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Unit13 Unit13We retryingtosavetheearth SectionA1a 2d 第1课时 1 Weshouldputupnoticetostopfrom 乱扔 2 Theteacheraskedustofindawaytopickupthecoinsatthe 底部 ofthebottle 3 Therearenomorefishfor 渔夫 tocatchintheriver 4 Weshouldtakethepaperbagstogoshoppinginsteadofthe 塑料 ones 5 Couldyoupleasetellusanother 优点 ofridingbiketowork 检查预习 litter bottom fisherman plastic advantage noisepollution airpollution waterpollution 1a Writethewordsrelatedtodifferentkindsofpollutionintheboxbelow Pairworkorgroupwork loudmusiccarsrubbishplaneslitteringshipsfactoriessmokingbuildinghousesmobilephones loudmusic cars rubbish planes littering ships factories smoking buildinghouses mobilephones 1b Listenandcompletethesentences reallydirty rubbish fish litter waste government closedown cleanup 1 Theairisbadlypollutedbecausethereare ontheroadthesedays 2 Factoriesthatburncoalalso theairwithalotofblacksmoke 3 Thereisalsotoomuchrubbishandwaste People thingseveryday 4 Peoplearealsolitterin likeparks Thisisturningbeautifulplacesintouglyplaces 2aListentotheinterview thekindsofpollutionthatJasonandSusantalkabout A wastepollutionB airpollutionC noisepollutionD waterpollution Circle 2b Listenagainandcompletethesentences littering morecars pollute arethrowingaway Readtheconversationquickly findouttheanswertothequestion Whatkindsofpollutionarementionedinthisconversation 2d Airpollutionandwastepollution 2 Readtheconversationagainandcompletetheblanks Takethebusorsubwayinsteadofdriving rideabike bringabagtogoshopping onlyusewoodenchopsticksorplasticforksathome Throwrubbishinthebins Thisisturningbeautifulplacesintouglyones turn into 把 变成 e g Theicyrainseemedliketoturnintosnow 渐渐地冻雨又变成雪花的模样 Languagepoints 2 It sgoodforhealthanditdoesn tcostanything costv 花费 使付出指花费金钱 主语通常是物 cost的过去式和过去分词均为cost e g ThenewshirtcostMrWang200yuan 王先生花了200元买了新衬衫 Howmuchdoesthenewcomputercost 新电脑花了多少钱 take spend pay costtake spend pay和cost都可以表示 花费 但它们的用法各有不同 1 take多表示花费时间 常用于Ittakessb sometimetodosth 这一句型中 其中it作形式主语 e g Itusuallytakesme40minutestocookthedinner 2 spend多表示花费时间和金钱 主语通常是人 常用于sb spend s sometime moneyonsth 和sb spend s sometime money in doingsth 两种句型 e g Davidspent2 000yuanonthenewmachine Myfatherspendsanhour in watchingthenewsonTVeveryday 3 pay多表示花费金钱 主语通常是人 常用于sb pay s somemoneyforsth 句型 e g Tommypaid20yuanforhisbreakfastyesterday 4 cost多表示花费金钱 主语通常是物 常用于sth cost s sb somemoney 句型 e g ThenewdresscostLinda88yuan 根据句意用take spend pay或cost的适当形式填空 1 Thatnewcar themlotsofmoney 2 Mona 50yuanonthebooksjustnow 3 Itusually meanhourtodomyhomework cost spent takes 4 Youshould sometimepractisingyourpronunciation 5 Mybrother 6 000yuanforthenewcomputeryesterday spend paid 3 Sotogether ouractionscanmakeadifferenceandleadtoabetterfuture makeadifference to 表示 对 产生影响或作用e g Doyouthinkhiswordswouldmakeanydifferencetothefinaldecision 你认为他的话会对最后的决定产生影响吗 ThenewteacheralwaysencourageslittleTom Thishasmadeabigdifferencetohim 