浙江省2019年高考英语二轮专题复习 阅读理解提分特训(四).doc

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阅读理解提分特训(四)A【社会文化类】(2017衢州高三教学质量检测)It was mid-August,weeks away from the day when Abeer Yusuf,25,would find herself without housing.She had hoped to share an apartment with two friends,but her plan fell apart when one of them decided to live elsewhere.The timing couldnt have been worse.Yusuf,a recent graduate from the University of British Columbia,was just starting a new job as a production assistant at a radio station in Vancouver,Canada.“I wanted to live with my friends because I wanted to share an apartment with someone whom I found through the Internet.”Yusuf ended up setting for a one-bedroom basement apartment,which she rented for 1,200 Canadian dollars a month,including furniture. She joins 9 percent of young adults in Canada,around 7 percent of young US adults,who live alone.Living alone is hardly a new phenomenon for North Americans.Since colonial times,North America has believed in the virtues of tough individualism,symbolized by the lone cowboy.For men,living alone was embraced (信奉).These “bachelors”,who lived in an apartment for bachelors,were generally viewed as standards of cool.Times are changing,though.Terms like “cat ladies”,a phrase that characterizes lonely ladies who collect cats for pany,is falling out of favor.But Yusuf said there might still be some benefits of apartment hunting as a single female.“Its a good thing if you are a girl,and youre looking for a place,”she said.“There is an assumption that girls will be nice and quiet and will not make as much of a mess.”1.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 “The timing couldnt have been worse.” imply?A.It was then hard for graduates to find a job.B.Yusufs friends couldnt afford the rent.C.The new job was challenging for Yusuf.D.Yusuf was faced with much pressure.2.According to the passage,Abeer Yusuf finally .A.joined some young adults for supportB.bought an apartment at a low priceC.rented an apartment on her ownD.found roommates on the Internet3.What do we know about people living alone in North America?A.Living alone is not as popular as before.B.More men like living alone to be cool.C.Women consider living alone to be cool.D.About 9 percent of young US adults live alone.4.What can be a suitable title for this passage?A.Life for Adults in North AmericaB.A New Living PhenomenonC.Living Alone in North AmericaD.Finding an Apartment语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,主要介绍了在北美有很多年轻人出于各种原因而单身 居住。答案及剖析:1.D推理判断题。由第一段She had hoped to share.was just starting a new job as a.推断知,Yusuf刚找到一份工作,本想与人合租一套公寓,但由于其中一个朋友要住在别处而泡汤,所以选D项。2.C事实细节题。由第一段Yusuf ended up setting for a one-bedroom basement apartment.可知,她最后只好租了一室的地下室自己居住。故正确答案为C项。3.A推理判断题。结合第二段第一句Living alone is hardly a new phenomenon for North Americans.推断知,在北美,单身居住已经不再是一个新的现象了,说明它已经不再像以前那么流行了,故答案选A项。4.C主旨大意题。根据全文内容,同时结合文章中多次提到的living alone等知,本文主要讲述:在北美,很多人选择单身居住的状况。故选C项。B【社会文化类】It was Sunday morning.I heard loud noises of moving furniture in the next room.I could almost feel the excitement of John who was soon going to get a room of his own.I knew how much he longed for his right to privacy when he was sharing a room with his younger brother,Robot.He said,“Mum,Can I have a room of my own? I could use Jeffs.He wont mind.”It was true that Jeff had graduated from college and flown from the nest.But would he mind? The room was the place where I told him a thousand stories and we had a thousand talks.As close as we were,though,the time came when Jeff needed a door between us.His life was spreading into areas that had less to do with family.I no longer could-or-should know everything about him.It turned out that getting Jeffs permission was easy.He said,“Of course,Mum,it would be selfish of me to hold on to it.” Then his voice softened,“Mum,I wont be living at home again you know that.” Behind his glasses,his eyes were lit with all the love.There were no doors closed here they had all opened up again.As John and I were cleaning the room,I fixed my eyes on Jeffs things around me and could almost touch the little boy I knew was gone forever.I looked at the room and,in my heart,I let it go.To hold on would be,as Jeff said,selfish.Now it was time for John,shouldering through the door,his eyes bright with promise of independence,to disappear behind the door.It was time for letting go to happen again.5.The underlined sentence in the second paragraph probably means “ ”.A.Jeff needed his right to privacyB.Jeff finally flew out of the houseC.Jeff got tired of those familiar storiesD.Jeff would have less to do with his family6.