浙江专版2019届高考英语一轮复习第一部分基醇点聚焦Unit2Robots知能演练轻松闯关新人教版选修7 .doc

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浙江专版2019届高考英语一轮复习第一部分基醇点聚焦Unit2Robots知能演练轻松闯关新人教版选修7 .doc_第1页
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浙江专版2019届高考英语一轮复习第一部分基醇点聚焦Unit2Robots知能演练轻松闯关新人教版选修7 .doc_第2页
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浙江专版2019届高考英语一轮复习第一部分基醇点聚焦Unit2Robots知能演练轻松闯关新人教版选修7 .doc_第3页
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Unit 2 Robots 阅读理解A(2018浙江金、丽、衢十二校高三联考)Life is not always easy. One day you wake up feeling like you can take over the world, and the next day you wake up feeling like all you want to do is to lie in bed and hide from everything.People walk into your life, grab your hand, and lead you through the most beautiful path youve known, but sometimes the same people let go of your hand without warning, and you bee stranded at a place where you never thought youd feel lost.Lets be honest, sometimes everything is going so great and it seems like nothing could go wrong, but right when you begin to think that, something so horrible es crashing down and all of a sudden more problems e drowning around you and you just feel so hopeless because its so bad.Its so hard to understand why such things happen in life, and I personally wish I had an answer to that “why” you always ask yourself, but all I can say is no matter how hard life gets, you have to keep going. The life around you will never stop going on.Ill be honest and say that sometimes I feel a little bit worried and all I can think is “Will I be able to keep up? What if everything goes too fast?” But I realize that being scared and living with that burden of running away from problems only slow me down even more.And Ive e to the point where I believe that because life never stops, I shouldnt stop either. Its okay to take a break and to give yourself time to heal, but you cannot give up and you cannot quit.Keep positive, fill your heart with gratitude for what you already have, and always remind yourself to be humble and true to who you are!【解题导语】本文讲述了生活的不易,告诫人们要保持积极的心态,心中充满感激,要谦虚。1How does the author illustrate “Life is not always easy”?ABy making parisons.BBy using some famous sayings.CBy presenting his own experience. DBy listing statistics.A解析:写作手法题。根据文章前两段,作者对比了生活中同一情况截然相反的两种境遇,可知作者运用了对比的写作手法阐明了生活的不易。故选A。2According to the author, it is _ to try running away from problems.Apointless BreasonableChelpful DconsiderateA解析:细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段最后一句我意识到,害怕和逃避生活的负担,只会让我更慢, 可知作者认为逃避困难是没有意义的。故选A。3Which saying can exhibit the authors attitude towards life?ASave against a rainy day.BConstant dripping wears away the stone.CA good medicine tastes bitter.DThink it over before you leap.B解析:观点态度题。根据文章第四段的“.but all I can say is no matter how hard life gets, you have to keep going. The life around you will never stop going on.”不管生活多难,你都要坚持下去,因此B水滴石穿符合作者的意图。A.未雨绸缪,C.良药苦口,D.三思后行都不符合作者的意图。故选B。BOne of the main creators of the World Wide Web,Sir Tim BernersLee has warned that the fast growth of the Internet is also creating serious problems.He especially warns of false information being easily spread around the Internet,“A great danger is that it bees a place where untruths start to spread more than truths,or it bees a place which bees increasingly unfair in some way.”In particular he mentions the phenomena of blogging.Blogging enables friends and contacts to easily spread information.However he argues that people may too easily trust information mentioned in a blog.This inaccurate information can then easily bee an accepted truth on the Internet.He suggests that the most important development of the Internet will be in creating ways of allowing people to check the correctness of information by providing original sources.Sir Tim admits that this is an important challenge.Its interesting to note that Wikipedia(维基百科) has had to take steps to prevent false information from being added to the biographies of living people.Its easy for anybody to edit the open source.However,some people have pointed out that it has been used to spread false materials.In seeking to raise standards,Wikipedia has sought to stop the false materials.At the same time there is a growing view that the Internet has had a great effect on the way millions of people work.The last two years have seen a big growth in the use of the Internet.There appears no slowdown in the growth of the Internet with increasing access in the developing countries.Sir Tim says another major challenge will be to provide free Internet for everybody.Sir Tim has recently launched a new joint initiative(倡议) between the University of Southampton and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to create the first degree in Web science.The two schools hope to raise the standards of web content.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了互联网的快速发展所带来的一些问题。4What is the especially serious problem that Sir Tim refers to?AThe growth of the Internet is too fast.BThe Internet has a side effect on young children.CThe Internet panies pete against each other in an unfair way.DThe false information spreads rapidly on the Internet.D解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,他认为虚假的信息在网络上流传是尤其严重的问题,故选D。