新来的老师总是鼓励小汤姆 这对他影响很大 用动词的适当形式填空 1 We retrying save theearth 2 Thereusedto be cleanandbeautiful 3 Therearetoomany for tocatch fish 4 It sbadforenvironmenttouse wood chopsticks tosave be fish wooden fishermen 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 1 Don tthrow 垃圾 everywhere 2 Inwinter manypeopleburn 煤 tokeepwarm 3 Thepolicefoundabodyatthe 底部 ofthelake 4 The 花费 oflivinginbigcitiesisveryhigh 5 Hekeepsarabbitinabig 木制的 box cost wooden coal bottom litter 根据句意用take spend pay或cost的适当形式填空 1 Thatnewcar themlotsofmoney 2 Mona 50yuanonthebooksjustnow 3 Itusually meanhourtodomyhomework cost spent takes 4 Youshould sometimepractisingyourpronunciation 5 Mybrother 6 000yuanforthenewcomputeryesterday spend paid 3 Sotogether ouractionscanmakeadifferenceandleadtoabetterfuture makeadifference to 表示 对 产生影响或作用e g Doyouthinkhiswordswouldmakeanydifferencetothefinaldecision 你认为他的话会对最后的决定产生影响吗 ThenewteacheralwaysencourageslittleTom Thishasmadeabigdifferencetohim 新来的老师总是鼓励小汤姆 这对他影响很大 PointsonP97trytodo tryone sbesttodo努力去做某事berelatedto 与 有关mobilephones手机rubbish litter waste垃圾 废物thebottomoftheriver河底befullof充满 fisherman fishermen渔民government政府throwlitterintotheriver把垃圾扔到河里asksb todo要求某人干某事closedownthefactories关闭工厂cleanup打扫usedtobe 过去是 playapartin 参与 在 中扮演角色 Memory努力去做某事与 有关手机垃圾 废物河底充满 渔民政府把垃圾扔到河里要求某人干某事关闭工厂打扫过去是 在 中起作用 在 中扮演角色 PointsonP98bebadlypolluted受到严重污染publicplaces公共场所turn into 把 变成 cutdown减少takethebusorsubwayinsteadofdriving乘坐公交或地铁代替开车rideabike骑自行车advantagesofbikeriding骑自行车的好处 PointsonP58begoodforourhealth对我们的健康有好处cost spend take pay花费wood woodentakeawayfood外卖食物throwrubbishinthebins把垃圾扔进垃圾箱keeppublicplacescleanandbeautiful保持公共场所干净漂亮makeadifference to 对 产生影响或作用leadto 导致 通向 被污染烧煤太多扔掉把 变成 附近能够解决问题减少空气污染乘公共汽车或地铁代替 而不是 bepollutedburncoaltoomuchthrowawayturn into aroundherebeabletosolvea theproblemcutdownairpollutiontakethebusorsubwayinsteadof 骑自行车骑自行车有别的好处 对 有益垃圾污染去购物开始做某事记得要把垃圾扔进垃圾桶保持公共场所的整洁和美丽对 有影响 有作用通向美好未来 ridethebikeThereareotheradvantagesofbikeriding begoodforwastepollutiongoshoppingstartdoingremembertothrowrubbishinthebinskeeppublicplacescleanandbeatifulmakeadifferencetosb leadtoabetterfuture 用动词的适当形式填空 1 We retrying save theearth 2 Thereusedto be cleanandbeautiful 3 Therearetoomany for tocatch fish 4 It sbadforenvironmenttouse wood chopsticks tosave be fish wooden fishermen 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 1 Don tthrow 垃圾 everywhere 2 Inwinter manypeopleburn 煤 tokeepwarm 3 Thepolicefoundabodyatthe 底部 ofthelake 4 The 花费 oflivinginbigcitiesisveryhigh 5 Hekeepsarabbitinabig 木制的 box cost wooden coal bottom litter 1 Wearetryingtosavetheearth 我们正在努力拯救地球 解析 trydoingsth尝试做某事 不一定付出很大努力 trytodosth尽力做某事 强调付出一定的努力设法完成 想一想 尽某人最大的努力做某事try 2 Butitusedtobesoclean 但它过去是如此干净 解析 usedto的意思是 其中to是不定式符号 不是介词 所以其后要接 beusedto的意思是 其中to是介词 其后要接 合作探究 one sbesttodosth 习惯干某事 过去常常做某事 动词原形 doing 2 He gooutwithhisparents butnowhe stayingathomealone A usedto isusedtoB