全国卷2019届高考英语一轮复习Unit1Alandofdiversity课件新人教版选修8 .ppt

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核心考点突破 随堂巩固提升 基础知识回顾 课时作业提能 选修8 Unit1Alandofdiversity 基础知识回顾 occur indicate slip indicated indicator indications hire reform grasp elect election elected nowhere apparent Apparently apparent distinct distinct distinction means boom customer customs customs customs luggage major majority major majority applicant applicants applications crossing percentage across crossing 海峡 联邦制的 联邦政府的 飞行器 航空器 飞机 人种的 种族的 地极 电极 磁极 有轨 电车 闸 刹车 制动器 刹 车 用制动器减速 渡船 渡口 摆渡 渡运 权威 权力 插入 嵌入 on up makealife with lives on out in keptup beenmarkedout for agreat goodmany make teamedupwith by tookin to many bymeansof Itislikelythat Thatiswhy Itisexpectedthat 核心考点突破 it crossed by arrival addition living when took the whose makesherliving bynomeans Bynomeansshouldyouspeaktoyourmotherinthatway 吸收 收留 欺骗 理解 takeup Themajorityof tovisit occurredto indication Why ThatiswhyIdidn twritetoyou 随堂巩固提升 Apparently for in punishment It that in indicating a what That swhyhis answerwasnot Itislikelythattheviruswillcontinue whatisnowcalled Comparedwiththesizeoftheearth Itisbelieved saidthatonDecember21st

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