2019高考英语一轮复习选修8 3 Module3知能演练(含答案)+高中作文:修得一颗柔软的心

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2019高考英语一轮复习选修8 3 Module3知能演练(含答案)+高中作文:修得一颗柔软的心_第1页
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2019高考英语一轮复习选修8 3 Module3知能演练(含答案)+高中作文:修得一颗柔软的心_第2页
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2019高考英语一轮复习选修8 3 Module3知能演练(含答案)+高中作文:修得一颗柔软的心_第3页
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2019 高考英语一轮复习选修 8 3 Module3 知能演练(含答案)+高中作文:修得一颗柔软的心 阅读理解A(2018 南高三针对性训练)The modern pizza was originally invented in Naples,Italy,but the word pizza is Greek in origin,derived from the Greek word pktos meaning solid or clotted.The ancient Greeks covered their bread with oils,herbs and cheese.The first major innovation that led to flatbread pizza was the use of tomato as a topping.It was common for the poor of the area around Naples to add tomatoes to their yeastbased flatbread,and so the pizza began.While it is difficult to say for sure who invented the pizza,it is however believed that modern pizza was first made by baker Raffaele Esposito of Naples.In fact,a popular urban legend holds that the archetypal(原型的) pizza,Pizza Margherita,was invented in 1890,when the Royal Palace of Capodimonte asked the Neapolitan pizzaiolo Raffaele Esposito to create a pizza in honor of the visiting Queen Margherita.Of the three different pizzas he created,the Queen strongly preferred a pie wrapped in the colors of the Italian flag:red(tomato),green(basil),and white(mozzarella)Supposedly,this kind of pizza was then named after the Queen as Pizza Margherita.Later,the dish has become popular in many parts of the world:The first pizzeria,Antica Pizzeria PortAlba,was opened in 1830 in Naples.In North America,the first pizzeria was opened in 1905 by Gennaro Lombardi at 53 Spring Street in New York City.The first Pizza Hut,the chain of pizza restaurants appeared in the United States in 1958.Nowadays,many varieties of pizza exist worldwide,along with several dish variants based upon pizza.【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了比萨的历史起源。1Whats mainly talked about in the text?AWays of making pizza.BThe history of pizza.CVarieties of pizza.DStories about pizza.B 解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段的“The modern pizza was originally invented in Naples,Italy,but the word pizza is Greek in origin”以及文章的整体内容可知,本文主要介绍了比萨的历史起源。2What can replace the underlined word “derived” in Paragraph 1?ASeparated. BAdapted.COriginated. DTransformed.C 解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段的“The modern pizza was originally invented in Naples,Italy”可知,此处说的是比萨起源于希腊单词“pktos”,故画线词意为“发源,开始”,故选 C。3How was pizza first started?AAncient Greeks covered their bread with oils,herbs and cheese.BPeople in Naples added tomatoes to their bread as a topping.CRaffaele Esposito wrapped a pie in the colors of the Italian flag.DQueen Margherita awarded her name to pizza in the Royal Palace.B 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句可知,那不勒斯人先在面包上用西红柿作为配料,由此开创了比萨这种食品,故选 B。