2019高考英语一轮复习语法部分训练含解析+高三一模作文:多可悲 亦多可喜

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2019高考英语一轮复习语法部分训练含解析+高三一模作文:多可悲 亦多可喜_第1页
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2019高考英语一轮复习语法部分训练含解析+高三一模作文:多可悲 亦多可喜_第2页
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2019高考英语一轮复习语法部分训练含解析+高三一模作文:多可悲 亦多可喜_第3页
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2019 高考英语一轮复习语法部分训练含解析+高三一模作文:多可悲 亦多可喜 单句语法填空1(2018哈尔滨六校联考)Such good use_does he make of his spare time that his English has improved a lot.2(2018广东三校联考)It was not until dark_that he found what he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.3(2018湖南四校期中)When we arrived, we were surprised to find that the air as well as large quantities of water was(be) polluted.4(2018温州十校联考)The police were seeking more information to find out who it was that killed the rich merchant.5(2018东北师大附中期中)Some of you may have finished Unit One. If so,_you can go on to Unit Two.6It was this school where he once studied that gave him a chance of teaching.7Bring the flowers into a warm room and theyll soon open.8The little boy came riding at full speed down the motorway on his bicycle. What a dangerous scene it was!9Exercise should be done in class as an example, while the rest are(be) to be finished as homework.10 Who should be responsible for the action?The boss is to blame. The employees just carried out the order as told(tell) 单句改错1(2018山东省实验中学诊断)His teammate and friend Henry, as well as most of the audience, are surprised at the judges preference.areis2It was nobody else at hand, and I had to carry the heavy box to the eighth floor by myself.ItThere3Only at this moment the parents realize that what great effect their behavior had on their children.在moment 后加 did4How rapid progress Tom has made in his studies!HowWhat5Protecting our earth, or else it will be no longer fit for us to live on.ProtectingProtect 语法填空(2018江西南昌一模)We want everyone to respect us. Do we respect everyone around us? The answer is a big NO! We dont respect 1._ we think is better than us, we dont respect poor and old people, and we dont respect who we feel is not better 2._ us. So how can we win respect? The easiest way 3._ (gain) respect is by giving respect.Winning respect might be difficult but not impossible. Dont use bad language. Being 4._ (help) and listening to someone are a sign of giving respect and 5._ (win) respect as well. With patience and practice, you can get any kind of virtue.Flowers are the main 6._ (attract) of any type of decoration and in the same way respect is the beauty of life. Life is terrible 7._ respect. Just think whenever you go to a party, everyone there is not treated equally. Do you know why? Because of 8._(they) manners. Why are we not treated sometimes as 9._ (expect)? Because we do the same to others who have expectations from us. Relationship can be healthy if we never cross the walls of respect.Without respect, you cant live. You need respect everywhere, in life, in work, in society or in family. A respected person 10._ (speak) politely. 【解题导语】 本文探讨了尊重与被尊重之间的关系并告诉我们应该如何赢得他人的尊重。1who 解析:考查连接词。空处引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语,且主语是人,we think 是插入语,不影响句子结构,故应填 who。2than 解析:考查介词。根据空前的 better 可知,此处为比较级,故应填介词 than。3to gain 解析:考查非谓语动词。此处为不定式作后置定语,修饰名词 way,故填 to gain。4helpful 解析:考查形容词。由 Being 可知,此处应填一个形容词,故填形容词形式 helpful。5winning 解析:考查动名词。介词后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,故此处用 winning 作介词 of 的宾语。6attraction 解析:考查词性转换。根据空前的 the main和空后的 of 可推知,此处应填一个名词,故用名词形式attraction。7without 解析:考查介词。根据上文的“respect is the beauty of life”可推知,没有尊重的生活是可怕的,故用介词 without,后跟名词 respect,表示“如果没有尊重”。8their 解析:考查代词。此处应用形容词性物主代词 their修饰名词 manners,在句子中作定语。9expected 解析:考查固定搭配。as expected 为固定搭配,意为“正如所想的那样”。10speaks 解析:考查时态和主谓一致。全文时态为一般现在时,故此处也用一般现在时,且主语 A respected person 为第三人称单数意义,故用 speaks。 短文改错(2018湖北八校第一次联考)It was on a warm autumn day that my father and I walk into my new high school. After registered in the classroom, the volunteer took me to my dormitory. Altogether I had five roommates, two of which arrived later. I got to know my new roommate immediately. Although I was quite unwilling to say “Goodbye” to my father, but he had to leave to home. I suddenly realized I had grown up and that I had to look after me and live independently. Not until then I know my senior high school life had real begun.答案:It was on a warm autumn day that my father and I walkwalked into my new high school. After registeredregistering in the classroom, thea volunteer took me to my dormitory. Altogether I had five roommates, two of whichwhom arrived later. I got to know my new roommateroommates immediately. Although I was quite unwilling to say “Goodbye” to my father, butyet 或 but he had to leave tofor home. I suddenly realized I had grown up and that I had to look after memyself and live independently. Not until then did I know my senior high school life had real really begun.高三一模作文:多可悲 亦多可喜自进入互联网时代后、人们接收信息的方式发生了翻天覆地的变化,人们不再只是通过书本、报纸等得到作者想让读者获得的内容,相反,在这个信息 “爆炸”的时代,一切的记录,人们都可以从中筛选出自己需要的信息,使一切能够被记录的都成为有意义的。确实,互联网时代着实给我们带来了巨大的便利,让我们获取信息的方式不再单一化,让我们对于数据产生和拥有了全然不同的价值内涵。滴滴打车的出现让我们不会在某个急风骤雨的夜晚四处打不到车。“新闻机器人”的出现让记者们不再因“赶稿”而犯难,互联网所产生的数据流通改变了人们的生活方式,赋予了生活新的意义。在这个全球经济一体化的时代,互联网无疑成为了推动力。自第三次科技革命后,互联网逐渐普及,而我们,可以说是它这一改变的亲历者,从从未见到电脑,到如今人手一部手机,通过互联网与这个世界紧密相连。它成了我们生活的一部分。然而,近些年来,一些不良网友想谋取众人的关注而在网上散布谣言的新闻屡见不鲜,而一些不考究信息真伪盲目转发传播也几乎成了常态。在这个一切能够被记录的时代,在这个每天产生巨大数据量的时代,如何学会筛选出有效信息,排除“垃圾”信息成了一大难题。固然,一切被记录的信息都有其存在的意义,正面的也好,负面的也罢,无不是这一社会,这一城市,这一时代的缩影。通过互联网折射出的社会面态,或可喜,或多可悲。都可以一定程度上监督着我们,警醒着我们。我们或许以前只能看到李开复的成功,在很久之后才会得知其身患癌症的痛苦,对于生命的珍惜。我们或许只能看到滴滴总裁“柳青”这个“富二代”靠自身努力获得的成功,成为年轻一代的榜样,却要过很久才会得知她拼命工作,劳紧致“乳腺癌”发邮件告诉员工学会感知生命的美好。的确,互联网给了我们一个平台,可以在短时间内在获取信息的同时,洞悉到世界的全面性,甚至多面性,使我们对社会有了更整体的认知。这个一切都能被记录的时代使我们对世界的认识趋向于一体化,整体化,其中虽不乏可悲之事。但是可喜之事显然更突出,如何利用好互联网的优势,降低其劣势,是时代仍需学习的。


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