isusedto usedtoC useto isusedtoD isusedto isusedto HowmuchisthetickettoCentralPark Aone wayticket 40 andyoucan another 20foraround trip A costs payB cost spendC pay spendD spends pay 合作探究 3 It sgoodforhealthanditdoesn tcostanything 它对身体有好处并且不会花费任何东西 costvt 1 花费 价格为 拓展 take spend cost pay的用法都可以表示 花费 但用法却不尽相同 spend的主语必须是 常用于 cost的主语是物或某种活动 还可以表示 值 用于 注意 cost的过去式及过去分词都是cost 并且不能用于被动句 take后面常跟双宾语 常见于 pay的基本用法是 人 Sb spendtime moneyonsth Sb spendtime moneydoingsth costsb money Ittakessb sometimetodosth paymoneyforsth 4 Tocutdownairpollution weshouldtakethebusorsubwayinsteadofdriving 为了减少空气污染 我们应当乘坐公汽或地铁而不是开车 本句中Tocutdownairpollution是动词不定式作目的状语 cutdown意为 减少 Wemustdosomethingusefulto pollution A cutoffB cutupC cutdownD cutin I 单项选择 1 Eatingtoomuchsugarcan healthyproblems A gettoB leadtoC pointtoD ableto2 Whatarethe ofbikeriding It sgoodforourhealth A advantagesB reasonsC resultsD ideasII 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 Therearemanykindsof pollute inourdailylife 2 Allofthestudentsshouldtakepartin keep ourschoolcleanandtidy 3 Canyoutellusyourideasfor improve yourspokenEnglish 4 Weshouldstopusingthe wood chopstickstoprotecttheforest 5 Theirgrandparentswere fisherman neartheseabeforetheymovedtothetown 当堂检测 B A pollution keeping improving wooden fishermaners III 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 1 咱们玩纸牌吧 别看电视了 Let splaycards watchingTV 2 我们的行动会起作用 并且通向更好的未来 Ouractionscan adifferenceandleadtoa future 3 这个木箱时装满了书 The box books isfullof insteadof make better wooden Homework Wehaveonlyoneearth findoutasmanywaystosolvepollutionproblemsaspossible Unit13We retryingtosavetheearth SectionAPeriodThree takepartinaffordturnoffreusablepayfortakeactiontransportation 参加v 买的起 承担的起 后果 关掉adj 可重复使用的付费 付出代价采取行动n 运输业 交通运输 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 Listen Thephone ring Pleasegotoanswerit Alan it slate Whynotgotobed Jennyhasn tcomebackyet I wait forher 3 What syourfatherdoingnow He write aletterinthestudy isringing amwaiting iswriting 肯定句 主语 am is are ing 否定句 主语 am is are not ing 疑问句 Am Is Are 主语 ing 现在进行时 现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作 现在进行时 基本结构 表示说话时正在进行的 目前正在发生的动作 常带有表示目前时刻的时间副词 如 now atthe very moment forthetimebeing atpresent 及Look Listen Look Thebigbirdisflyingaway 看 那只大鸟正在飞走 Heiswatchingamovienow 他现在正在看电影 现在进行时 用法 2 表示目前一段时间内正在进行 但说话时可能没有进行的动作 RightnowIamstudyingChinesebydistancelearning 我现在正通过远程教育学习汉语 现在进行时 用法 3 与always constantly forever allthetime等副词连用 表示动作反复或习惯 此时句子常含有说话者的强烈情感在内 表达较强的 责备 或 表扬 之意 Youarealwayschangingyourmind 你总是主意不定 太烦人了 Heisalwayshelpingothers 他总是帮助别人 他真是个好人 现在进行时 用法 4 对于come go leave arrive start等表示位置移动的动词常可用进行时态表将来 HeisleavingonWednesday 他将于周三离开 Maryisn thereatthemoment Sheiscominglater 玛丽现在不在这儿 她一会儿来 现在进行时 用法 Icalledyouat4 00yesterdayafternoon butnooneanswered Sorry I withmyfriendsatthattime 2011河南 A swimB swamC willswimD wasswimming 考点例析 考点点拨 过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或某阶段正在进行的动作 