4What can be learned from the text?APizza remains popular around the world.BThe first Pizza Hut was opened in Naples.CThe taste of pizza stays the same over time.DGennaro Lombardi was the first to make pizza.A 解析:细节理解题。根据文中的“Later,the dish has become popular in many parts of the world”和“Nowadays,many varieties of pizza exist worldwide,along with several dish variants based upon pizza.”可知,比萨现在在全世界依然很受欢迎,故选 A。B(2018 宁双基测试)Whenever we see a button, we want to press it because we know that something will happen.This is true in most cases, for example, on a doorbell.But some buttons are actually fake(假的), like the “close” button on a lift.Many people are in the habit of pressing the “close” button because they dont have the patience to wait.But lifts “close” buttons are a complete trick, at least in the US. the doors will not close any faster no matter how hard you press.It started in the 1990s when the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in the US., making sure that all lifts stayed open long enough so that people with disabilities could enter safely.Only repair workers can use the buttons to speed up the door closing process if they have special keys.But to normal lift riders, the buttons arent completely useless.According to psychologists, fake buttons can actually make you feel better by offering you a sense of control.“A sense of control is very important.It reduces stress and increases wellbeing,” said Ellen JLanger, a psychology professor at Harvard University.Experts also added that a lot of buttons that dont do anything exist in our lives for this same purpose.For example, pedestrian crosswalk buttons dont live up to their names either.Pressing them used to help make the traffic signals change faster, but that was before computercontrolled traffic signals were introduced.But psychologists found it interesting that even when people are aware of these little “white lies”, they still continue to push fake buttons because as long as the doors eventually close, it is considered to be worth the effort.【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了我们平时生活中所见到的按钮可能是不起作用的。5What is the authors purpose in writing the text?ATo describe different fake buttons.BTo explore the functions of fake buttons.CTo analyze various habits of pushing buttons.DTo explain the disadvantages of fake buttons.B 解析:写作意图题。通读整篇文章可知,作者通过举例子介绍了不同地点的虚假按钮,其目的是探求这些虚假按钮的功能。故选 B。6What can we learn about the “close” buttons on a lift in America?AThey work when people press them hard.BThey were designed for a sense of control.CThey never speed up the door closing process.DThey take the safety of the disabled into account.D 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的第一句可知, 美国电梯里的“关闭”按钮是为了确保残疾人能安全地通过。故选 D。