已不再踏红楼,窥宝黛葬花;已不再品三国,为诸葛先生羽扇纶巾而神魂颠倒。我安静地伏在窗边,一缕暖阳拂过我的面庞,看着郭敬明的夏至未至,感受着属于青春的疼痛和黯然神伤;读着韩寒的三重门的悲哀,不觉发现自己也在三重门的窘境中。我知道,那是青春来了,所以我不计较为哪些优美的篇章而流下的泪;我知道那是青春来了,所以我开始羡慕着十里洋场中的人们:张爱玲的爱情,林徽因的才情;关紫兰的闲情。青春来了,风乍起,吹皱一池春水,留给心中一片小小的悸动。青春来了,我成功地挣脱了稚气,换上了成熟的花衣,我成功地换下了腻人的娃娃音,歌声低沉而安稳。青春来了,自以为孤独的我开始关注几米的漫画,那些或成熟或沉稳的色彩总能引起我的共鸣,似乎是一夜之间,我就从梵高笔下的向日葵落魄到几米笔下的小孩子。青春来了,青春带给我们无数种可能,我抓住“拼搏”这条绳子,努力向上攀爬。青春来了,我也打开心门,收纳春暖花开,等待四季轮回。没有徘徊,没有拼搏的青春,是来的不完整的。你是否在惆怅?是否眼神坚定地眺望着远方?同样的时间,同样如花般的梦,不要拒绝它,那是青春来了。

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