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.John was moving to live with his brother.B.John was eager to get a room of his own.C.Jeff volunteered to give his room to John.D.Jeff refused to let his brother have his room.7.How did the author feel about her childrens sense of independence?A.Delighted.B.Jealous.C.Mixed. D.Embarrassed.8.It can be inferred from the passage that .A.the children did not like to live with adultsB.all her three kids made the author feel depressedC.none of the members in the family thought the same wayD.the author loved and missed the time together with her kids语篇解读:本文讲述了一个家庭中孩子们的成长故事。孩子们一天一天在长大,希望有自己的空间,有自己的生活,他们迟早都要离开家!做父母的虽然不舍得,但要懂得放手。答案及剖析:5.A句意理解题。根据第二段中His life was spreading into areas that had less to do with family.I no longer could-or-should know everything about him可知,作者意识到自己的孩子长大了,他的生活空间已经超出了家庭的范围,不应该再过问孩子所有的事情了。由此可知,孩子需要有自己的隐私权。故A项正确。6.B细节理解题。根据第一段中I could almost feel the excitement of John who was soon going to get a room of his own.I knew how much he longed for his right to privacy when he was sharing a room with his younger brother,Robot.可知,John渴望得到一个属于自己的房间。7.C推理判断题。根据第二段以及第四段,可知作者非常怀念孩子小的时候,但作者同时明白不让孩子独立是一种自私的表现(To hold on would be,as Jeff said,selfish),故面对孩子们的独立,作者的心情非常混杂。C项切题。8.D推理判断题。根据第二段中的The room was the place where I told him a thousand stories and we had a thousand talks.和第四段中的I fixed my eyes on Jeffs things around me and could almost touch the little boy I knew was gone forever.可知,作者非常怀念和孩子们在一起的日子。故D项正确。【长难句子分析】Now it was time for John,shouldering through the door,his eyes bright with promise of independence,to disappear behind the door.这是一个简单句。it为形式主语,to disappear behind the door作真正的主语;shouldering through the door为动词-ing形式短语,his eyes bright with promise of independence为独立主格结构,均作方式状语。而现在轮到约翰了,他用肩推开房门,眼里闪着独立的神情,消失在了门后。C【说理议论类】(2017宁波九校高三上学期联考)petition is a part of life and something all of us have to deal with on a daily basis if we are going to be a part of society.The children need to learn how to be gracious winners and losers.And we need to help them understand that losing at something does not mean they are a failure.petition in school is helpful to the students.Having petition makes learning fun.It gives students motivation,it also gives them a challenge and reasons to pay attention to.petition in school makes the learning process fun.Kids can participate in games like spelling games or jeopardy games(冒险智力游戏).When they play these games children get points for offering correct answers to the questions.Kids like playing these games because they give them a break from the regular lectures and tests.It can also offer rewards such as homework passes or candy to whoever or the team which wins each game.Jeopardy games can fit into almost every type of subject and be formed around almost any type of material.This also gives a child or student a chance to learn what they have already known and what they should study more before a big test.Students often need more motivation in the classroom.This gives them self support to do better and learn more.It also gives them more motivation to ask more questions and to further study about the subject outside the classroom.petition gives them a challenge to want to be the best in class which makes them be better at school and to receive better grades.It also gives them more reasons to pay attention in class.When they pay attention in class they learn more.This also gives some of the kids reason of not sleeping in class but studying more at home and in class.9.The author explains “Having petition makes learning fun” by .A.presenting research findingsB.describing a scene in schoolC.giving examplesD.making a parison10.We can learn from the last paragraph that .A.there are many ways to raise students gradesB.petition makes students more focused in classC.students are under great pressure in schoolD.petition seldom offers a challenge to students11.The best title of the passage is .A.Students are Satisfied with petitionB.Motivation is Involved in petitionC.petition is Good for TeachersD.petition is Beneficial to Students语篇解读:本文是议论文。这是一个充满竞争的社会,文章告诉我们竞争对我们学生有很多好处,有利于学生的发展,让竞争来得更猛烈些吧。答案及剖析:9.C推理判断题。根据文章第三段.Kids can participate in games like spelling games or jeopardy games.可知,作者通过举例孩子们在学校参加的各种比赛来阐释“竞争使学习有趣”这一观点,所以选C项。10.B推理判断题。根据文章中第四段Students often need more motivation in the classroom.It also gives them more reasons to pay attention in class.可知,通过竞争,孩子们在课堂上变得更加集中精力,所以选B项。11.D主旨大意题。根据全文并结合文中第一段提到的petition is a part of life and something all of us have to deal with on a daily basis if we are going to be a part of society.The children need to learn.推断知,本文主要讲述了竞争的重要性和对学生发展的有利之处,所以选D项。

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