5What causes the biographies to have false information?AThe Internet users refuses other users to correct them.BWikipedia doesnt take any steps.CAnybody can easily edit the biographies.DWikipedia attempts to publish false materials.C解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Its easy for anybody to.spread false materials.”可知,任何人都可以轻易编辑这些传记,因此虚假信息很容易被传播,故选C。6According to the last paragraph,the purpose of the joint initiative is to_Aprovide free Internet access to the poor countriesBimprove the reliability of online contentCcreate the first degree in science and technology Denlarge the use of the InternetB解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“the University of.hope to raise the standards of web content”可知,这个联合倡议的目的是提高网上内容的可信度,故选B。7We can infer from the text that_ASir Tim has built two schools recentlyBthe Internet is harmful to the peoples healthCSir Tim hopes everyone can use the Internet for freeDthe Internet develops slowly in the developing countriesC解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 “Sir Tim says.free Internet for everybody.”可知,Sir Tim 希望每一个人都能免费上网,故选C。 七选五How to Set GoalsWhether you have small dreams or high expectations, setting goals allows you to plan how you want to move through life. Some achievements can take a lifetime to attain, while others can be pleted in a day. 1._Determine your life goals. Ask yourself some important questions about what you want for your life. What do you want to achieve today, in a year, and in your lifetime? The answers to this question can be as general as “I want to be happy” or “I want to help people”. 2._Set specific goals. Be specific and realistic about what it is that you want to achieve. Research shows that setting a specific goal makes you more likely to achieve it. 3._ For example, “Be healthier” is too big and vague to be a helpful goal. “I want to eat more vegetables, and I want to run a marathon” is better.Write out your goals. Be detailed, be clear, and include your steps. 4._ Keep your list in a place where you can get informed frequently. This will help keep you motivated.5._ You may find yourself set in your ways concerning broad life goals, but take the time to reevaluate your smaller goals. Are you acplishing them according to your timeline? Are they still necessary to keep you on track towards your larger life goals? Allow yourself the flexibility to make some small changes to your goals.AAdjust your goals.BTrack and measure your progress.CHaving deadlines will keep you motivated.DConsider what you hope to achieve in 10,15, or 20 years.EHere are some important ideas that you may find helpful.FWriting them down tends to make them bee a little more real.GRemember that you may need to break large goals into smaller goals.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了设定目标的四种方法。1E解析:根据空处所在位置可知,空处承上启下;结合下文各段的主题句可知,空处引出设定目标的有用方法,故E项符合语境。2D解析:根据该段的主题句“Determine your life goals.”可知,该段主要建议“确定你的终身目标”;据此可知,该目标属于长期目标,故D项符合语境。3G解析:根据下文中的“For example, Be healthier.is better.”可知,该处举例说明要把大目标分解成小目标,故G项符合语境。4F解析:根据该段的主题句“Write out your goals.”可知,要写下你的目标;据此可以判断,空处解释“写下目标”的原因,故F项符合语境。5A解析:根据空处所在位置可知,空处是该段的主题句;结合该段内容尤其是该段尾句可知,该段主要讲可以灵活地对你的目标做一些改变,故A项符合语境。 语法填空How do native speakers truly feel when speaking with nonnative English speakers? It seems that 1._(break) English annoys them.However, they keep being really nice when speaking with nonnative speakers.I wonder how they really feel when doing so.I think it would depend 2._the native English speakers.Some people are just 3._(easy) annoyed.Personally, I study Spanish.When I hear someone 4._(attempt) English, I am patient with them because I know 5._ difficult it is to talk in a nonnative tongue.I also know English is very difficult 6._(learn), and that increases my respect for their efforts.Im a patient person by nature.The situation matters too.If I were waiting 7._(table) on a super crowded day and really 8._(need) to do about a dozen different things, I might bee upset at having to wait for someone to struggle while ordering his meal.There also exists the 9._(possible) that what is considered as annoyance is not true annoyance.I might frown(皱眉) while listening to a nonnative speaker, 10._that would be because I am concentrating and listening hard to understand him.It wouldnt mean Im at all annoyed.【解题导语】当一个母语是英语的人听到一个人说着蹩脚的英语时是什么感受?厌烦还是耐心倾听?本文就此问题进行了讨论。1broken解析:考查词性转换。句意:似乎蹩脚的英语让他们感到厌烦。修饰名词用形容词,故填动词break的形容词形式broken,意为“蹩脚的;不流利的”。2on/upon解析:考查介词。句意:我认为这要取决于英语为母语的人。depend on/upon是固定搭配,意为“依赖;取决于”。故填on/upon。3easily解析:考查词性转换。句意:有些人就是容易生气。设空处修饰动词,要用副词,故填easily。4attempting解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:当我听到有人努力说英语时,我很耐心是因为我知道用非母语交流是多么不容易。此处为“hear宾语宾补”结构,attempt与宾语之间为逻辑上的主动关系,且此处指听到有人正在努力说英语,故用现在分词作宾补。故填attempting。5how解析:考查宾语从句。句意见上一题解析。此处为感叹句用作宾语从句,用于加强语气。设空处修饰形容词difficult,故填how。6to learn解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:我也知道英语很难学,那增加了我对他们的努力的尊重。在“it isadj.to do.”句型中,it是形式主语,动词不定式(短语)作真正的主语,故填to learn。7tables解析:考查名词单复数。句意:如果我正在人超级多的一天招待顾客,且真的需要做很多件不同的事情,我可能会因不得不等待在点餐时纠结不已的人而感到心烦意乱。wait tables是固定短语,意为“招待顾客”。故填tables。8needed解析:考查动词的时态。句意见上一题解析。根据并列连词and可知,前后时态应该一致,故填过去式needed。9possibility解析:考查词性转换。句意:也存在这样的可能性,有些烦恼不是真的烦恼。定冠词the后接名词形式,且根据谓语动词exists可知,应填形容词possible的名词形式possibility。10but/yet解析:考查连词。句意:听非母语的讲话者说话时,我可能紧皱着眉头,但那是因为我在聚精会神地努力去听懂他。根据句意可知,前后文是转折关系。故填but/yet。


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