(江苏专用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Fit for life学案(含解析)牛津译林版选修7.doc

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Unit 2Fit for life一、单词表词汇全查验运用多媒体,提问默写词汇.阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写 1*acupuncture n 针刺疗法2needle n. 针,针头;指针3surgeon n. 外科医师4operating theatre n. 手术室5lifesaving adj. 救命的,救生的6revolution n. 巨变,大变革;革命;旋转,天体运行7cupboard n. 橱柜;食物柜;衣柜8counter n. 柜台;计数器;反驳vt. 反驳;抵制,抵消第二屏听写 9*aspirin n阿司匹林10*penicillin n. 盘尼西林,青霉素11*salicylic acid n. 水杨酸12acid n. 酸,酸性物质adj. 酸的,酸性的;酸味的;尖酸的13tablet n. 药片;丸;牌,匾,碑14*stroke n. 中风,脑溢血;(打、击等的)一下,一击;轻抚;笔画vt. 轻抚,抚摩15blood sugar n. 血糖 第三屏听写 16*diabetes n糖尿病17*mould n. 霉,霉菌18mass adj. 大规模的;数量极多的n. 一团,一堆;许多;(物理)质量19mass production n. 批量生产20symptom n. 症状;征兆21oute n. 结果,后果22dull adj. 钝的,不锋利的;迟钝的;枯燥的;灰暗的,昏暗的23pressure point n. 压觉点,止血点24sword n. 剑,刀25swell vi. & vt. 肿胀,膨胀;(使)凸出,鼓起第四屏听写 26*acupuncturist n. 针灸师,针疗医师27stainless adj. 不生锈的28stainless steel n. 不锈钢29plex adj. 复杂的,难懂的n. 建筑群;相关联的一组事物;情结30pulse n. 脉,脉搏;脉冲31heartbeat n. 心跳32wrist n. 手腕,腕关节33organ n. 器官;管风琴,风琴;机构,团体34alcoholic n. 酒鬼adj. 酒精的,含酒精的.高频词汇(汉译英)第五屏听写 1chemist n 药剂师,药商;化学家2beneficial adj. 有益的,有用的3chew vi. & vt. 咀嚼,嚼碎;咬,啃4possess vt. 拥有,具有5bestselling adj. 畅销的6vital adj. 对极重要的,必不可少的7potential n. 可能性,潜在性;潜力,潜能adj. 潜在的,可能的8heart_attack n. 心脏病发作 第六屏听写 9circulate vi. & vt.循环;传播,散布;传递,传阅10abnormal adj. 不正常的,反常的11astonish vt. 使十分惊讶,使吃惊12application n. 应用,运用;申请,申请表;涂抹,外敷13unable adj. 不能,无法14effective adj. 有效的;实际的,事实上的;生效的15approval n. 批准,通过;赞成,同意 第七屏听写 16accelerate vt. & vi.(使)加速,加快17sickness n. 疾病;恶心,呕吐18bleed vi. 流血,失血19reasonable adj. 合理的,有理由的;公道的;明智的20applaud vi. & vt. 鼓掌;称赞,赞许21arrangement n. 排列,布置;安排;约定,协议22sharp adj. 锋利的;急剧的;灵敏的;尖锐的,严厉的23addicted adj. 上瘾;入迷 第八屏听写 24theory n 理论,学说25phenomenon n. 现象26relate vt. & vi. 联系,把联系起来;叙述,讲述27subscribe vi. 定期订购或订阅28try_out 测试,试验;参加选拔29wear_somebody_out 使筋疲力尽;使厌烦30let_out 放出,发出31swell_up 肿胀,膨胀32subscribe_to 同意,赞成 二、单元核心考点初热身提供语境,单元考点自测回顾 (一)分类识记单词用时少功效高识记单词写对.知其意(英译汉)1.symptom n症状;征兆2.plex adj. 复杂的,难懂的n. 建筑群;相关联的一组事物;情结3.revolution n. 巨变,大变革;革命4.surgeon n. 外科医师5.oute n. 结果,后果adj. 酒精的,含酒精的6.alcoholic n. 酒鬼7.mass adj. 大规模的;数量极多的n. 一团,一堆;许多;(物理)质量8.swell vi.&vt. 肿胀,膨胀;(使)凸出,鼓起 9.acid n. 酸,酸性物质adj. 酸的;酸味的.写其形(汉译英)1.phenomenon n现象2.bestselling adj. 畅销的3.approval n. 批准,通过;赞成,同意4.unable adj. 不能,无法5.bleed vi. 流血,失血核心单词练通1.If the injuries are second or third degree burns, it is vital (至关重要的) to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.2.Technical progress would put our firm in possession (拥有) of the home market.3.Although this area is very poor now, its potential (潜在的) wealth is great.4.In my mind, switching from coal to gas is a good decision, which is beneficial (有益的) to energy conservation and environment protection. 5.Peoples satisfaction with life is related (有关的) with the countrys development.6.My main reason for subscribing (订阅) to New Scientist is to keep in touch with advances in science.7.The police stopped the car and they were astonished (吃惊的) to find the driver was a sixyearold boy.8.I think all of us need to rethink our attitudes toward health and sickness (疾病)拓展单词用活记全记牢1.chemist n药剂师,药商;化学家chemistry n化学chemical adj.