其谓语由 was were 现在分词 构成 常与过去进行时连用的时间状语有 then atthattime thistimeyesterday attenyesterday等 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 1 I dliketointroducemybestfriendtoyou Peter Thankyou Lucy Butwe meet already 2 Lookatthesestamps I keep themforfiveyears Wow theyarewonderful havemet havekept 肯定句 主语 have has 过去分词 其他否定句 主语 haven t hasn t 过去分词 其他一般Have Has 主语 过去分词 疑问句 肯定答语 Yes 主格代词 have has 否定答语 No 主格代词 haven t hasn t 现在完成时 构成 1 表示动作到现在为止已经完成或刚刚完成 2 动作发生在过去 强调对现在的结果 影响等 3 表示动作发生在过去 并且一直持续到现在 甚至还可能继续下去 句中使用持续性动词 且常有表示一段时间的时间状语 4 现在完成时可以用在条件或时间状语从句中 表示将来某个时刻之前已经完成的动作 现在完成时 用法 1 现在完成时 since 点时间状语 名词 短语 从句 其中从句用一般过去时 2 现在完成时 for 段时间状语3 It Thisisthefirst 其他序数词 lasttime that从句中 从句使用现在完成时 1 Maryhasbeenillsincethreedaysago 2 Maryhasbeenillforthreedays 3 ItisthefirsttimethatIhavevisitedthecity ThisisthebestfilmthatI ve ever seen 现在完成时 句型 六种时态一览表 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 1 TheSecondarySchoolEntranceExams hold inJune 2 Astrangenoise hear byhismotherlastnight 3 Awideroad build betweenthetwovillagesbythosepeoplenextyear isheld washeard willbebuilt 被动语态表示主语是谓语动作的承受者 被动语态由 be 过去分词 构成 be随着主语人称和数以及时态的不同而变化 含有情态动词的被动语态由 can must may should be 过去分词 构成 被动语态 ThefirstsectionofNewCollegeEnglishisdesignedforspeakingpracticeandisbasedonpicturesandtopics Thesecomputersweremadeinourowncountrylastyear Shallwebeaskedtoattendtheopeningceremony 一般现在时的被动语态 am is are 过去分词 一般过去时的被动语态 was were 过去分词 一般将来时的被动语态 will shall be 过去分词 1 有些动词可以有两个宾语 在用于被动结构时 可以把主动结构中的一个宾语变为主语 另一宾语仍然保留在谓语后面 通常变为主语的是间接宾语 指人的宾语 一些特殊的被动语态 Theydidn tofferAnnthejob Annwasn tofferedthejob 2 在使役动词have make get以及感官动词see watch notice hear feel observe等后面不定式作宾语补语时 在主动结构中不定式to要省略 但变为被动结构时 要加to Theymakehercleanthefloor Sheismadetocleanthefloorbythem 3 It be 过去分词 that从句 主语 be 过去分词 todosth 表示 据说 据报道 据悉 据信等 据说这个男孩已经通过了这次全国性的测试 Itissaidthattheboyhaspassedthenationalexam Theboyissaidtohavepassedthenationalexam 1 某些感官动词加形容词及少数其他的动词本身可以表示被动意义 smell taste prove sell etc 1 Thedishtastesdelicious 2 Thetheoryprovedrightatlast 3 Thebookissointerestingthatitsellswell 不可以变成被动语态的情况 need V ing表示 主语承受动词发出的动作 表示被动意义 我的车需要修理 Mycarneedsrepairing toberepaired 战争爆发了 Thewarbrokeout 但不能说 Thewarwasbrokeout 3 通常只有及物动词 组 才有被动语态 不及物动词没有 be 过去分词 这个结构并不都是被动语态 也可能是系表结构 被动语态与系表结构主要区别是 被动结构表示一个动作 而系表结构表示主语的特点或所处的状态 试比较下面的句子 被动结构与系表结构的区别 Theenemywassoonsurroundedbyus Thehouseissurroundedbytrees Shewasbittenbythedoginthedarkness Iwasexcitedbythenewsthatmyhusbandgotpromoted 被动结构 系表结构 被动结构 系表结构 一般现在时 一般过去时和一般将来时的主动结构和被动结构 以动词do为例 Wecandoitbyourselves ItmustbeTom s Lookathisnameonthecover 3 I msorry Childrenmustn tswimhere 4 MayseeyouIDcard sir 5 Willyoupassmethebook 指出下列划线动词的种类 情态动词 情态动词 情态动词 情态动词 情态动词 情态动词具有一定的意义 但不能单独作谓语 其后需接动词原形一起构成句子的谓语 情态动词 除haveto以外 没有人称和数的变化 另外 情态动词可用来构成否定句 疑问句并进行简略回答 初中常见的情态动词有 can may must need haveto could should oughtto等 考点一 考查表示 能力 的情态动词 1 yourAustralianfriendeatwithchopsticks Yes butshecan