7What can we infer about pedestrian crosswalk buttons?AThey can make people feel better.BThey help computers work faster.CThey can control the traffic signals.DThey help pedestrians cross safely.A 解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“fake buttons can actually make you feel better by offering you a sense of control”和第六段中的“For example, pedestrian crosswalk buttons dont live up to their names either.”可知, 人行横道按钮也没有实现其功能,但可以让人们感觉好一点,故选 A。8Which may be the best title for the passage?AButtons in the US.A.BButtons Always LieCButtons May Not WorkD“Close” Buttons on LiftsC 解析:标题归纳题。通读全文内容可知,本文主要讲述了有些按钮只是形式上的,而不具备真正的实际功能。故 C 项“按钮可能不起作用”最符合文章主旨。故选 C。 完形填空(2018 中学联考)That was my first ballet performance and I was the lead role. A huge black curtain _1_ me from the crowd. My heart raced so rapidly that it would _2_ out of my chest. A rush of _3_ shot through my body when the music began and I took my _4_ at the center of the stage. I pushed off the floor as hard as I could and _5_ into the air. Then I started to come _6_ for my landing, preparing to jump again, and yet my foot _7_. I fell, facefirst. For a moment I couldnt _8_, wondering if I should go on. _9_, trained for thousands of hours for twelve years, my muscles ignored the _10_ of my mind and I _11_ myself back on my feet. I finished the part and left the stage. Bending over a table, I tried to _12_ tears. I didnt want to go back to finish the last twenty minutes. I didnt _13_ the lead role.Then came my teacher. “The _14_ thing on stage is to fall. Youve gotten it, so whats left to _15_? Just go and give it all.” Her words _16_ me. Minutes later, I went back onstage and completely let go of _17_I just danced, letting the music guide me through the movement.Now, as a Principal Dancer, I often think about that performance. We fall when we try our hardest. There is no _18_,only pride. Falling is _19_and sometimes it is easier just to stay on the _20_But if we never get up,we will never experience what it is like to fly.【解题导语】 作者通过讲述自己第一次芭蕾舞演出的经历告诉我们,当我们尽了最大的努力,即使跌倒了,也不是耻辱,而是骄傲。如果我们跌倒了再也不爬起来,我们就永远不会体验到飞翔的感觉。1A.covered BhidCprotected DdroveB 解析:演出还没有开始,巨大的幕布把作者藏在后面,与观众隔开。cover 意为“覆盖”;hide 意为“隐藏”;protect 意为“保护”;drive 意为“驱赶;驾驶”。故选 B 项。2A.beat BdropCrun DshoutA 解析:此处描写作者紧张激动的心情:作者的心跳得很快,几乎要跳出胸膛。选项中只有 beat 有表示心脏跳动的含义。故选 A 项。3A.amazement BexcitementCsadness DsatisfactionB 解析:由上句可知,作者非常激动、紧张,所以音乐响起时内心应该是激动的。 amazement 意为“惊异”; excitement 意为“兴奋;激动”;sadness 意为“悲伤”;satisfaction意为“满意”。B 项符合语境。4A.time BturnCplace DorderC 解析:根据常识可知,作者是领舞,所以音乐响起后会站到舞台中央。take ones time 意为“不慌不忙”;take ones turn 意为“轮到某人”;take ones place 意为“某人就位”;take ones order 意为“为某人点餐”。故选 C 项。5A.flew BspunCrose DlookedA 解析:根据空前的 pushed off the floor 可知,这是作者在努力蹬离地面跃到空中。fly 意为“飞翔”,表现芭蕾舞的腾空动作,符合语境,故选 A 项。spin 意为“旋转”;rise 意为“升起”;look 意为“看”。6A.out BinCdown DoffC 解析:上文提到跃到空中,再根据空后的 preparing to jump again 可知,此处是准备落地。故选 C 项。7A.slipped BstoppedCstepped DadvancedA 解析:根据后面的 I fell,face first.可推测,此处指作者摔倒了,可能的原因是脚下打滑了。slip 意为“打滑”;stop意为“停止”;step 意为“踏步”;advance 意为“前进”。故选 A 项。