化学的 2.circulate vi.& vt.循环;传播;传递;传阅circulation n循环;传播3.effective adj.有效的;实际的;生效的effect n效果,作用;影响4.abnormal adj.不正常的,反常的normal adj.正常的5.application n应用,运用;申请,申请表;涂抹,外敷apply vt.应用,使用 vi.申请,请求applicant n申请人6.accelerate vt.& vi.(使)加速,加快acceleration n加快;增速7.reasonable adj.合理的;公道的reasonably adv.合乎逻辑地,明智地reason n原因,理由vt.推理8.applaud vi.& vt.鼓掌;称赞,赞许applause n鼓掌,喝彩9.sharp adj.锋利的;急剧的;灵敏的;尖锐的,严厉的sharpen vt.& vi.(使)变得锋利,变得清晰;使尖锐sharply adv.锋利地;急剧地;尖锐地,严厉地10.arrangement n排列,布置;安排;约定,协议arrange v安排11.addicted adj.上瘾;入迷addict v使沉溺,使入迷n.吸毒成瘾的人,对入迷的人addiction n瘾;嗜好addictive adj.使人上瘾的用准用活1.If you are interested, please sign up at the office before 5:00 pm next Thursday so that we will make necessary arrangements (arrange)2.The man has been addicted to smoking for many years, but he is now fighting with his addiction to smoking.(addict)3.The expert said relievers are a safe and effective medicine and have very few side effects on your body.(effect)4.The famous chemist denied in his chemistry report that it was the waste water from the chemical factory that polluted the underground water in this area.(chemistry) 5.Everyone applauded the instant the Nobel Prize winner appeared on the stage acpanied by the chairman. The entire hall was filled with applause.(applaud) 6.“In order to make a pencil sharp,_you need to sharpen it.”Mother told her son gently not sharply.(sharp)7.All the applicants can apply in person or by letter and at the same time should hand in their applications before May 6th.(apply)1.攻克“un前缀”高频词unable不能的unimportant 不重要的unlucky 不幸运的unfortunate 不幸运的unpleasant 令人不愉快的unexpectedly 没有预料到地undoubtedly 毫无疑问地unlike 不像unfair 不公平的2.mass搭配点点记a mass of许多;大量be a mass of 充满;布满in the mass 总体上the masses 人民群众3“学科”词汇集合chemistry 化学agriculture 农业(学)economy 经济(学)ecology 生态(学)geography 地理(学)literature 文学4.速记成对反义词(二)语段串记短语不枯燥兴趣高先 写 对再 用 准第一组1.try_out测试,试验;参加选拔2.wear_sb._out使筋疲力尽;使厌烦3.be_addicted_to 对上瘾/成瘾4.be_aware_of 意识到5.mass_production 批量生产6.open_up 打开Mike is one of my workmates. On weekends, he was_addicted_to studying new skills and didnt have a rest. On weekdays he was busy with trying_out some new cars developed in the factory. As a result, he wore_himself_out and fell ill. Now he has been_aware_of his mistakes and understands one should learn to mix work with adequate rest.第二组1.let_out放出,发出2.swell_up 肿胀,膨胀3.due_to 由于,因为4.block_._from_. 阻止5.in_large_quantities 大量地6._be_connected_with 和有联系7.carry_out 执行,实施I hurt my knee when playing basketball due_to carelessness. It hurt so much that I let_out a shout, which made everyone astonished and frightened.I lay on the ground at once and after a while, it was beginning to swell_up. Then my friends sent me to the hospital.Luckily, my bones havent been damaged.第三组1.subscribe_to同意,赞成2.relate_._to_. 