tusethemwell A ShouldB NeedC CanD Must2 Theworkistoohardforus We finishitontime A can tB mustn tC shouldn tD needn t 情态动词 考点 3 Couldyourfatherplaygolfwhenhewasyoung No he Buthe playtabletennis A couldn t couldB needn t mightC mustn t shouldD shouldn t need 考点点拨 情态动词can表示 能力 时 与beableto同义 其否定形式为can t can表示现在的能力 其过去式could表示过去的能力 考点二 考查表示 应该 的情态动词 1 wetofinishourhomeworkbeforenoon Yes you A Need canB Have doC Ought oughttoD Should must2 You studyhardifyouwanttobeascientistinthefuture A mayB shouldC wouldD could 考点点拨 情态动词should和oughtto都可表示 应该 但should侧重说话者主观的看法 而oughtto更侧重客观情况 should的否定形式为shouldn t oughtto的否定形式为oughtn tto或oughtnotto 考点三 考查表示 请求 许可 的情态动词及其回答 1 Iborrowyourmathsbook Sure Hereyouare A NeedB WillC MayD Must 2 Itakesomephotosinthehall No you Lookatthesign Nophotos A Can needn tB Must mustn tC Should needn tD May mustn t3 CouldIuseyourdictionaryforawhile Yes ofcourseyou A couldB canC willD should 考点点拨 情态动词may和can都可表示 请求 许可 may比can正式 could在表示 请求 许可 时 既可表示过去 也可表示语气的委婉 当 May Can CouldI 表示 请求 许可 时 肯定回答常用 Yes please Certainly 等 否定回答常用 No youcan t mustn t 等 考点四 考查表示 推测 的情态动词 1 IsawLilyinthesupermarketthismorning Oh it her ShemovedtoAustraliathedaybeforeyesterday A canbeB mustbeC can tbeD mustn tbe 2 Afteralongwalk thechildren beverytirednow A willB mustC havetoD can3 John gowithustomorrow butheisn tsure A mustB canC needD may 考点点拨 may can must都可表 推测 三者的可能性依次递增 may和must表 推测 常用于肯定句中 can表 推测 常用于否定句和疑问句中 考点五 考查need must和haveto的用法 1 Jim you playwiththeknife You hurtyourself A won t can tB mustn t mayC shouldn t mustD can t shouldn t2 Ihavetohandinmyhomeworknow MrZhang Yes youdo A DoB CanC MayD Must 3 MustIgetupbeforesixo clocktomorrowmorning Dad No you TomorrowisSaturday Youmaygetupalittlelater A mustn tB can tC needn tD maynot4 It stoolate We gohome orwe llbeblamed 责备 A canB mayC mightD haveto 考点点拨 need作情态动词 意为 需要 后接动词原形 常用于否定句 疑问句和条件句中 must意为 必须 强调主观看法 对must引导的一般疑问句 肯定回答常用 must 否定回答常用needn t或don thaveto mustn t意为 一定不要 禁止 haveto意为 不得不 必须 强调客观情况下需要做某事 有人称 数和时态的变化 变否定句和疑问句时需要借助助动词完成句型的变化 Jennyusedtoplaythepiano 用usedto句型说出与图片情景相符的句子 Jenny Mikeusedtowearglasses Mike glasses Peterusedtoplaysoccer Peter soccer Amy longhair Amyusedtohavelonghair Markusedtolikeswimming Mark likeswim Review usedto 表示 usedto 对比现在和过去 过去的习惯 过去常常 动词原形 butnotanymore butnotanylonger butnow 翻译下列句子 艾米以前是短头发吗 你以前常在学校吃午餐吗 他过去不戴眼镜 这些商店过去在周日是不营业的 他以前很高 是吗 DidAmyusetohaveshorthair Didyouusetohavelunchatschool Hedidn tusetowearglasses Theshopusedn ttoopenonSundays Heusedtobeverytall didn the usedto的否定句和疑问句 否定句 didn tuseto usednotto 一般疑问句 Didyouuseto Usedyouto 变反意疑问句 附加疑问部分可用didn t usedn t或did used Sheusednottoliketests Usedyoutobepopularinschool Theyusedn ttogoskating didthey 定义 usedto 过去常常 表过去的习惯 usedto 动词原形 对比现在和过去 butnow butnotanymore butnotanylonger句式 否定句 didn tuseto usednotto 一般疑问句 Didyouuseto Usedyouto 变反意疑问句 附加疑问部分可用didn t usedn t或did used usedto Summary Finishtheexercises4a 4conpage100 Findtheanswertothequestion 