九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Stories and Poems Lesson 24 Writing a Poem课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Stories and Poems Lesson 24 Writing a Poem课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Stories and Poems Lesson 24 Writing a Poem课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit4StoriesandPoems Lesson24WritingaPoem Whathappened Readthepassageandanswerthequestions 1 What sthedifferencebetweenpoemandstory 2 DoesDannyafraidtowriteapoem Whichdoyouprefertowrite poemsorstories Why fairytalecharacterplothumorous n 仙子 小精灵n 故事 童话n 小说 戏剧当中的 人物 特点 特色n 情节adj 幽默的 诙谐的 Readthelessonandwritetrue T orfalse F 1 Dannylearnedhowtowritesongslastweek 2 Dannylikesreadingstories 3 Dannythinksstoriesareeasiertowrite F T F atthebeginning 开始时 起初 at也可以换成in Theywerewonderfulatthebeginning 开始时 他们表现非常好 beafraidtodosth 意为 害怕做某事 Prefer 1 prefersth 表示 更喜欢某物 2 prefertodosth 表示 宁愿做某事 3 prefer doing Ato doing B表示 比起 做 B来更喜欢 做 A 其中to为介词 4 prefertodoAratherthandoB表示 宁愿做A而不愿做B bealwaysdoingsth 意为 总是做某事 Use must topletethedialogues Thenpracticethedialogueswithapartner Son Mum mayIwatchTVforawhile Mum No It s10 00intheevening You gotosleepnow Student Sorry Mr Hill Iamlateforschool Headmaster Cometoschoolontimetomorrow Asastudent you followtherulesoftheschool Policeman You slowdownwhenyoupassbyaschool Driver Sorry sir must must must Pleasethinkofwordsthatdescribethingslikeage size temperature feelingsandcolour age size temperature feelings colour old young remote classical ancient big small short long round cool cold warm soft gentle hot happy sad angry excited smile cry shy calm nervous red black white yellow blue orange pink purple Nowusewordsfromthelisttopletethepoematthebottomofthepage NatureNight so and feelingsandcolour sizeandcolour stars A temperature windblows adverb onmyface Itmakesmewanttosing adverb a feelingsandage song quietancient quite black small bright cool gently softly Doyouknowanypoemsthatdescribealake Doyouknowanypoemsthatdescribethespring Doyouknowanypoemsthatdescribethesnow Doyouknowanypoemsthatdescribethestudy Writing Useeachletterinthiswordtobeginalineofyourpoem 1 Listenandread 2 Finishexercisesofthislesson Homework


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