把与相联系3.play_an_important_role_in 在中起重要作用4.pick_out 挑选,挑出5.look_out_for 当心;留心6.fade_away 逐渐消失7.be_cautious_about 对小心谨慎When it es to genius, we always relate genius to cleverness. And people usually think the success of genius results from cleverness. However, I definitely subscribe_to the success being 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Perspiration plays_an_important_role_in the success.1.“v.out”短语集锦try out 测试,试验run out 用光,耗尽give out 分发,耗尽,用光break out 爆发,发生make out 理解,辨认出work out 制定,解决,结果2.走进“beadj.to”短语圈be addicted to对上瘾be accessible to 容易接近,易到达be equal to 与相等be familiar to 被(人)熟知be sensitive to 对敏感be thankful to 对感激3.“与有关”种种表达be related tobe relevant tohave sth.to do withbe concerned with be involved in(三)仿写用活句式造佳句表达高背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.Have you ever seen a doctor? If so, what happened?你曾经看过医生吗?如果看过的话,发生了什么事?省略结构:if so意为“如果是这样的话”。(2017全国卷满分作文)你想参加吗?如果是这样,请去学生会办公室报名,办公室在教学楼二楼。Would you like to join? If_so,_please go to sign up at the Student Union office, which is on the second floor of the Teaching Building.2.If you open up any medicine cupboard or go to any medicine counter in the world, it is likely that you will find aspirin and penicillin.倘若你打开世界上任何一个药柜或去任何一家药店的柜台,都很有可能找到阿司匹林和青霉素。It is likely that .为固定句型,意为“很可能”。(2017全国卷写作佳句)一旦报名,你很可能会成为我们学校乒乓球队的新成员。Once you sign up for it, it_is_likely_that you will be a new member of our school table tennis team.3. Some acupuncturists insert needles at or near the body part affected by the disease, while others select points according to the symptoms that the patient has.一些针灸医师在疾病感染的身体患病处或在患病处附近扎针,而另外一些则根据病人的病症选择扎针的位置。while是并列连词,意为“然而”,表示前后两种情况的对比。(2016江苏高考写作佳句)一些人从中获益,而另一些人则很迷茫,不知道应该给谁投票。Some people benefit from it, while_others_feel_puzzled_at who to vote.考点新组合阅读微技能Mr. White possessed a farm in the countryside. When_asked_about_his_dream,_he said he would earn money to build a school in the village. As a child, he liked music. He got absolutely great potential while he couldnt afford the fees. _(unlucky), no one could help him then, and he dropped out of school. _, he thinks it is vital that every child should have a chance to go to shool.1.处为状语从句的省略,完整的句子应是When_he_was_asked_about_his_dream。2.处用所给词的适当形式填空Unluckily。3.处应填_B_。A.HoweverBTherefore1Possess vt.拥有;具有;支配(1)be possessed of具有(某品质、能力等)be possessed by 为所支配(2)possession n. C(常作复数)所有;财产U具有,拥有in possession of 占有;拥有;持有in sb.s possession in the possession of sb. 为某人所有;在某人的控制下get/take/gain possession of拥有;占有题点全练完成句子Its necessary for everyone to be in_possession_of cellphones and web in the information age.生活在信息时代,拥有手机与网络对每个人来说都是必要的。Those buildings are now in_the_possession_of our university.现在那些楼房归我们大学所有。On landing the new land, the invaders took_possession_of the land of the locals.入侵者一登上那块新土地,就占领了当地人的土地。真题印证(2015浙江高考)These ments came _ specific questions often asked by local newsmen.Ain memory ofBin response toCin touch with Din possession of解析:选B考查介词短语辨析。句意:这些评论是对当地记者经常询问的具体问题的回应。in response to“作为对的回答,作为对的反应”,符合语境。in memory of“为了纪念”;in touch with“与有联系”;in possession of“拥有,持有”。2. potential n可能性,潜在性;潜力,潜能 adj.潜在的,可能的(1)have the potential to do sth.