8A.think BcryCmove DbelieveC 解析:根据空后的 wondering if I should go on 可知,作者当时不知道是否应该继续表演,由此可以推测,作者当时摔倒后不能动弹(move)。故选 C 项。9A.Therefore BHoweverCOtherwise DInsteadB 解析:根据上文可知,作者不知道自己是否应该继续表演,然而十二年无数小时的训练使作者的肌肉本能地忽略了内心的犹豫,作者发现自己又站了起来,上下文之间是转折关系,故选 B 项。10A.loss BpainCrelief DhesitationD 解析:根据上文中的 wondering if I should go on 以及空后的 mind 可知,作者当时在犹豫。loss 意为“损失”;pain意为“疼痛”;relief 意为“宽慰”;hesitation 意为“犹豫”。故选 D 项。11A.found BdraggedCaccustomed DallowedA 解析:作者发现自己又站了起来。find 意为“发现”;drag意为“拖动”;accustom 意为“使习惯”;allow 意为“允许”。故选 A 项。12A.dry up Bwipe outCburst into Dfight backD 解析:表演告一段落之后,作者回到了后台,伏在一张桌子上努力抑制住泪水。根据空前的 tried to 以及当时的舞台表演场合可知,作者应该是强忍泪水。dry up 意为“使干涸”;wipe out 意为“彻底毁灭;抹去”;burst into 意为“突然起来”;fight back 意为“抗争;克制;忍住”。故选D 项。13A.play BdeserveCget DfinishB 解析:作者在舞台上摔倒,觉得自己没资格当领舞。play 意为“玩耍;参加;演奏”;deserve 意为“应得;应受”;get意为“获得”;finish 意为“完成”。故选 B 项。14A.unexpected BawkwardCcommon DworstD 解析:此处是老师的鼓励:舞台上最糟糕的事就是摔倒,你已经摔倒了,还有什么可失去的?unexpected 意为“出乎意料的”;awkward 意为“尴尬的”;common 意为“常见的”;worst 意为“最坏的”。故选 D 项。15A.go BdoClose DsayC 解析:没有什么比舞台上摔倒更糟糕的事了,所以不用害怕再失去(lose)什么。故选 C 项。16A.awoke BenrichedCexcited DsurprisedA 解析:根据下文 Minutes later, I went back onstage and completely let go of .可知,作者又回到舞台继续表演,因此,此处指老师的话点醒了作者。awake 意为“唤醒”;enrich 意为“使丰富;充实”;excite 意为“使兴奋;使激动”;surprise 意为“使惊讶”。故选 A 项。17A.the music BmyselfCthe teacher DothersB 解析:根据下文 I just danced, letting the music guide me through the movement.可知,作者随着音乐尽情舞蹈,释放自己。故选 B 项。18A.excuse Bfear Cbenefit DshameD 解析:结合上文作者认为自己摔倒是一种耻辱,而本句和下文则认为摔倒是一种骄傲。excuse 意为“借口”;fear 意为“害怕”;benefit 意为“好处”;shame 意为“羞耻”。故选D 项。19A.shocking Binteresting Crare DterribleD 解析:根据上文作者摔倒后的想法可知,此处应为摔倒很糟糕。shocking 意为“惊人的”;interesting 意为“有趣的”;rare 意为“稀有的”;terrible 意为“糟糕的”。故选 D 项。20A.spot Broad Cground DstageC 解析:根据下文的 get up 和 fly 可知,此处是说摔倒后待在地上不再站起来更简单。spot 意为“地点”;road 意为“道路”;ground 意为“地面”;stage 意为“舞台”。故选 C 项。高中作文:修得一颗柔软的心望着窗口白梅的眼眸,聆听着雪花动人的呓语,茶香用梅的禅意在心扉稿纸上写下林清玄的叮嘱,在这坚硬的世界里,修得一颗柔软的心,舍得小我,昭垂清芬。窗口梅的眼眸中含着泪花,那里面两匹马的命运各自演绎着。黑马忠厚笃诚,劳动中不多计较。花马聪敏贪利,劳动中藏着掖着。有一次,农夫把两辆车上的重荷都放到了黑马拉的车上,花马自以为意得神闲。黑马却毫无怨言地承担了主人赋予它的任务。夜里,两匹马的对话,被窗口的梅花录了音。花马说:“这些零碎的思想,是树叶沙沙之声,它们在我心里,欢快地传递着。”黑马说:“我的存在,是一个永恒的惊奇,这就是生命的年轮。”将近年关的时候,农夫想,一匹马也可以完成的任务,干嘛养两匹马呢?就吩咐屠夫把花马杀了。窗口梅香的唇儿滴下丝丝语音:在上帝的目光中,你看不见自己,你所看见的只是自己的影子。那些背着灯的人,他们的影子被他们自己的足迹践踏了。梅香的眼眸,指给我一个大师的背影。为打破当时一味模仿西方之画风,张大千举家在敦煌修行式的苦苦求索三年。几人能想象,八九十年之前,敦煌会破败的什么程度。张大千离蓉往西北大漠学画,被人称之为疯狂举动,张大千为打开国画的一片春色,抱着“我不下地狱谁下地狱”的决心,开始了敦煌的魔鬼之旅。从一九四一年到一九四三年,张大千携门人、家眷、画工在敦煌住了两年零七个月,临摹壁画 276 幅,逐幅考察壁画的时代与风格,为 309 个洞窟编号,曾号称“不动口”“只动手”的他,编撰了 20 多万字的敦煌石窟记。大漠孤烟,拉长了画家思想的航道;大漠霜剑,磨砺了画家智慧的锋芒。三年求画生涯,张大千卖掉了不少藏品,举债近五千两黄金。舍得全部自我的张大千,成就了中华绘画的大我。他找到了六朝隋唐绘画的正宗,传统画史中的技巧,盛唐人物的真迹,失传的青山绿水,甚至中原画家留白式的山水画都在敦煌壁画中得到了解读,求得了流与源、脉与宗。从此,大千的笔下,拙笔更是飞天的灵动,吴带当风吹拂来的不仅是他个人的傲视群雄的独慧,还有真正拖泥带水皴所引发的敦煌热,更有福泽后世的敦煌研究院的问世,以及第一代从事敦煌学研究的画家学者们的产生和痴情投入。张大千在前,一代智慧之星足痕在后,不绝如缕,终身不倦。梅香的香梦,在夜的宣纸上氤氲着思想的清芬:德在人先,利在人后。舍得舍得,只有舍,才会得。一个人的社会价值,不在于你拥有多少金钱,而在于你给予社会哪些奉献。林大师对梅耳语:以清净的心看世界,以欢喜的心过生活,以平常的心生情味,以柔软的心除挂碍。梅香梦飘远:当太阳横穿西海时,在东方留下他最后的致意。被世味浸透的生活酒杯中,盛着行者的一颗颗柔软的心。


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