1 Don tmakesomuchnoise Thechildren anEnglishlesson 2011黑龙江绥化 A haveB arehavingC werehaving2 Listen Thephone Pleasegotoanswerit 2011沈阳 A ringsB isringingC rangD willring 3 Whywon tyougotothemoviewithme Gina BecauseI ittwice 2011襄阳 A seeB haveseenC sawD willsee4 Chinadevelopssofast That strue It alotalready 2011安徽芜湖 A changesB changedC willchangeD haschanged 5 Nick ajobinabank buttooursurprise hedidn ttakeit 2012贵州遵义 A offeredB hasofferedC wasoffered6 HaveyouheardofEarthDay Yes ThefirstEarthDay in1970toeducateustoprotectourplanet 2012河南 A celebratesB celebratedC iscelebratedD wascelebrated 7 Excuseme whosebookisthis It beJohn s Ithashisnameonit 2013四川南充 A mustB needC can t8 Iswimhere No you Lookatthesign Noswimming 2013四川广安 A Must can tB Can don tC Can mustn t 1 Reviewpresentprogressive passivevoice presentperfect usedtoandmodalverbs 2 ReadthearticlesinLearningEnglish 3 Previewthenewwordsandexpressions 4 Preview1a 2aonpage101 Homework Unit13We retryingtosavetheearth SectionBPeriodOne recyclenapkin n 回收利用 再利用n 餐巾 餐巾纸 Objectives TolearntousenewwordsandexpressionsToknowtheprotectionofourearth stopridingincarsrecyclebooksandpaperturnoffthelights stopridingincars 不开私家车 Lookandsay GuessingGame recyclebooksandpaper 重复利用书本和纸 Lookandsay turnoffthelightswhenyouleavearoom 离开房间的时候记得关灯 Lookandsay turnofftheshowerwhileyou rewashingyourhair 洗头发的时候关掉水 Lookandsay don tusepapernapkin 不要用纸巾 Lookandsay 1a Whatcanwedotohelpsavetheearth Ranktheseitemsfromtheeasiest 1 tothemostdifferent 5 stopridingincars recyclebooksandpaper turnoffthelightswhenyouleavearoom turnoffthetowerwhileyouarewashingyourhair don tusepapernapkin 1 2 3 4 5 1b Compareyouranswersin1awithyourpartner Turnoffthelightsissoeasy Iagree Butit shardtodon tusepapernapkin 1c Listenandcheck thethingsthatJuliaandJacktalkabout 1d Listenagain Check thethingsthatJuliaisdoingnow thethingsshewilldointhefutureandthethingsshewouldneverdo Readandtrytorecitetheconversationsin5 10minutes Role play 1 Roleplaytheconversationingroups 2 Roleplaytheconversationinfrontoftheclass Let sseewhichgroupdoesthebest 1e Discussion Lookatthetitleandthepicturesin2b Canyouguesswhatthepassageisabout 2a 选择合适的单词 并用其正确形式填空 build make pull pollute recycle1 Thisbridge in1968 2 Look Thatmonkey atoycar Howfunny 3 Books plastics glassandsooncanbecollectedfor 4 Thiswine fromgrapes 5 Peopleshouldstop ournature wasbuilt ispulling recycling ismade polluting 1 Reviewthenewwordsandexpressionsyou velearnedtoday 2 ReadthearticlesinLearningEnglish 3 Writeashortpassageaboutmorethingsyoucandoforourworld 4 Previewthenewwordsandexpressions 5 PreviewthearticleRethink Reuse Recycle Homework Unit13We retryingtosavetheearth SectionBPeriodTwo throwawayputsth togoodusepull downupsidedowngatebottlepresidentinspiration 扔掉 抛弃好好利用某物拆下 摧毁上下颠倒 倒转n 大门n 瓶子n 负责人 主席 总统n 灵感 鼓舞人心的人 或事物 ironworkmetalbringbackcreativity n 铁n 音乐 艺术 作品n 金属恢复 使想起 归还n 创造力 独创力 Objectives TolearnnewwordsandphrasesToknowaboutrecycle