有做某事的潜力achieve ones (full) potential (充分)发挥某人的潜力(2)the potential danger 潜在的危险题点全练完成句子He has_the_potential_to_bee a worldclass musician.他有成为世界级音乐家的潜能。All we can do is to find the_potential_danger and try to decrease it. 我们所能做的是找到这些潜在的危险,并设法减少这种危险。The school strives to treat students as individuals and to help each one to achieve_their_full_potential.学校力图因材施教,并帮助每位学生充分发挥他们的潜能。3vital adj.对极重要的,必不可少的be vital for/to sth.对极为重要It is vital to do sth. 做某事很重要It is vital that . (should) do sth. 是十分重要的多角练透单项填空Interest is as _ to learning as the ability to understand, even more so.Avital BavailableCspecific Dsimilar解析:选A句意:对于学习来说,兴趣如同理解能力一样重要,甚至更重要。be vital to .“对极其重要”。完成句子Its_vital_that we should never lower safety standards as life is the most important in the world.我们绝不能降低安全标准,这是至关重要的,因为在世界上生命是最宝贵的。Consideration for other people is_vital_to all of us.对我们所有人而言体谅别人是极其重要的。As far as Im concerned, it_is_vital_to_keep accurate records.就我个人而言,做好准确的记录非常重要。名师指津在句型“It is vital/important that .”中,从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形”。4并列连词while“然而”教材原句Some acupuncturists insert needles at or near the body part affected by the disease, while others select points according to the symptoms that the patient has.一些针灸医师在疾病感染的身体患病处或在患病处附近扎针,而另外一些则根据病人的病症选择扎针的位置。本句是一个并列句,while是并列连词,意为“然而”,表示前后两种情况的对比。while还有以下用法:(1)引导让步状语从句,多位于句首,意为“尽管”;(2)引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”;(3)引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”。Some people waste food while others havent enough.有些人浪费粮食,然而有些人却吃不饱。 While_the_Internet_is_of_great_help_to_us I dont think it is a good idea to spend too much time on it.尽管因特网对我们有很大的帮助,我认为在这方面花太多的时间并不好。We can surely overe these difficulties while_we_are_closely_united.只要我们紧密地团结在一起,一定能克服这些困难。真题印证(2016江苏高考)_ some people are motivated by a need for success, others are motivated by a fear of failure.ABecauseBIfCUnless DWhile解析:选D句意:尽管有人被成功的需求所激励,但也有人被失败的恐惧所激发。while意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句,符合语境。故选D项。考点新组合阅读微技能Chinese acupuncture uses stainless steel needles to solve health problems. Ancient people tried it out again and again. Finally, they were astonished to find that it had no side effects _ human bodies. The main needle is fine and sharp and can be used for letting liquid out of body parts which had swollen up. One of theories relates it to the production of chemicals in the body that reduce pain. Many people subscribe to it. Have you felt worn out? If so, try Chinese acupuncture.1.处应填介词on。2.把句升级为一个复合句:One_of_theories_relates_it_to_the_production_of_chemicals_in_the_body_that_reduce_pain,_which_many_people_subscribe_to.5. astonish vt.使十分惊讶,使吃惊(1)It astonishes sb. that .令某人感到吃惊的是What astonishes sb. is . 使某人吃惊的是(2)astonished adj. 吃惊的(多修饰人)be astonished at/by . 对感到惊讶be astonished to do sth. 做某事感到惊讶be astonished that . 对感到惊讶astonishing adj. 令人吃惊的(多修饰物)(3)astonishment n. 惊讶,吃惊to ones astonishment 让某人感到惊讶的是in astonishment 惊讶地多角练透用所给词的适当形式填空My sister ran 100m in an astonishing (astonish) 11.9 seconds.We were astonished to_find (find) the temple still in its original condition.The audience was inexpressibly astonished (astonish) at/by the brilliant performance.