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复习第四单元 UnitFourMyclass 一 翻译下列短语 互译 1 坐下 2 起立 3 Intheclassroom 4 开门 5 关门 6 16张课桌 7 讲台 8 inClassOne 9 behindthechair 10 ontheblackboard sitdown standup 在教室 openthedoor closethedoor sixteendesks theteacher sdesk 在一班 在椅子的后面 在黑板上 11 在美术室 12 五个箱子 13 四十张海报 14 十三张图画 15 fourballs 16 ninesmalldesks 17 Cleantheblackboard 18 在椅子上面 intheartroom fiveboxes fortyposters thirteenpictures 四个球 九个小桌子 擦黑板 onthechair 19 一张书桌 20 五块黑板 21 三个男孩 22 四个铅笔盒 23 九个警察 24 八个教室 adesk fiveblackboards threeboys fourpencil boxes ninepolicemen eightclassrooms 二 按要求写词 1 open 反义词 2 stand 反义词 3 down 反义词 4 yes 反义词 5 small 反义词 6 tall 反义词 7 this 反义词 8 sad 反义词 9 goodbye 同义词 10 too 同音词 close sit up no big short that happy bye bye bye two 三 写出下列名词的复数 1 American 2 class 3 chair 4 boy 5 pencil box 6 family 7 name 8 sister 9 twin 10 cat Americans classes chairs boys pencil boxes families names sisters twins cats 11 photo 12 aunt 13 woman 14 cousin 15 driver 16 worker 17 job 18 friend photos aunt women cousins drivers workers jobs friends 四 根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词 1 There 有 twoboysintheclassroom 2 Wehavetwonewgirlsinour 班级 3 Onthe 老师的 desk therearethree 盒子 4 Aretheretwenty one 学生 intheclassroom are class teacher s boxes students 5 Mydeskis 大 buttheirdesksare 小 6 Thestudentssitontheirc intheclassroom 7 It s8 30now Wearel forschoolagain 8 Thereisamap 地图 onthew ofmyroom 9 Patisaboy Heisf America 10 SammiandIa goodfriends big small hairs ate all rom re 五 用冠词 a an the 填空 1 Thatis boy boyistwelve 2 Pleaseclose window 3 What sthis It s oldbook 4 Ihave bigfamily 5 Pleaselookat blackboard 6 Open door please 7 What sshe Sheis nurse aThe the an a the the a 六 单项选择 1 What sthis It s book A aB anC the2 Where mybags A amB isC are3 Theyare A pencils boxB pencil boxesC pencils boxes4 Clean window please A aB anC the A c B C 5 Myfriendsare A AmericaB AmericasC Americans6 Thisis bag bagismine 我的 A a theB an theC the the7 Myphotosare thewall A InB behindC on8 There apenandtworulersinthepencil box A amB isC are C A C B 9 Onthe desk therearetenbooks A teacherB teacher sC teachers10 PeterandIare different 不同的 classes A inB toC atD on11 Thereisabird thetree A onB inC behind12 therethirteenboysintheclassroom A IsB AmC Are B A B C 13 LinPingis ChineseandPeteris Americanboy A aB a aC a an14 I abag anewbagonthedesk A am ThereisB have ThereisC has Thereis15 Sitdown please A OKB You rerightC Thankyou16 Thereis artclasstoday A theB anC a c B C B 17 Don t late A isB areC be18 LucyandLilyare students A twonewB tooC newtwo19 Aretheretwopicturesonthedesk Yes A ThereisB thereareC therearen t20 On teacher sdesk thereis oldphoto A the anB the aC a an C A B A 21 Areyou Yes Iam A anEnglishB anEnglishgirlC Americans22 Therearetwopictures thewallandtwowindows thewall A in inB on onC on in23 That smy A abookB bagsC bag24 AreyouEnglish No weare A anAmericanB aAmericanC Americans25 yourcousin She sanurse A WhatisB HowisC Whois B C C C C A 七 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 What sonthe teacher desk 2 Please look attheblackboard 3 IsthatanEnglishcar No it san America car 4 PingpingisinClass1 IaminClass1 Weare classmate teacher s look American classmates 5 There be acatandtwentygirlsintheroom 6 Ihavetwonew pencil box 7 Don t be lateforschoolagain is pencil boxes be 八 按要求转换句型 1 Pleasesitdown 变为否定句 Please sitdown 2 Lookatthem 同上 lookatthem 3 Youarelate 变为一般疑问句 并肯定回答 youlate Yes I 4 Heishappy 同上 happy he don t Don t Are am Ishe Yesis 5 Thedeskisnew right 肯定回答 6 Arethereseventeenbagsbehindthechairs 肯定回答 Yes 7 Thecatisbehindthedoor 对划线部分提问 cat 8 Theboysarehappyintheartroom 改为一般疑问句 作否定回答 theboys intheartroom No Yes itis thereare Whereisthe Arehappy theyaren t 9 Thisismyclassroom 一般疑问句 肯定回答 classroom Yes 10 Thereisaboxonthedesk 同上 aboxonthedesk Yes 11 Therearesixteenbagsonthechairs 改为一般疑问句 并作否定回答 sixteenbagsonthechairs No Isthisyour itis Isthere thereis Arethere therearen t 12 Therearesixteenbooksonthedesks 变为否定句 sixteenbooksonthedesks 13 Ihavethreepicturesinmybag 同义句 There inmybag 14 Closethedoor 变为否定句 thedoor 15 Theboyistwelve 对划线部分提问 boy 16 Myfatherisfine 同上 father Therearen t arethreepictures Don tclose Howoldisthe Howisyour 17 Don tlookatthegirl 改为肯定句 thegirl 18 Ihavetwobooksinmybag 改为同义句 twobooksinmybag 19 Myauntisanurse 对划线部分提问 youraunt 20 Theyaremynewbooks 同上 they 21 Thereisabookinmybag 改为复数形式 many inourbags Lookat Thereare What s Whatare Therearebooks 九 根据汉语补全句子 1 请坐 谢谢 Please Thankyou 2 请看那个女孩 thegirl 3 请打开窗户 thewindow 4 我们班有17个男孩和18个女孩 seventeen and girls myclass Sitdown Lookatplease Pleaseopen Thereareboys eighteenin 5 门后有只猫 There thedoor 6 书桌上有三个球 There on desk 7 请不要关门 Please close door 8 房间里没有3只盒子 There threeboxes theroom arethreecatsbehind arethreeballsthe don tthe aren tin 9 我的学校有一间美术室 artroom myschool 10 这些箱子很干净 The clean 11 在那些大桌子上 有一张海报和三十块橡皮 Onthe there aposterand Thereisanin boxesare bigdesksis thirtyrubbers

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