pull down putsth togooduse upsidedown bottle gate iron president inspiration work throwaway metal bringback Whatcanyouseeinthepicture 2 Whatdoesthepassagemaytalkabout 1 Anunusualhouseandtwohandbags 2 Itmaytalkaboutrecyclingandtheprotectionoftheenvironment 1 Beforeyouread Lookatthepictureandquestionsin2b Thenanswerthequestionsbelow Didshewinanaward Whatwasitfrom Wheredidherwindowsanddoorscomefrom 3 Whatdoesthesentence shelivesinahouseintheUKthatshebuiltherselfoutofrubbish mean 1 Yes shedid ItwasfromtheHelpSaveOurPlanetSociety 2 Theycamefromoldbuildingsaroundhertownthatwerepulleddown 2 Whileyouread Readparagraph2andanswerthequestions 3 她住在英国 房子是她自己用废弃物建造而成 IsJessicaWonggoodatrecycling Whatdoesshedo Wheredoesshesellherbags 3 Whatwillshewriteinherbook 1 Yes sheis Sheusesoldclothesthatpeopledon twearanymoretomakebags Readparagraph3andanswerthequestions 2 Hershopandwebsite 3 Newwaystouseoldclothes WhatdoesWangTaohopetosetup Why Translate Notonlycantheartbringhappinesstoothers butitalsoshowsthatevencold hardironcanbebroughtbacktolifewithalittlecreativity intoChinese A metalart themepark Becausehewantstoshowpeopletheimportanceofenvironmentalprotection Readparagraph4andanswerthequestions 艺术不但可以给人们带来快乐 而且也说明只需要一点创造力 即使是冰冷 坚硬的铁也可产生活力 AmyHayes windowsanddoorsofoldbuildingsthathavebeenpulleddownanoldboatrocksoldglassbottles ahouse JessicaWong oldclothes especiallyoldjeans bags WangTao ironandothermaterialsfromoldcars beautifulartpieces Readthepassageandcompletethechartbelow 2b AmyHayeslivesintheUK Manyoftheoldbuildingsinherneighborhoodwere AlltherubbishandoldthingsinAmy sneighborhoodwerethen whenAmybuiltherhouse Fillintheblankswithcorrectformsofthephrasesinthebox 2c puttogoodusebuildoutofpulldownsetupknownfornotonly butalso pulleddown puttogooduse 3 Amyisverycreative She herfrontgate rocksandoldglassbottles Sheputanoldboatontopofherhouse 4 JessicaWongsellsherbagsinasmallshop butshehasalso anonlinebusinesstosellthem 5 ThoughJessica sbagsaremadefromoldclothes herbagsare beingcuteanduseful 6 WangTao makeslargepiecesofmetalartthatlooklikeanimalsorhumans makessmallerpiecesforthehome built outof setup knownfor notonly butalso Underlinethewordsinthepassagebasedonthewordsbelow Whatarethedifferences 2d think rethinkspecial especiallyuse reuse usefulrecent recentlyusual unusuallyenvironment environmentalrecycle recyclingimportant importancebuild buildingprotect protectioncreate creative creativityinspire inspiration Makealistofthingsthatneedtobedonetosavetheenvironment Whichthingscanbedonebycommonpeopleeveryday Whichthingshavetobedonebygovernmentsandorganizations Discussthesewithyourgroup 2e Thingswhichcanbedonebypeopleeveryday takeyourownbagswhenyougoshoppingspendlesstimeintheshowerturnoffthelightswhenyouleavearoomtakepublictransportratherthandriveavoidusingairconditioners Thingswhichhavetobedonebygovernmentsandorganiza

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