一句多译使我惊讶的是他取得了这样快的进步。What_astonished_me_was_that_he_made_such_rapid_progress.(What astonishes sb. is)To_my_astonishment,_he_made_such_rapid_progress.(astonishment)I_was_astonished_that_he_made_such_rapid_progress.(be astonished that)6relate vt.& vi.联系,把联系起来;叙述,讲述(1)relate . to .把和联系在一起relate sth. to sb. 向某人叙述/讲述某事relate to . 和有关联;和合得来(2)related adj. 相关的;有(亲属)关系的be related to . 和有关的;和有联系的(3)relation n. 关系in/with relation to 关于;与相比relationship n. 关系,联系多角练透单项填空Experts believe that a large number of cancer cases in the area are directly _ to the nuclear power station.Areferred BdevotedCcontributed Drelated解析:选D句意:专家认为,该地区大量癌症病例与核电站有直接关系。be related to“与有关”,符合句意。refer to“涉及,参考”;devote .to“专心于”;contribute to“有助于”。完成句子I cant relate_what_he_does_to what he says.我无法将他说的话和他做的事联系起来。The state has staged a series of policy measures in/with_relation_to western region development.国家已经出台了一系列有关西部发展的政策措施。单句写作(2017全国卷书面表达)剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,与中国的传统文化紧密联系在一起。Papercutting_is_closely_related_to_the_traditional_culture_of_China,_and_has_a_history_of_more_than_1,500_years.真题印证(2017江苏高考)Determining where we are _ our surroundings remains an essential skill for our survival.Ain contrast toBin defense ofCin face of Din relation to解析:选D句意:根据我们周围的环境来确定自己身在何处,这是我们生存的一项必不可少的技能。in relation to“与相关;涉及”,符合句意。in contrast to“与相比较”;in defense of“防卫,为辩护”;in face of“面对”。7. try out 测试,试验;参加选拔归纳拓展try out for 参加选拔(或试演)try for 试图获得,力争赢得try on 试穿应用领悟It is very pleasant to travel and to try out and explore whatever is new. 无论是旅游还是试验、探索任何新的东西都能令人非常愉快。Wilma and her college teammates also tried out for the relay race.威尔玛和她的大学同学也参加了接力赛的选拔赛。8let out放出,释放;发出(声音);放大(衣服);泄露一词多义写出下列句中let out的含义He let out a long sigh, mainly of relief, partly of sadness. 发出The waist in the pants needs to be let out.放大Who let out the exam results? They were supposed to be confidential until tomorrow.泄露If he was given five years imprisonment, he could be let out after three years.释放9subscribe to同意,赞成;订阅;捐赠一词多义写出下列句中subscribe to的含义All the people present subscribe to the opinion put forward by the chairman. 同意,赞成Rich and generous, he subscribed two million dollars to the Red Cross. 捐赠I subscribe to a number of journals concerned with my subject.订阅熟词生义读句子猜词义Please subscribe your name to the document.签(名)联想发散表示“同意,赞成”的短语还有:be forsubmit toagree to/withapprove of in favour of10wear sb. out使筋疲力尽;使厌烦(1)wear (sth.) out穿破;用坏wear (sth.) away (因重复使用而)变薄;磨损wear down (通过不断攻击或施加压力)使衰弱,使意志薄弱(2)worn adj. 用坏的;用旧的;筋疲力尽的be worn out (人)精疲力竭;(物)破烂不堪 多角练透单项填空_ after all those exercise, Id like to take a rest at home.AWearing out BWorn outCTo wear out DHaving worn out解析:选B句意:那些运动把我给累坏了,我想在家休息。worn out“疲惫不堪的”,在句中作原因状语。用wear的相关短语填空Every time she consulted her watch, she wondered if the batteries were wearing_out.The young people run around kicking a ball, wearing themselves out.Water can still wear_away rocks after a long time, even though the rock is harder.We hope your persuasion will wear_down his opposition.