七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section A(1a-2d)导学课件 新人教版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section A(1a-2d)导学课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Section A(1a-2d)导学课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit4Where smyschoolbag B知识综合运用 Unit4Where smyschoolbag SectionA 1a 2d 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1 I 认为 itisonthesofa 2 Wherearemybooks They re 在 下 thedesk 3 ThoseareLiLei sandLiMing s 椅子 4 Wherearehis 钥匙 A教材要点回归 think under chairs keys 5 It s 他们的 room 6 Lookatmy 父母的 room It sveryclean 7 Mary sdictionaryisonthat 书桌 8 Yourhatisonyour 头 SectionA 1a 2d their parents desk head 用方框中所给的介词填空1 What sthis English 2 Mimiisthename mycat 3 Hi I mCindy What you 4 E mailme 52486 5 Whereismyball Dad Isit yourbed SectionA 1a 2d under of in about at in of about at under 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1 Wherearemy book Theyareinyourschoolbag 2 Wherearetheir pencilbox Theyareonthesofa 3 Herearesome key 4 Therearetwo library inourschool SectionA 1a 2d books pencilboxes keys libraries 5 Therearesome watch inthelostandfoundbox 6 Ihavetwo dictionary atschool 7 Two photo areonthewall 8 Thereareseven day inaweek 9 My parent areteachers 10 Many 许多 family watchTVathome SectionA 1a 2d watches dictionaries photos days parents families 根据汉语提示完成句子1 Where stheschoolbag Isit 在桌子下面 No itisn t Itisonthetable 2 Wherearethebooks Aretheyonthesofa No theyaren t Theyare 在床上 underthetable onthebed SectionA 1a 2d 3 Wherearethekeys Arethey 在你的书包里 No Theyareonthesofa 4 快点 Mike Wearelate 迟的 5 我认为 hisbookis 在书柜里 inyourschoolbag Comeon SectionA 1a 2d Ithink inthebookcase B知识综合运用 单项填空 1 Whereareyourbooks onthesofa A It sB TheyC They reD It C SectionA 1a 2d 解析问句的主语为复数名词 所以回答时主语应用代词they be动词用are 解析第一个问句中bags是复数名词 be动词用are 第二个问句中的eraser是单数名词 be动词用is 2 Arethosemapsonthesofa A No theyaren tB No itisn tC Yes thoseareD Yes itis 3 Where hisbagsandwhere youreraser A is areB are areC is isD are is SectionA 1a 2d A D 4 Whereareher areonthetable A key ItB keys TheyC keys ItD key They B SectionA 1a 2d 5 Istheschoolbagunderthedeskyours No it smy Heleftittherejustnow A brotherB brother sC brothers D brothers B SectionA 1a 2d 解析考查名词所有格 句意 书桌下面的书包是你的吗 不 它是我哥哥的 他刚才把它落在那里了 brother s为单数名词的所有格 brothers 为复数名词的所有格 由 He 可知选B 6 Jack Orwe llbelate A ComeinB ComeC ComeonD Go 7 Whereisthemap It s my room A on parent sB in parent sC on parents D in parents C SectionA 1a 2d D 8 Where mypencil onthetable A is It sB are It sC are They reD is They re A SectionA 1a 2d 按要求完成下列各题 每空一词1 Thecomputerisonthedesk 改为一般疑问句 thecomputer thedesk 2 Hiskeysareinthebag 对画线部分提问 hiskeys SectionA 1a 2d Is on Whereare 3 Hishatisonhishead 改为复数句 Theirhats on 4 Ithinktherulerishers 改为否定句 I thinktheruler hers 5 Isitinyourbag 作否定回答 it SectionA 1a 2d are theirheads don t is No isn t 连词成句1 is game where my computer 2 the schoolbag on my is table 3 Jim s under is ball chair the SectionA 1a 2d Whereismycomputergame Myschoolbagisonthetable Theschoolbagisonmytable IsJim sballunderthechair 4 are books where the 5 keys the are sofa the on SectionA 1a 2d Wherearethebooks Arethekeysonthesofa 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文ThisisAlan sbedroom It sverynice Thereare1 picturesonthewall Thereisa2 ofkeysanda3 onthedesk Hisschoolbagisonthe4 Hisbaseballis5 thebed 6 arehis7 Oh 8 areinthedesk SectionA 1a 2d where some chair set under they book dictionary some set dictionary chair under Where books they 根据图片提示完成对话 每空一词1 A isthecat B It s thecomputer SectionA 1a 2d Where on 2 A isthebag B It s thebed SectionA 1a 2d Where on 3 A Whereismybaseball B It s thechair SectionA 1a 2d under 4 A Wherearemydictionaries B Theyare thedesk SectionA 1a 2d on 5 A Whereisyourpencilbox B It s theschoolbag SectionA 1a 2d in 任务型阅读LookatJim sroom It saniceroom Somepicturesareonthewall 墙 Adeskandachairareinhisroom Thereisasofaandabookcase too Thedeskisbetween 在 之间 thebedandthebookcase Hisschoolbagandpencilboxareonthedesk Therearesomepencils apenandarulerinthepencilbox Jim ssofaisnear 在 附近 thebookcase 他的棒球在床下面 SectionA 1a 2d 根据短文内容 完成下列各题 1 What sonthewall 2 WhereisJim spencilbox 3 How sJim sroom SectionA 1a 2d Somepictures It sonthedesk It snice 4 把画线句子翻译成英语 5 Thepassage 文章 isabout A Jim sroomB Jim sdeskC Jim ssofaD Jim sbookcase SectionA 1a 2d Hisbaseballisunderthebed 解析主旨大意题 阅读全文可知 本文是对Jim房间的描述 故选A A

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