完成句子You have been working for a whole day without a rest.You must_be_absolutely_worn_out.你工作了一整天都没有休息,一定累坏了。These teeth do hard work a great deal of the time, and they are continually wearing_away.这些牙齿长时间进行费力的咀嚼,因而不断被磨损。11省略结构:if so教材原句Have you ever seen a doctor? If_so,_what happened?你曾经看过医生吗?如果看过的话,发生了什么事?if so“如果这样的话”,为if的省略结构,除if so外还有:if not 如果不是这样的话if ever 若曾经有的话if any 如果真有的话;即使有(任何)if necessary 如有必要if possible 如有可能if anything 如果有的话You can e to Beijing for a holiday. If_so,_Ill show you around the Summer Palace.你可以来北京度假。如果你来的话,我将带你参观颐和园。I think theres a train at midday.If_not,_ youll have to wait till 12:30.我想正午会有一班班车。要是没有,你只好等到十二点半了。Please keep in mind to correct my mistakes if_any.请记住如果有错的话,给我纠正过来。 If_possible,_try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.如果可能的话,尝试每天都在同一时间睡觉和起床。He is ready to help others, seldom, if_ever,_refusing them when they turn to him.他非常乐意帮助别人,当别人求助于他的时候,他很少(如果曾经有过的话)拒绝他们。 单元语基落实.单词拼写1One day, the chemist (化学家) dissolved some material in hot water.2What she possesses (拥有) is the ability to get straight to the core of a problem.3We are aware of the potential (潜在的) problems and have taken every precaution (预防)4In my mind, switching from coal to gas is a good decision, which is beneficial (有益的) to energy conservation and environment protection. 5Poor educational performance is related (有关的) to emotional disturbance.6My main reason for subscribing (订阅) to New Scientist is to keep in touch with advances in science.7The police stopped the car and they were astonished (吃惊的) to find the driver was a sixyearold boy.8Think carefully before you insure against accident, sickness (疾病) and redundancy.9And thanks to its architecture, it is still probably the bestselling (畅销的) product of its kind in the world.10The oceans are a key part of the natural carbon cycle, in which carbon dioxide is circulated (循环) between the land, seas and atmosphere.单项填空1Believe it or not, _ no point _ to explain.Ait is; in trying Bthere is; in tryingCit is; to try Dthere is; to try解析:选B句意:信不信由你,极力解释没有什么意义。There is no point in doing .“做没有必要”。2There is no need for you to go on a diet; you are only slightly overweight _ your height.Ain case of Bin relation toCin return for Din response to解析:选B句意:你没有必要节食,你只是相对于你的身高稍微超重了。in case of“万一”;in relation to“和相关”;in return for“作为回报”;in response to“回应”。根据题意可知选B项。3Watch out for people who find _ hard to forgive others because they dont see things reasonably.Athat BitCthis Done解析:选B句意:一定要小心那些很难原谅别人的人,因为他们看待事情不够理性。句中who引导的定语从句中使用了“find itadj.to do sth.”句式,其中it是形式宾语,不定式作真正的宾语。4To write a good news report, you have to make sure your information _ something that is ing up, or has recently happened.Arelates to Bturns toCes to Dbelongs to解析:选A句意:要想写一个好的新闻报道,你必须确保你的信息与当前即将发生或最近发生的事情相关。relate to“与相关”,符合句意。turn to“转向,求助于”;e to“达到”;belong to“属于”。5He could hardly wait to _ to check whether his new car was in good condition.Afigure it out Bcarry


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